Public Comments for 01/29/2025 Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources - Agriculture Subcommittee
HB2775 - Hemp product; clarifies definition.
Last Name: smith Organization: HIS Farm, Suffolk, VA (a small first generation family farm) Locality: Suffolk

We support HB 2775. Consumers should have the right to know what they are purchasing for their and their family’s nutritional needs. One can advertise as a protein source alternative, but to state ‘non-meat’, places negative connotations on meat consumption as well as makes it sound to the consumer that one’s protein needs whether consumed either from plants or animals are similar and interchangeable. However, according to ‘Animal vs. Plant Protein — What’s the Difference?’ on, Medically reviewed by Jillian Kubala, MS, RD, Nutrition — Written by Kaitlyn Berkheiser and Mary Jane Brown, PhD, RD (UK) — Updated on June 23, 2023: ‘Proteins are made up of amino acids. The human body uses about 20 different amino acids to build proteins (2). Your body can make some amino acids itself, but you have to get nine of them — known as essential amino acids — through your diet. Protein sources can vary greatly in the types of amino acids they contain. Generally, animal proteins are known as complete proteins, meaning they contain all nine essential amino acids. While some plant proteins, including pea protein and soybeans, are also complete protein sources, many other plant foods are considered incomplete proteins (3). This means plant foods such as beans, peanuts, and wheat are rich in total protein but lack one or more of the essential amino acids.’ I thank you for keeping these differences in mind as you vote on HB2775. Sir or Ma’am, also I thank you for your time and willingness to be a community servant. Thank you for stepping in the gap to be a voice for us people at large when we are unable to be present for these meetings that shape our country and community. With great respect, Mrs. Smith on behalf of HIS Farm

Last Name: Castleman Organization: none Locality: Goochland

I have been using CBD oil tincture for over 5 years which I purchase from an independent farmer's company. I am 80 years old and have terrible debilitating osteoarthritis and was on the verge of having a wrist replacement. I apply the oil topically and take under my tongue at bedtime. The pain has reduced so dramatically, that I am no longer a surgical candidate. I take full strength, full spectrum, 2700mg in a 30ml bottle, from which I ingest 1/2 dropper at night. If the current requirements for the amount of CBD which must be in a bottle, I cannot even conceive how large a supply I would need. This seems like this would make all patients have to deal with the large companies and put the small businesses out of business. I can tell you that when I try to purchase CBD from Greenleaf, a huge manufacturer in Richmond, the could not care less what I need. They are only in it for people who smoke THC, which I do not. Very seldom do they have the products that I require, even at many times the price. This is sensible bill. Please support this change!

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