Public Comments for 02/06/2024 Health and Human Services - Social Services
HB449 - Child abuse and neglect; mandatory reporters, statute of limitations, penalties.
Last Name: Coleman Organization: Not Dead Yet Locality: Rochester

Comments Document

Apologies for submitting attachment which was not submitted correctly last Thursday on HB 858. Testimony Opposing Virginia “Medical Aid in Dying” Bill HB 858/SB 280 One of the most frequently repeated claims by proponents of assisted suicide laws is that there has not been “a single documented case of abuse or misuse.” To the contrary, I refer you to two resources describing problem cases. The first is from the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, Oregon and Washington State Abuses and Complications. The second is a journal article by two New York medical doctors, Drs. Herbert Hendin and Kathleen Foley, Physician-Assisted Suicide in Oregon: A Medical Perspective (2008). Data from states where assisted suicide is legal show that all people who request assisted suicide have disabilities, even if some don’t think of their impairments that way, and that unmet disability related needs are their reasons for wanting to die. The top five reasons Oregon doctors give for their patients’ assisted suicide requests over all reported years are not pain or fear of future pain, but psycho-social issues that pertain to disability. Three of these (losing autonomy, losing dignity, burden on family) could be addressed by consumer-directed in-home personal care services, but the law operates as though the person’s reasons don’t matter, and nothing need be done to address them. (See attachment)

HB1542 - Child abuse and neglect; mandatory reporters, statute of limitations, penalties.
Last Name: Bryant Locality: Hampton

I would like for the committee to consider the the bill on the table today. So many individuals incarcerated are far removed from the people they were 10, 5 ,20 years ago.

End of Comments