Public Comments for 01/21/2025 Labor and Commerce - Subcommittee #3
HB1588 - Public utilities; rate increases during certain months prohibited.
Last Name: Ferguson Locality: Giles County

I strongly support the passage of House Bill No. 1588. This legislation provides crucial consumer protections by limiting the frequency and timing of public utility rate increases. Frequent and unpredictable utility rate hikes place a significant burden on Virginia households and businesses. By restricting the number of increases within a year and prohibiting them during the winter months, this bill offers much-needed relief and predictability for Virginians. I urge the General Assembly to swiftly pass HB1588 and ensure that we are protected from excessive and untimely utility rate increases.

HB1616 - Offshore Wind Industry Workforce Program and Fund; established, report, sunset.
Last Name: Papariello Locality: Virginia Beach

Oppose off shore wind. I’m ground zero in Virginia Beach . I live 500 ft away from offshore/onshore construction at SMR. ITS A NIGHTMARE. Property damage, noisy and diesel dirty. Def not clean energy 18 months of hell and counting.

Last Name: Kathy Bennett Locality: Disputanta

Please let me know about anything to do with ANY SOLAR or wind. Also why aren't you working on lowering this socialism health obamare that is failing! We pay double our house payment for healthcare. They do a certain percentage of what u make a year. I have to take money out of my 401k for healthcare that counts as income. It shouldn't count as income when you are taxing the heck out of us. We can't travel,most our prescriptions we use to take won't be covered and could go on and on about this robbery of people s hard earned money!

HB1791 - Electric Vehicle Rural Infrastructure Program and Fund; established and created.
Last Name: Hetzler Locality: Herndon

I support this bill. EV charging installations are critical to support individuals’ option to purchase electric vehicles, especially outside large metro areas. Rural communities should not be left behind and should be able to reap the benefits of cleaner air and better long term cost effectiveness that these vehicles provide.

Last Name: Gerena Organization: Drive Electric RVA Locality: North Chesterfield

Comments Document

Drive Electric RVA supports the creation of a dedicated fund for charging infrastructure in communities that would likely be left behind as Virginia transitions to electric-powered transportation. This transition has been happening on a mass scale for more than 10 years and it will continue, but thus far charging stations have been concentrated near high traffic corridors and retail areas within major population centers. Residents of rural areas and low-income communities will be the last to electrify and reap the benefits of cleaner air and cheaper transportation. HB 1791 would fill these infrastructure gaps, many of which won’t see any money from the federal government.

Last Name: Keller Locality: Richmond

I support this bill as it is important to make sure that residents from rural areas of the state have access to the infrastructure needed for them to be able to own electric vehicles and there are currently not enough options to make it viable for most. Transportation is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Virginia, where it makes up 42.1% of overall state emissions. More accessibility for EVs across the state will help us bring down those emissions.

Last Name: Kathy Bennett Locality: Disputanta

Please let me know about anything to do with ANY SOLAR or wind. Also why aren't you working on lowering this socialism health obamare that is failing! We pay double our house payment for healthcare. They do a certain percentage of what u make a year. I have to take money out of my 401k for healthcare that counts as income. It shouldn't count as income when you are taxing the heck out of us. We can't travel,most our prescriptions we use to take won't be covered and could go on and on about this robbery of people s hard earned money!

HB1821 - Electric utilities; accelerated renewable energy buyers, zero-carbon electricity.
Last Name: Papariello Locality: Virginia Beach

Oppose off shore wind. I’m ground zero in Virginia Beach . I live 500 ft away from offshore/onshore construction at SMR. ITS A NIGHTMARE. Property damage, noisy and diesel dirty. Def not clean energy 18 months of hell and counting.

Last Name: Kathy Bennett Locality: Disputanta

Please let me know about anything to do with ANY SOLAR or wind. Also why aren't you working on lowering this socialism health obamare that is failing! We pay double our house payment for healthcare. They do a certain percentage of what u make a year. I have to take money out of my 401k for healthcare that counts as income. It shouldn't count as income when you are taxing the heck out of us. We can't travel,most our prescriptions we use to take won't be covered and could go on and on about this robbery of people s hard earned money!

