Public Comments for 02/01/2024 Public Safety - Public Safety
HB423 - Civilian deaths in custody; report.
Last Name: Rust Locality: Chesterfield

I oppose all these unconstitutional, dangerous, and pointless laws.

Last Name: Walker Organization: Bridging The Gap In Virginia Locality: Richmond City

I am in Full Support of HB 423 for the sole purpose of accountability in reporting of inmate deaths while in custody of law enforcement.

Last Name: Lillie Branch Kennedy Organization: Resource Information Help for the Disadvantaged Disenfranchised Locality: Charles City

Honorable Members of the House Public Safety Sub-Committee: Public Safety My name is Lillie Branch-Kennedy, Founder of the Virginia based nonprofit Resource Information Help for the Disadvantaged and the Disenfranchised (RIHD, INC) assisting people directly impacted, families and communities affected by Virginia's criminal legal system with restorative practices. Our goal for is for a more safer and equitable society. On behalf of our 4,000 membership we supports bill HB 423 Civilian deaths in custody; report. Introduced by Delegate Delores L. McQuinn; Civilian deaths in custody; report. Requires every law-enforcement agency and correctional facility to report to the Department of Criminal Justice Services certain information regarding the death of any person who is detained, under arrest or in the process of being arrested, en route to be incarcerated, Sincerely, Lillie Branch-Kennedy Founder Resource Information Help for the Disadvantaged and Disenfranchised RIHD, INC. 1720 Mechanicsville Turnpike Richmond, Virginia 23223 Tel: (804) 426-4426 Email: Website:

Last Name: Seibert Organization: Virginia Moms for Change Locality: Richmond

I am a member of Virginia Moms for Change, a gun violence prevention group, and I support this bill.

Last Name: Phillips Locality: North Chesterfield

The end of solitary confinement must be done My son was murdered in solitary confinement at Red Onion Prison in Pound Va on 1/3/22.

HB611 - Civilian deaths in custody; report.
Last Name: Cordeaux Locality: Newark

Hi there, I'm Natalie from Social Busy Bee, your partner in the exciting world of Instagram growth. I've discovered something phenomenal for skyrocketing your Instagram popularity and I'm thrilled to share it with you! Social Growth Engine introduces a groundbreaking service that takes your Instagram engagement to new heights. It's effortless: - Zero in on producing unforgettable content. - Extremely budget-friendly at a mere $36/month. - Completely safe (no password needed), incredibly powerful, and Instagram's best friend. I've experienced remarkable results firsthand, and I'm sure you will too! Amplify your Instagram presence right now: Best wishes, Natalie at Social Busy Bee"

Last Name: Spiro Locality: Hamburg Finkenwerder

Hi I am writing to you on behalf of The Well Connection UK, a media and publishing company. We could easily get featured in various publications such as magazines, online blogs and news sites. This would undoubtedly help with publicity, reputation, domain authority and organic search engine rankings. We have a wide range of options including completely free collaborations, sponsored posts, guest posts and banner ads. If this sounds of interest, please reach out to the senior business development manager, Anita at and whatsapp +447395206515 (GMT) Kind regards Clifton Junior Outreach Assistant

Last Name: Rust Locality: Chesterfield

I oppose all these unconstitutional, dangerous, and pointless laws.

Last Name: Seibert Organization: Virginia Moms for Change Locality: Richmond

I am a member of Virginia Moms for Change, a gun violence prevention group, and I support this bill.

Last Name: Phillips Locality: North Chesterfield

The end of solitary confinement must be done My son was murdered in solitary confinement at Red Onion Prison in Pound Va on 1/3/22.

HB933 - Alzheimer's disease and dementia; training for dispatchers, firefighters, etc.
Last Name: Seibert Organization: Virginia Moms for Change Locality: Richmond

I am a member of Virginia Moms for Change, a gun violence prevention group, and I support this bill.

Last Name: Freitas Locality: Herndon

and I support these bills. The bills we support are: HB1174, HB1181, HB1195, HB12, HB1424, HB1462, HB158, HB175, HB183, HB23, HB270, HB318, HB319, HB351, HB362, HB585, HB602, HB637, HB791, HB797, HB798, HB799, HB861, HB916, & HB945

Last Name: Phillips Locality: North Chesterfield

The end of solitary confinement must be done My son was murdered in solitary confinement at Red Onion Prison in Pound Va on 1/3/22.

HB1061 - Prisoners; Department of Corrections- and jailer-issued identification.
Last Name: Sinclair Locality: Gainesville

I'm going to preface this by saying all of the below as a middle aged Black military veteran. I'm not involved in a militia and I didn't vote for Trump. I vote for the candidates that best supports me. Both parties have failed me. You ALL are horrible. Regarding both HB11 and HB113, I'd rather not give up any inalienable right, especially if I've been a law-abiding citizen, which I have. I should not have to give up rights, or even jump through hoops to prove I'm qualified because others broke laws. If a person shoots someone (as an example), that person should be held accountable, not folks who were not involved in the crime. Adding layer upon layer of bills to circumvent inalienable rights is wrong. These two bills are needless layers that hurt law-abiding citizens but do nothing to folks that willing violate written law. What other right has so many qualifiers as the 2nd Amendment? The 2nd does not grant citizens the right to bear arms. The 2nd affirms that the right to keep/bear arms is natural and that the government shall not infringe upon that right. If anything, it's telling the people and the government that the right shall not be violated. You all are attempting to further violate that right by adding yet another layer of needless bills. Is there an argument that current laws aren't working? Does the committee discuss why the current laws aren't working and attempt to shore up the gaps by tweaking existing laws (not creating new bills)? As well, in reference to HB11, a knife is an arm, which is covered under the 2nd (right to bear ARMS). Carrying a knife is a protection for most folks (a secondary defense tool, or even a utility tool). If the concern is that someone will use those tools to murder or assault, murder and assault are already against the law. Possession of those tools do not and should not qualify a person to be unlawful, unless that person already has a criminal record or are using the tools in commission of a crime. Intent should always be the driving factor in determining if a person is unlawfully using or possessing the tool. Legislating laws that involve of a tool that is guaranteed as a right by the 2nd is a poor law. Please do better than approving these bills that are in committee. If they are not sound bills, please do not approve them. Voting along party lines does not make bills satisfactory. The context of the bills make bills satisfactory, AFTER determining if the bills don't violate the rights of the citizens. The committee should be striving to protect and defend the Constitutions of the United States and the state of Virgina. Do the right things in doing your job...don't do what is easiest or most popular based on party lines. Do what is proper. I already know the above will fall on deaf ears but thank you for your time.

