Public Comments for 09/01/2020 Appropriations
Courts of Justice Committee Members, HB5148 needs to be revised to add an explicit exclusion for violent felons, including those convicted of murder and rape. Our citizens deserve nothing less! HB5148 is unacceptable without such an explicit exclusion to protect our citizens. Respectfully, Susan Louchen
I am writing to urge you to please exclude violent felons from having their sentences reduced. I have witnessed firsthand the trauma that victims of violent crime face for generations, and the only solace we have is knowing that the person who committed such awful acts is being bars. The victim’s family will never have relief from the pain and suffering of losing a loved one, but an appropriate sentence and the safety of knowing the violent felon is behind bars is the one small bit of relief we have. Violent felons will likely repeat again, once released and given the opportunity. Please, reconsider the language in HB5148 to keep your citizens safe, and the family of victims at peace.
I support Delegate Jay Jones' amendment (Item 380 #1h). Thank you for your time.
Please Help Community Health Centers During the COVID-19 Pandemic Background: • 30 Organizations o Providing medical, dental, behavioral health, pharmacy and other health services o Service locations are located in Health Professional Shortage Areas and Medically Underserved Areas, or to Medically Underserved Populations o 26 Virginia Federally Qualified Health Centers o 2 West Virginia FQHCs with 2 sites in Virginia o 1 FQHC “Look-alike” – does not receive federal Section 330 funding o 1 Rural Health Center – does not receive federal Section 330 funding • 150+ service sites o Serving over 356,000 Virginians across the Commonwealth o 1.3 million patient encounters annually • 93% of patients are at or below 200% of the Federal poverty Level o 23% of patients are Uninsured o 31% of patients are Medicaid / CHIP recipients • 45% of patients consider to be Racial / Ethnic Minority o 27% Black / African American o 16% Hispanic / Latino Summary: The request to the Commonwealth is for $5,000,000 in FY21 and $5,000,000 in FY 22 to offset a portion of the costs our health centers will incur to combat this pandemic. Funding of $5,000,000 over the next two budget years would assist, but not completely offset costs being borne by community health centers, also called Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and related safety net providers to meet the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly considering the drop in revenues, patient visits, and the increasing costs related to COVID-19 equipment and supplies, such as masks, gowns, and other protective supplies. Although the Governor and the General Assembly have been informed of the short-term federal funding for FQHCs, those funds only partly offset the loss of revenues and increased equipment costs experienced by FQHCs. A survey of our health centers shows that additional costs are being faced by our health centers, with no additional federal funding coming at this time. At this time, our health centers and their communities need the assistance of the state to help offset the cost of serving those most in need in our underserved communities – the poor and the uninsured.
Attention Chair Luke Torian and members of the Appropriations Committee: This is the moment for us to see our marginalized communities and make intentional and transformative changes that will contribute to the betterment of the quality of life and opportunities for all Virginians. We need reforms which impose accountability, transparency, and inclusivity. The Virginia State Conference NAACP supports the following budget amendments: SUPPORT #380 #1H – (Del. Jones) - Provides $200,000 from the general fund each year for the Department of Environmental Quality to establish an Environmental Justice (EJ) Director. While we understand the pandemic has placed a heavy burden on Virginia’s general fund, and we acknowledge the original plan to allocate $3 million is no longer appropriate. However, the hiring of the EJ Director (instead of the original staff of 6 full-time employees) will ensure continuation of this important program. Without a dedicated and funded position in place, the progress on advancing environmental justice in the Commonwealth will be compromised. The director is charged with implementing recommendations of the Interagency Environmental Task Force Working Group, adding Environmental Justice to DEQ’s scope of work, creating the Permanent Council on Environmental Justice, implement recommendations from the SKEO report, identify frontline communities and how they are impacted by DEQ’s regulatory activities, consider the economic development and infrastructure needs of environmental justice communities and fenceline communities in the agency decision-making process, and contain robust public participation plans for residents of environmental justice communities affected by DEQ’s actions, and many other roles needed to ensure equity. SUPPORT 4-14#4H – (Del. Aird) - Establishes the Utility Disconnection and Moratorium and Emergency Debt Repayment Plan. This plan is essential for Virginians particularly during a moment when shelter in pace orders and limited access to employment continues to impact everyone. This plan option, will allow for residential customers and utility companies to address past due accounts at a pace that does not further devastate the household, or risk service disconnection. Giving families assurance that their utility service recognizes the struggles of their customers and are willing to work alongside them as businesses and families recover, improves the bottom line for the utility company while reducing one stressor for the family the company serves. Thank you, Robert Barnette President Virginia State Conference NAACP
Attention Chair Luke Torian and members of the Appropriations Committee: We are at an inflection point in our nation’s history and in the Commonwealth of Virginia and now is the time for us to band together to pass long overdue legislation that will deliberately and intentionally transform, and help our communities heal and prosper. The COVID-19 pandemic, economic devastation, police brutality and the climate crisis have created unprecedented pain for tens of millions of people. We need solutions now that are at the scale of these crises. The Green New Deal Virginia supports: SUPPORT #380 #1H – (Del. Jones) - Provides $200,000 from the general fund each year for the Department of Environmental Quality to establish an Environmental Justice (EJ) Director. Without a dedicated and funded position in place, the progress on advancing environmental justice in the Commonwealth will be compromised. SUPPORT 4-14#4H – (Del. Aird) - Establishes the Utility Disconnection and Moratorium and Emergency Debt Repayment Plan. This plan is essential for Virginians particularly during a moment when shelter in pace orders and limited access to employment continues to impact everyone. The repayment plan will provide families a peace of mind that they will not be left in the dark without utilities, or without clean running water, while providing an opportunity to work with utility companies in a collaborative manner that benefits both parties. For these reasons, we support Budget amendments #380 #1H and 4-14. Green New Deal Virginia
If one takes a good look around us, there is an obvious disparity between people of color and whites. This situation is due to centuries of denying opportunities based on color of skin. It is long past due to insure that no one should be forced to live in the shadow of toxic factories which foul the air, water and soil where they have no choice to live. Please appropriate $200,000 to begin the organized effort to stop this egregious Sin against humanity!