HB1822 - Electric utilities; construction of certain electrical transmission lines, advanced conductors.
Last Name: Papariello Locality: Virginia Beach

Oppose off shore wind. I’m ground zero in Virginia Beach . I live 500 ft away from offshore/onshore construction at SMR. ITS A NIGHTMARE. Property damage, noisy and diesel dirty. Def not clean energy 18 months of hell and counting.

HB1875 - Electric utilities; renewable energy portfolio standard program; zero-carbon electricity.
Last Name: manweiler Locality: Abingdon

Im writing in opposition to this bill. Nuclear fuel should not be considered a renewable resource.

Last Name: Shearer Locality: Washington

Comments Document

Oppose HB1875: This bill would evisereate the VCEA in order to subsidize nuclear power - ratepayers are already subject to paying for SMRs before they come online, if they ever do (thanks to the 2024 session). HB1875 would cause UNCERTAINTY and HIGHER electric rates. SMRs CANNOT RELIABLY BE DESIGNED, APPROVED, BUILT and BROUGHT ONLINE on a predictable schedule. Lazard's "Levelized Cost of Energy" proves new nuclear is the MOST EXPENSIVE form of new utility-scale power generation (see pg. 5 of attachment) . SMR projects may be cancelled for numerous reasons. SMRs are DIRTY, creating highly radioactive waste that must be stored on site, since there is no safe universal storage. High-level radioactive waste lasts many thousands of years and makes SMR sites TERRORIST targets. Technology is changing fast. By the time these nuclear facilities would supposedly come on line, ADDITIONAL POWER MAY NOT BE NEEDED. The data industry, which drives the demand for that additional power, may have introduced vastly more efficient technology ( or contracted to their own power generation sources or simply moved to another state or nation offering greater incentives. From a planning perspective, it makes far more sense to incrementally add renewable generation, paired with geological storage, for 24/7/365 reliable capacity. Most simply, our power bills are already too high. We DON'T need risky, dirty, expensive, unpredictable nuclear power. We DO need the VCEA to continue to support truly renewable energy sources and guide us on a more predictable future path. Please vote to kill HB1875.

Last Name: Papariello Locality: Virginia Beach

Oppose off shore wind. I’m ground zero in Virginia Beach . I live 500 ft away from offshore/onshore construction at SMR. ITS A NIGHTMARE. Property damage, noisy and diesel dirty. Def not clean energy 18 months of hell and counting.

Last Name: Kathy Bennett Locality: Disputanta

Please let me know about anything to do with ANY SOLAR or wind. Also why aren't you working on lowering this socialism health obamare that is failing! We pay double our house payment for healthcare. They do a certain percentage of what u make a year. I have to take money out of my 401k for healthcare that counts as income. It shouldn't count as income when you are taxing the heck out of us. We can't travel,most our prescriptions we use to take won't be covered and could go on and on about this robbery of people s hard earned money!

HB1883 - Electric utilities; renewable energy portfolio standard program requirements.
Last Name: Chitwood Locality: Ivor

I oppose this bill Bill. The state of Virginia should never overreach to the local communities who own the land

Last Name: Papariello Locality: Virginia Beach

Oppose off shore wind. I’m ground zero in Virginia Beach . I live 500 ft away from offshore/onshore construction at SMR. ITS A NIGHTMARE. Property damage, noisy and diesel dirty. Def not clean energy 18 months of hell and counting.

HB1934 - Electric utilities; generation of electricity from renewable and zero carbon sources.
Last Name: Papariello Locality: Virginia Beach

Oppose off shore wind. I’m ground zero in Virginia Beach . I live 500 ft away from offshore/onshore construction at SMR. ITS A NIGHTMARE. Property damage, noisy and diesel dirty. Def not clean energy 18 months of hell and counting.