Last Name: Rust Locality: Chesterfield

I oppose all these unconstitutional, dangerous, and pointless laws.

Last Name: Phillips Locality: North Chesterfield

The end of solitary confinement must be done My son was murdered in solitary confinement at Red Onion Prison in Pound Va on 1/3/22.

Last Name: Griffin Locality: Stafford

We need this bill passed, especially with all the racism in this country - and corrupt police and corrections officers. The only way to prove most things outside of testimonials for true sources and DNA, is to have actual footage. Some things are worth my tax dollars....this is one of them.

Last Name: Griffin Locality: Stafford

I support this bill.

Last Name: Brinkley Locality: Shepherd, MI

These prisons especially red onion and Wallens ridge need serious help! All the way around

HB1121 - Online educational courses; DOC to establish, etc., an educational program for prisoners.
Last Name: Sinclair Locality: Gainesville

I'm going to preface this by saying all of the below as a middle aged Black military veteran. I'm not involved in a militia and I didn't vote for Trump. I vote for the candidates that best supports me. Both parties have failed me. You ALL are horrible. Regarding both HB11 and HB113, I'd rather not give up any inalienable right, especially if I've been a law-abiding citizen, which I have. I should not have to give up rights, or even jump through hoops to prove I'm qualified because others broke laws. If a person shoots someone (as an example), that person should be held accountable, not folks who were not involved in the crime. Adding layer upon layer of bills to circumvent inalienable rights is wrong. These two bills are needless layers that hurt law-abiding citizens but do nothing to folks that willing violate written law. What other right has so many qualifiers as the 2nd Amendment? The 2nd does not grant citizens the right to bear arms. The 2nd affirms that the right to keep/bear arms is natural and that the government shall not infringe upon that right. If anything, it's telling the people and the government that the right shall not be violated. You all are attempting to further violate that right by adding yet another layer of needless bills. Is there an argument that current laws aren't working? Does the committee discuss why the current laws aren't working and attempt to shore up the gaps by tweaking existing laws (not creating new bills)? As well, in reference to HB11, a knife is an arm, which is covered under the 2nd (right to bear ARMS). Carrying a knife is a protection for most folks (a secondary defense tool, or even a utility tool). If the concern is that someone will use those tools to murder or assault, murder and assault are already against the law. Possession of those tools do not and should not qualify a person to be unlawful, unless that person already has a criminal record or are using the tools in commission of a crime. Intent should always be the driving factor in determining if a person is unlawfully using or possessing the tool. Legislating laws that involve of a tool that is guaranteed as a right by the 2nd is a poor law. Please do better than approving these bills that are in committee. If they are not sound bills, please do not approve them. Voting along party lines does not make bills satisfactory. The context of the bills make bills satisfactory, AFTER determining if the bills don't violate the rights of the citizens. The committee should be striving to protect and defend the Constitutions of the United States and the state of Virgina. Do the right things in doing your job...don't do what is easiest or most popular based on party lines. Do what is proper. I already know the above will fall on deaf ears but thank you for your time.

Last Name: Rust Locality: Chesterfield

I oppose all these unconstitutional, dangerous, and pointless laws.

Last Name: Gregory Locality: Henrico

Inmate need education in the facilities. In order for them to succeed in life to come home to the cold world they definitely need education.

Last Name: Phillips Locality: North Chesterfield

The end of solitary confinement must be done My son was murdered in solitary confinement at Red Onion Prison in Pound Va on 1/3/22.

Last Name: Griffin Locality: Stafford

I support this bill. This is the information technology age and many of the correspondence courses are online. There are many courses that are offered for free, but that's due to the fact that it's online and they don't have to mail tests and materials. We live in a nation that is judgmental and unforgiving, and yet when men and women in prison try to improve their lives and pay to rehabilitate themselves (because VADOC is not doing it), it seems like they have more road blocks. My husband's materials were tossed in the trash as Sussex I and I paid over $2K for that course. We were never offered a refund from the institution and the materials disappeared into thin air thanks to some of the impulsive, rude, corrections officers at that prison. As a result of their actions, my husband was not able to complete his courses and my hard-earned money was tossed in the trash. There is plenty of software to make sure they only access certain pages when learning online. If the workplace can block pages, so can the prisons. Pass this bill!

Last Name: Seiler Locality: Clermont Fl

My Loved One who is housed at Keen Mountain has been searching for colleges that have paper correspondence courses for the incarcerated with no luck. Allowing those incarcerated to be able to do online courses will have a great, positive impact on their lives and future. It will lead their rehabilitation into a positive and hopeful future. Thank you!

Last Name: Carter Locality: Prince William County.


Last Name: Chaffin Organization: Virginia Justice Alliance Locality: Alexandria

As an educator and college professor, I strongly support this bill. People behind bars who participate in higher education programs have 48 percent lower odds of returning to prison than those who do not. This means safer communities, lower prison populations and it saves taxpayers money. Most importantly, it provides meaningful rehabilitation and a sense of purpose. Increasing access to higher education means a safer prison environment for both residents and staff because data shows when this is available it decreases violence and infractions. Since COVID, the VADOC has decreased programming significantly throughout all facilities. This could counter this issue. I urge you to ensure these programs are offered at all facilities. We often see minimal jobs, programming, classes at higher levels. Education is a fundamental human right so please support HB 1121 to expand access to education to all Virginians.

