Public Comments for 01/25/2023 Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources - Agriculture Subcommittee
HB1451 - Pet shops; posting of information about dogs, civil penalty.
Last Name: Kang Locality: Fairfax County

HB1382 | Gooditis | declawing cats is a barbaric process that as human beings, should NOT be inflicting on cats. HB1451 | Orrock | The majority of animals at pet shops are from mills. Pet shops should be eliminated period. HB1527 | Convirs-Fowler | the TNR program is important to stop unwanted cat and kitten deaths. HB1577 | Wachsmann | A rabid animal is still an animal and would require treatment if necessary before euthanizing and only a skilled veterinarian can make that determination and therefore would need to access in person. HB1721 | Clark | We need clean water. Human and animal alike. I also would advise for stricter regulations on all companies. Our water is disgusting. HB1984 | Kory | A water receptable for a pet should be cleaned twice and there should be more than enough to be provided and temperature specific. HB1985 | Kory | Pet shops; sale of dogs or cats. HB1989 | Kory | We are a civilized society and there is no need to hunt animals for sport or competition anymore. HB2000 | Kory | To be honest, there is no need for animal testing in this world. HB2331 | Campbell, E.H. | These roadside zoos and petting zoos are not regulated correctly and are rampant with health violations. HB2348 | Webert | I honestly do not understand why we are testing on animals. I'd say go directly to human trials. HB2417 | VanValkenburg | Dogs and cats are pets and should be treated with more respect and dignity than a lamp. HB2483 | Kory | There's no need to use such barbaric tools on elephants. In my opinion, I don't think elephants should be here in the US unless in a highly regarded zoo, such as the National Zoo, where there are veterinarians and conservationists who truly care about the animal.

Last Name: Trotta Locality: VA beach county

Pls stop all animal experiments and cruelty. Someone has to speak and step up for those who cannot. Pls stop all cruelty Thanks

Last Name: Donovan Locality: Arligton

HB2483 Please oppose this terrible bill designed by extremist animal rights to continue to remove animals from our lives incrementally. The guide tool, the ankus, does no harm to the animal, you cannot put a leash on an elephant, so the guide tool is used. This bill is a not so subtle push to eliminate all control of the animal, and have them sent to the disease ridden SCAMtuary in Tenn. Protect the human animal bond and OPPOSE.

Last Name: Stewart Locality: VIENNA

I support HB 1451 and ask that subcommittee do likewise. Transparency in a business transaction involving the sale of dogs is a reasonable expectation of consumers seeking companion animals. Pet stores should be maintaining written records of dogs in their possession and advising the consumer of the availability of APHIS inspection reports, and these records should be made available to the consumer. When I adopted my dog from a public shelter, I received a copy of her medical and behavioral records and even a copy of the surrender paperwork of the former owner (sanitized to maintain the person's anonymity). Pet stores should be held to the same standard and fined appropriately when they violate the standard. A well-run pet store that is willing to comply need not be concerned about this bill.

Last Name: See Locality: Rockingham

My name is Melinda See and I am a resident of Rockingham County, Virginia. I support HB1451 with amendments to ensure enforcement. Please support, with amendments added, which correct line 97 with the correct law crossed through it, as well as adding that animal control has jurisdiction over bringing forth additional civil penalty recommendations for pet stores who refuse to show paperwork to customers prior to purchase. Pet stores should be held to the high standards that our public and private shelters and should be held to the same penalties as our shelters for noncompliance which this bill would accomplish. This would protect consumers in our Commonwealth and ensure pet stores follow existing law.

Last Name: See Locality: Rockingham

My name is Melinda See and I am a resident of Rockingham County, Virginia. I support HB1451 with amendments to ensure enforcement. Please support, with amendments added, which correct line 97 with the correct law crossed through it, as well as adding that animal control has jurisdiction over bringing forth additional civil penalty recommendations for pet stores who refuse to show paperwork to customers prior to purchase. Pet stores should be held to the high standards that our public and private shelters and should be held to the same penalties as our shelters for noncompliance which this bill would accomplish. This would protect consumers in our Commonwealth and ensure pet stores follow existing law.

Last Name: See Locality: Harrisonburg

Please vote yes on Delegate Orrock's bill HB1451. Presently, pet stores are not held to the same standards as animals shelters in the Commonwealth. It is common sense that they should be since both entities house animals 24/7. Pet stores specialize in the more vulnerable animal populations of puppies and kittens so this bill would help to ensure the proper adherence to the pet store requirements. Thank you!

Last Name: Levy Organization: Pet Store Locality: Fairfax, Virginia

Attn House Committee, In reviewing the proposed amendment, I believe this amendment is detrimental to our business. We are small business and the amendment leaves many unknowns and the little knowns of the potential of $1000 per day for violations can severely impact our livelihood . We would never want to be out of compliance and do our best all the time. We strongly oppose this bill and are hoping until a better bill is presented the current laws remain unchanged. There is no reason why pet stores and or pet based businesses cannot work with lawmakers to agree on better laws that promote best in class pet laws. Further on opposition. the bill is not clear and it starts with "..may be assessed" excerpt below "may be assessed a civil penalty by the Board or its designee in an amount that does not exceed $1,000 per violation. Each day of the violation is a separate offense. In determining the amount of any civil penalty, the Board or its designee shall consider (i) the history of previous violations at the pet shop and (ii) the demonstrated good faith of the pet shop owner to achieve compliance after notification of the violation. All civil penalties assessed under this section shall be recovered in a civil action brought by the Attorney General in the name of the Commonwealth." There is a lot to unpack with this. some examples 1) not to exceed $1000 per day: that is a lot of money 2) unknown amount for violation 3) history of violations 4) each day of non compliance is a sperate offense - very excessive. we would never want to be non compliant, what if you cant correct a violation for reasons out of control, ie weekend, or office is closed, or away (bereavement, emergency, the main point of this: lets work together to achieve the same goals. We can certainly do this. I love my job and want to be able to work in peace, in compliance with the law, and serve my animals and customers the best possible. PS we attempted to join the zoom live and have this discussion but unfortunately is closed for sign ups.

Last Name: Tubbs Organization: Virginia Animal Protection Federation Locality: Williamsburg

HB1382: Dear Honorable Chair and Committee Members, Please support the prohibition of the declawing of cats. Declawing is cruel and only worsens problems with pet ownership. HB1406: Dear Honorable Chair and Committee Members, Please support the elimination of licensing fees for pet owners. Lower income citizens can be negatively affected by these fees and pet ownership provides much needed companionship for elderly and those with low to moderate income. HB1989: Dear Honorable Chair and Committee Members, Please support the prohibition of killing contests for coyotes and other fur bearing animals. Killing Contests are cruel and glorify violence. They can actually backfire and elevate populations, aggravating any problems that may be associated. HB2042: Dear Honorable Chair and Committee Members, Please support initiating protections for whistleblowers at animal testing and research facilities. It takes great courage to stand up for those that have no voice. These people should have protections against retaliation. HB2348: Dear Honorable Chair and Committee Members, Please support imposing Civil Penalties on Animal Research Facilities that choose not to comply with Federal Laws and Regulations. This is a sensible, common sense bill that would help guide these facilities toward a more lawful approach to these endeavors. This legislation is very much needed. Thank you so much. Bob Tubbs, Williamsburg, VA

Last Name: Crosky Organization: Virginia Animal Owners Alliance Locality: Wythe

Mr. Chair and Members of the Committee, Please oppose House Bill 1451--it is very hostile towards small business owners! Delegate Orrock states on his website that he is "committed to working with the Republican Caucus to advance pro-business and job creating legislation..." This bill is the exact opposite of his claim. Placing $1,000 per violation per day fines on the backs of small businesses is a quick way to put the little guy out of business. While it currently appears at this point to be an issue of paperwork, the current wording mirrors the language already on the books for shelters. The $1,000 fines for the shelters encompass much more than paperwork and lead many to believe this bill is merely a stepping stone. HB 1451 also gives increased powers to Michelle Welch at the Attorney General's Office who eagerly prosecutes those in the animal industry while turning a blind eye if animal issues involve her friends in rescue or animal control. Anti-ownership groups claim these fines will level the playing field, but such statements are misleading and lack important context. If you research the history of these $1,000 per day fines, they were originally intended for public shelters. For such violations, the LOCALITY pays the fine. The fines were later expanded to include private shelters. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is one example of a private animal shelter--this organization's peak revenue in 2021 was $66.3 MILLION according to There is no comparison between these entities and a family-run pet shop! In spite of all the things you hear in the media, pet store owners are not the enemy. They provide many services to their communities including the option to add a purebred pet to the family. Pet store owners have already expressed their willingness for reasonable regulation, but anti-ownership groups are eager to put them out of business. HB 1451 will only increase the hostility towards Virginia's animal enterprises and will NOT level the playing field. Please oppose this bill. Sincerely, Heidi Crosky Virginia Animal Owners Alliance

Last Name: Abedeljalil Locality: Halifax

Please oppose this bill. The fine amount is extremely excessive. This will be used as a stepping stone to take more of Virginias animal owners rights away. This is one more way of radical animal rights activists putting Virginias animal enterprises out of business. Virginias animal industry’s are very important to the state. A ton of money is spent on animals, their care, feed, vetting, etc. Virginias farmers, pet stores, zoos, animal owners all contribute to the states economy and passing this bill will lead to more of Virginias animal enterprises shutting their doors for good. The bill reads that the Attorney generals office will handle the prosecution and civil actions brought on any store that violates the bill. Michelle Welch who runs the animal law unit in the attorney general’s office is a radical animal rights activist and should have nothing to do with this as her views are biased and she doesn’t hold her own people to the same standards she prosecutes regular people for so how can we trust the judgement of Michelle Welch or anyone working with her or under her.

Last Name: Reyes Locality: Billericay

It's our responsibility to protect the ones that have no voice

HB1548 - Aerial pesticide application; civil penalty.
Last Name: Byrd Organization: The environment Locality: Wythe

I support this bill, and after reading the comments from Grayson County, I realized the scourge of the big corporate Christmas Tree grower from NC has reached his tentacles into our area like a growing cancer. He has purchased the Terry Farm near Cedar Springs, and they are hard at work slashing vegetation, I saw several huge piles that were on fire……they knocked down a historic silo on said farm that was a scenic landmark on the property (why?). This entity cares not for the health of wildlife, air quality, the land, or the health of anyone……he cares for only one thing and that is money. Greed is not good, and we do not want our County ruined by aerial spraying of pesticides. Christmas Tree growing should not ruin the land, and water and peoples lives. The fines listed on said bill are not high enough by a long shot! So far, they have only raised Pumpkins and cabbage which are also sprayed with pesticides………’s not looking good at all, and I have been told he’s trying to buy up more land in Wythe County,……please help us!

Last Name: WOODZELL Organization: Preserve Grayson county Locality: Wytheville

The aerial spraying is devastating the bee populations, contaminating water sources, and ruining soil forever. These manmade chemicals will not deteriorate in the soil, remain forever. Wind will carry chemicals to adjacent private properties. Chemicals will kill birds, insects, and cause cancer in humans.

Last Name: Trotta Locality: VA beach county

Pls stop all animal experiments and cruelty. Someone has to speak and step up for those who cannot. Pls stop all cruelty Thanks

Last Name: Cole Organization: Preserve Grayson Locality: Independence

Thank you for advancing this bill. In Grayson County, we are subjected to aerial spraying on the Christmas tree farms that are taking over the county. We know they are spraying pesticides, but we don't know what. And this is a very windy area, so the spray drifts onto adjoining farms and homes. There has been no accountability on this issue, and this bill is a great start. Just knowing what will be sprayed and when allows nearby residents to avoid going out on those days, and to test nearby streams for evidence of that (those) chemical(s). Thank you for listening to our feedback. It is heartening to see legislation that protects Virginia's citizens.

Last Name: Taylor Organization: Preserve Grayson Locality: Fries

I live in Grayson county VA. I have witnessed aerial spraying of Christmas trees around the area I live in. I have seen the overspray go onto the adjacent properties where there are no Christmas trees growing. I have seen the spraying occurring on windy days where the spray goes every which way but not on targeted trees. My other concern is that aerial spraying is affecting the health & well-being of all living organisms & humans. In my opinion, the spraying schedule for a week should be public knowledge. This enables those in the target area to take measures to protect themselves. BTW... Grayson is a livestock-raising area & the schedule would benefit the ranchers also. Thank You for your time & taking my thoughts into account when deciding the outcome of this bill.