Last Name: Kathy Bennett Locality: Disputanta

Please let me know about anything to do with ANY SOLAR or wind. Also why aren't you working on lowering this socialism health obamare that is failing! We pay double our house payment for healthcare. They do a certain percentage of what u make a year. I have to take money out of my 401k for healthcare that counts as income. It shouldn't count as income when you are taxing the heck out of us. We can't travel,most our prescriptions we use to take won't be covered and could go on and on about this robbery of people s hard earned money!

HB1999 - Energy Innovation Pilot Program; established, report.
Last Name: Papariello Locality: Virginia Beach

Oppose off shore wind. I’m ground zero in Virginia Beach . I live 500 ft away from offshore/onshore construction at SMR. ITS A NIGHTMARE. Property damage, noisy and diesel dirty. Def not clean energy 18 months of hell and counting.

Last Name: Kathy Bennett Locality: Disputanta

Please let me know about anything to do with ANY SOLAR or wind. Also why aren't you working on lowering this socialism health obamare that is failing! We pay double our house payment for healthcare. They do a certain percentage of what u make a year. I have to take money out of my 401k for healthcare that counts as income. It shouldn't count as income when you are taxing the heck out of us. We can't travel,most our prescriptions we use to take won't be covered and could go on and on about this robbery of people s hard earned money!

HB2035 - High-energy facilities; water and energy usage info. reports statewide clearinghouse established.
Last Name: Studholme Organization: Prince William Conservation Alliance Locality: Woodbridge

I strongly support House Bill 2035, which aims to increase transparency in energy and water use by high-energy facilities in Virginia. This legislation addresses a critical knowledge gap. Currently, Virginia lacks a centralized understanding of energy and water consumption by these facilities. This lack of basic information hinders our ability to effectively plan for the future of our energy grid, water resources, and other essential utilities. Importantly, this bill does not impose any new regulations on these facilities. It simply requires them to report existing data on energy consumption, water usage, and emissions. By establishing a centralized clearinghouse for this data, we can: Enhance Transparency: Publicly available data will empower citizens, businesses, and policymakers to make informed decisions about energy consumption and environmental impact. Support Planning: This comprehensive data will provide valuable insights for policymakers as they develop strategies to address climate change, ensure sustainable water resources, and promote a more resilient energy grid. I urge the committee to support House Bill 2035 and take a significant step towards a more sustainable and informed future for Virginia.

Last Name: Studholme Organization: Prince William Conservation Alliance Locality: Woodbridge

I strongly support House Bill 2035, which aims to increase transparency and accountability in energy and water use by high-energy facilities in Virginia. This legislation addresses a critical knowledge gap. Currently, Virginia lacks a centralized understanding of energy and water consumption by these facilities. This lack of basic information hinders our ability to effectively plan for the future of our energy grid, water resources, and other essential utilities. Importantly, this bill does not impose any new regulations on these facilities. It simply requires them to report existing data on energy consumption, water usage, and emissions. By establishing a centralized clearinghouse for this data, we can: Enhance Transparency: Publicly available data will empower citizens, businesses, and policymakers to make informed decisions about energy consumption and environmental impact. Support Planning: This comprehensive data will provide valuable insights for policymakers as they develop strategies to address climate change, ensure sustainable water resources, and promote a more resilient energy grid. I urge the committee to support House Bill 2035 and take a significant step towards a more sustainable and informed future for Virginia.

Last Name: Turner Locality: Fairfax County

I strongly support HB2035, transparency is a bare minimum standard and it is only with data about power and water usage, onsite generation, efficiency, and other matters that we can accurately understand this rapidly growing industry, plan, and provide good governance.

Last Name: Larned Locality: Fairfax

I implore you to pass HB2035 and provide the public constituents, who elected you to represent their interests, with the transparent and factual information about proposed data centers. This transparency provides vitally important information for oversight, responsible growth and planning on the local and state levels. It is simply good governance to provide transparency to the citizens of Virginia.