Last Name: Erin Locality: Winchester

I support these Bills!

Last Name: Turner Organization: Valley Justice Coalition Locality: Harrisonburg

As an educator for over 30 years and a member of Valley Justice Coalition, I strongly support this bill. With Pell Grants now available for those behind the walls and our Community Colleges begging for students, this is the time to offer this life changing event that will open doors for the rest of their lives. Please Vote YES for HB1121.

HB1169 - Virginia Critical Operation for a Disappeared Child Initiative (Codi) Alert Program; created.
Last Name: Parker Locality: Chesapeake

I strongly support this bill! Virginia is behind other states that have these alert programs. We should do everything we can to protect children and utilize the public when searching for missing or endangered youth. Thank you for introducing this bill!

Last Name: Evans-Johnson Organization: BLM757 Locality: Chesterfield

Good morning šŸŒŒ At 3am I received a missed call notification from Instagram. The time stamp indicated an incoming call had arrived at 11:18pm from BLM757Japharii Jones. I knew what it likely meant. Codi Alert was moving through committee in The GA. I've been on Missing Persons & Girls Alerts in 757 & 804 since 2020. Sometimes in 757, we would poster walk with the ID & 8x12 photo along with contact info if seen or aid in locating grew luck. Many walks to volunteer time, travel & costs in hope. Just like in The Hobbit, a WE converging creates a mighty effort. A Codi Alert ensures rapid public notification & ensures that law enforcement doesn't choose timing & assistance. I've observed free range conduct from PDs & its leadership too often to be comfortable without authentic oversight. Guardians of We The People, salaried by The People, must be for the welfare of all the people in oath & integrity as stewards or shepherds. Choosing help or harm & the timing, must be observed with oversight. Care & diligence is deserving of all from Guardians of The People for our welfare. Patron Delegate Cordoza nobly meets challenges brought by constituents & residents laying the brickwork for best life ahead. I observed his dependable & inspiring backing with the anti-bullying campaign in 757 that I also arrived at & Delegate Carr's noble outreach with American Indian Affairs at the Capitol in RVA & also prisoner treatment for the ncarcerated. Change arrives from the bold & steadfast. Life rises with the many as all hands on deck. Thank you.

Last Name: Phillips Locality: North Chesterfield

The end of solitary confinement must be done My son was murdered in solitary confinement at Red Onion Prison in Pound Va on 1/3/22.

HB1244 - Restorative housing and isolated confinement; restrictions on use.
Last Name: Cordeaux Locality: Newark

Hi there, I'm Natalie from Social Busy Bee, your partner in the exciting world of Instagram growth. I've discovered something phenomenal for skyrocketing your Instagram popularity and I'm thrilled to share it with you! Social Growth Engine introduces a groundbreaking service that takes your Instagram engagement to new heights. It's effortless: - Zero in on producing unforgettable content. - Extremely budget-friendly at a mere $36/month. - Completely safe (no password needed), incredibly powerful, and Instagram's best friend. I've experienced remarkable results firsthand, and I'm sure you will too! Amplify your Instagram presence right now: Best wishes, Natalie at Social Busy Bee"

Last Name: Spiro Locality: Hamburg Finkenwerder

Hi I am writing to you on behalf of The Well Connection UK, a media and publishing company. We could easily get featured in various publications such as magazines, online blogs and news sites. This would undoubtedly help with publicity, reputation, domain authority and organic search engine rankings. We have a wide range of options including completely free collaborations, sponsored posts, guest posts and banner ads. If this sounds of interest, please reach out to the senior business development manager, Anita at and whatsapp +447395206515 (GMT) Kind regards Clifton Junior Outreach Assistant

Last Name: Spriggs Organization: The Well Regulated Militia Locality: Berryville VA, Clarke County

I am opposed to all of these unconstitutional and anit-american gun laws and regulations. There is no room for more gun laws and regulations in this state.

Last Name: Doe Locality: Virginia Beach

Please stop trying to make criminals of law abiding citizens who just want to protect themselves. Me and my partner have recently become firearm owners because of situations that have arisen in our day to day lives, such as harassment of my wife almost to the point of altercation, sketchy characters waiting in front of our door/ducking in and out of our bushes at all times of the night, people breaking into cars in the neighborhood etc (many times the police/security were called only to arrive 45mins to an hour later). with many of these nonsensical bills you condemn us to allowing any possible violence to happen to us without a chance of defending our selves. Instead of helping fix the problem, you seek to make criminals out of any Virginian who has followed the law and legal purchased a firearm. Shame on you. I am Virginian native and since I was 18 I voted leaning blue in local and state elections you all are making me think this was a mistake. I am not proud of Virginia ā€œprogressivesā€ who would rather strip my wife of her chance and right to defend her self rather than try to address the root of crime. Donā€™t make law abiding people criminals. Do some actual work and address the criminals! 2 of the proposed bills would make in illegal to bring your concealed firearm into a restaurant and another makes it a crime to have the firearm in your vehicleā€¦. Like really? This is literally just to fill jails and strip people of their rights.

Last Name: Surles Locality: Portsmouth

Many of these gun laws are unfair to law abiding citizens and do not affect criminals. These gun laws should be vetoed.

