Public Comments for 01/31/2024 Privileges and Elections - Campaign Finance
HB907 - Voting equipment and systems; State Board approval process, printed receipt for cast ballot.
The League of Women Voters of Virginia strongly urges you to reject HB 907. Ballots would no longer be secret. Receipts showing how voters voted would open our elections to bribery and fraud. In addition, the cost of new voting machines that are capable of printing receipts would be exorbitant, since they do not now exist.
HB1314 - Political campaign advertisements; advertisements sponsored by a person or nonparty committee.
The League of Women Voters of Virginia supports HB 1314. Voters should be able to easily see that a sample ballot is in fact a “Sample Ballot,” and know who or what entity authorizes and pays for them. Otherwise, sample ballots can mislead voters.
HB1315 - Elected officials; Internet publication of personal information, definition of public official.
HB1346 - Campaign finance; exemption for candidates for certain office or directors.
HB1358 - Elections; requirements for precincts, waiver for split precinct or precinct below the minimum size.
Members of the Committee on Privileges and Elections, the Northumberland County Board of Supervisors ask that you support HB1358. Currently, a locality can only administer a split precinct for elections held in the year the waiver is granted therefore having the governing body request a waiver to administer such split precinct each year even though there is no change to that district boundary/precinct. The Board supports this language that would eliminate the need to have the Board of Supervisors take action each year when there are no changes. The Board of Supervisors thank you for your support.
HB1441 - Voter registration; proof of citizenship.
Great idea, only citizens of Virginia and USA should be able to vote, our privilege.
The League of Women Voters of Virginia strongly opposes HB 1441. Many citizens do not have proof of citizenship and asking them to find it to register to vote is an impediment to voting. The League conducts voter registration drives. We do not see too many people carry around their birth certificates. It also discriminates against people who can’t afford to travel overseas easily and do not have passports. There is no evidence that non-citizens vote in any remotely significant numbers; this is another unfounded conspiracy theory. This bill would suppress voting by legitimate, qualified voters. The League of Women Voters opposes this bill because it suppresses voting. There is no evidence that noncitizens attempt to vote except in rare, one-off situations. Those who do are generally caught and lose their right to vote. Voter fraud is a felony.
HB1532 - Voter registration; digital list of registered voters and persons voting at elections.
I support HB 1532. Allowing ELECT to arbitrarily and without justification charge thousands of dollars for information that they are required to keep is a way to obstruct those not wealthy enough or connected enough to gain access to otherwise public information. ELECT should not be allowed to obstruct the public from information by exploiting the exemptions it enjoys under the Virginia Administrative Process Act. ELECT should follow FOIA restrictions of not charging to recuperate normal operating cost or charging for information already in its position. ELECT is mandated with keeping this list, it is the main purpose of its existence. There has never been a justification for the exhorbant charges by ELECT for lists of voters, especially when other states offer this public information for free. Elections are the business of the people, not just the wealthy and well connected.
HB111 - President and Vice President; binding of electors, filling vacancies.
The League of Women Voters considers HB 111 to be essential. We need a Code chapter prescribing the processes and requirements for selecting and, if necessary, replacing electors for president and vice president of the United States, as well as setting forth their duties. .
Support ensuring electors follow the popular vote
Support electors voting for the candidate who got the most votes.
Support electors voting for the candidate who got the most votes.
The Virginia Civic Engagement Table is a nonpartisan voting rights and civic engagement 501(c)(3) organization based in Richmond, VA. It anchors the Virginia Election Protection Coalition, the Commonwealth’s largest nonpartisan pro-voter coalition that works year-round to advance the freedom to vote. HB111 is a needed measure to strengthen our electoral system and defend against bad-faith efforts to overturn the voice of Virginia’s voters. We support its passage.