Public Comments for 02/20/2024 Health and Human Services
SB24 - Long-term services and supports screening; expedited screening and screening exemption.
No Comments Available
SB33 - Certified registered nurse anesthetists; supervision during an operation or procedure.
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SB39 - Kinship foster care; placement of child with foster parent.
No Comments Available
SB43 - Persons with disabilities; creates a helpline program within disAbility Law Center of Virginia.
Last Name: Cordeaux Locality: Newark

Hi there, I'm Natalie from Social Busy Bee, your partner in the exciting world of Instagram growth. I've discovered something phenomenal for skyrocketing your Instagram popularity and I'm thrilled to share it with you! Social Growth Engine introduces a groundbreaking service that takes your Instagram engagement to new heights. It's effortless: - Zero in on producing unforgettable content. - Extremely budget-friendly at a mere $36/month. - Completely safe (no password needed), incredibly powerful, and Instagram's best friend. I've experienced remarkable results firsthand, and I'm sure you will too! Amplify your Instagram presence right now: Best wishes, Natalie at Social Busy Bee"

Last Name: Spiro Locality: Hamburg Finkenwerder

Hi I am writing to you on behalf of The Well Connection UK, a media and publishing company. We could easily get featured in various publications such as magazines, online blogs and news sites. This would undoubtedly help with publicity, reputation, domain authority and organic search engine rankings. We have a wide range of options including completely free collaborations, sponsored posts, guest posts and banner ads. If this sounds of interest, please reach out to the senior business development manager, Anita at and whatsapp +447395206515 (GMT) Kind regards Clifton Junior Outreach Assistant

SB51 - Online transition resources; DARS, et al., to ensure dissemination and availability.
No Comments Available
SB133 - Physician assistants; practice agreement exemption.
No Comments Available
SB178 - State Inspector General, Office of the; investigations of abuse/neglect at state psychiatric hosp.
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SB179 - State hospitals; discharge planning.
No Comments Available
SB250 - Remote ultrasound procedures and fetal non-stress tests; DMAS to modify state plan for assistance.
Last Name: Hoffman Organization: Philips North America Locality: Sterling

Comments Document

Please find attached a letter from Philips North America voicing support for SB 250. This bill will help unlock more care options for pregnant individuals who are unable to access care easily.

Last Name: Hoffman Organization: Philips North America Locality: Sterling, VA

Comments Document

Please find attached written testimony from Philips North America voicing support for SB 250. This legislation would create more opportunity for doctors to offer pregnant patients remote maternal care when appropriate. Passing this bill would improve care for moms who would otherwise struggle to access prenatal care because they live far from their provider, cannot take off work easily, or cannot find transportation for instance. Thanks for your consideration!

SB291 - Court-appointed guardians; training, powers and duties.
Last Name: Cordeaux Locality: Newark

Hi there, I'm Natalie from Social Busy Bee, your partner in the exciting world of Instagram growth. I've discovered something phenomenal for skyrocketing your Instagram popularity and I'm thrilled to share it with you! Social Growth Engine introduces a groundbreaking service that takes your Instagram engagement to new heights. It's effortless: - Zero in on producing unforgettable content. - Extremely budget-friendly at a mere $36/month. - Completely safe (no password needed), incredibly powerful, and Instagram's best friend. I've experienced remarkable results firsthand, and I'm sure you will too! Amplify your Instagram presence right now: Best wishes, Natalie at Social Busy Bee"

Last Name: Spiro Locality: Hamburg Finkenwerder

Hi I am writing to you on behalf of The Well Connection UK, a media and publishing company. We could easily get featured in various publications such as magazines, online blogs and news sites. This would undoubtedly help with publicity, reputation, domain authority and organic search engine rankings. We have a wide range of options including completely free collaborations, sponsored posts, guest posts and banner ads. If this sounds of interest, please reach out to the senior business development manager, Anita at and whatsapp +447395206515 (GMT) Kind regards Clifton Junior Outreach Assistant

Last Name: Sprague Locality: Alexandria

I appreciate Sen Roem’s effort to crack down on conservators but there’s a little problem with DARS

SB320 - WIC applicants; DH to provide information to food banks regarding providing assistance.
Last Name: Cordeaux Locality: Newark

Hi there, I'm Natalie from Social Busy Bee, your partner in the exciting world of Instagram growth. I've discovered something phenomenal for skyrocketing your Instagram popularity and I'm thrilled to share it with you! Social Growth Engine introduces a groundbreaking service that takes your Instagram engagement to new heights. It's effortless: - Zero in on producing unforgettable content. - Extremely budget-friendly at a mere $36/month. - Completely safe (no password needed), incredibly powerful, and Instagram's best friend. I've experienced remarkable results firsthand, and I'm sure you will too! Amplify your Instagram presence right now: Best wishes, Natalie at Social Busy Bee"

