Public Comments for 02/12/2025 Finance
SB942 - Sales and use tax; exemption for aircraft components, extends sunset.
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SB1369 - RS&UT; exemption for prescription medicine and drugs purchased by veterinarians, extends sunset.
Last Name: Miller-Hurley
Organization: The Pet Advocacy Network
The Pet Advocacy Network enthusiastically supports SB 1369, a bill that would extend the sunset deadline for tax exemptions for medications used and dispensed by veterinarians. This legislation addresses the rising costs in veterinary care through measures such as extending tax exemptions on medications, as proposed in SB 1369, which is a practical approach to alleviating some of the financial pressures faced by pet owners. These cost-saving initiatives can make a significant difference, enabling pet owners to confidently seek regular and emergency care for their pets without the added stress of financial strain. We have attached our testimony and encourage the committee to vote yes on this bill.
SB1402 - Transient occupancy tax; administration.
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End of Comments
SB871 - Retail Sales and Use Tax; media-related exemptions, sunset.