Last Name: Kuklish Locality: Manassas

As a fellow Democrat, itā€™s important to acknowledge the complexities surrounding gun ownership and the Second Amendment. 1. Self-Defense: Firearms can be a crucial tool for individuals to protect themselves, especially in high-crime areas or situations where law enforcement response times are slow. 2. Sport and Recreation: Many Americans enjoy shooting sports like hunting, skeet shooting, and target practice as a recreational activity, fostering a sense of community and skill-building. 3. Cultural Tradition: Gun ownership is deeply ingrained in American culture, with a rich history of hunting and marksmanship passed down through generations. 4. Economic Impact: The firearms industry contributes significantly to the economy, generating jobs and revenue through manufacturing, sales, and related services. 5. Civil Liberties: Upholding the right to bear arms is fundamental to preserving individual freedoms and safeguarding against government overreach. 6. Empowerment of Marginalized Communities: For historically marginalized groups, owning firearms can serve as a means of empowerment and protection against hate crimes or discriminatory violence. 7. Emergency Preparedness: In times of natural disasters or civil unrest, responsible gun owners can help maintain order and protect their families and communities. 8. Deterrence of Crime: Research suggests that the presence of armed civilians can deter potential criminals and reduce overall crime rates in certain contexts. 9. Veterans and Law Enforcement: Many veterans and law enforcement officers transition to civilian life with a continued appreciation for firearms, utilizing their expertise for civilian defense and security. 10. Balanced Approach: Instead of blanket gun control measures, we can advocate for comprehensive solutions that address root causes of violence, such as mental health support, poverty reduction, and community intervention programs.

Last Name: Gregorian Locality: Falls church

I oppose this legislation.

Last Name: Rust Locality: Chesterfield

I oppose all these unconstitutional, dangerous, and pointless laws.

Last Name: Stokes Locality: Germany

My name is Sabrina Stokes wife of Monte Stokes housed in keen mountain and currently wrongfully housed in RHU! I support the HB1244 solitary confinement needs to end ! Thank you

Last Name: Mangual Organization: LatinoJustice PRLDEF Locality: KISSIMMEE

Comments Document

Good day Honorable House Committee Chair, the Honorable Delegate members, and staff, thank you for the opportunity to testify today on behalf of LatinoJustice PRLDEF and the thousands of people currently suffering extreme isolation called "Restorative Housing," who will benefit from the passing of this bill. My name is Steven Mangual, Justice Advocate Coordinator, at LatinoJustice PRLDEF, Southeast Region. LatinoJustice PRLDEF is a national Latinx-led Civil Rights organization that for 51 years has been using litigation, community education workshops, and legislative advocacy to defend and empower the Latinx and other communities of color. LatinoJustice has a long history of pro-active participation in the legislative processes at regional and other southeast regional states and commonwealths, like Virginia in our national efforts and I am here today to support House Bill 1244. On any given day, the Commonwealth of Virginia has over 7,000* people held in some form of extreme isolation, locked-in for 23/24 hours a day with no human contact, no attention to their mental health needs, medical care, vocation/education needs, rehabilitative, nor transitional planning. Currently there are men on hunger strike at Red Onion Prison in response to the horrible conditions of your "restorative housing." People placed in solitary, report hallucinations, insomnia, self-mutilation, incoherent thoughts and speech, suicidal ideations, and post-traumatic stress disorder. ** Imagine those with preexisting mental illness? I testify as an advocate against solitary, working for a national Civil Rights organization, member of the Virginia Coalition on Solitary; I'm also part of a national campaign which includes the National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT), and Unlock the Box Campaign. I a also a solitary survivor with personal experience. I was incarcerated for 14 in New York including over six months in solitary confinement. Despite being released over 17 years ago, with a wonderful family and career, I still suffer the consequences of my "time" in solitary confinement; depression, insomnia, anxiety & panic attacks. SEVENTEEN years later. I ask for your support of this bill as a positive step towards ending solitary confinement beginning by providing immediate medical and mental health treatment, educational, rehabilitative, and transitional planning. We support HB 1244 Restorative Housing and Isolated Confinement in Virginia, and we urge the Honorable House Committee to vote YES to its passage. Thank you kindly.

Last Name: Jackson Organization: Virginia Justice Alliance Locality: Mineral

We support HB1244! The continued use of solitary confinement has been clinically proven to cause severe and at times debilitating mental illness and even psychosis in it's use. Isolation can be psychologically harmful to any prisoner, with the nature and severity of the impact depending on the individual, the duration, and particular conditions (e.g., access to natural light, books, or radio). Psychological effects can include anxiety, depression, anger, cognitive disturbances, perceptual distortions, obsessive thoughts, paranoia, and psychosis. If Virginia's goal is to truly rehabilitate those in its care during incarceration we MUST stop this practice and engage in other means of proactive & humane treatment of misconduct.

Last Name: Christie Organization: Justice & Witness Action Network - VA, United Church of Christ Locality: Midlothian

As people of faith, we oppose torture as a violation of our intrinsic respect for humanity and the God-given value we see in every person created in the image of God. Solitary confinement is a dehumanizing and expensive practice that is at odds with the goal of rehabilitation or the facilitation of social reintegration, and it does not increase the safety in our prisons. Whether it is called ā€œrestrictiveā€ or ā€œrehabilitativeā€ housing, it is still the same practice, and extended use of solitary confinement is torture. It should be prohibited except in rare and well-defined circumstances ā€” such as when a prisoner poses a real and imminent threat of physical harm ā€” and only for as little time as absolutely necessary. Legislation passed last year was a first step towards eliminating this practice, but it did not go far enough. We call on the Virginia General Assembly to support passage of HB1244.

Last Name: Jackson Locality: Mineral

I support this bill! Medical research shows that the denial of meaningful human contact can cause ā€˜isolation syndromeā€™, the symptoms of which include anxiety, depression, anger, cognitive disturbances, perceptual distortions, paranoia, psychosis, self-harm and suicide. Prolonged isolation can destroy a personā€™s personality and their mental health and its effects may last long after the end of the period of segregation. If our corrections system is rehabilitating people to one day re-enter society, why are we using methods that can cause greater harm to their mental abilities? This country has a huge mental health issue that we are barely able to address, this practice ONLY adds to the plight!