Last Name: Cowden Locality: Elk Creek, VA

In general I support this bill, especially since my family has a farm in Elk Creek, VA that has been directly impacted by helicopters dumping pesticides on a neighboring property. Though to address the issue of responsibly treating crops with pesticides, my company is working on a project with two other Virginia companies to utilize small drone (under 55 lbs) technology and robotics to spray pesticide with very high precision. The idea would be that the drone can identify pests using sensors and software to only spray directly on the affected crops. This would likely be done within 10 feet above the crop with a directed stream to mitigate spraying drift. Submitting the information required by this bill to the Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services for each spraying wouldn’t generally be a problem; however, waiting 7 days to treat an affected crop would be a problem for our use case, as one of the goals of our project is to reduce the time from pest identification to treatment to an order of seconds. It would be great if this scenario could be included for consideration with respect to this bill. I recommend including an exception clause for the seven day waiting period for smaller sized aerial vehicles, or an exception clause for the seven day waiting period for an allowable amount of pesticide delivered per acre per day. These exceptions should allow for technological innovation to help drastically reduce the use of pesticides, while also sufficiently treating crops, and still require the traditional aerial spraying of private applicators to provide a seven day advance notice.

Last Name: Pinion Locality: Grayson

My family like so many others in Grayson County have watched the destruction of our lands for a product that doesn't produce food but can still be called agriculture. HB1548 should be passed to include more area, also the fine proposed will be laughed at by the big company we have to deal with. It was certainly laughed at in a neighboring state. Raise the fine to 10,000 first offense and 100,000 for the second, because I will guarantee it will happen. Soil and water testing needs to be easier to do. Please pass this bill and protect the citizens of Southwest Virginia.

Last Name: Delp Locality: Grayson County

Grayson County has had massive impacts from the large scale Christmas tree industry over the last decade plus. It has deforested, bulldozed, burnt, and polluted thousands of acres of the land with little or no regulation and minimal accountability. The tax paying residents are left with no voice or recourse when they are forced to endure DAYS of seeing/hearing helicopters spraying who knows what chemicals into the air we breathe. We are given no notice prior to applications, nor are we informed of what is being sprayed. The winds in the mountains here are rarely still- whenever there is spraying there IS drift. How many days of the year is it okay to not be able to use your own yard for fear of being poisoned by breathing the air? How many more neighbors do we have to lose to cancer? A serious look at what is happening in this end of Virginia is long overdue. Although I believe the fines listed are far too low for a million dollar operation to take much note of, this is a step towards transparency which is long overdue. Please pass this bill to help us, to help our neighbors have some sort of basic warning against these harmful practices. Thank you, Delegate J.L. Campbell, for presenting this bill.

Last Name: Hale Locality: Elk Creek

I agree with HB1548.

Last Name: Jones Locality: Grayson County

I own 28 acres near Elk Creek and am adjacent to a mountainside of Christmas tree farm. The spray intended for those trees falls onto our land due to wind and mis-judged spraying. Our creek is supposed to help water the cattle and sheep, so we also worry about what washes down the mountainside after application, but for the spraying, we have no recourse. Rural farmers have so little control of the impacts from natural environmental conditions, so why add more impediments to a livelihood?

Last Name: Chrystal Locality: Elk Creek

HB1548: I am surrounded by Christmas tree farms, one is directly adjacent to my land. When pesticides are applied their effects do not remain isolated only on the tree farm land but spread onto mine; into the air, soil and the water. It is choking and my throat and eyes burn. I try to stay inside and keep my animals inside on days when I find out that they are spraying these poisons. What no one who uses chemicals this way ever seems to care about is that not only are they directly harming people who are just trying to live, but they are poisoning and ultimately killing bees, birds and other pollinating types of creatures that an entire community depends on for healthy and food bearing qualities. Obviously pollinators don’t recognize property boundaries. Neither do the creeks. I understand that my testimony is anecdotal as I have not done scientific testing, but it is also quite true that in the 25 years I have lived here that I’ve noticed a marked decline in aquatic life in the creeks and a great decline in honeybee and other bee populations, butterflies and moths and certain birds. I have seen ground hogs that live on tree farms with tumors that I never used to see on them. The entire world knows about the dangers of using these pesticides and many countries have banned them and yet the United States, which loves to posture as such an advanced country, continues to allow the poisoning of the land and its inhabitants, all for profit. It’s ridiculous, with all the known data about what endangers human and other than human life, that we even have to fight for a small part of this to be recognized. And all of this is subsequent to having so many local mountain sides scraped raw of their life-giving properties and inhabitants in order to plant more Christmas trees. I understand the need for everyone to have a way to make a living. However it seems in Grayson county the Christmas tree farms get to really throw their weight around and the average citizen suffers for it. There’s almost no oversight when the trees are being planted or when the ground is being bulldozed or poisoned or when the trees are harvested. I would like to see laws that restrict the growing of Christmas trees to land that has been already turned into pasture for at least three generations and all herbicide and pesticide use eliminated. This monopolized industry—because that’s what it has now become—is harming the health, sustainability and natural beauty of this county.(Grayson).

Last Name: Lund Organization: Preserving Grayson Locality: elk creek

We live right next to a Christmas tree farm in Elk Creek, VA. We are highly in favor of HB1548. Please help us to preserve our land and home and keep it safe from harmful, deadly chemicals that are applied on the Christmas trees without any concern to those around them. It is frightening to hear and see the helicopter fly over and just hope that the wind does not carry the chemicals to us (or those we love) or into our drinking water. We hope that our family and so many other families can live here safely for generations to come. Thank you for your efforts.

Last Name: Meinecke Locality: Grayson County

30 years of rural veterinary practice in southwestern Virginia resulted in my understanding that drift and runoff from herbicide and pesticide spraying (both surface and aerial) can present risks to animal and crop agriculture, often times without the producers being aware of the hazards being imposed on them. This bill will be a valuable beginning in providing those producers the opportunity to mitigate, limit, and/or avoid those risks. They deserve that protection.

Last Name: Merz Locality: Chilhowie

We strongly support passage of HB1548. Even though this will not stop the use of aerial pesticide application, it will make sure that residents, organic growers, outdoor recreationists, and all who would be in the vicinity of spraying can know this in advance of the activity. Please ensure that general public notification is included along with the notification to the state.

Last Name: Hull Locality: Smyth County

I support this bill and feel that it's passage will lead to greater transparency and enforcement of laws that already govern spraying of dangerous chemicals. The widespread pesticide spraying by the large and growing Christmas tree industry in this area needs to be scrutinized. Please support this bill - it is a good first step in enhancing accountability for this devastating practice.

Last Name: Johnson Organization: Leesburg Animal Park Locality: Loudoun

I support this bill as it defines zoos correctly. Exotics as alternative livestock has saved many small family farms and is an option that is needed for their survival.

Last Name: Bopp Locality: Elk Creek

I am strongly opposed to aerial spraying. This practice affects not just the land that is being sprayed but the lands adjacent to it. Wind and water carry the chemicals far from the original point of application. Our land and water systems are being threatened by the effects of this devastating, non-transparent practice. I strongly support this bill to help protect our lands, our water and our public health.

Last Name: Cassell Locality: Grayson County

As a tax payer of the great State of Virginia I support bill HB 1548. This bill will help with the health and safety of the citizens of Southwest Virginia!

Last Name: Rhudy Locality: Raleigh, NC

Support Southwest Virginia is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. We have a long history with, and love of this place...a home, family, friends, and sacred burial grounds. The rapid and massive expansion of the Christmas tree industry, and other large scale agribusiness, situated around small farms and homesteads, is having a devastating impact on communities in this area. Aerial spraying of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers allows large industries to cover massive landmass, as well as steep mountainsides clearcut and burned for their crop. Further, it is difficult, if not impossible to control drift with the prevalent winds in the mountains, no matter the weather, the day, the chemical, or anything else. This Bill will, hopefully, lead to greater transparency, accountability, and enforcement of laws that already govern spraying of dangerous chemicals. This could be a valuable step towards protection of property rights, human rights, and public health. Advance notice creates the opportunity for VDACS to more effectively enforce existing rules (e.g. Label directions re: windy conditions). Prompt public access to the notices of intent to apply pesticides can also facilitate private citizen action in aid of enforcement. Further, transparency and public access to information can prepare citizens to protect themselves and their property, including animals, children, and vulnerable plants. To the extent weather conditions cannot be predicted seven days in advance, it will be important to adopt rules regarding permissible shifting of the time of application, with subsequent public access. Industrial scale agriculture is forever changing the character of Southwest Virginia. Most of the impacts are negative. Thank you for your attention and time on issues related to these impacts.

Last Name: Waller Locality: Grayson

This legislation is sorely needed in Grayson County, and residents are grateful to Delegate Campbell for introducing this bill. Our County is mountainous, with frequent wind shifts. Many friends and neighbors have reported breathing difficulties immediately following aerial spraying. Requiring applicators to give notice would allow those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, allergies, and similar health concerns an opportunity to relocate during scheduled aerial application of pesticides.

Last Name: Rose Organization: Persevere Grayson Locality: Grayson County

I understand VA is a right to farm state, but, others living in the area should not have live with effects of aerial sprays. The Christmas tree industry in this county creates that hazard. The fines are far to inexpensive for violation., what is $250 or $2500 to a multimillion dollar corporation.

Last Name: Rector Locality: Grayson County

Remember Erin Brockovich? We have a similar situation regarding contamination of ground water. However, in this case it includes contamination of the air we breathe too. These mountains have been pristine and pure for centuries before the poisons were brought to our homelands. The large corporations, namely the large Christmas tree producers, are buying up farmland that is needed for cattle and crops of food (not trees) that the small farmers need. They buy and lease the land and then they pollute the air and water with these poisonous sprays without any regard for the human suffering that results when cancer and neurological diseases form in the families and the children that have no way to avoid it. Some homes are completely surrounded by the trees. Real estate near the tree farms are now losing value because no one wants to buy where this contamination is happening. Where are the environmentalists that protect the habitats of bog turtles? Yet, they allow human habitats to be poisoned. If this were you, your family and your neighbors, surely you would demand it be stopped. Thank you, DelegateJ.L. Campbell, for presenting this bill! Surely your colleagues will support it.

Last Name: Hanes Locality: INDEPENDENCE

Our Grayson County farm is probably the largest organic berry farm in the state. By being organic, we are not competing with the super large blueberry farms that can afford to do machine picking on level ground surface. If the aerial, nonorganic sprays reach our plants, we loose or organic status and will have to shut down. Mainly the ornamental plants are the ones being sprayed from the air, but the spray spreads over people, their gardens, their animals and their homes. Greed is a factor here, it was not long ago that one did not see the aerial spraying.

Last Name: Price Organization: Preserve Grayson Locality: Chicago, Illinois

Hello Delegates and Staff. I grew up in Grayson County, Virginia and continue to vacation throughout the beautiful Appalachian Mountains in my adult life. I support any bill that protects and preserves the citizens and environments of Virginia. This bill will provide accountability and data to the State, while enabling citizens and agriculture to coexist and flourish. I have witnessed the unpredictability of weather, gusting forest fires and severe storms and I find it hard to believe aerial application of pesticides are safe in the mountain passes and valleys of our communities. Ive swam in this State's rivers, lakes and creeks many times. I've hiked all over the trails and country. I'm all for establishing guidelines.

Last Name: Price Organization: Preserve Grayson Locality: Elk Creek

I support this bill. As a beekeeper I am dismayed at the loss of pollinators in Grayson County. It would be very helpful to not have aerial spraying of chemicals at all on the trees. Many small farmers have practiced rotational crops, complimentary plantings, mowing between rows and other good techniques. I think the large corporations are greedy and want what is only good for their pockets. We, who live here, care so much about all the habitat that supports a whole ecosystem. If the spraying is allowed, it would be best to know what is being sprayed, when and where it will be sprayed. God made a perfect earth; let this earth do what it knows best, grow vegetation, not destroy it.

