Public Comments for 10/21/2024 Joint Commission on Technology and Science - Artificial Intelligence Subcommittee
Last Name: Kris O Organization: Citizens who want to live in a safe, drug free neighborhood, community, city, county, state, and nation Locality: Glen Allen

Dear General Assembly Members, This is a nonpartisan matter that is impacting our country everywhere. It is shameful to legalize weed, cannabis, or marijuana. Now more than ever there is so much medical factual information available about the negative short and long term effects on people’s mental, emotional, and physical health. This is nothing positive or cool about it. We know about the harmful side effects of cigarette smoking and how it affects people who inhale it as second hand smoke. The same goes with breathing marijuana smoke. You all talk about “climate change”, but polluting our air is not way to do it. Many apartments, condos and other places are forced to smell marijuana from outside playing , walking, and even through the ventilation system in their own home unit buildings. Imagine little kids breathing in these toxic chemicals? How is that right? Many people cannot afford to move somewhere else. Again, it is disgraceful when some politicians on either side lower the standards and expectations for their own political agenda instead of doing what is right for all Virginians. Please do not legalize marijuana, cannabis, etc. Stand up against drugs !

Last Name: Rodell Organization: Computer & Communications Industry Association Locality: Washington, D.C.

Comments Document

Please see attached for the Computer & Communications Industry (CCIA)'s written opposition comments for SB 164 (“No Fakes Act”) ahead of the October 21, 2024 hearing. Thank you.

End of Comments