Public Comments for 01/17/2024 Transportation - Highway Safety and Policy
HB15 - Warning light units, certain; increases number of units person may equip on one vehicle, etc.
Last Name: Mackaness Locality: Schweizersberg

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HB24 - Amber warning lights; flashing lights on certain fox hunting vehicles.
Last Name: Mackaness Locality: Schweizersberg

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Last Name: Bedford Locality: Upperville VA

Dear legislators, I am writing in support of HB 24. I urge you to vote in support of this bill as it provides a critical opportunity to protect the safety of those of us on the roads by allowing flashing lights to alert traveling vehicles of the potential to encounter hounds and mounted riders. Thank you for your diligent work in keeping all Virginians as safe as possible on our roads. Many thanks for your consideration. Sincerely, Cricket Bedford

Last Name: Johns Locality: Purcellville, Virginia

Good afternoon, I am writing in support of HB 24. I urge you to vote in support of this bill as it provides a critical opportunity to protect the safety of those on the roads by allowing flashing lights to alert traveling vehicles of the potential to encounter hounds and mounted riders. Thank you for your diligent work in keeping all Virginians as safe as possible on our roads.

Last Name: D’Ignazio Locality: Fauquier

Good afternoon, I am writing in support of HB 24. I urge you to vote in support of this bill as it provides a critical opportunity to protect the safety of those on the roads by allowing flashing lights to alert traveling vehicles of the potential to encounter hounds and mounted riders. Thank you for your diligent work in keeping all Virginians as safe as possible on our roads.

Last Name: Michaels Locality: Great Falls

Good afternoon, I am writing in support of HB 24. I urge you to vote in support of this bill as it provides a critical opportunity to protect the safety of those on the roads by allowing flashing lights to alert traveling vehicles of the potential to encounter hounds and mounted riders. Thank you for your diligent work in keeping all Virginians as safe as possible on our roads.

Last Name: Morison Locality: Middleburg, VA

Good afternoon, I am writing in support of HB 24. I urge you to vote in support of this bill as it provides a critical opportunity to protect the safety of those on the roads by allowing flashing lights to alert traveling vehicles of the potential to encounter hounds and mounted riders. Thank you for your diligent work in keeping all Virginians as safe as possible on our roads. Thank you for your time, Eleanor Morison

Last Name: Dowell Organization: Virginia Association of Towing & Recovery Operators & Battlefield Service Center Locality: Nokesville

Virginia Association of Towing & Recovery Operators (VATRO) are against this bill as there are already to many yellow warning lights on service and safety vehicles on the roadways today. The General Public who is motoring by, has learn to ignore all of yellow flashing lights. Because there just so many going on the highways and roadways that we travel on. So where does it all stop, they were designed for safety of workers having to work along a highway. Next year deer hunters will want lights and so on. Please Turn this bill down, as we need no more yellow warning lights. Thank You for all your service and hard work in this matter.

Last Name: Valdez Locality: Goochland

Amber warning lights not only add safety components to all those fox hunting but specifically our road whips and hounds. As a junior member fox hunting is a huge part of my life and the safety of hounds, horses, our road whips, and those who are not participating are a must.

Last Name: Cruz Locality: Goochland

Allowing amber warning lights for road whip vehicles will be a safety feature for all involved. Please consider this safety issue and support local Foxhunting.

Last Name: Smithwick Organization: Snickersville Hounds Locality: Loudoun County

I am in support of HB24. With an increase in number of roads and volume of traffic on roads, the people who are in vehicles performing ‘road whip’ duties are in need of protective measures to ensure their safety as well as for hounds and horses. The road whips are used to either help the hunt cross roads safely when moving within territory the hunt has permission to be on or to try and stop the pack from entering land which the hunt does not have permission to be on. I have personally witnessed (and heard from other foxhunters) instances when drivers have been verbally abusive and driving aggressively towards road whips. This bill will help protect the road whips who are ,in fact, not only trying to keep the hounds and mounted horses safe but also the people in other vehicles. No one wants any hounds or horses to be injured and nor do they want any other people to be injured or cars sustaining damage from hitting any hounds or horses. The lights and signage on the road whip trucks will encourage people to slow down or stop and to have a bit of patience while hunts do all that is possible to remove themselves from roadways as quickly as possible. Thank you for your consideration of this Bill.

Last Name: Andrew Barclay Organization: Master's of Foxhounds Association of North America Locality: Middleburg

Keeping the dirt roads in Virginia is very important to the equine communities. Virginia is known world wide as a horse and hound friendly state and the income generated by the equine community is large. Keeping the rural areas rural is so important to the well being of the horse industry. Keeping our dirt roads as dirt roads is essential to keeping areas rural.