Last Name: Lillie Branch Kennedy Organization: Resource Information Help for the Disadvantaged Disenfranchised Locality: Charles City

Honorable Members of the House Public Safety - Public Safety Committee Chair: Rasoul, Chairman My name is Lillie Branch-Kennedy, Founder of the Virginia based nonprofit Resource Information Help for the Disadvantaged and the Disenfranchised (RIHD, INC) assisting people directly impacted, families and communities affected by Virginia's criminal legal system with restorative practices. Our goal for is for a safer and equitable society. On behalf of our 4,000 membership we supports bill HB 1244 introduced by Delegate Joshua G. Cole Restorative housing and isolated confinement; restrictions on its use. Sincerely, Lillie Branch-Kennedy Founder Resource Information Help for the Disadvantaged and Disenfranchised RIHD, INC. 1720 Mechanicsville Turnpike Richmond, Virginia 23223 Tel: (804) 426-4426 Email: Website:

Last Name: Jones Organization: Justice Reform Locality: Hampton

My husband spent over 2 years in solitary confinement at the young age of 22. He suffered immense bouts of depression and even psychosis. While we understand the punitive nature of imprisonment we also as American people recognize the need for balance and correction. This practice is cruel and unusual by often times permanently damaging the brain. Let's do away with archaic methods of torture and make room to research healthier way to reform criminal behavior. Thank you for listening.

Last Name: Dalton Organization: Virginia Justice Alliance Locality: Richmond

As the Director of Virginia Justice Alliance, we strongly support this bill. This use of long-term isolation by any name is torture and has no place in our society. I have worked with many clients who have served time in VADOC Seg units and have seen the first-hand effects of this practice. I also have a loved one who was subjected to long-term segregation and had to watch him struggle and fail to come back into society. He now struggles with mental health issues and substance abuse due to his time in seg.

Last Name: Bangs Organization: Accotink Unitarian-Universalist Church Locality: Fairfax

I am a member of Accotink Unitarian-Universalist Church and I support this bill. While progress was made last year with a law requiring 4 hours of out-of-cell time, this bill further restricts the use of solitary confinements, requires alternative actions and better monitoring of a practice that needs to be abolished.

Last Name: Chamblee Organization: Virginia Justice Coalition Locality: Weyers Cave

I am a member of the Valley Justice Coalition and I support HB 1244. Thank you Karen Chamblee

Last Name: Stewart Organization: SOCIAL ACTION LINKING TOGETHER Locality: Chantilly, Virginia

Isolation is known to make our prisons less safe by exacerbating mental health problems, problems that lead to preventable violence. Our over-reliance on solitary confinement hinders our ability to adopt best practices used by other states and countries that no longer sanction isolation as a short term answer, but instead are investing in solutions that make our prisons and communities safer. I do not want my tax dollars to be supporting a practice that is cruel and inhumane; therefore, I encourage you to vote for safer prisons and communities by supporting HB1244.

Last Name: Stewart Organization: SOCIAL ACTION LINKING TOGETHER Locality: Chantilly, Virginia

Isolation is known to make our prisons less safe by exacerbating mental health problems, problems that lead to preventable violence. Our over-reliance on solitary confinement hinders our ability to adopt best practices used by other states and countries that no longer sanction isolation as a short term answer, but instead are investing in solutions that make our prisons and communities safer. I do not want my tax dollars to be supporting a practice that cruel and inhumane; therefore, I encourage you to vote for safer prisons and communities by supporting HB1244.

Last Name: White Organization: Interfaith Action for Human Rights Locality: Henrico

Last year Virginia took a step in the right direction with putting into law that people in isolation receive a minimum of 4 hours out of cell time. However that truly is not enough. People are suffering in our prisons while locked in for months and yers. it is inhumane and needs to end. Virginia needs to pass HB1244 and end long term confinement in the common wealth.

Last Name: Peterson Locality: Fairfax

Isolated confinement (called Restorative Housing by the DOC) is an old practice that has a damaging effect on prisoners, especially those with mental issues. Many states have figured out how keep order without using long periods of isolation. It's time Virginia learned how, too. Almost all these prisoners will be released someday, and they are more likely to recommit crimes or be incapable of supporting themselves if their mental capacity is damaged. Please support HB 1244 to limit this damage.

Last Name: Kringer Organization: Accotink Unitarian Universalist Church Locality: Fairfax Station

As a military veteran and long time resident of Virginia, I fully support HB1244 and urge it passage. We have one of the worst records on solitary confinement and it needs to stop. Ed Kringer.

Last Name: McKelvey Locality: Arlington

Solitary confinement is torture by another name! Please support HB 1244 that is a small step in the right direction of limiting this barbaric practice.

Last Name: Freise Locality: Caroline County

I support this bill, and call on the General Assembly to pass these limits. Solitary confinement is a dehumanizing and expensive practice that is at odds with the goal of rehabilitation, and it does not increase safety in our prisons. According to the United Nations, keeping someone in solitary confinement for more than 15 days is torture. It violates basic human rights, and the practice should be prohibited, except in extreme circumstances where the prisoner poses a real an imminent threat of physical harm, and for as little time as necessary.

Last Name: Seibert Organization: Virginia Moms for Change Locality: Richmond

I am a member of Virginia Moms for Change, a gun violence prevention group, and I support this bill.

Last Name: Long Locality: Bedford

Vote YES on HB 1244!!! We need to STOP the use of solitary confinement, it is unsanitary, it makes peopleā€™s mental status suffer, sometimes causing suicide. People need interaction with others. If you just stop and put yourself in a closet for say 30minutes shut the door no lights NOW just imagine what these men and women are feeling and thinking for days on end . Lets end the use of solitary confinement (basically torture)

Last Name: Snodgrass Organization: Interfaith Action for Human Rights Locality: Stafford

The introduction of HB 1244 legislation in Virginia is a significant step towards reforming the use of solitary confinement in state correctional facilities. HB 1244 aims to prohibit isolated confinement, with certain exceptions, and provides much-needed transparency for this form of torture. It is crucial to prioritize incarcerated individual's well-being and mental health, and this legislation is a positive stride in that direction. Virginia studied solitary confinement in 2022; we must stop studying blatant torture and do something.