Last Name: Kafka Organization: Preserve Grayson Locality: Independence

I wish you could visit Grayson County and see negative the effects of aerial spraying on our people and on our traditional agricultural economy. A multi-million dollar corporation has been buying up thousands of acres to grow Christmas trees, and in neighboring counties the same company grows food crops. This company uses aerial spray, both from planes and helicopters. In our steep mountains the winds are totally unpredictable, and on the mountaintops where the trees are planted, spray can drift for miles. There is no possible way to control it. Our zoning (Rural Farm District, chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/, page 38) allows for people's homes to be completely surrounded by land that is purchased or leased, clearcut, and sprayed several times a year. Children can't play in our creeks and streams. I have been sickened by pesticide spray, as have many of my neighbors, not to mention their animals. Dead wildlife are all over the place. Forget organic gardening in this county, or keeping bees! Whose Right to Farm is it anyway? Most people here can list off a huge number of people who have died of cancer, particularly glioblastoma, and practically everyone you talk to here connects those deaths with the pesticides that are sprayed. The Right to Farm Law has the exception that (to paraphrase) a farmer can do anything they like unless it hurts someone else. However, that puts the burden of proof squarely on us citizens. And we are not scientists. We have a petition on that is signed by 3053 people (, which, in a county of 15,000, is a considerable number. We have almost 2000 followers on our social media. We formed the corporation Preserve Grayson rather than a non-profit because of our well-founded fear of retaliation: as a corporation the names of Board members do not have to be public. Our problem is enforcement. VDACS has one pesticide inspector for 17 counties in SWVA. And, there is no practical test for pesticides in water or soil. In order to test, you have to know exactly which chemical you are looking for out of the thousands of pesticides on the market, and each test costs in the neighborhood of $200 per chemical. And these things are never sprayed singly. They always spray a cocktail of pesticides, plus adjuvants to make them stick to the leaves (and to your lung tissue), plus inert ingredients (not necessarily harmless), not to mention the degradates that are formed in the soil from the different combinations. Without transparency, there is no way that we can put together data to show a connection between our health issues and the spray. Yet almost everyone in the county believes that there is a connection. This is a truly bipartisan issue. We have started a water monitoring program with citizen volunteers, and some of us are certified by Virginia Save Our Streams so that our data may be used by the DEQ. It will take years to collect enough data, but we love this unique place and are in it for the long haul. In the meantime, our tourism industry may be destroyed, and we will not be able to attract people who can invest in our county, creating small businesses. HB1548 would go a long way toward transparency, and toward making us feel a tiny bit more protected.

Last Name: Newcomb Locality: Grayson

We need regulation with overhead spraying. It affects lots more than just the agricultural land that is targeted for the spray. We are seeing the growth of super-sized Christmas tree companies coming into our area to plant these trees, and we know what happens with large, well-connected companies that want to use poisons to further increase their profits--they get away with whatever their money will buy. Stringent regulation has to start now. We cannot expect on ounce of self-regulation on the part of these companies. Thank you for all your hard work in representing the citizens of Grayson County and helping to protect the health and well being of us all.

Last Name: Walker Locality: Independence

As a citizen of Grayson County I am very opposed to aerial spraying. The aerial spraying that goes on in my county, with no apparent regulations or regard for our citizens, has been proven to be cancer causing agents. Currently aerial spraying goes on regardless of weather conditions, i.e., high winds or high humidity. These chemicals are then dispersed widely, not just on the intended crops but all over our area. Our county has high incidences of lung issues and quite a few cancer clusters, that not so coincidentally, are located close to huge tree farms. Personally I do not think aerial spraying should be practiced in our area but if it must I appreciate any and all legislation to regulate it. Thank you.

Last Name: Breedlove Locality: Mouth of Wilson

It is difficult to spray trees in the mountains as houses are interspersed with farms and wind gusts change very quickly People need to know what is sprayed on or next to their homes

Last Name: Crawford Organization: myself Locality: Craig, New Castle, VA

HB1548 clearly should be killed in subcommittee. First of all, why is it applying only to lands lying west of the Blue Ridge Mountains? Could that be because many of the very large farms lie east of the Blue Ridge thus causing the to face stronger opposition? For farmers/producers who rely on aerial spraying to protect their crops this bill would be crippling. If a crop suddenly get an insect infestation you could and probably would lose your entire crop if you have to wait seven days in order to submit the required notifications. There are many locations in Southwest Virginia that can only be sprayed by aerial applications. Applications have to be scheduled often with only a one-day notice because of weather conditions and identification of a pest infestation. Please vote no on this bill. Thank you.

Last Name: Reyes Locality: Billericay

It's our responsibility to protect the ones that have no voice

Last Name: hartnett Locality: Vienna


HB1802 - Food product sales; waive government inspection.
Last Name: dalton Locality: richmond

Please vote FOR HB1802. Virginia is extremely uncompetitive in the small food farmer/producer space. NJ and ME for example both have right to feed/farm type laws exempting small producers from almost all requirements. Prices of eggs have doubled or tripled, and prices of all foods are way up since 2021. It's time to take quick action to help feed both us we citizens and the many hungry mouths (about 6 million since 2021, ie about 2% of our 2021 population) who are flocking to the USA. Please, please help all those who want to provide food and make a small income on it. We need all the help we can get!

Last Name: Phelps Locality: Frederick

I support this bill. Consumers are already getting unfortunate information from existing food labels. Food labels can be off by 20% and still be legal. What food marketers can do with this tool definitely misleads consumers. If a consumer can buy directly from a producer, there is no label, there is just food and the consumer can see where it comes from, who grew it, who touched it, and ask questions. No consumer can ask anything of anyone that they're buying in a commercial grocery store. Consumers today are smart, have access to immediate information on food safety, etc and can best make decisions for their safety. Please support the bill.

Last Name: Dan Lefever Organization: VA Independent Farmer Cosumer Assocb Locality: Nelson Co., Nellysford

I represent farmer /producers and consumers who would like to by directly with out the need for the farmer/ producer to be inspected in order to sell their production. I am also a very small scale farmer and producer of some uninspected products. I am in favor of reducing needed inspections for direct to consumer food sales. The waiver system may be acceptable and workable for consumers coming to the farm for onfarm sales and generally repeat sales. It's is not clear the procedure way Hb1802 is to be amended if a waiver needs to be signed for each of the 3 distinct food group waivers, to purchase from all 3, or one will suffice to cover all groups. Also would a waiver need to be signed for each time a purchase was instituted? It could make it easier I one waiver signing would eliminate the need to label all production sold on the farm. This provision I find would be extremely unwieldy for farm market sales where customer are more often not repeat buyers. This is especially true in the case of my Nelson County Farmers Market, where as much as 25% of the summer time "traffic" is tourists. They would likely balk at having to sign a waiver just to make a spontaneous purchase. Sale could easily be aborted, meanwhile if producer was haggling on the need of a waiver, other casters may not have the patience to wait to make a purchase and turn away. In this instance I think a label with the necessary info as required in the written vwaiver, would suffice to cover the liability that a signed waiver would induce; without all the hassle and paperwork. Another issue is that Line 2g9 to 32 needs to be eliminated for the poultry and meat waiver provision to be effectively enacted. On another point where there is an issue; is giving the Commissioner of Ag, the right to make unannounced inspections of a farm or producers home, even in the lack of any identified food safety issue. This is contradictory to the 4th amendment, right to privacy in your own property which limits interdiction without a legitimate warrant. I think this provision would remain in effect if the waiver provisions are only put into effect as amendments, not a replacement of the existing code. In any case I think relegating the whole waiver issue to a study would help to iron out the many issues and verbose waiver wording involved.

Last Name: Croes Organization: Spotsylvania Citizens for Local Foods Locality: Spotsylvania

Please Support HB 1802. Preserving our local diversity in Virginia farm products by providing another avenue for farmers, especially our cultural farmers, to direct sell is a step in the right direction for food security in our individual communities. Knowing exactly where my food is coming from and developing a relationship with my local farmer is important to me and my family. I deserve the right to choose what and where I buy. This bill will open that up for me. I strongly urge you to support HB 1802. Thank you, Suzi Croes

Last Name: Asselin Locality: Virginia Beach

I am writing in favor of Delegate Freitas’ HB 1802. It is a timely bill that will mutually support your local consumer constituents as well as your local farm constituents. In light of the recent manipulated egg scarcity (and consequent price gouging) created by greedy middlemen and mass producers who only care about profit, this bill couldn’t be more relevant. Your constituents deserve better. Please put our needs ahead of corporations greed. Pass HB 1802 and allow us to shop directly with our local preferred farmers. Thank you, Robin R Asselin 757-468-3344

Last Name: Denhoff Locality: Buchanan

As a small farmer in Virginia, I support this bill. It is unequitable for small farms to be encumbered with the same inspections and regulation costs that Big Ag is. Our customers are well informed and signing the proposed waiver just reminds them of their responsibility in their food choices. Big Ag is basically a monopoly that employs lobbyists to fight on their behalf to protect themselves from competitors and use the legislature to do it. Citizens should have the ability to make their own informed food choices and small farmers should be able to produce quality foods for them. Small farmers are much more proactive in educating consumers about their products than Big Ag and we don't have the large marketing departments like they do. You see, it is a personal thing with small farming. I therefore, ask you that this bill should be passed. Virginia is way behind on supporting small agriculture. VDACS only pays lip service. The issue of raw mik being illegal is just one of votes against small agriculture. Other states and countries recognize the valuable input and production from their small, mostly artisanal farmers. Virginia is in the dark, wake up!

Last Name: Mullin Locality: Louisa

Please support HB1802. We have a right to purchase the food we want from small farmers we trust. Whole Foods, which are sourced locally not only improve our local economy but improve our health. I have healed my family of chronic disease when we switched to organic raw milk, grass fed beef from a local farm, pasture raised chicken and organic in season fruits and vegetables. The more I stayed away from a grocery store and increased these food the healthier my family became. No illness, no doctor visits and true healing from God’s creation!

Last Name: Moroney Locality: North Chesterfield

Please vote FOR HB1802. Virginia is extremely uncompetitive in the small food farmer/producer space. NJ and ME for example both have right to feed/farm type laws exempting small producers from almost all requirements. Prices of eggs have doubled or tripled, and prices of all foods are way up since 2021. It's time to take quick action to help feed both us we citizens and the many hungry mouths (about 6 million since 2021, ie about 2% of our 2021 population) who are flocking to the USA. Please, please help all those who want to provide food and make a small income on it. We need all the help we can get!

Last Name: Via Organization: VICFA Locality: Quinton

Food security for Virginians requires the support of small farmers throughout the Commonwealth. A lifeline for small farmers is through direct sales to buyers who wish to buy directly from the farmer. Such transactions must be encouraged by removing onerous governmental inspection and other requirements through the provision of waivers freely agreed to by both parties. Citizens will then be free to support their local farmers by making their own informed determination of which food choices would be in their own best interest without it being decided for them by government bureaucrats.

Last Name: Dodds Locality: Kents Store

My family, friends and many of us in the community reply on a plethora of beautiful family farming peoples to provide us with nutritiously dense food! We trust these folks. The red tape of inspections is costly and slows the process. Intervention is not necessary and costly. We vote for food freedom. Let us decide! Thank you, Denise Dodds Kents Store, VA

Last Name: Bauer Locality: MONTPELIER

Please support HB1802 to allow Virginians buy farm fresh products directly from our farmers by only requiring a waiver signature. This is good for our farmers and us consumers. Thank you.

Last Name: Armel Organization: Small Business Freedom Alliance, Frederick County Homesteaders Locality: Frederick County

Good Morning, As a member of the Small Business Freedom Alliance, the Frederick County Homesteaders, and Virginia Homesteaders, myself and the other members of our organizations wish to vocalize our support for House Bill 1802, Food Product Sales, Waive Government Inspection. This bill will provide needed relief to our local agriculture initiatives, small farms, markets, and underserved consumers in urban areas throughout Virginia. We encourage you to support access to affordable, nutritious food choices for the State of Virginia. Thank you.

Last Name: Montgomery Locality: Shiremanstown

I demanding that you protect our water stop the mountain valley pipeline from being drilled it will endanger people living there I am begging to protect our waters and lands as so important for endangered species and people. Concerned Citizen Ji Montgomery

Last Name: Reyes Locality: Billericay

It's our responsibility to protect the ones that have no voice

HB1984 - Companion animals; amends the definition of "adequate water."
Last Name: Kang Locality: Fairfax County

HB1382 | Gooditis | declawing cats is a barbaric process that as human beings, should NOT be inflicting on cats. HB1451 | Orrock | The majority of animals at pet shops are from mills. Pet shops should be eliminated period. HB1527 | Convirs-Fowler | the TNR program is important to stop unwanted cat and kitten deaths. HB1577 | Wachsmann | A rabid animal is still an animal and would require treatment if necessary before euthanizing and only a skilled veterinarian can make that determination and therefore would need to access in person. HB1721 | Clark | We need clean water. Human and animal alike. I also would advise for stricter regulations on all companies. Our water is disgusting. HB1984 | Kory | A water receptable for a pet should be cleaned twice and there should be more than enough to be provided and temperature specific. HB1985 | Kory | Pet shops; sale of dogs or cats. HB1989 | Kory | We are a civilized society and there is no need to hunt animals for sport or competition anymore. HB2000 | Kory | To be honest, there is no need for animal testing in this world. HB2331 | Campbell, E.H. | These roadside zoos and petting zoos are not regulated correctly and are rampant with health violations. HB2348 | Webert | I honestly do not understand why we are testing on animals. I'd say go directly to human trials. HB2417 | VanValkenburg | Dogs and cats are pets and should be treated with more respect and dignity than a lamp. HB2483 | Kory | There's no need to use such barbaric tools on elephants. In my opinion, I don't think elephants should be here in the US unless in a highly regarded zoo, such as the National Zoo, where there are veterinarians and conservationists who truly care about the animal.