Last Name: Carey Locality: Fairfax

We need need need this transparency and data. This is a critical bill that does not requires any state action other than providing citizens with the true, factual scope of data center impacts. Its impacts on resources that citizens need and its impacts on the true costs of what citizens will spend on data centers. Good government must be transparent.

Last Name: Grebe Organization: Nature Forward (formerly Audubon Naturalist Society) Locality: Fairfax County

Nature Forward supports HB2035 - we urge you to support this legislation. Data centers are a pivot issue of our time and we are at an inflection point with their demand on our resources. This bill is the keystone to ensuring data reporting that would allow localities across Virginia with basic information regarding energy usage, water use, efficiency levels, and sustainability practices. The EU is *already doing* reporting and this legislation requires less than the EUs regulations - still this is a step in the right direction and critical to Virginia being able to manage the intense resource pressure from data centers and other high energy using facilities. We know that data-driven decisions are the best decisions. Reporting like this would help locales such as Loudoun, with a *hundreds* of data centers already online, understand their current energy and water usage and also which sustainability practices and efficiency levels are currently in place. Please support HB2035.

Last Name: Parmelee Locality: Jeffersonton

I urge you to adopt this common sense bill that does not in any way restrict the data center industry's use of electricity or water but simply seeks to add transparency so that concerned members of the public, planners, and public officials can more fully appreciate the impacts of this industry. Last year, DEQ began publishing the air quality permits for diesel emergency generators, the information reported due to this bill would be of similar value. I would think that the data center industry would embrace increased transparency since it is an opportunity for them to show that they are mitigating impacts and not causing additional problems with Virginia state and local utilities.

Last Name: Wright Organization: Potomac Conservancy Locality: Richmond

A publicly accessible clearinghouse will enhance transparency, oversight and planning. This will allow the Commonwealth and regions to make decisions that will benefit the most Virginians. This is not only legislation that will create a more sustainable Commonwealth, it is also a matter of good, transparent, governance.

Last Name: Waymouth Locality: Springfield

I am a constituent from Northern Virginia (Springfield). Transparency is the bare minimum we should be getting from high-energy facilities, including data centers. This bill would require that basic information about water and energy usage, as well as emissions produed on site, be tracked by the state; this would allow for better planning by localities and the state, and would promote accountability on CO2 emissions, energy [in]efficiency, and water consumption. Please support HB2035 and vote yes on this important bill.

Last Name: Pien Locality: Leesburg

Hello. I urge you to pass Del. Simonds bill HB2035. Without this basic information, localities cannot make informed decisions. I live in Loudoun County. There's hardly a data center application that is not approved. Approvals were granted without the information this bill would require. As a result of ill informed decisions in Loudoun County, there have been: delays in providing electricity to data center customers; a proposal to ignore air quality limits to allow data centers to operate 24/7 on human health polluting and climate change exacerbating diesel back up generators; electrical grid instability with threat of blackouts; bad harmonics, degraded quality of electricity transmitted, that can cause residential fires and damage electrical appliances. Please pass this basic, common sense bill that will make data center approvals more transparent and more responsible to Virginians. Thank you.

Last Name: Studholme Organization: Prince William Conservation Alliance Locality: Prince William County

This legislation is a necessary step toward promoting transparency, accountability, and better planning in Virginia. Currently, Virginia lacks centralized tracking of energy and water use by high-energy facilities, leaving localities and the state without the comprehensive data needed to make informed decisions. HB 2035 addresses this gap by requiring owners and operators of high-energy facilities to report basic information about their energy and water usage, as well as emissions produced on-site. This information will not only enable better planning but also empower local governments and residents by providing access to a publicly accessible clearinghouse for this critical data. By centralizing these reports and ensuring their accessibility, we enhance oversight and foster responsible growth that aligns with our shared environmental and community priorities. I urge you to support HB 2035 to help Virginia move toward a more sustainable and transparent future. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Last Name: WRIGHT Locality: Prince William County

Who can argue with transparency, other than those who wish to hide something? HB2035 seeks to provide localities with essential knowledge necessary to make an informed decision. I can tell you first-hand about a number of UNinformed decisions made in Prince William County that will haunt us for years. Knowledge is good. Opacity is bad. Support HB2035.