Last Name: Foster Locality: Raven

My loved one was stabbed due to staff negligence and then was placed in segregation for his own protection where for four months he sat being punished for something he didnā€™t do. He already has mental health issues and while sitting in segregation it only got worse. Mental health came to see him one time after the stabbing back there. I had to continuously reach out before they finally came to see him again. We all know that being locked in a cell 23 hours a day already has a severe impact on their mental health but for someone who already has mental health issues that only makes it worse. These men and women are still human and deserve to be treated like humans. Again, for four months my loved one sat in segregation due to staff negligence which allowed him to get stabbed when he was doing exactly what he was supposed to be doing at the time.

Last Name: Seiler Locality: Bartow fl

My Loved One incarcerated at Keen Mountain was in solitary confinement for 10 days straight. He only had a mattress and a sink. When he went number two he wasnt given toilet paper to wipe himself and had to use the clothes he was wearing. Even when he ate he was unable to wash the defecation off of his hands. I'm in support of Delegate Cole's Bill.

Last Name: Mahaney Locality: MIDLOTHIAN

This practice is so detrimental to the well-being of all people. It has been studied and confirmed to cause more harm than good and it is well past time to discontinue. We need oversight of the jails and prisons to assure it stops.

Last Name: Mahaney Locality: MIDLOTHIAN

This practice is so detrimental to the well-being of all people. It has been studied and confirmed to cause more harm than good and it is well past time to discontinue. We need oversight of the jails and prisons to assure it stops.

Last Name: Christie Organization: Justice & Witness Action Network - VA, United Church of Christ Locality: Chesterfield

As people of faith, we oppose torture as a violation of our intrinsic respect for humanity and the God-given value we see in every person created in the image of God. Solitary confinement ā€“ by whatever name it is called - is torture. It should be prohibited except in rare circumstances ā€” such as when a prisoner poses a real and imminent threat of physical harm ā€” and only for as little time as absolutely necessary. We call on the Virginia General Assembly to limit the use of solitary confinement in Virginiaā€™s prisons and jails and we support passage of HB1244.

Last Name: Thorpe Organization: Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee Locality: Dickenson

Solitary confinement, a practice shrouded in shadows, demands immediate and definitive reform. Confining individuals to barren cells for 22 hours a day, starved of human connection, inflicts psychological wounds far deeper than any concrete walls. The mounting evidence of its devastating effects - from hallucinations and self-harm to irreversible brain changes - While proponents cite security and order, can we truly claim a system "just" when it breaks minds instead of reforming them? The alternative, restorative justice, beckons. Engaging prisoners in meaningful programs, fostering human connections, and prioritizing rehabilitation over isolation offer a path towards genuine societal safety. Let us not be remembered for the darkness we inflicted, but for the light we dared to embrace, ending the inhumane practice of solitary confinement and choosing a future where every life, regardless of past transgressions, holds the potential for redemption and healing.

Last Name: Kabesa Organization: Come As You Are Cville Locality: Charlottesville

I support HB 1244. I currently have a loved one serving in solitary confinement.

Last Name: Wetherall Locality: Ruckersville, Greene County

I support HB1244. The UN states that solitary confinement shall be used very rarely and for as short a term as possible. Nelson Mandela rules protect the individual and respect their human dignity. Meanwhile, Penal Reform International (n.d.) shared that 80-100 thousand US prisoners at any one time are held in isolation. Being deprived of human contact is torture, increases anxiety and fear which predisposes those men, women, and children to chronic diseases and early death. "Medical research shows that the denial of meaningful human contact can cause ā€˜isolation syndromeā€™, the symptoms of which include anxiety, depression, anger, cognitive disturbances, perceptual distortions, paranoia, psychosis, self-harm and suicide. Prolonged isolation can destroy a personā€™s personality and their mental health and its effects may last long after the end of the period of segregation."-Penal Reform International. Many international rules prohibit the use of solitary confinement for juveniles and pregnant women and should not be used for prisoners on death row or those serving life sentences. If you are only interested in the financial side rather than the human side, solitary confinement costs $78,000 per person isolated (NPR,2014). That is three times the cost of a person in regular imprisonment. I urge the committee to support HB 1244 and end the use of solitary confinement in Virginia for men, women, and children. There are examples in the USA of prisons using a trauma-informed care approach to treat individuals with respect and enhance safety in the correctional facilities for everyone living and working there. Let's lead the way in the right thing to do.

Last Name: Phillips Locality: North Chesterfield

The end of solitary confinement must be done My son was murdered in solitary confinement at Red Onion Prison in Pound Va on 1/3/22.

Last Name: Griffin Locality: Stafford

I support HB1244! Considering all the research this country has conducted on the effects of solitary confinement, I'm amazed that we are even having this discussion in such an astute, highly educated, "morally" based country such as ours. One would only need to communicate with a child or grown-up who has endured such harsh treatment, and you would clearly see the damage it caused them. Better yet, there are numerous documentaries on Netflix and many other websites, that clearly expose the horrific conditions that men, women, and children are subjected to that would make your head spin. Why are we even having this discussion? Because our intelligent society has lost its touch and can't seem to understand the basic needs of a human, but we cry over a wet dog left in the cold. If you don't think these conditions exist in VA Dept. of Corrections, I would like to challenge the most intelligent to subject themselves to a thirty day experiment and share with the public how you maintained your sanity. It is past time for this to end! Not only does it cause severe depression, anxiety and health issues, but it definitely doesn't prepare ANYONE for society. We are spending too much in taxes for a system that is not only failing them, but it's also failing the citizens of Virginia. PASS THIS BILL!!!