Last Name: Trotta Locality: VA beach county

Pls stop all animal experiments and cruelty. Someone has to speak and step up for those who cannot. Pls stop all cruelty Thanks

Last Name: Melton Simpson Locality: Rockingham

HB1811 | Oppose: As someone who enjoys horseback riding through the state, hunting season is always potentially dangerous and difficult to navigate. Perpetually open hunting season would have drastic negative repercussions on the equine industry throughout the state. HB1984 | Oppose: This sounds like a good idea but could create difficulties for people with livestock guardian animals who are already under fire from overzealous animal rights advocates. I would support this bill with more specific language. HB1985 | Support HB1989 | Strongly support HB1998 | Strongly support: Increasing native plant populations is vitally important for the preservation of biodiversity and our pollinator populations. Increasing native plants on public lands is a fantastic use of public resources (when money will be put towards plants or landscaping anyway) and will also serve to increase visibility and awareness. HB2096 | Strongly support: I'm concerned about removing a provision that prohibits movement, etc. of invasive plants but strongly support the remainder of the bill. Many people continue to buy, sell, trade, and plant known invasive plants because they're not officially listed in the state or because uneducated consumers request them. Many business (and arboretums!?!!) continue to carry and sell these plants for the same reasons. The state invasive plant list is woefully out of date. Actually updating and listing invasive plants as such would go a long way towards helping to fix some of these issues. Thank you for taking my comments into consideration

Last Name: Stewart Locality: VIENNA

Please support HB 1984 that would ensure appropriate delivery of adequate water to companion animals in conformance with the Animal Welfare Act standards. The delivery system should support the natural way the animal takes in water to ensure adequate hydration. This would mean that drip bottles, typically used for gerbils and guinea pigs, would not be acceptable for dogs that lap and roll their tongues and cats that touch the surface of the water with their tongues. No bill or law can be written to cover the myriad of situations that would appear to be violative, so common sense in its application must prevail. The comments pointing out problems this bill creates when a dog needs to take a potty break or become carsick are just two examples of unsubstantial objections. Some, frankly, border on fear-mongering. I urge you to put the welfare of companion animals first and support this bill.

Last Name: Hall Organization: American Kennel Club Locality: Raleigh

1-25-23: I understand that a substitute is likely to be offered to eliminate or attempt to clarify confusion caused by the bill’s original language and its applicability. Regardless, the fact remains that this legislation seeks to apply federal Animal Welfare Act regulations, applicable to Commercial Animal Dealers, Exhibitors (e.g. circuses, zoos, animal acts, petting farms, wildlife parks, etc), Research Facilities, Animal Transporters, and breeders who have four or more breeding females and sell pets sight unseen; to entities that are not covered by the federal act. It is my understanding that in the proposed substitute the requirement for “continuous access” is to apply only when the dog is in its primary enclosure and the delivery system language would apply only to dogs over 7 weeks of age. Further, these requirements would apply only to commercial operations (commercial breeder, pet stores). It remains unclear how these terms will be defined, and ultimately how the bill will be applied and enforced. The stated goal of this legislation is to amend the definition of "adequate water" as it relates to the care of companion animals to align with the federal Animal Welfare Act. However, current AWA regulations do not apply to all the entities that may be regulated under this bill, and this bill would expand the requirements beyond current federal law. AKC agrees that dogs should have access to clean water at appropriate intervals and amounts in clean receptacles, as required in current Virginia Code, and believes that the existing definition of “adequate water” is appropriate and not in need of amending. As stated above, it is still unclear exactly who would be impacted and how the new requirements would be enforced. Therefore, we would encourage you to not support the bill as introduced and its likely substitute.

Last Name: Donovan Locality: Arligton

HB2483 Please oppose this terrible bill designed by extremist animal rights to continue to remove animals from our lives incrementally. The guide tool, the ankus, does no harm to the animal, you cannot put a leash on an elephant, so the guide tool is used. This bill is a not so subtle push to eliminate all control of the animal, and have them sent to the disease ridden SCAMtuary in Tenn. Protect the human animal bond and OPPOSE.

Last Name: Johnson Organization: Leesburg Animal Park Locality: Loudoun County

I oppose HB1984 as it is too restrictive and lacks common sense.

Last Name: Miller-Hurley Organization: Pet Advocacy Network Locality: Arlington

Comments Document

Dear Chairperson Wright and Members of the Sub-Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake, and Natural Resources: On behalf of the responsible pet care community, we ask that you not amend the definition of water as written in the House Bill 1984. While we are always looking for and welcome opportunities to improve the standard of care for pets, this proposed legislation, unfortunately, does not advance care in a meaningful way. The language in this bill is unnecessarily restrictive and could lead to confusion around how water is dispensed during transportation or to inconsistent standards of care. The way the current regulations are written ensures that animals have access to clean drinking water through various methods. There are many reasons why a bowl may not be the best manner for an animal to access water, and so limiting the delivery mechanism could impair the ability of an animal to remain properly hydrated. As the advocacy voice of the responsible pet care community, the Pet Advocacy Network represents the interests and expertise of retailers, companion animal suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, pet owners, and others involved in the many aspects of pet care across the United States. Our association works to promote animal well-being and responsible pet ownership, foster environmental stewardship, and ensure the availability of healthy pets through our work at the state and federal levels—including the United States Department of Agriculture, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We routinely advocate for legislative and regulatory proposals to advance the public interest of protecting public health and the safety, health, and availability of companion animals. All of us in the responsible pet care community don’t just care about animals; we provide care for them daily—and are dedicated to ensuring that appropriate care of animals is the primary focus of any law or regulation. As such, we offer an unmatched depth and breadth of experience on legislative efforts to verify and certify the health and well-being of pets from the time they are born all the way until they are taken home and made a part of families. We appreciate your consideration and would welcome the opportunity to work together to find ways to ensure the health and safety of companion animals meaningfully. Sincerely, Alyssa Miller-Hurley Senior Director of Government Affairs

Last Name: MILLER-HURLEY Organization: Pet Advocacy Network Locality: Arlington

Comments Document

Written comments on HB 1984 provided by the Pet Advocacy Network.

Last Name: Montgomery Locality: Shiremanstown

I demanding that you protect our water stop the mountain valley pipeline from being drilled it will endanger people living there I am begging to protect our waters and lands as so important for endangered species and people. Concerned Citizen Ji Montgomery

Last Name: Levy Organization: Pet Store Locality: Fairfax, Virginia

Attn: Mr. Chair and Members of the Committee, Please oppose HB 1984. Puppies like to play with each other, drink out of the same bottle, bowl, etc.. Its there nature to be playful as they are the cutest playful beings. This definition amendment is off and is contrary to the nature of puppies or any baby animal. Example: according to this definition, I cannot have 2 puppies in one kennel because I cannot allocate a water bowl for each and ensure the Puppy A only drinks out of Bowl A and Puppy B only drinks our Bowl B. No one can tell these babies this is yours and that is his or hers. they naturally drink and play so the only natural way to comply is by keeping them separate, Also, water bottles are preferred with some breeds of puppies rather than bowls. Another example, clean and fresh water. This is standard all the time but if a puppy eats food and has some residue, then drinks, then the water bowl can appear dirty. it all depends on the point in time of when you look at it. Given all these factors, we oppose this bill and hope you will too. We would love to work with law makers and achieve common goals to better our animals but by approving such bills, its like setting pet stores up for failure. What will also work with any bills being introduced, is the law maker can give examples of where this worked and how realization was achieved ps, we tried to join on the zoom but the meeting was closed.

Last Name: Vehrs Locality: Prince William County

I support HB1984, HB1985, and HB2000 regarding the protection of companion animals, specifically cats and dogs. Please vote in favor of these three bills. Sincerely, Nancy Vehrs Manassas, VA 20110-3671 Prince William County

Last Name: Abedeljalil Locality: Halifax

Please oppose this bill. Anyone with common sense and basic knowledge of animals knows that they can and will play and make a mess in water bowls. There has been multiple malicious and ridiculous prosecutions going on all over the state of Virginia already for water bowl related things. If common sense comes into play, kids in school, inmates in Virginia jails and other people don’t have access to potable water at all times. Im dumbfounded as to why someone would propose such a bill when people don’t have as many rights as they are trying to give animals. Until some common sense comes into play with these ridiculous animal laws people need to be vary carful with what they support as far as animal bills. With the current head of the animal law unit, Michelle Welch, who is a radical animal rights activist having far to much say into the changing of laws and maliciously prosecuting innocent Virginians for basic animal husbandry we the people of Virginia need to stand up and fight back for our rights.

Last Name: Laume Locality: Springfield

In support of HB1984. Dogs/cats need access to life's essential element, water, no matter who is raising them, USDA license or non-USDA licensed owners. It is near impossible to write a bill sufficiently nuanced to cover all situations related to animal care. Much as animal noise ordinances typically are written without nuance, with one bark prohibitions, this bill provides the standard for all care givers to achieve. No one receives a violation for one dog bark, but continued issues can be addressed. Will a ACO be checking residential dog bowls or following owners into their yards for breaks, or on dog walks to require water access - no. But it will provide ACOs recourse for example when receiving complaints about dogs chained outside in hot weather with the owner not in sight for hours without water. Water during transportation of dogs/cats is covered in a different VA code section. The bill provides for veterinary intercession and for unweaned animals Lack of proper water sourcing is most often seen in pet stores. This bill would provide needed protection for animals in those stores and also provide guidance to all dog owners about the importance of water delivery systems. When we keep animals we need to be knowledgeable about their behavioral needs as a definer of care; not owner expediency. For these reasons the bill needs support.

Last Name: Hall Organization: American Kennel Club Locality: Raleigh

Comments Document

The American Kennel agrees that all dogs should have access to clean water at appropriate intervals and amounts, as is required in current Virginia Code. However, the phrasing in this legislation that adds "… adequate water means water that is continuously available….” is very confusing. HB 1984 seeks to apply federal Animal Welfare Act regulations which is only applicable to breeders who have four or more breeding females and sell pets sight unseen, among others, to all owners of companion animals. In short, it appears as if this legislation attempts to take a federal standard specifically designed for certain dogs and kennels and attempts to apply it to all dogs and all situations, including grooming, walks, and other activities. This is a one-size fits all approach would likely be extremely difficult to enforce.

Last Name: Crosky Organization: Virginia Animal Owners Alliance Locality: Wythe

Mr. Chair and Members of the Committee, Please oppose HB 1984. It is simply laying a bigger trap for animal owners in Virginia and caters to the animal right's agenda. Under current law, a companion animal must have "clean, fresh, potable water" at all times. This means it is NEVER to freeze or be contaminated in any way. It is also currently illegal if a companion animal goes without water for any length of time without vet recommendation. While it sounds nice to have pristine water constantly available, it is impractical and wholly unrealistic to keep an animal's water bowl full and perfect AT ALL TIMES. Animals often slobber in their water, lay in their water, or paw in their water the minute they receive it. OWNERS SHOULD NOT BE CRIMINALIZED FOR COMMON ANIMAL BEHAVIOR. Giving authorities license to take an animal based on its water bowl instead of the animal's actual health is wrong and is causing irreparable harm to good owners and well-treated pets. This legislation ignores the reality of what is happening in Virginia and will only compound current problems by adding the word "sanitize." We need common sense when establishing any type of standard for animal welfare! The supporters of HB 1984 are setting a bigger trap for animal owners that remain in the State. It will suddenly be illegal for pet store owners to give their puppies a water bottle instead of a bowl, even though they have legitimate reasons for doing so. This is not about animal welfare--THIS IS ABOUT MICROMANAGEMENT. Michelle Welch is the Director of the Animal Law Unit and she is eager to prosecute animal owners over their water features. She prosecuted Najeh Abedeljalil of Halifax, Virginia in August 2022. Imperfect water bowls and damp sawdust were used against him by the ALU investigator and animal control who raided his store. Many pet store owners choose to use water bottles due to the fact that they are less messy. Passing HB 1984 will create the perfect storm. Animal rights activists can quickly report the remaining stores to Michelle, because it will be impossible to simultaneously use a water bowl and keep the sawdust dry at the same time! Please oppose this harmful bill. Sincerely, Heidi Crosky Virginia Animal Owners Alliance

Last Name: Patwardhan Locality: Fairfax Countyt

I support HB 1984, 1985, and 2000. I OPPOSE HB 1406. If I understand HB 2096 correctly, does Delegate Bulova wish to make it easier to transport some noxious weeds just because they're commercially desirable? I do support efforts to keep track of invasive plants. What I don't support is offering any leeway on invasive plants. I oppose HB 1527 because it was drafted without the input of any of the members of the state-mandated Free-Roaming Cat Stakeholder Working Group, which just completed 18 months of work to find solutions to the harm that the estimated 1.2 million unowned cats in Virginia cause to birds and small animals and the public health risks they create. H.B. 1527 addresses only one aspect of a complex problem. It fails to take into account the issues that the Working Group has spent months addressing, including: the need for multiple strategies to reduce the population of free-roaming cats, the importance of not releasing trapped cats back to the environment without the consent of the affected property owner, the need for standards and training for people who feed unowned cats to reduce the risks to wildlife, the importance of public education campaigns to address the abandonment of cats, and the need for research on the best ways to address the free-roaming cat problem.