Dear Delegates: I urge you to adopt amendment 380 #1h offered by Delegate Jay Jones . Unfortunately, low income and communities of color have borne the brunt of pollution in our waters throughout our state's history and still continue to do so. One avenue to change this is to fund a director of environmental justice at the Department of Environmental Quality. Thank you for your work during these difficult times. Sincerely, John Rosapepe 6900 Appamatica Lane Chesterfield, VA 23838
On behalf of the Southern Environmental Law Center, I urge you to support Delegate Jones’ budget amendment (Item 380#1h) to provide $200,000 from the general fund each year to establish a director of environmental justice at the Department of Environmental Quality. The disproportionate impacts of pollution on communities of color and low-income households is well-documented, as is the related disproportionate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The General Assembly has taken some significant steps recently to ensure that environmental justice issues are heard and addressed in developing, implementing, and enforcing environmental laws and policies. Yet much more needs to be done. This budget amendment will help ensure that progress continues, and that recent initiatives are implemented successfully. Absent funding for such a position, fair treatment and equitable enforcement of environmental protections are much less likely to advance and we will lose precious time in addressing environmental injustices and in promoting healthier communities. Thank you.
TO: House Appropriations FROM: Virginia League of Conservation Voters DATE: August 31, 2020 RE: Virginia LCV Legislative Position – Budget Amendment 380#1H, 4-14#3H, 4-14#4H As committee members work to consider a number of key budget amendments, Virginia LCV encourages support of the following: SUPPORT 380#1H Creates funding for one FTE (at ~$150,000--200,000/year) for an EJ Director in the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). This individual would be tasked with directing and ensuring the implementation of urgent environmental justice (EJ) initiatives directed by, and consistent with, recent legislation. An EJ Director would implement the recommendations of the Interagency Environmental Task Force Working Group (see Budget Bill language, Item 372) established to help agencies develop EJ policies and measures. The Working Group must, by December 1, 2020, report back to the money committees its recommendations on key issues such as ensuring EJ is meaningfully considered in the administration of agency regulations, identifying EJ and fence line communities; identifying how such communities are affected by agencies' regulatory activities; and other related issues. An EJ Director in a fully funded position would also allow for the implementation of key components of recent legislative and regulatory developments: · HB1162- Adding Environmental Justice to DEQ's scope of work (EJ Director would implement necessary changes at the agency); · HB1042/ SB883- Creation of the Permanent Council on Environmental Justice (EJ Director would staff the Council and implement recommendations/inquiries) · DEQ’s forthcoming report from its EJ consultant SKEO (EJ Director would perform the EJ deliverables identified in the report) The Governor’s original budget called for 6 FTEs to do this work. We are requesting only a fraction of the original staffing to ensure the continuation of vital environmental justice initiatives. SUPPORT 4-14#3H Directs the State Corporation Commission (SCC) to conduct an emergency investigation of the earnings of investor-owned electric utilities and to order credits to customers’ bills for earnings above 70 basis points above the utility’s authorized rate of return for calendar years 2017 through 2019. It also provides that in any triennial earnings review conducted for a utility in 2021 the Commission shall order bill credits for any earnings above 70 basis points above the utility’s authorized rate of return and that the Commission shall have the discretion to amortize certain categories of costs incurred by utilities. Similar to HB5088, this amendment establishes an over $100 million utility debt forgiveness fund to aid Virginians who have accrued debt to Dominion due to the Covid-19 crisis. The fund will be created using the 30% of overcharges that under current law Dominion keeps (SCC cannot compel Dominion to refund or invest the money). SUPPORT 4-14#4H Establishes the Emergency Debt Repayment plan for residential customers and utility companies to address past due accounts that stemmed from the public health emergency. Similar to HB5117, this amendment would allow utility customers to recover at a pace that will give more room to pay all their utilities and related debts and meet financial obligations without foregoing other necessities.