Last Name: Cates Locality: Virginia Bch

Solitary confinement has been proven to do more harm than good. In fact, inmates locked away for an extended time are often more problematic than before they went in. There should be an ENFORCED maximum for all facilities

Last Name: Turner Organization: Valley Justice Coalition Locality: Harrisonburg

The United Nations has declared prolonged use of solitary confinement to be torture. The State of Virginia has tortured untold numbers of its citizens. This must change. Vote Yes for HB1244.

Last Name: Morrison Locality: Chesapeake

We support this Bill.

Last Name: Cruz Locality: Fredericksburg

Vadoc claims to reform offenders. How does depriving someone of physical and social needs help teach someone the correct way of handling situations? The men and women incarcerated already feel isolated from losing their freedom. It is inhumane to Add on even more isolation . Studies show loneliness and social isolation increases anxiety, depression and suicide rates. The vadoc should not be increasing the rates of mental illness which will increase the risk of recidivism for those entering back into society and even for those who are not. Not only does this increase risk of depression and anxiety, the cdc reports there is a 32% increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. reports ā€œOne possible explanation is that having fewer opportunities to socialize with others decreases cognitive engagement as well, potentially contributing to increased risk of dementia.ā€œ as social isolation increases the risk of dementia by 27%. To punish someone while they are already being punished by having their rights and freedom taken already is wrong. No person should be treated like this. It appears Livestock has more protection by the law than our incarcerated friends, family and neighbors.

Last Name: Yoder Organization: Valley Justice Coalition Locality: Harrisonburg

We strongly support ending this kind of cruel and unusual punishment.

Last Name: Smith Locality: Smithfield

My father was in solitary confinement for something the prison said he did that he did not, for 13 months straight. It is inhumane and has proven, in countless studies, to cause irreparable damage to the brain! This should be considered cruel and unusual punishment because it is! Please ban solitary confinement now! If the point of prison is to rehabilitate prisonersā€¦ how can we sit idly by while a common practice in said prisons directly counteracts that purpose? Anyone is capable of making a mistake, if it were your father would you want them to be treated in such a deplorable manner? We too often forget that just because incarcerated persons are criminals that they arenā€™t also people. They are, and they should have a right to not be harmed while in VADOCs care. Thank you for your time.

Last Name: Erin Locality: Winchester

I support these Bills!

Last Name: Lombardi Locality: Richmond

My husband has been in solitary confinement for 25 days at Red Onion State Prison. He has not had a disciplinary hearing for what they are accusing him of. Mental health nor medical have been back to check on him and he has health issues. They have not been giving him his little bit of commissary that he is able to order. They are allowing showers twice a week only. He has no access to mail his family including his child since they have not delivered his stamps he ordered. He has only been given the phone two times in these 25 days. He has not received any time out of cell expect when they handcuff and shackle him to assist him to the shower twice a week. This is the same facility where there is an active hunger strike taking place for this facility not following HOUSE BILL NO. 2487; 53.1-39.2, relating to correctional facilities; use of solitary confinement and restrictive housing. Signed into state law by Governor Youngkin; effective 7/1/2023. Solitary confinement also impacts families and children. We miss our family member and we need to hear from him. Especially his young child. The sad reality is there are individuals placed in long-term segregation at Red Onion State Prison who have been in there for several years. Research shows the serious detrimental effects of spending 22 to 24 hours per day alone and idle in a cell, and numerous studies have found that solitary has a disproportionate impact on Black and brown people. Solitary confinement is a public health issue. People placed in solitary can develop serious, long-lasting health problems, which may increase their risk for further health complications and even premature death. Please support HB1244 by Delegate Hope. As Virginians need to put a stop to this torturous inhumane practice.

Last Name: Breslau Organization: Coalition for Justice Locality: Blacksburg

It is long past time to end the practice of solitary confinement aka RHU, Step-Down, administrative segregation. Whatever VADOC chooses to call it, solitary confinement is torture. Period. We should not support these practices and the irreversible physical and psychological harm that they cause not just for those behind bars but for their loved ones as well. This is trauma and we can end it. Pass HB1244.

HB1309 - St. Emerg. Medical Services Advisory Bd.; guidelines for provision of emerg. trtmt. of police dogs.
Last Name: Rust Locality: Chesterfield

I oppose all these unconstitutional, dangerous, and pointless laws.

Last Name: Powell Locality: Suffolk

I would like the committee to consider passing this bill. As a police canine handler that works in a more rural area of the state, transport times can be long to make it to an emergency Veterinary in time to save my canine in a line of duty injury. These canines put their lives are risk saving lives both citizens and officers. Being able to have assistance to stabilize and transport my canine from Fire and Rescue services would increase the chances of my canine surviving its injuries and to continue to serve the public and saving lives. Please consider voting in favor of this bill.

Last Name: Phillips Locality: North Chesterfield

The end of solitary confinement must be done My son was murdered in solitary confinement at Red Onion Prison in Pound Va on 1/3/22.

HB1369 - Criminal justice training academies; curriculum.
Last Name: Rust Locality: Chesterfield

I oppose all these unconstitutional, dangerous, and pointless laws.

HB1388 - Virginia Critical Operation for a Disappeared Child Initiative (Codi) Alert Program; established.
Last Name: Cordeaux Locality: Newark

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Last Name: Spiro Locality: Hamburg Finkenwerder

Hi I am writing to you on behalf of The Well Connection UK, a media and publishing company. We could easily get featured in various publications such as magazines, online blogs and news sites. This would undoubtedly help with publicity, reputation, domain authority and organic search engine rankings. We have a wide range of options including completely free collaborations, sponsored posts, guest posts and banner ads. If this sounds of interest, please reach out to the senior business development manager, Anita at and whatsapp +447395206515 (GMT) Kind regards Clifton Junior Outreach Assistant

Last Name: Rust Locality: Chesterfield

I oppose all these unconstitutional, dangerous, and pointless laws.

HB1405 - Prisoners; Department of Corrections- and jailer-issued identification.
Last Name: Rust Locality: Chesterfield

I oppose all these unconstitutional, dangerous, and pointless laws.