Last Name: McGroarty Locality: Spotsylvania

I am opposed to HB 1984 as written because it's too vague and doesn't allow exceptions for dogs prone to bloat who should only drink small quantities of water at at time and not have unlimited access to water. Nor does it allow for exceptions for dogs traveling who are prone to carsickness and will vomit the water. Further, dogs taking quick potty trips to the backyard do not need water for the 5 minutes or less that they are outside. This bill is well meaning but does not take into account real life situations.

Last Name: McGroarty Locality: Giles County

RE HB1406: while I agree that access to water is important, this bill fails to consider some important factors. What about dogs who are currently being exercised? What about a dog being put outside for 10-15 minutes to go potty? Common sense says that dogs do not need water every minute while they go outside, do their business and come in. This bill would put responsible dog owners at risk of malicious and petty complaints from disgruntled neighbors when their dogs are perfectly fine. What about dogs riding in cars or soon to ride in a car who get carsick? Dogs may be at risk of bloat, a deadly condition, from overdrinking water. How can owners protect their dogs from risk of bloat in light of these sweeping restrictions? If a dog spills a water dish while the people are out, does that make the people negligent and in violation of the law? This law would be detrimental to dogs and dog owners both. Please remember that most people take proper care of their dogs. A law requiring continuous access to water, while it sounds good, at best is filled with too many innocent possibilities for violation (dog spills water, dog is outside for only a few minutes before coming back inside to water, etc), and at worst could harm dogs (inducing carsickness, bloat, etc). Please leave this type of mandate out of the law and instead promote education about responsible and proper dog care. It is very obvious when a dog is neglected from lack of access to water and it is unnecessary, invasive, and potentially harmful to the animals we are seeking to protect for the government to make these sweeping regulations. There is too much nuance in dog care for such a regulation to be successful or beneficial. RE HB1406; this bill is long overdue. I can only imagine what George Washington, Virginia native and founder of the Virginia State Breed, the American Foxhound, would say about license laws! These licensing requirements should never have been allowed to begin with.

Last Name: Harrington Organization: Virginia Federation of Dog Clubs and Breeders (VFDCB) Locality: Arlington, VA

1-17-23 - OPPOSE HB 1984. This bill wants to align Virginia’s definition of “adequate water” for companion animals with the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA). The AWA applies to regulated Commercial Animal Dealers, Exhibitors (e.g. circuses, zoos, animal acts, petting farms, wildlife parks, etc), Research Facilities, and Animal Transporters; not to private homes and businesses. Most recently the USDA-APHIS revised the water regulations for these LICENSED ENTITIES. They are now required to provide dogs CONTINUOUS access to water. APHIS adds more information on watering. The rule does NOT prescribe HOW the water is made continuously available. With respect to FLEXIBILITY in how water is made available to dogs, facilities may use a variety of watering methods to comply with this requirement. HB 1984 DOES prescribe how water will be provided which would make VA law LESS flexible than the AWA. Cats would be subjected to yet another set of rules. Overall this bill is very confusing. Attempting to apply AWA standards to companion animals in non-regulated Virginia homes and businesses is not needed nor appropriate. This bill needs to be laid on the table.

Last Name: Reyes Locality: Billericay

It's our responsibility to protect the ones that have no voice

HB1985 - Pet shops; sale of dogs or cats.
Last Name: Kang Locality: Fairfax County

HB1382 | Gooditis | declawing cats is a barbaric process that as human beings, should NOT be inflicting on cats. HB1451 | Orrock | The majority of animals at pet shops are from mills. Pet shops should be eliminated period. HB1527 | Convirs-Fowler | the TNR program is important to stop unwanted cat and kitten deaths. HB1577 | Wachsmann | A rabid animal is still an animal and would require treatment if necessary before euthanizing and only a skilled veterinarian can make that determination and therefore would need to access in person. HB1721 | Clark | We need clean water. Human and animal alike. I also would advise for stricter regulations on all companies. Our water is disgusting. HB1984 | Kory | A water receptable for a pet should be cleaned twice and there should be more than enough to be provided and temperature specific. HB1985 | Kory | Pet shops; sale of dogs or cats. HB1989 | Kory | We are a civilized society and there is no need to hunt animals for sport or competition anymore. HB2000 | Kory | To be honest, there is no need for animal testing in this world. HB2331 | Campbell, E.H. | These roadside zoos and petting zoos are not regulated correctly and are rampant with health violations. HB2348 | Webert | I honestly do not understand why we are testing on animals. I'd say go directly to human trials. HB2417 | VanValkenburg | Dogs and cats are pets and should be treated with more respect and dignity than a lamp. HB2483 | Kory | There's no need to use such barbaric tools on elephants. In my opinion, I don't think elephants should be here in the US unless in a highly regarded zoo, such as the National Zoo, where there are veterinarians and conservationists who truly care about the animal.

Last Name: Trotta Locality: VA beach county

Pls stop all animal experiments and cruelty. Someone has to speak and step up for those who cannot. Pls stop all cruelty Thanks

Last Name: Melton Simpson Locality: Rockingham

HB1811 | Oppose: As someone who enjoys horseback riding through the state, hunting season is always potentially dangerous and difficult to navigate. Perpetually open hunting season would have drastic negative repercussions on the equine industry throughout the state. HB1984 | Oppose: This sounds like a good idea but could create difficulties for people with livestock guardian animals who are already under fire from overzealous animal rights advocates. I would support this bill with more specific language. HB1985 | Support HB1989 | Strongly support HB1998 | Strongly support: Increasing native plant populations is vitally important for the preservation of biodiversity and our pollinator populations. Increasing native plants on public lands is a fantastic use of public resources (when money will be put towards plants or landscaping anyway) and will also serve to increase visibility and awareness. HB2096 | Strongly support: I'm concerned about removing a provision that prohibits movement, etc. of invasive plants but strongly support the remainder of the bill. Many people continue to buy, sell, trade, and plant known invasive plants because they're not officially listed in the state or because uneducated consumers request them. Many business (and arboretums!?!!) continue to carry and sell these plants for the same reasons. The state invasive plant list is woefully out of date. Actually updating and listing invasive plants as such would go a long way towards helping to fix some of these issues. Thank you for taking my comments into consideration

Last Name: Stewart Locality: Vienna

I firmly support the codification of proposed regulations the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services governing the keeping of dogs and cats by pet stores. This step will elevate the rules to the status of law, giving them "teeth." It is well known that the source of dogs and cats in pet stores are "mills," and that these animals often harbor untreated diseases and ailments of which the unsuspecting consumer is not made aware. Requiring pet stores to register with the Department and pay an annual registration fee, prohibiting pet stores from selling animals to research facilities, and requiring an annual inspection of pet stores by the State Animal Welfare Inspector are reasonable requirements that will help ensure the protection of pet store dogs and cats and reassure the consumer about their purchase. Please support this important piece of legislation!

Last Name: Crosky Organization: Virginia Animal Owners Alliance Locality: Wythe

Mr. Chair and Members of the Committee, We are asking you to oppose HB 1985. The bill is premature. Pet store owners have already expressed their willingness for reasonable regulation and a law was passed in 2020 to start the process. Progress is being made and VDACS has been working on developing the regulations. This bill is unnecessary, because regulations do not need to be codified. This is a duplication in many ways of what is already being worked on. What problem is this bill trying to fix? Why the sense of urgency? Let's give the current process a chance to work! Sincerely, Heidi Crosky Virginia Animal Owners Alliance

Last Name: Donovan Locality: Arligton

HB2483 Please oppose this terrible bill designed by extremist animal rights to continue to remove animals from our lives incrementally. The guide tool, the ankus, does no harm to the animal, you cannot put a leash on an elephant, so the guide tool is used. This bill is a not so subtle push to eliminate all control of the animal, and have them sent to the disease ridden SCAMtuary in Tenn. Protect the human animal bond and OPPOSE.

Last Name: Nicholls Locality: Chesapeake

Why can't rabbits, the third most popular animal, be added to this?

Last Name: DuVal Locality: McLean

Please support HB 1985.

Last Name: Alice Harrington Organization: Virginia Federation of Dog Clubs and Breeders Locality: Arlington

1-24-23 Please OPPOSE HB 1985. The Fiscal Impact Statement for this bill points out that current laws and regulations already cover most of what this bill proposes. For example the impact statement says "Fiscal Implications: The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services does not anticipate incurring a fiscal impact as a result of this bill, as the Department currently collects a $250 fee annual registration fee from pet shop owners under § 3.2-6501.1, Code of Virginia. State Animal Welfare Inspectors are currently preparing to annually inspect the estimated 20 pet shops located in the Commonwealth." Also codifying regulations is not necessary. Such actions only overburden an already extensive and detailed Virginia code relating to animals. This bill is unnecessary. Please lay it on the table.

Last Name: Riffey-Buckner Organization: Native Plant Society; Rockbridge Area Master Gardeners Locality: Rockbridge County

My husband and I greatly favor all the bills checked. Puppy mills, shooting contests against animals, control of selling and shipping noxious weeds, and the support of native plants on state owned lands, are all sensible, basic steps that should obviously be taken. They are all sensible and, indeed, "no brainer" first steps in controlling these problems.

Last Name: Anonymous Organization: HSUS Locality: Loudoun

I believe all creatures 2-legged and 4-legged deserve respect to live without unnecessary pain and stress . I’ve personally handled complaints in regard to puppies purchased at pet shops and each complaint includes how much the pet is suffering with an illness, costing the animal unnecessary pain and discomfort and the pet owner expensive vet fees on top of the ridiculous cost of the pet. There are ways for pet shops to profit and succeed without putting a sick puppy as their way to make a living . Contest killing within the confines of a building is disgusting and sickening. We don’t live in barbaric times and I beg this bill passes. Thank you for considering

Last Name: Montgomery Locality: Shiremanstown

I demanding that you protect our water stop the mountain valley pipeline from being drilled it will endanger people living there I am begging to protect our waters and lands as so important for endangered species and people. Concerned Citizen Ji Montgomery

Last Name: Vehrs Locality: Prince William County

I support HB1984, HB1985, and HB2000 regarding the protection of companion animals, specifically cats and dogs. Please vote in favor of these three bills. Sincerely, Nancy Vehrs Manassas, VA 20110-3671 Prince William County

Last Name: Allen Locality: Fairfax

I respectfully support House Bill 1985. Dogs and cats are our trusted companions and valued members of the families of many Virginians, and there have been many instances of abuse and neglect at pet shops in our Commonwealth and around the country. We should ensure that pet shops are held to high standards when taking care of companion dogs and cats. I respectfully support House Bill 1985.

Last Name: Reyes Locality: Billericay

It's our responsibility to protect the ones that have no voice

Last Name: Weber Locality: Arrington

Please pass HB 1525 Cat TNR programs. These programs reduce cat populations humanely, cut down on shelter populations and euthanasias, and protect wildlife and birds. PLease pass HB1985 to end selling puppy mill puppies. All dogs or cats should cease being sold at pet shops as shelters are full, and companion animals are killed for lack of homes. Please pass HB2000 ending animal testing and research. This is abominable and useless torture of animals, and proves nothing. There are more modern, accurate ways for research and medical purposes.