Last Name: Spiro Locality: Hamburg Finkenwerder

Hi I am writing to you on behalf of The Well Connection UK, a media and publishing company. We could easily get featured in various publications such as magazines, online blogs and news sites. This would undoubtedly help with publicity, reputation, domain authority and organic search engine rankings. We have a wide range of options including completely free collaborations, sponsored posts, guest posts and banner ads. If this sounds of interest, please reach out to the senior business development manager, Anita at and whatsapp +447395206515 (GMT) Kind regards Clifton Junior Outreach Assistant

SB553 - Nursing education programs; out-of-state clinical sites.
No Comments Available
SB568 - Crisis stabilization services; facilities licensed by DBHDS, nursing homes.
No Comments Available
SB590 - Community services boards; emergency services and core of services.
Last Name: Cordeaux Locality: Newark

Hi there, I'm Natalie from Social Busy Bee, your partner in the exciting world of Instagram growth. I've discovered something phenomenal for skyrocketing your Instagram popularity and I'm thrilled to share it with you! Social Growth Engine introduces a groundbreaking service that takes your Instagram engagement to new heights. It's effortless: - Zero in on producing unforgettable content. - Extremely budget-friendly at a mere $36/month. - Completely safe (no password needed), incredibly powerful, and Instagram's best friend. I've experienced remarkable results firsthand, and I'm sure you will too! Amplify your Instagram presence right now: Best wishes, Natalie at Social Busy Bee"

Last Name: Spiro Locality: Hamburg Finkenwerder

Hi I am writing to you on behalf of The Well Connection UK, a media and publishing company. We could easily get featured in various publications such as magazines, online blogs and news sites. This would undoubtedly help with publicity, reputation, domain authority and organic search engine rankings. We have a wide range of options including completely free collaborations, sponsored posts, guest posts and banner ads. If this sounds of interest, please reach out to the senior business development manager, Anita at and whatsapp +447395206515 (GMT) Kind regards Clifton Junior Outreach Assistant

SB620 - PACE programs; long-term services and support screening.
No Comments Available
SB626 - Barrier crimes; adult substance abuse and mental health services, exception.
Last Name: Whatley Organization: Evolution House Locality: Williamsburg

I am in long term recovery from substance use disorder (SUD), and military veteran. I am a state registered Certified Peer Recovery Specialist (CPRS) trainer and also the Chief Executive Officer of an organization in Williamsburg called Evolution House. After high school, I joined the military. I loved being in the Air Force. While I was in the military, I struggled with undiagnosed substance use disorder and found that I was unable to stop myself from the compulsion to drink and use drugs. On one occasion, in July of 2015, I overdosed on something I was able to order online. My SUD was untreated and out of control. A friend brought me to the hospital where I struggled with the hospital staff who called the police and the situation escalated. After the struggle, I was intubated in a coma for a week. When I awoke from the coma, I had no recollection of the event and I was told that I had these charges. (Two of which were felony charges at the time and have since been dropped to misdemeanors) Prior to this I had an entirely clear record with no run-ins with the law before or after. As a result of that night, I have the following barrier crimes: x2 Misdemeanor Assault against law enforcement officer? x3 Misdemeanor Battery against Hospital Staff After that, I got clean and decided to change my life. I went to treatment twice since that night and I have remained in recovery, clean and sober from drugs and alcohol since April 25th, 2017. I completed a 3-year probation and I worked my way up, got really involved in the recovery community, and have dedicated my life to helping others seeking recovery. I am now the CEO and a part-owner in this incredible organization called Evolution House. Our 48-bed peer-based, clinically-managed program provides both inpatient and outpatient services. A unique feature of our organization is that all of our staff members, even our clinicians, are people in recovery from SUD themselves. I must advocate for not only my own, but also for many others who are in a similar situation and are unable to leverage their valuable life experience for the good of those who are still suffering with this life-threatening disease. For example, we recently had to turn away a potential staff member who has been clean 14 years because of a burglary crime that was not screenable. Due to the current laws, I am unable to provide direct care to the men in our program. Despite pouring my heart into helping others heal from this deadly disease, I am not allowed to be alone with them in a room. According to the current code, my (Misdemeanor) Assault and battery charge would be screenable in 10 years (2025) if it was the only charge. However, with a total of 5 charges, even after 10 years I am still not allowed to do this work. It would seem that the true barriers are the hurdles we must face as we try to do the right thing. I would ask that you please consider easing up the restrictions entirely. Make most convictions screenable, except for the most egregious ones. Utilize a procedure or a committee to screen these applicants with a thorough psychological evaluation. We are keeping the best of the best from serving the population that is dying left and right. Nearly every 5 minutes, someone dies from overdose. Many people in recovery want to become peers and counselors but are unable to because of these barrier crime laws. Please help us change this. Thank you. Ryan Whatley 757-920-6467

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