The Sierra Club Virginia Chapter strongly supports budget amendment item numbers 4-14#3H, 4-14#4H, 374#1H, and 380#1H. Of note, we believe it is critical that the Appropriations Committee include Item 380#1H. Excellent work has begun across the Commonwealth on Environmental Justice and the Department of Environmental Quality being able to hire a point person to serve as Director of this work is absolutely critical to the success of these priorities, across so many different policy areas. Entities like the Governor's Environmental Working Group, and the Virginia Environmental Justice Collaborative will benefit from having an individual at DEQ with the full capacity to work on these policy areas in tandem with stakeholder groups.
On behalf of its 130+ member organizations, Virginia Conservation Network wholeheartedly supports Delegate Jones's budget amendment which provides $200,000 from the general fund each year for the Department of Environmental Quality to establish an environmental justice director. The director would assist in implementing the recommendations of the Interagency Environmental Task Force Working Group established under the Secretary of Natural Resources in Chapter 1289 of the 2020 Session of the General Assembly. The Governor’s budget does not propose any funding for staff to accomplish this work. His original budget called for 6 FTEs to do this work, so while we are asking for only a fraction of the original staffing, this would ensure someone was able to keep moving forward. Without a dedicated and funded position, the actual work of environmental justice, not just the rhetoric, will effectively cease.
On behalf of its 130+ member organizations, Virginia Conservation Network wholeheartedly supports Delegate Jones's budget amendment. This timely amendment directs the State Corporation Commission (SCC) to conduct an emergency investigation of the earnings of investor-owned electric utilities and to order credits to customers’ bills for earnings of 70 basis points above the utility’s authorized rate of return for calendar years 2017 through 2019. It also provides that in any triennial earnings review conducted for a utility in 2021 the Commission shall order bill credits for any earnings of 70 basis points above the utility’s authorized rate of return and that the Commission shall have the discretion to amortize certain categories of costs incurred by utilities. Similar to HB5088, this amendment establishes an over $100 million utility debt forgiveness fund to aid Virginians who have accrued debt to Dominion due to the COVID-19 crisis. The fund will be created using the 30% of overcharges that under current law Dominion keeps (SCC cannot compel Dominion to refund or invest the money).
On behalf of its 130+ member organizations, Virginia Conservation Network respectfully opposes this budget amendment. This amendment amortizes payments over six months for both the housing and utility payment plans established in the introduced budget. Cutting the amortization period in half – from 12 months to six months – does not provide a reasonable amount of time for repayment.
On behalf of its 130+ member organizations, Virginia Conservation Network fully supports this budget amendment and the establishment of the Emergency Debt Repayment plan for residential customers and utility companies to address past due accounts that stemmed from the public health emergency. This amendment would allow Virginia utility customers to recover at a pace that will give more room to pay all their utility and other obligations during COVID-19 economic recovery.
The James River Association strongly supports Delegate Jay Jones's budget amendment (Item 380 #1h) to provide one FTE for an Environmental Justice director at the Department of Environmental Quality. This General Assembly has already taken strong steps to advance environmental justice within the Commonwealth and ensure all communities, especially fenceline communities that have disproportionately experienced the impacts of air, land and water pollution, are heard and protected. These efforts include HB1042 to make permanent the Environmental Justice Council, HB 1162 to make environmental justice a codified part of DEQ's mission, and Item 372 within the budget bill to establish an Interagency Environmental Justice Working Group. However, the successful implementation of these initiatives depends upon a dedicated Environmental Justice Director at DEQ that can hold the agency accountable for making concrete changes that protect the health and well-being of all Virginians.
Virginia is behind the times in regards to criminal justice reform. Black people make up 19% of the population but 40% of your correctional system. If this is not a sign of injustice than I do not know how much more you need to see that a change is necessary. It is a disservice to these men and women to just warehouse them. That is not what the purpose of prison is or was when first established. Prison is supposed to rehabilitate and encourage change. Right now Virginia is saying we do not care about mass incarceration nor do we care about redemption or rehabilitation because we do not have programs or trades that EVERYONE can engage in. Earned time credits allows for people to have a chance at life again as long as they EARN it. It is not a free get out of jail card. If someone really wants to get out they will do the work same as if someone does not care they will do nothing. But to prevent someone from having an option is unjust and inhumane. My fiance is serving a 45 yr sentence on a murder charge from 18 yrs old. First time offender. He did not do the crime but took the rap because he could not and would not turn states witness. 1 crime 22 yrs ago. He is now 40 yrs old. I am 40 years old and I am a million miles away from the 18 year old kid I was in 1998. If I was judged for the rest of my life for the things I did then, I would not have 2 masters, be a medical practitioner, or have the life I have. Pass earned time for ALL ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Stop punishing black and brown people for the messed up system you all created. I feel for victims but there is no amount of time a person can serve that will take their pain away and if they are still angry after 40 yrs then that is anger and revenge. God is a forgiving God and given everyone a chance daily. We are not greater than he. Therefore please pass HB5148