Last Name: Weber Locality: Arrington

Please pass HB 1525 Cat TNR programs. These programs reduce cat populations humanely, cut down on shelter populations and euthanasias, and protect wildlife and birds. PLease pass HB1985 to end selling puppy mill puppies. All dogs or cats should cease being sold at pet shops as shelters are full, and companion animals are killed for lack of homes.

Last Name: Weber Locality: Arrington

Please pass HB 1382 to prohibit declawing of cats. Declawing is the equivalent of removing the first finger joint of a human, is very painful, and can cause lifelong health issues for affected cats. This brutality needs to stop now.

Last Name: Turgeon Locality: Fredericksburg

I support both of these bills for the following reasons: HB1985- This bill puts stricter regulations on pet shops. However, Virginia needs to phase out the selling of animals in pet shops all together due to the overcrowding of animal shelters. HB1989- The killing of an animal purely for “sport” (ie: not an animal to be used for consumption) is just cruel and inhumane. It takes a sick individual to kill something just for fun. Killing contests need to be banned in Virginia.

Last Name: Roesch Locality: Williamsburg

I strongly support HB 1985 (Kory) and urge you and your colleagues to vote YES on this important animal protection bill.

Last Name: Mace Locality: Spotsylvania

Adding costs to pet ownership just compounds the problem of overcrowding our shelters. TNR is the compassionate solution to overpopulation of cats and dogs. It costs much less in the long term than funding shelters and medical costs. If we prohibit the sale of pets in pet shops, the animals in shelters would find more homes. (And the treatment of animals in most pet shops in reprehensible....)

Last Name: Babson Locality: Fairfax

I advocate prohibiting the sale of dogs and cats by pet stores altogether as the supply chain for pet stores is most often puppy mills. This bill addresses one link in the chain. To that end it is a good step and I support it, but it should not end here.

HB1998 - Native plant species; state agencies to prioritize use on state properties.
Last Name: Kitt Locality: Fauquier

I would like to support both bills pertaining to Native plant species and Noxious/Invasive plants. I have been a citizen science volunteer in Virginia since 1999 when I graduated from college. Over the years I have seen and learned just how detrimental invasive plants are to our community as a whole, and the impact they are having on our natural ecosystems and the services they provide. It dumb founds me that I was learning about this in college in 1995 and here 28 years later we have made progress, but how little it is. The progress is by the citizens, the non-profits, the homeowners, the researchers. If we had really started making changes 30 years ago can you imagine what could have been accomplished?! Implementing regulation to stop the sale of these harmful plants, rules as to what can be planted on public lands, guidelines to both residential and commercial builder as to what kind of landscaping is acceptable in our state, more funding/tax credits to citizens like me who are willing to spend thousands of dollars to remove their lawn, install conservation landscaping and volunteer hours every year pulling and chopping down invasive plants. Just imagine what we could do if there was state regulation and backing!! Please stop kicking the can!! We are running out of time. We must make drastic changes and see how beautiful our state could really be if we managed our land with love!! Sincerely, Renee Kitt Old Rag Master Naturalist The Clifton Institute Volunteer VCAP Recipient for conservation landscaping Owner and Grower - Ahimsa Native Plants and Design

Last Name: Ecker Locality: Indianapolis

I know I am not a resident of Virginia, but I deeply care about what happens in your state. Shenandoah National Park and the severity of invasive plants at its boundary (You spend a lot of $$$ on invasive plant management there.) greatly distresses me. Please know that this is twofold for me; most of the time what happens east of us comes to Indiana. Most importantly, though, it would be devastating to see that glorious National Park taken over by invasives. Please do everything you can to protect Virgina's native plant life (and therefore native animal species as well). I love your state! Lori Ecker Indianapolis, Indiana 317.430.3639

Last Name: McDaniel Locality: Fairfax

I support this bill. Native landscapes support beneficial wildlife and can reduce maintenance costs. Sustainable landscapes with native species address stormwater challenges and can help mitigate the effects of climate change and flooding. It is very hard to eradicate non-native plants that take over native habitats.

Last Name: Beal Locality: Springfield

HB1998 Strongly support the use of native plant species on state properties. HB2096 Strongly support regular updates of the invasive plant species list as well as increased information available to consumers regarding those species.

Last Name: Showalter Locality: Charlottesville

I am for this bill. The more native plants, the more animal and insect species. Please pass.

Last Name: Melton Simpson Locality: Rockingham

HB1811 | Oppose: As someone who enjoys horseback riding through the state, hunting season is always potentially dangerous and difficult to navigate. Perpetually open hunting season would have drastic negative repercussions on the equine industry throughout the state. HB1984 | Oppose: This sounds like a good idea but could create difficulties for people with livestock guardian animals who are already under fire from overzealous animal rights advocates. I would support this bill with more specific language. HB1985 | Support HB1989 | Strongly support HB1998 | Strongly support: Increasing native plant populations is vitally important for the preservation of biodiversity and our pollinator populations. Increasing native plants on public lands is a fantastic use of public resources (when money will be put towards plants or landscaping anyway) and will also serve to increase visibility and awareness. HB2096 | Strongly support: I'm concerned about removing a provision that prohibits movement, etc. of invasive plants but strongly support the remainder of the bill. Many people continue to buy, sell, trade, and plant known invasive plants because they're not officially listed in the state or because uneducated consumers request them. Many business (and arboretums!?!!) continue to carry and sell these plants for the same reasons. The state invasive plant list is woefully out of date. Actually updating and listing invasive plants as such would go a long way towards helping to fix some of these issues. Thank you for taking my comments into consideration

Last Name: Cameron Organization: Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts Locality: Fairfax County

The Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (VASWCD) is a private nonprofit association of 47 soil and water conservation districts in Virginia. The Association provides and promotes leadership in the conservation of natural resources through stewardship and education programs. It coordinates conservation efforts statewide to focus effectively on issues identified by local member districts. Our mission is to serve and strengthen soil & water conservation districts in the stewardship of natural resources. Invasive plants cause both economic and environmental problems in all regions of the Commonwealth. Often sold to unwitting purchasers, invasive plants easily and rapidly spread onto neighboring private lands and into adjacent county, state, and federal conservation areas. They often cause expensive and difficult to solve management problems for neighboring landowners and degrade the environmental health of farms, forests, and parks across the Commonwealth. At the December 2022 annual meeting of the Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts in Roanoke, the Association unanimously expressed support of legislation and other efforts to further control the spread of invasive plants in Virginia. We believe that government agencies should model best environmental practices and provide a positive example to others in the Commonwealth. Virginia state agencies should not find themselves in the position of undertaking practices that might degrade environmental quality in the Commonwealth, even unintentionally. Consistent with this view, the Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts strongly supports HB 1998 patroned by Delegate Krizek, which directs the Secretaries of Natural and Historic Resources, Agriculture and Forestry, and Administration to coordinate the development of strategic actions for state agencies to take to prioritize the use of native plant species on state properties. Native plants are excellent landscaping substitutes for invasive plants. In addition, they showcase Virginia’s rich natural heritage for out of state visitors and residents alike. We believe HB 1998 takes a positive step to address the many problems posed by invasive plants. We urge its prompt passage.

Last Name: Mayhew Locality: Fairfax

Please support HB 1998. As a former National Park Service Ranger-Naturalist, I can personally testify to the reduction in the number of birds and other animals that can be seen in Virginia over the past 4 decades. I have volunteered since 2006 to remove nonnative invasive plants from our local parks. As recently as January 21, 2023, I spent 8 hours as a resource person for an Eagle Scout candidate removing invasive plants from a park, with volunteers totaling more than 90 hours that day alone. The problem is huge in Virginia. Every acre covered in nonnative plants is an acre that fails to support native wildlife. This bill will help. Please support it. Sincerely, Sarah Thomas Mayhew Fairfax, VA 22032

Last Name: Hurley Organization: Blue Ridge PRISM Locality: Stanardsville

As a landowner in western Greene County I support HB1998. The current Invasive Species Working Group has, in the past decade, with no budget and resources other than existing staff in VDACS and DCR, produced a State Invasive Species Management Plan, and a State Invasive Species List. The role and functions of the ISWG should be strengthened through passage of the budget amendments currently before the House Appropriations and Senate Finance committees. Without State agency budgets for invasive plant control and other functions in the State Plan, the ISWG will remain largely an empty shell of a functioning body, simply sharing information, and the strategic actions recommended in Section 2.2-220.2 C. of this bill, will remain largely toothless and meaningless.

Last Name: Donaldson Locality: Falls Church

I urge you to amend the existing invasive species legislation (through HR1998) to allow state agencies to prioritize the use of native plants on state lands. English ivy, Japanese grasses and vines, among many others have devastated our parks and forests. Over the years, I have worked with others under County/City supervision to remove invasive plants, but they continue to proliferate through seeds and plantings on adjoining lands. Native plants provide benefits critical to the maintenance of our public lands, including water management and the preservation of our native pollinators and other beneficial naive species. People who use native parks for hiking and other recreational activities are often moved to plant native species in their own gardens. The passage of HR 1998 will provide more resources for the preservation/proliferation of native plants and the curbing of the spread of noxious invasive on our public lands.

Last Name: Ford Locality: Fredericksburg

The above two bills could hugely (positively) impact our natural environments. We are losing these biodiverse, special environments as I type. While noxious weeds are usually only mitigated as an agricultural pest - our natural landscapes are being destroyed by invasive plants and everything suffers because of it. By limiting non-native/invasive plants being used, it can mitigate the efforts (physical and monetary) that goes into reclaiming and preserving landscapes. Prioritizing ornamental native plants on state property is the catalyst needed for restoring our natural environments and biodiversity. Native plants require less fertilizer, less amending, and less water as they have evolved to be planted here. It would benefit everyone to see these two bills passed!

Last Name: OConor Locality: Alexandria

I believe we should be referring to invasive species as pollutants. It is not acceptable that in 2023 people are still propagating these plants in the name of aesthetics without regard to the habitat destruction potential. We can do better but we need education and norms to change.

Last Name: Udani Locality: Arlington

I strongly support bill HB1998. Native plants are vital parts of our ecosystem and requiring prioritization of native plants will help to support native pollinating insects and birds.

Last Name: Blackburn Organization: Audubon Society of Northern Virginia Locality: McLean

On behalf of the Audubon Society of Northern Virginia, I urge the subcommittee to recommend reporting HB1998. Native plants typically are far more beneficial to wildlife than non-natives. Without sufficient native plants, populations of birds, insects and other wildlife will continue to decline. The use of non-native plants, and particularly invasive plants that out-compete natives, harms our state's ecosystem. This bill will help allow the Commonwealth to "lead by example" in protecting our environment.

Last Name: Seiden Organization: Virginia Native Plant Society Locality: Annandale

Please support HB1998. My back yard has been transformed into a Native Woodland Garden. I need no fertilizers, pesticides nor supplemental watering (except for new plantings). It is good for the environment for those reasons, plus- the wildlife love it! Native flora support native fauna and help our world stay (or be restored to) balance- a legacy for our children.

Last Name: Ryan Locality: Fairfax (McLean)

I strongly support HB1998. Please support this bill, which will prioritize the use of native plant species on state properties. Doing so represents an enormous opportunity to raise awareness about the benefits of native plants, enhance the biodiversity of the state's ecosystem, and, over time, reduce maintenance costs. Native plants help address stormwater challenges and mitigate the effects of climate change and flooding. Prioritizing their use on state properties can also help drive demand for native plants and ultimately lead to a stronger overall market for native plants in the state.

Last Name: Douglas Organization: Virginia Native PLant Society and Blue Ridge PRISM Locality: Albemarle

I write in strong support of two bills, HB 1998, relating to promotion of the use of native plants on state property and HB 2096, relating to noxious weeds and invasive plants. HB 1998, promoting the use of native plants: they require little maintenance, being adapted to our native soils and climate; and also support our pollinators, and they are also beautiful. HB2096 addresses aspects of Noxious weeds and invasive plants in general. Noxious weeds and invasive plants in general are growing ever more dominant in our native landscapes, with much damage to our native plants. We must work to manage these invasive plants and also work to keep them from being sold in the trade, which means they are spreading in part because people buy them, not realizing the damage they can do to our native landscapes. Thank you for positive consideration of these bills. Sincerely, Ruth Douglas Albemarle County

Last Name: CRADDOCK Locality: Free Union

I am writing in support of Bill HB1998 to require the State to use native species in their plantings. Virginia commercial agriculture, parks, and private lands depend upon pollinators to provide a crucial mechanism for our plant life to survive and thrive. Many of these pollinators must have native plants, grasses, flowering plants, shrubs, trees, and vines, on which to lay their eggs and from which to take their pollen when they are in bloom. These pollinators are a variety of insects upon which our native birds feed. Without a strong ecosystem of native plants the insect pollinators and simultaneously the birds decline. For much too long the state of Virginia has been planting nonnative species in a variety of settings, including along roadways, to stop erosion, and as decorative plantings. As a result our Virginia countryside is now filled with invasive species that are crowding out and killing our native species. I have owned 170 acres, largely forested, since 1970 that is in easements with the Department of Forestry. What was pristine land, except for deer predation and Japanese honeysuckle, is now filling up with alanthus, Jap stilt grass, Asian Bittersweet, Russian Olive, Asian Barberry, Chinese lespedeza, Japanese clover, and Beefsteak Plant, to name the worst. I could list many others I see around the county that I don't yet have. Some used to be highly recommended by the State for wildlife support (I have the brochures.), others for the highways and erosion control. Please support this bill to require the State of Virginia to use Virginia native species for all their public planting projects. They are beautiful plants and just as effective as nonnatives. Thank you.