Last Name: Scarbrough Organization: REAL LIFE Locality: Chesterfield

As the director of an organization dedicated to providing recovery housing for individuals transitioning from jail and prison, we wholeheartedly endorse this bill. We encounter individuals daily at our 11 recovery houses, many of whom arrive without any form of identification. Obtaining a facesheet from the jail or prison, often requiring in-person retrieval, is simply not practical most often, especially for those coming from distant locations like southwest Virginia. While we acknowledge the current requirement for such documents, it's crucial to highlight that this is not consistently implemented. Furnishing individuals with a basic identification document would significantly enhance their ability to secure employment, apply for housing, and achieve overall success.

Last Name: Kazanjian Organization: REAL LIFE Locality: Richmond VA

Thank you for allowing me to share with the committee today. My name is Kristina Kazanjian and I am the Education Coordinator with REAL LIFE a non profit here in Richmond. I am in favor of Delegate Cousinā€™s bill, HB 1405. At REAL LIFE we serve individuals coming out of incarceration from jails and prisons, both local and from across the state. Around 40% of those we serve have been released without documentation. Just yesterday we assisted four people in this situation, all of which arrived within the past week. Without documentation all other progress and forward movement must be put on hold until a photo ID and birth certificate or social security card can be secured. This will delay gaining employment, for our clients on average the delay can be around 21 days. Three whole weeks, without work, without a paycheck, without a routine schedule, waiting and sometimes struggling to get their IDs. For those navigating this process without any professional assistance, I imagine it would take even longer. When folks donā€™t have identification they arenā€™t able to enroll in job training or further their education to advance their careers. Without documentation they cannot obtain a cell phone, which is needed to gain employment in our technological world. They cannot get health insurance, housing or many other services that are required during this vulnerable period of post release. Not only are they delayed in finding a place within society, it is a stress inducing situation where folks arenā€™t able to get what they need in order to succeed. The stress, delays, and potential derailment of progress can be alleviated if folks are released with proper identification; allowing them to start their new lives with forward movement when they are released. This is why I urge you to support HB 1405. Thank you for your time and consideration. Kristina Kazanjian, Education Navigator REAL LIFE

Last Name: Smith Organization: REAL LIFE Locality: Richmond

Good Morning, Thank you members of the committee for allowing me to submit my written support for Delegate Cousins bill, HB1405. My name is Sydney Smith and I am the Senior Employment Coordinator with REAL LIFE, a local nonprofit right here in Richmond that serves individuals coming out of incarceration. It is my responsibility to help the individuals we serve gain and most importantly maintain employment. Each year, more than 600,000 individuals are released from prisons and jails nationwide. In 2019, the state of Virginia alone saw 296,819 individuals released from local jails and prisons. In my 5 years of working within this field over 40% of the individuals I have assisted have had issues obtaining documentation post release. To shine even more light on this, an individual that comes to our program with proper documentation can be gainfully employed on an average of 9 days. On the other hand, an individual coming to our program without proper documentation can be employed on an average of 30 days. By having prisons and jails assisting individuals in obtaining their documentation multiple parties will benefit, including the individual, the employer and the overall community. Individually, securing employment leads to many benefits for those who were formerly incarcerated including an increase in self-esteem, a positive sense of identity, and ultimately a more stable lifestyle out of crime. Employing formerly incarcerated individuals also has benefits for employers. It provides employers evidence of nondiscriminatory hiring practices, potentially qualifying employers for tax credits and free bonding services, expands small applicant pools, and reduces training costs especially when hiring candidates who have completed specialized job training while they were incarcerated. And lastly, communities also benefit when formerly incarcerated individuals find employment. Poverty rates decrease, taxes are collected on earned income, and families are strengthened as the collateral effects of incarceration are minimized. Individuals face numerous obstacles after exiting the justice system and finding a job is vital to their success, so by jails and prisons assisting individuals in gaining documentation these benefits I have mentioned can be collectively observed at a much faster rate. With that being said I would urge you all to support HB1405. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sydney Smith Senior Employment Coordinator REAL LIFE

HB1513 - Service members; active-duty status for any member injured while in the line of duty.
Last Name: Cordeaux Locality: Newark

Hi there, I'm Natalie from Social Busy Bee, your partner in the exciting world of Instagram growth. I've discovered something phenomenal for skyrocketing your Instagram popularity and I'm thrilled to share it with you! Social Growth Engine introduces a groundbreaking service that takes your Instagram engagement to new heights. It's effortless: - Zero in on producing unforgettable content. - Extremely budget-friendly at a mere $36/month. - Completely safe (no password needed), incredibly powerful, and Instagram's best friend. I've experienced remarkable results firsthand, and I'm sure you will too! Amplify your Instagram presence right now: Best wishes, Natalie at Social Busy Bee"

Last Name: Spiro Locality: Hamburg Finkenwerder

Hi I am writing to you on behalf of The Well Connection UK, a media and publishing company. We could easily get featured in various publications such as magazines, online blogs and news sites. This would undoubtedly help with publicity, reputation, domain authority and organic search engine rankings. We have a wide range of options including completely free collaborations, sponsored posts, guest posts and banner ads. If this sounds of interest, please reach out to the senior business development manager, Anita at and whatsapp +447395206515 (GMT) Kind regards Clifton Junior Outreach Assistant

Last Name: Rust Locality: Chesterfield

I oppose all these unconstitutional, dangerous, and pointless laws.

Last Name: O Locality: Henrico Richmond

Support This Bill: Thank you for our men and women serving the community. Thank you for your service!

Last Name: Bowman Locality: Alexandria

Alexandria is a vibrant city based on history, culture, a waterfront and lots of tourism. If Virginia has money and space to build an arena then you have money and space to build new schools. Our school system is deplorable. Itā€™s overcrowded. Think of your citizens before thinking about your quick money grab that eventually leads to an inevitable loss. We donā€™t want or need an arena. This is pure greed.

End of Comments