Public Comments for 02/09/2024 Appropriations - Elementary and Secondary Subcommittee
HB654 - Virginia Parent Data Portal; Board of Education to create and maintain.
Last Name: Alexander Organization: Virginia PTA Locality: Virginia

Support. Access to timely student data and the ability for students and parents to view their assessment performance compared to the student's school, the student's school division, and the Commonwealth provides a valuable tool for students, parents, and teachers to make data-informed decisions to guide future instruction. Virginia has the largest population of military connected students in the nation and having access to a central Parent Data Portal would provide continued access to assessment data for our military connected youth through moves to other school divisions. Virginia PTA supports solutions that leverage existing local school divisions’ parent portals and integrated into a central Virginia reporting system as well as improved resources and tools that enable parents to interpret and use student assessment data to support student learning.

Last Name: Levin Locality: Hanover

HB571: AGAINST: The Bill is redundant; it is already in the Code of Virginia and already says that it shall not be construed to permit the censoring of books in any public or elementary school. It is redundant. HB654: NO POSITION: I Commend the idea, but as a data analyst and a parent, I am concerned about how the data will be kept safe and if it will be sold or provided to 3rd party vendors without parental consent. The cost concerns me as well - initial and ongoing – will it mean higher taxes at some point? Especially if the Ed Department passes on the responsibility to local school divisions. Local school divisions, especially the smaller ones cannot afford this price tag and will have to raise taxes to pay for this. I ask that you consider these concerns and pass it by for further discussion and consideration. HB659: FOR 1. The bill is permissive: Uses ‘May’, not ‘shall’. 2. Helps students not be stuck into the zip code they were born into. 3. Makes it easier for families to find out prior to school starting or ahead of the spring semester if there are any open seats and be informed on waitlists or lottery with the schools they are interested in. 4. Ensures families will not be charged additional tuition within their own school division if there is an open seat in a school outside zoned attendance, as they are already paying taxes for the use of their division’s public schools. 5. This is common sense. If you advocate for equity, vote Yes for this bill. HB670: FOR: Anyone who claims to care about children and their physical and mental health should be voting for Yes on this bill. If you Vote No, and one more child ends up going through what Sage went through, then that will be on you! HB757: FOR: This is a no-brainer. If you vote No, then you are anti-parents and anti-children. HB1120: NO Positions/FOR: Please PBI this bill and Vote Yes for HB1229 instead. HB1229: FOR: If you vote against this bill then you are undoing all the years, sweat, and tears that went into making Title IX a reality. You are anti-woman; you are aiding and abetting men by occupying female spaces and snatching female achievements. If you vote no, you are also a science denier. Males are born with increased lung capacity and higher muscle mass, and regardless of how many puberty blockers and cross-gender hormones they take, they will always have physical advantages.

Last Name: Church Organization: Tobii Dynavox Locality: Pittsburgh, PA.

I am an advocate for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). This subject has previously been addressed in the 2023 general assembly; however, the previous bill HB 1512 did not cover the communication needs for members that suffer in restricted places of service, such as Nursing Facilities and Skilled Nursing Facilities. Attached is a bill addressed to the Committee Chair, further outlining my request. Thank you.

HB1456 - Solar-ready roofs for certain gov't bldgs.; net-zero energy consumption bldg. design for schools.
Last Name: O Organization: taxpayers Locality: Richmond

Who is paying for this? Is solar panels more expensive? Where is the study for the Virginia citizens? What country are the panels coming from? Citizens need transparency from the Progressive Democrats in the Virginia General Assembly. Please stop just pushing bills through to make a statement. Please do the hard factual research and put it out there for the common person to voice their views for a while. For years, majority of Democrats do not think about his or her illogical legislative decisions, and the public ends up suffering for them. Ex: legalizing marijuana

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