Last Name: Burkholder Locality: Fauquier County

Native plants support beneficial insects, birds and native wildlife. Expanding their use whenever possible and practicable benefits the ecosystem in which we live. Therefore, I support HB1998 which will prioritize the use of native plants on state properties. Invasive, non-native plant crowd out and out compete beneficial native plants which has a detrimental effect on both the flora and fauna of our region. Therefore, I also support HB2096 which will reduce the availability and use of invasive plants in Virginia.

Last Name: Jorgensen Locality: MCLEAN

This is a great way to get started on promoting native species, let the state take the lead to protect our beautiful Virginia landscape.

Last Name: Booth Organization: Friends of Dyke Marsh Locality: Fairfax County

Invasive plants destroy native biodiversity, crowd out and smother valuable native plants and are costly to control. The state owns many large properties that could be converted to more natural landscaping using native plants. These approaches are biologically healthier and more biodiverse than traditional turf and can help reverse declines in insect, birds and other wildlife. Once plants are established, these approaches can reduce maintenance costs, pollution and water use. This could create a new market or demand for native plants. The state should set the standard, be a role model by providing guidance and by planting native plants and restoring degraded habitat. The Department of Conservation and Recreation already has a similar policy for DCR properties, e.g., state parks. VDOT already has its pollinator habitat program for rest areas.

Last Name: Hutton Organization: Plant NOVA Natives Locality: Arlington

I heartily endorse the objectives of both these bills, which will serve the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia by creating more sustainable habitat that can support urgent biodiversity goals. Please cast your votes favorably for sound stewardship of our green spaces with this sensible legislation. Thank you.

Last Name: Southgate Locality: Loudoun County

Comment on HB1998 State agencies should set the example by not planting invasive species. This not only discourages others from using them, but also demonstrates how native plants can be used effectively in their place. I support passage of this bill.

Last Name: Hale Organization: Virginia Native Plant Society Locality: Richmond

Please support HB1998. The use of native plant species on state properties would serve to educate the public about the benefits of planting native species. These plantings would also benefit the surrounding ecosystem, including pollinators.

Last Name: Maclean Locality: Rappahannock County

I am in SUPPORT of HB 1998 and HB 2096, and I would like the state of VA to take this one step further and altogether ban the sale or planting of invasives that make it onto the official list these bills would produce. It is heartbreaking to drive route 211 from Warrenton to Shenandoah National Park and see the autumn olives, tree of heaven, and bradford pears that have escaped cultivation and are choking out our native habitat for wildlife. Many well meaning but unknowing gardeners earnestly believe that, because they do not see their invasive plants popping up in their own gardens, that they must not be spreading. Please drive route 211 or take a hike in the SNP and see that you are wrong. The amount of resources that landowners and the park must use in order to combat these invasives is staggering. [Kudos, btw, to whoever lives at Calico Farm and just took out ALL the bradford pears that lined their driveway!] It is already possibly too late though for our park. Other states are out and out BANNING all invasives. These two bills in question today are good, but they are still not enough.

Last Name: DuVal Locality: McLean

Please support HB 1998. Prioritization of the use of native plant species on public property represents an enormous opportunity to improve the health and biodiversity of Virginia’s ecosystem. Native landscapes support beneficial wildlife and can reduce maintenance costs. Sustainable landscapes with native species address stormwater challenges and can help mitigate the effects of climate change and flooding. The prioritization of native species on state properties also helps raise awareness about the benefits of native species and can drive broader demand for ecologically-beneficial sustainable landscape methods. Use of native species is an essential component in the Commonwealth’s efforts to reduce the impacts of invasive species.

Last Name: Roeper Locality: Alexandria

I am writing to support the use of native plants on state properties. This will enable citizens to see the beauty of native plants and to encourage more planting of natives. Native plants support the ecosystem and are essential to the life of birds and other creatures. Invasive plants are taking over many of the natural areas of the Alexandria area. It is so discouraging to walk through the parks and see the English ivy and other invasive plants growing up trees and all over the ground crowding out our native plants. I urge you to support HB 1998.

Last Name: DuVal Locality: McLean

I strongly support HB 1382 (Gooditis) and urge you to support this important animal protection bill. There are many old-fashioned and ill-informed ideas about the nature of declawing surgery, but declawing is in fact amputation. It cruelly injures companion animals, depriving them of their natural abilities and defenses, while doing nothing to keep them in homes or protect human health. Please vote YES on this humane legislation.

Last Name: DuVal Organization: Private Citizen Locality: McLean

I strongly support HB 1382 (Gooditis) and urge you to support this important animal protection bill. There are many old-fashioned and ill-informed ideas about the nature of declawing surgery, but declawing is in fact amputation. It cruelly injures companion animals, depriving them of their natural abilities and defenses, while doing nothing to keep them in homes or protect human health. Please vote YES on this humane legislation.

Last Name: Dutrey-Ellis Locality: South Chesterfield

Dear legislators, please support HB1998 to prioritize the use of native plants on public lands. This is the right choice for the earth and all its present and future inhabitants. Thank you!

Last Name: Moore Locality: Roanoke

I ask you to pass this bill as it will promote using native plants on state lands in order to support native wildlife including pollinators, birds, etc.. Also, with our changing climate and proliferation of invasive plants, it is essential to plant native in order to promote a healthy ecosystem through biodiversity. Required planting of native species on state owned properties would set the standard for Virginia citizens; many of whom are just learning the importance of using native plants. Eradicating non-natives from many decades of "past mistakes" is costly in so many ways - it's time to set a firm standard that works toward a healthy and balanced environment. Thank you.

Last Name: Moyer Organization: Virginia Native Plant Society Locality: James City County

As a native plant gardener and conservationist I am dismayed by the continued sale of non-native invasive plant species by Virginia nurseries. These two bills will help curb sale of invasive English Ivy.

Last Name: Mays Locality: Nelson

I support HB1998 in requiring the planting of native species on state owned properties.The planting of native species on roadsides, parks and other lands that are owned by the state would be a giant first step in promoting the use of native species. Invasive species that are planted in these areas guarantee the spread of these species into surrounding lands. Thank you for introducing this bill. William Mays

Last Name: Taylor Locality: McLean

Please support HB 1998. Native plants help support our endangered pollinators, promote ecological resiliency, and mitigate climate change. There is every reason to require state properties to utilize native plantings that are best adapted to our Virginia climate and soils, and there are no good reasons to allow landscaping with non-native plants. Planting with natives will save the taxpayers money. Native plants need no fertilizers and, once established, need no artificial watering. They require very little maintenance. Furthermore, since they are grown locally they minimize transportation costs, thus reducing the impact of fossil fuels. Native plants are grown here in Virginia by native plant nurseries; landscaping with these plants supports local small businesses and the Virginia economy. Native plants feed our wild bird populations and support migrating birds on their journey south. Virginia is a major path on the Monarch butterfly eastern migration route, and native plants can help restore their endangered population. Some popular non-native landscaping plants like Nandina have toxic berries that are poisoning our native birds. The Cedar waxwing population has plummeted from eating Nandina berries. When you landscape with native plants, there is no harm to our wildlife. Landscaping with native plants is a critical part of creating a sustainable future for Virginia. Thank you for supporting this important legislation.

Last Name: Neitzey Organization: Virginia Native Plant Society Locality: Broad Run

I am writing in support of HB 1998. Native plant species support wildlife at many levels, and they are essential to our ecosystem, it's extremely important to promote their use. Prioritizing native species in state-funded landscaping, whether by roadways or on the grounds of government buildings, is an excellent approach.

Last Name: Invernizzi Locality: Covesville, VA. --Albemarle County

Thank you for proposing this bill. Prioritization of the use of native species on state property represents an enormous opportunity to improve the health and biodiversity of Virginia’s ecosystem. Native landscapes support beneficial wildlife and can reduce maintenance costs. Sustainable landscapes with native species address stormwater challenges and can help mitigate the effects of climate change and flooding. The prioritization of native species on state properties also helps raise awareness about the benefits of native species and can drive broader demand for ecologically-beneficial sustainable landscape methods. Use of native species is an essential component in the Commonwealth’s efforts to reduce the impacts of invasive species.

Last Name: Seymour Locality: Waynesboro

Please pass the above two bills. It makes sense to put native plant species in the state's parks. Regarding the removal of invasive plants, there should not be legal restrictions to remove them from a property or dispose of them.

Last Name: Zuniga Locality: Rappahanock

I am writing in support of HB 1998. We have learnt the hard way why not to plant non-native plants. That state agencies prioritize the use of native plants in the landscaping endeavors is a big step in the right direction. Let's amend the past wrongdoings and prioritize the use of native plants.

Last Name: Stitt Locality: Northampton

As an active volunteer for nature preserves & home owner of a wildlife friendly property I am deeply committed to helping controls invasives plants and include native plants in my plantings. I have found over the years that using native plants brings much enjoyed wildlife to areas as well as healing the environment. With climate patterns changing it seems invasives are also increasing & affecting the wildlife loss & economic problems for all. Thank you for your bill.

Last Name: Zuniga Locality: Rappahanock

Dear Representative, Thank you for taking the time to read my feedback on HB 2096 Noxious weeds; invasive plant species' bill. These undesirable plants are more than noxious. They threaten every bird and insect in our forest. Probably they had already altered the edaphic microbiota of our soils. And most importantly, they threaten the continuation of the Eastern US deciduous forest as we know them. It does not take a professional eye to realize that native trees are being displaced by unwanted intruders. We are all going to pay the price in one way or another. Thank you for the amendments in this bill. They are a start in the right direction. They are not sufficient, but hopefully they will influence future bills. Sincerely yours, Virginia Zuniga

Last Name: Swanson Locality: ARLINGTON

I strongly support HB1998. Prioritization of the use of native species on state property represents an enormous opportunity to improve the health and biodiversity of Virginia’s ecosystem. Native landscapes support beneficial wildlife and can reduce maintenance costs. Sustainable landscapes with native species address stormwater challenges and can help mitigate the effects of climate change and flooding. The prioritization of native species on state properties also helps raise awareness about the benefits of native species and can drive broader demand for ecologically-beneficial sustainable landscape methods. Use of native species is an essential component in the Commonwealth’s efforts to reduce the impacts of invasive species.

Last Name: Crawford Locality: Alexandria

I ask for your approval of HB 1998. I've been working as a volunteer removing invasive plants for 20 years at my condo association in Alexandria, as well as assisting other organizations on public and private property. Anything that can be done to increase the use of native plants by the state of Virginia is very welcome and much needed to help our native ecosystems recover from the ignorance and abuse that our land has had thrust upon it. Especially useful would be more education of the public as well as those who work for the state on the benefits of using native plants and the destructiveness of using non-native invasive plants.

Last Name: DeBord Locality: Bumpass

This is an important bill. Unfortunately, Virginia has a history of planting invasive, non-native species, though with good intentions. Sericea lespedeza and Autumn Olive are just two examples. Each of these has spread beyond their original planting sites and have become problems for many people. I own 223 acres in Louisa County. I'm trying to eradicate the sericea and autumn olive as best I can, but they are not easy to control. Sericea lespedeza is a perennial and each plant can produce hundreds of seeds that can last in the soil for several years. Similarly, an Autumn Olive can produce up to 200,000 seeds and changes the soil chemistry around it, making it harder for native plants to grow. Native plants have a number of advantages. For me, the primary advantage is local wildlife has adapted to the timing of their flowering and seed production. Many non-native species provide little, if any, benefit to wildlife. For example, the seeds of sericea lespedeza is too high in tannins for them to be of much use to birds. Contrast that to the many native species of lespedeza in Virginia. Again, just to name two examples, Virginia Lespedeza and Creeping Lespedeza provide food for pollinators and seeds for many ground-nesting birds, including quail. Please support this bill and native plants species. Thank you

Last Name: Quenichet Locality: Charlottesville

We need to promote using native plants on state lands in order to support native wildlife including pollinators, birds, etc.. Also, with our changing climate and proliferation of invasive plants, it is essential to plant native in order to promote a healthy ecosystem through biodiversity.

