Public Comments for 01/16/2025 Labor and Commerce - Subcommittee #3
HB1588 - Public utilities; rate increases during certain months prohibited.
Last Name: Ferguson Locality: Giles County

I strongly support the passage of House Bill No. 1588. This legislation provides crucial consumer protections by limiting the frequency and timing of public utility rate increases. Frequent and unpredictable utility rate hikes place a significant burden on Virginia households and businesses. By restricting the number of increases within a year and prohibiting them during the winter months, this bill offers much-needed relief and predictability for Virginians. I urge the General Assembly to swiftly pass HB1588 and ensure that we are protected from excessive and untimely utility rate increases.

HB1779 - Carbon-free energy or clean energy; definition of fusion energy.
Last Name: Mountjoy Locality: Orange Va

My concern is forcing solar on farmland and forested lands and removing the county control of its own government to state control . That’s just so wrong ! Solar and wind are not the answer to green energy , it’s a mad rush for the money for a very temporary and not even efficient form of green energy . We are rural and want to protect our farms and forested lands, we are Not unbuilt on land ! This is our county ! Not up for grabs or control !

Last Name: Papariello Locality: Virginia Beach

Oppose off shore wind. I’m ground zero in Virginia Beach . I live 500 ft away from offshore/onshore construction at SMR. ITS A NIGHTMARE. Property damage, noisy and diesel dirty. Def not clean energy 18 months of hell and counting.

Last Name: Russ Locality: Abingdon

I respectfully ask that you oppose this bill. We must keep our farmland exactly that- farmland. Large solar operations are detrimental to our small communities. The county has spoken and we do not want to lose farms to large corporations outside of our state. This needs to be a local decision.

Last Name: Kathy Bennett Locality: Disputanta

Please let me know about anything to do with ANY SOLAR or wind. Also why aren't you working on lowering this socialism health obamare that is failing! We pay double our house payment for healthcare. They do a certain percentage of what u make a year. I have to take money out of my 401k for healthcare that counts as income. It shouldn't count as income when you are taxing the heck out of us. We can't travel,most our prescriptions we use to take won't be covered and could go on and on about this robbery of people s hard earned money!

HB1935 - Income Qualified Energy Efficiency and Weatherization Task Force; established, report.
Last Name: Caywood Locality: Virginia Beach

I support HB1935 because home weatherization can go a long way toward reducing the energy burden for low-income families. Often such families occupy older buildings that date from a time when no one worried about insulation or designing homes to be energy efficient. This means that even very frugal people may pay a lot to keep barely warm. Meanwhile the heat leakage from the home wastes energy and contributes to climate problems. Please follow the subcommittee's recommendation and report HB1935.

Last Name: Kathy Bennett Locality: Disputanta

Please let me know about anything to do with ANY SOLAR or wind. Also why aren't you working on lowering this socialism health obamare that is failing! We pay double our house payment for healthcare. They do a certain percentage of what u make a year. I have to take money out of my 401k for healthcare that counts as income. It shouldn't count as income when you are taxing the heck out of us. We can't travel,most our prescriptions we use to take won't be covered and could go on and on about this robbery of people s hard earned money!

HB2003 - Electric utilities; regional transmission entities; annual report.
Last Name: Papariello Locality: Virginia Beach

Oppose off shore wind. I’m ground zero in Virginia Beach . I live 500 ft away from offshore/onshore construction at SMR. ITS A NIGHTMARE. Property damage, noisy and diesel dirty. Def not clean energy 18 months of hell and counting.

Last Name: Kathy Bennett Locality: Disputanta

Please let me know about anything to do with ANY SOLAR or wind. Also why aren't you working on lowering this socialism health obamare that is failing! We pay double our house payment for healthcare. They do a certain percentage of what u make a year. I have to take money out of my 401k for healthcare that counts as income. It shouldn't count as income when you are taxing the heck out of us. We can't travel,most our prescriptions we use to take won't be covered and could go on and on about this robbery of people s hard earned money!

