Public Comments for 02/13/2025 Transportation
SB776 - Law-enforcement officers, state and local; enforcement of federal traffic violations in Northern Va.
SB852 - Photo speed monitoring devices; proof of violation affirmed by retired law-enforcement officials.
SB1024 - Electronic Department of Motor Vehicles transactions; voluntary contributions.
SB1209 - Photo speed monitoring devices; private vendors compensated for calibration, civil penalty.
SB1233 - Speed safety cameras; placement and operation, definitions.
SB1317 - Transportation district commissions; contracts or agreements.
SB1332 - Towing and storage of certain vehicles; limitation on charges.
Good afternoon, I am writing on behalf of A-1 Associates, an Alexandria based towing and transportation business that provides towing and shuttle services in Northern Virginia. We have been in business for over 35 years and have 44 employees. Our company is very dependent on localities and the state to review and raise regulated tow fees to offset cost increases we incur. We hope you will support SB1332 because it is essential to our business (and industry) to provide employee raises, improve and provide employee health care, pay for increased insurance and many other costs. I would like to thank Senator Marsden and Sub chair Glass for all their hard work on this issue and we appreciate your support of this bill.
SB741 - Public aircraft; extends sunset provision.