Public Comments for 01/13/2025 Privileges and Elections - Election Administration
HB1574 - Absentee voting; absentee voting in person; available beginning 10 days prior to primary election.
I oppose HB 1574 as it restricts the flexibility of citizens to vote.
Too many people voted for people in primaries that left before election day but their vote was already submitted. They were disenfranchised and this must be addressed. Support,
I think residents of NN would be surprised to know Chair Price does not want to save NN residents money and prefers to spend their money for lazy people's convenience. I will but it on X for sure. Everyone should know! 45 Days - cost is no object thanks to Cia Price!!!
I am the Chair of the Hampton Election Board. I am submitting this comment personally and not on behalf of my Board. I disagree with this Bill. I like the 45 day early in person voting period
The Virginia Education Association's Legislative Committee has taken a position of Opposition to HB1573, HB1574, HB1652.
HB1652 - Elections; voter identification containing photograph required; who may register up to and including the day of the election; absentee ballot application requirements; absentee voting in person availability; return of absentee ballots.
All persons voting MUST be required to show a picture ID and be a US citizen. No illegals should be allowed to vote. No one who is not a US citizen should be allowed to vote. This is America. ONLY CITIZENS ALLOWED TO VOTE. A drivers license doesn't show citizen or not. That is a problem. Think we need to change that. Heard they were giving illegals driving licenses, which shouldn't be done! Most can't even read English!
I am in favor of HB1652, HB1863, HJ452, HJ457
I am in favor of this bill. Requiring photo ID to vote is supported by the vast majority of the population as a common-sense method of confirming a voter’s identity. A provisional ballot should be provided to a voter without proper ID. Other provisions of this bill would relieve VA’s registrars from the taxing burden of a lengthy 45 day voting period, with a change to 14 days of early in-person voting. A voter who wishes to vote before that can send in their ballot by mail before the 14 day period begins. Absentee ballot applications should contain information confirming the identity of the voter; thus, requiring the last four digits of the SSN also provides greater security for our elections.
I support this bill. Only citizens are allowed to vote, so lets get their proof of citizenship by providing a valid form of ID, a driver's license, US passport, or Identification Card. You need to provide a valid form of photo ID for so many other actions that are not as important as Voting, such as boarding a plane, open a bank account and to get into many government buildings. I want to know that only those that are legally allowed to vote are the ones actually voting. Voter ID is how that is accomplished. Please pass this bill.
I support this bill. I actually believe it should be even more stringent. I don't think anybody should be able to vote unless they can provide a valid government issued form of ID with a photograph -- such as a driver's license, US passport, or Identification Card. You need to provide a valid form of photo ID in order to purchase alcoholic beverages, purchase tobacco products, open a bank account, and even to purchase specific types of cold medicine. Why shouldn't you need a valid form of photo ID to vote? And if there are people out there who are having trouble obtaining a valid form of photo ID in order to vote....they are likely having trouble with many other aspects of their lives, e.g. opening a bank account. So, why don't we encourage local governments to help their citizens obtain a valid photo ID instead of simply doing away with photo ID requirements for voting?
I am the Chair of the Hampton Election Board. I am submitting this comment personally and not on behalf of my Board. I disagree with this Bill. I like the current availability of voter ID requirement, to include the ability to sign an affidavit attesting to their identification, and I also like that all eligible persons can same day register and vote
The Virginia Education Association's Legislative Committee has taken a position of Opposition to HB1573, HB1574, HB1652.
HB1735 - Voter registration; time period for closing registration records before certain elections.
I am the Chair of the Hampton Board. I am submitting this comment personally and not on behalf of my Board. I like this Bill. The current window for closing the registration books is too long and unnecessarily increases the number provisional ballots. This bill will allow more eligible people to register and vote a traditional ballot (as opposed to having to cast their vote provisionally)
The Norfolk Office of Elections is in support of HB1735 which will extend the deadline for voter registration to 10 days prior to the election. This will reduce the number of Same Day Registrations and Provisional Ballots cast during early voting. As home to two universities and the world’s largest naval base, we were inundated with Sane Day Registrations and Provisional ballots in the November 2024 Presidential Election. We hope that with this bill and continued education within the community, people will register before the deadline and exercise their right to vote. Thank you for your consideration.
If this bill is being submitted in response to the overwhelming number of same day registrations (SDRs) that made up most of the provisional ballots across the Commonwealth - with over 89,000 SDRs done on election day, with most occurred in college towns, - then this bill should not be moved forward. There is no research that has been shared thus far that would lead to the conclusion that this would be changed as long as prospective voters can register and vote up to and including Election Day. Further, as mentioned above, most SDRs occurred in college towns as stated by the Election Commissioner. Shouldn't the question be whether there should be a final day for registration prior to Election Day? If that is not to be discussed, then a study should be greenlit with a focus on college towns.
HB 1735 (Coles) The League of Women Voters of Virginia supports HB1735. This bill would allow eligible citizens the opportunity to register to vote for an additional 11 days before an election and still cast a regular ballot, whether voting in-person during early voting, by absentee ballot, or on election day. More voters would avoid having to cast provisional ballots. As we all know, the same day registration process plays a vital role to enfranchise eligible citizens, but the rule adds burdens to everyone involved--voters and election officials alike.
Oppose. This bill does nothing to reduce the abuse of Same Day Registration which creates unnecessary burden on volunteers on election day. It is the duty of the Registrar to register people in their locality after receiving extensive training on the law. To place that burden on community volunteer on election day is abusive. This bill will do nothing to alleviate the problems caused while at the same time fails to provide for adequate vetting of registration changes that would allow for the casting of a live ballot so close to the election. It is pretty obvious that the patron of this bill has not attended a canvass where the mountain of SDRs submitted by lazy voters who utilized election day SDR as a registration of first choice and cause long hours for our registrars and Electoral Board Members. If you care about elections and the people who do the work of elections, then vote no on this bill unless the patron submits an amendment to concurrently restrict eliminate election day SDRs.
The Virginia Education Association's Legislative Committee has taken a position of Support for HB1735.
HB1573 - Absentee voting; absentee voting in person; available beginning 10 days prior to election.
I oppose HB 1573 as it restricts the flexibility of citizens to vote.
I am the Chair of the Hampton Election Board. I am submitting this comment personally and not on behalf of my Board. I disagree with this Bill. I like the 45 day early in person voting period
The Virginia Education Association's Legislative Committee has taken a position of Opposition to HB1573, HB1574, HB1652.