Last Name: Bishop Organization: Orange County Hounds Locality: The Plains

I am writing to you to express my strong support for Bill # HB 24, amending the original bill 46.2-10.25 and adding Section 46.2-10.25.1. I am in strong support of adopting this amendment as it relates to amber warning lights being used on certain hunting vehicles. As a mounted foxhunter of over 20 years I have personally experienced the need for these lights and the common sense reasons for their use. They are vital for the safety and protection of all vehicular traffic- hunting or otherwise, riders on horse back and hounds, especially on our curving country roads. Thank you to you and the committee for your work. Sincerely, Jane Bishopm Sent from my iPad Jane Carter Bishop 540-729-7083

Last Name: Monk Locality: Fauquier

I urge the committee to support HB24. Allowing warning lights to vehicles for hunting will greatly increase road safety.

Last Name: Mars Jacqueline Organization: OCH Locality: The Plains VA

Good morning, I am writing in support of HB 24 which will be heard by the House Transportation Sub-Committee: Highway Safety and Policy this afternoon at 4PM. I urge you to vote in support of this bill as it provides a critical opportunity to protect the safety of those on the roads by allowing flashing lights to alert traveling vehicles of the potential to encounter hounds and mounted riders. Thank you for your diligent work in keeping all Virginians as safe as possible on our roads.

Last Name: Lovegrove Organization: Loudoun's Future Locality: Loudoun

I am a member of two mounted foxhunting clubs in Loudoun County. Here in Loudoun we are preserving a sport which has its roots amongst the first colonists of America. My club, Piedmont Fox Hounds, is the oldest fox hunting club in the US, founded in 1840. For almost two centuries our club has maintained a large area of the countryside that is an asset to the citizens of Loudoun County. Over 30,000 acres of Loudoun County have been placed in Conservation Easement by foxhunters. This forever preserved rural landscape is an asset to our citizens. These working farms contribute to our food security, air quality, and peace of mind of all who travel or live here. Loudoun has been the target of intense development. With development comes traffic and people unfamiliar with a rural way of life. Foxhunting requires large swaths of land as the path of the hunt is often unpredictable, based on the whims of the quarry and the chasers. I should note that our objective is not to kill the target of our chase; rather we are content to chase it to it's hiding place, of which there are many. In the course of our chase we are required to cross roads that have become increasingly busy due to development in our area. Foxhunts have adapted to this development by employing chase vehicles, equipped with amber lights, to warn motorists of the presence of horses and hounds on the road, and to proceed with caution. This is a prudent investment by the hunts in the interests of public safety and should be allowed. A collision between a 1400 pound horse and a car will lead to serious injuries for the animal, it's rider, and the motorist involved. Please support the prudent practice and investment of our foxhunting clubs and support this practice.

Last Name: Matheson Organization: Orange County Hounds as Joint MFH Locality: The Plains, VAp

As a current Master of Foxhounds, past Steward of OCH, and an experienced road whip I would like to express my approval of Bill HB24 and request its’ passage as soon as possible. Sincerely, Malcolm Matheson III, MFH

Last Name: mahone Organization: Hampton Roads Towing Alliance, Virginia Association of Towing and Recovery Operators Locality: York County

The HRTA and VATRO are against this bill as there are already to many yellow lights on the road today. The motoring public has come to ignore yellow lights because there are so many going down the road that are on and should not be also where does it stop, next year dear hunters will want lights and so on. Please Turn this bill down as we need no more yellow lights. Thank You for your service

Last Name: Jones Locality: Louisa County

Dear Members of the Transportation Highway Safety Committee, My name is Rachel Jones I'm a resident of Louisa County and a member of the Louisa Board of Supervisors. I'm also a avid mounted Fox Hunter and member of the Keswick Hunt Club. Here in Louisa County the Keswick Hunt Club, Fox Chases thought the Historic Greens Springs District on private land which is connected by rural unpaved VDOT maintained roads. Having Vehicles marked with Amber colored lights would afford a level of safety to all who are on horseback many of which are Jr. members under the age of 18 years old along with vehicle drivers. My husband a Capt. in VSP also feels the bill should read to include allowing slow moving marked hunt vehicles use the lights, not just when standing.

HB31 - Motor vehicle safety inspection approval sticker; persons on active duty.
Last Name: Mackaness Locality: Schweizersberg

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Last Name: Nicholls Locality: chesapeake

Thanks for proposing this bill. Please move to report.

HB49 - Window tint; emergency vehicles.
Last Name: Mackaness Locality: Schweizersberg

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End of Comments