Last Name: Davies Locality: Orange County

As a resident of Orange County, I write urging support of HB 2035. Orange County draws residents and tourists because of our historic battlefields, unspoiled natural beauty, and rural character. Our previous County Supervisors disregarded these assets in approving a zoning policy that would allow data center construction without regard to water availability (we have suffered several droughts and a recent water crisis), availability of electricity, and impact to viewscape and tourism. Thankfully, those decisions are the subject of a lawsuit. Coming out of the suit, it would be wonderful if developers were required to be transparent about the impact of such construction. As many of my neighbors have said, growth is fine - unchecked, or uninformed growth is not.

Last Name: Broder Organization: Waterkeepers Chesapeake Locality: Arlington, VA

Waterkeepers Chesapeake, a regional coalition of Waterkeeper programs in the Chesapeake region, strongly supports HB2035. Virginia lacks centralized tracking of energy and water use by high-energy facilities. A publicly accessible clearinghouse will enhance transparency, oversight and better planning by localities and the state.

Last Name: Dart Hodges Locality: Falls Church

To the Committee: I strongly support HB2025 and urge you to allow it to move forward. It is common sense legislation that will increase transparency on the resources we are committing to data centers in Virginia - both water and power. Good planning is good for the citizens of Virginia and our economy. Thank you for taking this into consideration. Liese

Last Name: Mahoney Locality: Loudoun

We need clear reporting on energy and water use by large facilities in order to make reasonable and effective regulations for data center development.

Last Name: Butler Organization: Southern Environmental Law Center Locality: Charlottesville

Dear Chair Sullivan and Members of the Subcommittee, On behalf of the Southern Environmental Law Center, I would like to voice our support for House Bill 2035 and thank the patron, Delegate Simonds, for introducing the bill. The bill would provide the Commowealth and its residents with important information with which to gauge the water and energy usage, and the resulting impacts, of high-energy facilities including data centers. This type of transparency into the impacts of these facilities is critical to informed decision-making and responsible growth of the data center industry. The provision allowing the Department of Environmental Quality to aggregate the information it receives should help address concerns regarding the sharing sensitive business information. We urge you to vote for the bill, and we thank you for your consideration. Morgan Butler Senior Attorney Southern Environmental Law Center

Last Name: Taintor Organization: Loudoun Transmission Line Alliance Locality: Waterford

I'm in an area that has been struggling with proposed transmission lines. Transparency and accountability is an important step towards making sure data centers don't come at a devastating price for many Virginians. Please support this bill.

Last Name: Schefer Locality: Warrenton

Please provide full support for HB2035. Virginia lacks centralized tracking of energy and water use by high-energy facilities. A publicly accessible clearinghouse will enhance transparency, oversight and planning.

Last Name: Bolthouse Locality: Leesburg, VA

Please support the badly needed transparency outlined in HB2035. This bill would simply provide localities like Loudoun with basic information regarding energy usage, water use, efficiency levels, and sustainability practices. This level of reporting is becoming more mainstream with the EU requiring very similar information for data centers operating there. Reporting about existing data centers would help County's like Loudoun, with a hundreds of operating data centers, get a better idea of trends in energy and water usage as well as sustainability practices and efficiency levels that are currently in place. As data centers redevelopment to meet increasing computational demand, their energy and water demands may shift which is information that Loudoun would benefit from knowing. Finally, the increased reporting in places like the EU has arguably led to the creation of more secondary consulting and monitoring companies and jobs that specialize in helping the data center industry meet these reporting requirements and enhance their sustainability practices and efficiency levels. This standard WOULD NOT go as far as the EU's regulations which actually mandate plans and changes that increase sustainability and efficiency overtime, it would only require reporting, a basic and reasonable first step in getting a better understanding of energy and water consumption of these facilities and how to plan for infrastructure that meets their needs into the future.