HB2027 - State Corporation Commission; certificate of operation for high load facilities.
Last Name: Schlossberg Organization: coaltion to protect pwc Locality: Prince William County

Please vote yes on HB2027 How long is long enough to wait for oversight on the largest energy consumer in the world? How long do we wait as the impacts to our homes, our water, our air, our schools, our pocketbooks, and our reliable energy grid pile up? For those of us here in Prince William County, it has been a decade since we first visited the General Assembly in January of 2015, lobbying for oversight on data center transmission impacts. Not only did we prove the Haymarket Transmission line was ONLY triggered due to an AWS data center campus, we came up with a novel approach to make them pay. Indeeed, our arguments were so compelling, the State Corporate Commission legal staff agreed with us and wrote this in their post hearing legal brief on the Haymarket Case in 2017. The Virginia State Corporate Commission legal staff said it best in the Haymarket Amazon Transmission line hearing when they noted the commission “may wish to require [Amazon] to put some of its own skin into the game. Otherwise, the general public [all of us], already burdened by the environmental and aesthetic impacts of otherwise unneeded transmission projects, [are] also burdened with 100% of the otherwise unnecessary costs.” There is no more time to waste, we must understand the cummulative impacts of an industry that even Dominion Energy has created a stand alone category in their IRP called "Data Centers". The writing is on the wall, the only question that remains is what do YOU want your legislative postrcript to read to this energy sucking, water consuming, subsidized industry on the backs of ratepayers to say........ The communities across the commonwealth have done the hardwork of exposing the facts, we pushed for a study, JLARC, and have lobbied every level of government. The ball is in your court. Vote YES on HB2027 Eternally hopeful for common sense oversight, Elena Schlossberg Haymarket 20169

Last Name: Wright Locality: Prince William County

HB2027 would require any facility with electrical power demand of 25 megawatts or more to obtain a certificate from the State Corporation Commission before becoming operational. The SCC can then assess the potential effects of this new demand prior to granting such a certificate. With all the demands being placed on our electrical power grid by the proliferation of data centers (as reported by JLARC), this is a prudent precaution. I urge your support of HB2027.

Last Name: Grebe Organization: Nature Forward (formerly Audubon Naturalist Society) Locality: Fairfax County

We ask you to support HB2027. In JLARC's December 2024 “Data Centers in Virginia” report, it was stated that unconstrained development of data centers will nearly triple electricity demand by 2040, and that it will be “very difficult” to build enough power generation and associated infrastructure to support that demand. Even constraining demand growth by half, it will still be “difficult.” In other words, in every scenario JLARC evaluated, we may simply not be able to build enough infrastructure to meet this demand. HB2027 would require customers with electricity demand 25 megawatts and higher to first obtain a Certificate from the State Corporation Commission before they are permitted to operate. It would require the SCC to consider a number of important factors, such as grid reliability and whether other customers (like residential customers and small businesses) would be subsidizing the high load facility on their monthly bills. In order to sustainably support data center development in Virginia over the long term, we need more guardrails and HB2027 helps to provide framework to begin doing better. Please support HB2027.

HB2084 - Public utilities certain; SCC shall determine if using reasonable classifications of customers.
Last Name: Bolthouse Organization: Piedmont Environmental Council Locality: Leesburg

Please support HB 2084. The SCC must ensure other ratepayers (residential, small businesses, and other industry in the state) are not subsidizing energy infrastructure necessary primarily for data center development. These are some of the wealthiest companies in the world and it is unfair and unjust to let the powerful take advantage of a system that was never structured to handle so many high energy consumers.

Last Name: Hetzler Locality: Herndon

This bill makes excellent sense. It’s clear that Data Centers have unique power requirements and should be treated as a separate classification. I support this bill and thank Delegate Shin for introducing it.

