Public Comments for 02/02/2024 Courts of Justice - Civil
HB42 - Dentists and dental hygienists; added to list of providers who are immune from civil liability, etc.
Last Name: Gordon Organization: Rivercity Residential Services, Bridging the Gap Family Services Locality: Richmond

My name is Michael Gordon. I am a recovering addict. My clean date is 06/06/2008. I writing this letter because it my duty as a health professional to bring to the table how important it is that we change the barrier crime law. I have spent countless hours and days working with other addicts who trying to find their pathway into recovery. The frontlines are thin because the people whom society deemed unworthy because of some past mistakes cannot work in the field that they could do the greatest good. I did not know when I received my sentence in 1990 for distribution of crack cocaine. I would be serving a life time sentence. Luck for me I don’t have a barrier crime, yet today after getting my GED, going to college and graduating with honors. I still can live in certain areas or have certain jobs. I went from the crack house to the White House and still that not enough for Virginia to forgive me of my past mistakes. We need more people who has made a deep commitment to change to share their experiences with others who are suffering!!

HB487 - Harassment by computer or other electronic means; civil action.
Last Name: Patel Locality: Prince William County

Please pass this bill. No one should be coerced, intimidated, or harassed through the use of computers or other electronic means. I hope the General Assembly will take this further and allow for civil remedies for citizens when government officials who unethically and immorally pose as others in order to gain convictions and publicity.

HB740 - Unlawful detainer; bifurcation of case.
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HB1214 - Civil causes of action; social media platforms, complying with certain requests for information.
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HB1249 - Nonresident plaintiff; security costs upon suit.
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HB1338 - Courthouses; website posting of notices.
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HB1339 - Householder; exemptions from garnishment and lien.
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HB1343 - General district and circuit courts; transfer, civil jurisdiction.
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HB1482 - Unlawful detainer actions; no rental agreement between owner and occupant.
Last Name: Chubinidze Locality: Fairfax county

Hello!My name is Natela and I been struggling for so long finding affordable housing in Fairfax County,Virginia.I am 58 years old female who have a very low income.I contacted more then 500 places trying to find one bedroom apartment or private basement and all this places asking for income 3-3.5 times bigger then cost of apartment.Making any person who is trying to rent one bedroom apartment in Fairfax county need to make around 5-6000 dollars per month.How many percent of people having this high salary jobs?I DON’T. I’m making now 12.00 dollars per hour.This amount of money disqualified me from any housing I applied.My question to HUD and all other housing authorities WHAT ARE YOU SUGGESTING PEOPLE WITH LOW INCOME??????? WHAT WE NEED TO DO TO SURVIVE LIVING IN FAIRFAX AREA?HOUSING PRICES IS ASTRONOMICAL!GROCERY PRICES IS ASTRONOMICAL! ALL AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROGRAMS ARE CLOSED.ALL WAITING LISTS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING CLOSED TO. I BET YOU ALL JUST DON’T CARE ABOUT US!

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