Last Name: Kathy Bennett Locality: Disputanta

Please let me know about anything to do with ANY SOLAR or wind. Also why aren't you working on lowering this socialism health obamare that is failing! We pay double our house payment for healthcare. They do a certain percentage of what u make a year. I have to take money out of my 401k for healthcare that counts as income. It shouldn't count as income when you are taxing the heck out of us. We can't travel,most our prescriptions we use to take won't be covered and could go on and on about this robbery of people s hard earned money!

HB2087 - Electric utilities; transportation electrification, definitions.
Last Name: Michael Brannon Locality: Virginia Beach

Dear Memgers of the House Lavor and Commerce Committee. I support HB 2o97. Early PSA screening enabled me to have my GLEASON 10 to be discovered early and prevent early spread of the disease. It is imperative that PSA testing be availabie to high risk men. Michael Brannon, CAPTAIN, USN (Retired)

Last Name: Casper Organization: American Lung Association in Virginia Locality: Richmond

Comments Document

The American Lung Association strongly supports this bill, given its importance for preventing delays to air pollution regulations. Zero-emission vehicles are a critical tool for reducing harmful air pollution. The “Driving to Clean Air” report by the Lung Association found that the transition to zero-emission vehicles powered by clean energy would provide the Virginia with $25.4 billion in health benefits, prevent more than 2,320 premature deaths and 60,600 asthma attacks, and avoid 299,000 lost workdays. HB 2087 would prevent delays to air pollution solutions by requiring that utilities plan to accommodate the electricity needs for future transportation electrification growth. Ensuring that electrical capacity is delivered to all customers in a timely manner when it is needed will not only provide benefits to all ratepayers, but also secure significant public health savings and avoid many lost workdays. I respectfully ask for your support on this legislation to secure important air pollution reductions to improve lung health in Virginia.

Last Name: Gerena Organization: Drive Electric RVA Locality: North Chesterfield

Comments Document

Drive Electric RVA supports the portions of HB 2087 that requires Virginia’s largest utilities to provide more information on how they intend to have sufficient grid capacity for future transportation electrification. The private sector has invested in charging infrastructure throughout the state, but the perceived lack of certainty over grid capacity is holding them back. It has also alarmed potential EV owners who may not go electric because they don’t want to crash the grid. Utilities are the only ones who can assuage these fears by filling the vacuum of information.

Last Name: Kathy Bennett Locality: Disputanta

Please let me know about anything to do with ANY SOLAR or wind. Also why aren't you working on lowering this socialism health obamare that is failing! We pay double our house payment for healthcare. They do a certain percentage of what u make a year. I have to take money out of my 401k for healthcare that counts as income. It shouldn't count as income when you are taxing the heck out of us. We can't travel,most our prescriptions we use to take won't be covered and could go on and on about this robbery of people s hard earned money!

HB2090 - Multi-family shared solar program; amends requirements for a shared facility, etc.
Last Name: Kathy Bennett Locality: Disputanta

Please let me know about anything to do with ANY SOLAR or wind. Also why aren't you working on lowering this socialism health obamare that is failing! We pay double our house payment for healthcare. They do a certain percentage of what u make a year. I have to take money out of my 401k for healthcare that counts as income. It shouldn't count as income when you are taxing the heck out of us. We can't travel,most our prescriptions we use to take won't be covered and could go on and on about this robbery of people s hard earned money!

HB2136 - Public Utility Ombudsman,Office of the; established, effective date.
Last Name: Carey Locality: Fairfax

This is a common sense bill to help people better manage relations with utilities and to receive appropriate customer service and should be passed.

End of Comments