Last Name: Shearer Locality: MEADOWVIEW

Comments Document

Delegates, it's unfair for huge data centers to plug into regulated utility monopolies - APCo/Dominion/Old Dominion - and siphon off large portions of the generating capacity. Existing customers have been paying for these facilities over decades. HB2084 provides a means to correct this inequity and prevent further erosion of residents' and businesses decades of investment in existing utility infrastructure. The explosive, unregulated data center industry presents real risks to the public. Imagine new generating capacity and transmission constructed for a gigaWatt data campus which stops operating due to moving to another state or because newer alternative technology makes it obsolescent - for example, according to Science Daily, "Engineering researchers at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities have demonstrated a state-of-the-art hardware device that could reduce energy consumption for artificial intelligent (AI) computing applications by a factor of at least 1,000." ( or see attached PDF) A separate rate class for huge power consumers, like data centers, is necessary and appropriate, because their demand and capacity and energy requirements are different from any other existing customers. they present by engaging utilities to build more infrastructure to serve them Without HB2084, new data center customers are able to shift real costs on to existing customers. Cost shifting is inequitable and unacceptable rate policy. Data centers should pull their own weight. The SCC has the resources to administer the intent of this bill and determine equitable solutions. I strongly support HB2084 and thank Del. Shin for submitting the bill. I ask you to support the bill, too.

Last Name: Caywood Locality: Virginia Beach

I support HB2084. As a Dominion ratepayer, I have grown worried about who will pay for the proposed building spree of power generation to feed the demands of data centers. HB2084 seems to be a reasonable way to address these concerns. I am pleased the subcommittee recommends the bill.

HB2087 - Electric utilities; transportation electrification, definitions.
Last Name: Michael Brannon Locality: Virginia Beach

Dear Memgers of the House Lavor and Commerce Committee. I support HB 2o97. Early PSA screening enabled me to have my GLEASON 10 to be discovered early and prevent early spread of the disease. It is imperative that PSA testing be availabie to high risk men. Michael Brannon, CAPTAIN, USN (Retired)

Last Name: Casper Organization: American Lung Association in Virginia Locality: Richmond

Comments Document

The American Lung Association strongly supports this bill, given its importance for preventing delays to air pollution regulations. Zero-emission vehicles are a critical tool for reducing harmful air pollution. The “Driving to Clean Air” report by the Lung Association found that the transition to zero-emission vehicles powered by clean energy would provide the Virginia with $25.4 billion in health benefits, prevent more than 2,320 premature deaths and 60,600 asthma attacks, and avoid 299,000 lost workdays. HB 2087 would prevent delays to air pollution solutions by requiring that utilities plan to accommodate the electricity needs for future transportation electrification growth. Ensuring that electrical capacity is delivered to all customers in a timely manner when it is needed will not only provide benefits to all ratepayers, but also secure significant public health savings and avoid many lost workdays. I respectfully ask for your support on this legislation to secure important air pollution reductions to improve lung health in Virginia.

Last Name: Gerena Organization: Drive Electric RVA Locality: North Chesterfield

Comments Document

Drive Electric RVA supports the portions of HB 2087 that requires Virginia’s largest utilities to provide more information on how they intend to have sufficient grid capacity for future transportation electrification. The private sector has invested in charging infrastructure throughout the state, but the perceived lack of certainty over grid capacity is holding them back. It has also alarmed potential EV owners who may not go electric because they don’t want to crash the grid. Utilities are the only ones who can assuage these fears by filling the vacuum of information.

Last Name: Kathy Bennett Locality: Disputanta

Please let me know about anything to do with ANY SOLAR or wind. Also why aren't you working on lowering this socialism health obamare that is failing! We pay double our house payment for healthcare. They do a certain percentage of what u make a year. I have to take money out of my 401k for healthcare that counts as income. It shouldn't count as income when you are taxing the heck out of us. We can't travel,most our prescriptions we use to take won't be covered and could go on and on about this robbery of people s hard earned money!

HB2113 - Solar Interconnection Grant Program; established, sunset, report.
Last Name: Kathy Bennett Locality: Disputanta

Please let me know about anything to do with ANY SOLAR or wind. Also why aren't you working on lowering this socialism health obamare that is failing! We pay double our house payment for healthcare. They do a certain percentage of what u make a year. I have to take money out of my 401k for healthcare that counts as income. It shouldn't count as income when you are taxing the heck out of us. We can't travel,most our prescriptions we use to take won't be covered and could go on and on about this robbery of people s hard earned money!

End of Comments