Last Name: Olson Locality: Washington

My wife and I support Bill HB1998 addressing native plants. We are avid supporters of promoting native plants and addressing the negative impacts of invasive plants. Since we have established native plant meadows, we have seen increased numbers and species of birds, butterflies, and wildlife to share with our grandkids, friends, and neighbors. Please continue to work to pass this bill.

Last Name: Anderson Organization: VA Native Plant Society Locality: Frederick

I strongly support using Virginia native plants on state lands. Besides increasing the ecological value of the planted landscape it avoids the use of invasive plants.

Last Name: Topel Locality: Albemarle

It is critical that we support HB 1998 and HB 2096 in the importance of native plants in our ecosystem and to address the massive problems of invasive species.

Last Name: Doherty Locality: Burke

I am a volunteer with the Fairfax County Park Authority to remove invasive species from our local forests. This is an endless and frustrating task given the extent to which our public lands are infested with eco-destroying invasive plants. We NEED STATE SUPPORT for eradication programs AND to address the problem of garden centers and big box stores selling flats of invasive species without even a label indicating that they are invasive. At the very least, a label might help homeowners make more mindful decisions about their landscaping needs.

Last Name: Williams Locality: Warrenton

I am writing in support of HB1998 to use Native Plants on Virginia public lands.

Last Name: Polk Locality: CHARLOTTESVILLE

I am writing in support of HB 1998. Native plant species support wildlife at many levels, and they are essential to our ecosystem. It is important to promote their use. Prioritizing native species in state-funded landscaping, whether by roadways or on the grounds of government buildings, is an excellent approach to this effort.

Last Name: Ravenhorst Locality: Lexington

Please support both HB 1998 encouraging the use of native plants on public property and HB 2096 to educate the public on the danger of installing non-native, invasive plants on their property. Thank you.

Last Name: Shaw Locality: Ruckersville

Dear Committee Members, My partner, Tom and I care deeply about the health and vitality of our natural and cultivated ecosystems and support wise stewardship for the benefit of all we are writing in support of HB 1998. We live on and tend a 10 acre, partially wooded parcel of land, which was created when 100 acre farm in Greene County was subdivided about 20 years ago. After five or so years of ownership, we began to see encroachment of many noxious, invasive species, including English ivy, oriental bittersweet, autumn olive, Alanthus, Japanese stilt grass, along with many others. Our neighbors properties have experienced the invasion of these noxious plants as well. The damage done by these invasive plants gaining a foothold is deep and vast. Oriental bittersweet, for example, will strangle mature trees, and grow into their canopies, causing the demise of mature forests. Alanthus trees, which have become common among local roadways, are the preferred host for the most destructive new insect to our ecosystem, particularly to vineyards in Virginia, the Spotted Lantern Fly. All these plans outcompete the native plants that are integral to the bounty and beauty of our natural landscapes of Virginia. As we begin to look for ways to address these unwelcome plants, we contacted knowledgeable people and professionals, who guided us towards steps to take so that we may be responsible stewards of this land. To support the pollinators that benefit the ecosystem and agricultural crop yields, we converted to 4 acre declining hayfield into a pollinator meadow sewn with native species. The process has entailed for us a steep learning curve and required intensive hands-on work to battle exotic “thug plants“. We have cut by hand many invasives and forest-mulched big thickets of “blow-overs”(mature trees taken down by invasive vines and wind) with some outside assistance. So that the natives in the meadow stand a chance, we have had to address invasives such as Japanese lespedeza, a plant that is particularly difficult to eradicate. Ironically, Lespedeza is often seeded by VDOT on the side of newly installed roads such as the John Warner Parkway in Charlottesville. So even with the efforts we put into nurturing the pollinator meadow, new lespedeza get seeded by birds and other animals who carry seeds from intentionally planted lespedeza. Many would give up the on the face of this challenge, and many, including us are passionate about preserving the health of our land. Please support this bill, and other wise stewardship policies for the sake of all present and future generations. Sincerely, Elaine Shaw and Thomas Walsh

Last Name: Carney Organization: Rivanna Master Naturalist, Virginia Native Plant Society Locality: Charlottesville

I strongly support both HB 1998 to encourage the use of native plants on public property and HB 2096 to educate the public on the danger of installing non-native, invasive plants on their property. Virginia is over run with invasive non-native plants. The sides of all our highways are being choked by autumn olive trees and a multitude of vines. Preserved properties I monitor in Virginia are infested with ivy, Japanese stiltgrass, bittersweet, alianthus, barberry, etc. Thank you for supporting both HB 1998 and HB 2096

Last Name: Boag Locality: Winchester

Let's help create habitat for our native wildlife by setting an example. If state agencies prioritize the use of native plants on state properties, then visitors to those state properties may decide to plant those natives too. I would go a step further, consider labeling the native plants with the plant names and what native wildlife benefits from that plant. Let's make it easy for people to learn about and plant natives, which will result in an expansion of native habitats beyond state owned properties.

Last Name: Miller Locality: Albemarle

Please support both HB 1998 encouraging the use of native plants on public property and HB 2096 to educate the public on the danger of installing non-native, invasive plants on their property.

Last Name: Martin Locality: Arlington

I am writing to urge you to protect native plant species by passing HB 2096 and HB 1998. I have been part of the never-ending fight to preserve our native habitats, working and leading invasive removal events in Arlington to protect and preserve the insects, trees, flowers, and small mammals that would otherwise be able to thrive in our forests. On almost every walk through our parks, I see non-native plants such as English ivy, Japanese honeysuckle, multiflora rose, and loads more smothering the landscape and pushing out our lovely native habitats. Maddeningly, many invasive species continue to be planted by landscaping companies. More support from the state is vital to fund removal efforts and public education and to place restrictions on landscaping companies on what can be planted.

Last Name: Rowan Organization: Virginia Native Plant Society Locality: Fairfax County

With regard to HB 1998 and 2096: I am strongly in favor of all action that supports and prioritizes the use of native plants. Native plants provide homes and food for wildlife and protect our environment. Noxious and invasive weeds such as English ivy should be discouraged as they are killing our native plants.

Last Name: Karppi Organization: Virginia Native Plant Society Locality: Williamsburg

Please prioritize the use of native species on state property represents an enormous opportunity to improve the health and biodiversity of Virginia’s ecosystem. It will also help to raise awareness about the benefits of native species and can drive broader demand for ecologically-beneficial sustainable landscape methods. Use of native species is an essential component in the Commonwealth’s efforts to reduce the impacts of invasive species. Non-native invasive species such as English ivy and Chinese privet can quickly overtake and strangle out native species, which are needed as part of the natural ecosystem which sustains life in the Commonwealth.

Last Name: Martin Locality: Wytheville

I am concerned about invasive plant species and the importance of native plants to our ecosystem and human wellbeing.

Last Name: Jacoby Locality: Alexandria

I strongly support the Commonwealth taking the lead on reducing invasive species into the ecosystem. Please advance and approve this piece of legislation.

Last Name: Campbell Locality: Fairfax

I ask the Committee to support HB 1998. Native plants are the foundation of ecosystems that provide regulation of air and water pollution, sequester carbon, support biological diversity, and provide numerous other products and services to Virginia residents. Promoting maintenance or growth of native plant communities on Commonwealth lands will directly support these benefits and help educate residents about the value of promoting native plants on their own lands. This is an inexpensive method to achieve multiple environmental goals.

Last Name: Erwin Locality: Charlottesville

Please encourage planting of native species, which is so important to our environment. Plus, it’s essential to restrict use of noxious, invasive species and remove them as much as possible. Thanks for your consideration.

Last Name: Childress Locality: Rockbridge

I feel it is vital for the future health of our children and communities to prioritize native plants on our state lands and for sale in private nurseries. Invasive plants and noxious weeds should not be sold in our state. Reducing the proliferation of these plants will improve the health of our environment and our resilience as climate change continues to progress.

Last Name: Gette Locality: Laurel Fork

I strongly support both HB 1998 to encourage the use of native plants on public property and HB 2096 to educate the public on the danger and identity of non-native plants. While there seems to be a ground swelling of interest in the ecological and cost-saving benefits , there is more to be done. Anything our Commonwealth can do to support the use of native species will help! Thank you.

Last Name: Rice Locality: Luray

I am writing on before of my wife and myself. We spend literally 100's of hours each year fighting invasive plants on over 600 acres of land here along the Shenandoah River. There is a strong need for more awareness among the general public and landowners in particular, of the many environmental problems posed by invasives, and the state should take a leadership role by prioritizing management for native species on state lands.

Last Name: Riffey-Buckner Organization: Native Plant Society; Rockbridge Area Master Gardeners Locality: Rockbridge County

My husband and I greatly favor all the bills checked. Puppy mills, shooting contests against animals, control of selling and shipping noxious weeds, and the support of native plants on state owned lands, are all sensible, basic steps that should obviously be taken. They are all sensible and, indeed, "no brainer" first steps in controlling these problems.

Last Name: Monsted Organization: State Arboretum of Virginia Locality: Winchester

As a plant biologist, ecologist, and assistant curator at the State Arboretum of Virginia, I strongly support both HB 1998 to encourage the use of native plants on public property and HB 2096 to educate the public on the danger of installing non-native, invasive plants on their property. Native plants are our biological heritage - they are an integral part of our landscape that are uniquely Virginian, and bring a beauty and character to our public spaces that cannot be replicated elsewhere. As Virginians, we should take pride in our native flora and utilize them whenever possible to beautify our public spaces. Additionally, native plants are the backbone of our local ecosystems. The collection of natural systems that purify our air and water, provide pollination and nutrients to our crops and forage for our livestock, all require native plants to function well. Even small plantings of native plants in public spaces can create very real, functional habitat for essential pollinators and soil micro-organisms, which will in turn support populations of songbirds, amphibians, and other beneficial wildlife that help control insect pests such as mosquitoes while adding beauty and wonder to our public spaces. By passing these two bills, we will simultaneously be educating the public about the dangers of invasive plant species that reduce habitat for native plants, and supporting the use and proliferation of native plants in our public spaces. These two actions will serve to strengthen Virginians' connection to the biological heritage of our landscape, beautify our public spaces, and build more resilient ecosystems. Thank you for our time. Jack Monsted

Last Name: Lofton Locality: Fairfax

I have served as the Landscape Chair for the Stonehurst HOA (near Fairfax Circle) for the past 6 years. In that time we have lost a major swath of the green belt that surrounded our neighborhood to infill development. As a long time resident of Northern Virginia, I also notice that our parks and road easements have become choked with invasive vines and plants. HOAs have limited funds to tackle invasive plant species and educate residents on the drawbacks of non-natives. Garden centers and landscape companies could do so much more to be a force for good. Passage of HB 1998 and 2096 will help us all work together, with public and private efforts, to stem the tide of habitat loss and maintain healthy green spaces in Virginia. Let this be a legacy we are willing to fight for.

Last Name: Washington Locality: Kilmarnock

Invasive plants have cost Virginia and our Northern Neck region millions of dollars to control and pose a severe threat to our agricultural and forested lands, not to mention the damage they have done to Virginia’s parks, forests, riparian buffers, and natural areas. HB 1998 which proposes the prioritization of planting of Virginia’s native species on state lands will set an important example in educating the public about the many ecological benefits of native plants in supporting our ecosystems and biodiversity. Plants that evolved here in our state are the foundation of the food web and the productivity of our lands. They support Virginia's beneficial wildlife, protect our watersheds, prevent stormwater runoff and flooding. Native plants have evolved in our region and their deep, extensive root systems act as natural sponges to prevent runoff and flooding as well as reducing maintenance – service provided naturally and for free. This is a win-win situation for Virginians!

Last Name: Robertson Organization: none Locality: Williamsburg, VA

The limitation on the planting and selling of invasive plants is incredibly important. Currently, invasive plants are taking over our wooded areas, roadsides, and residential areas. Without proper limitations on their sale, trade and use, they will further encroach in these areas, and force out the plants that provide habitat and nourishment to our insects, pollinators, birds and other wildlife. Furthermore, these plants multiply and grow at very high rates, so reviewing and adding to the list of invasive plants/noxious weeds is an important task that needs to take place every couple of years. I do not want to live in a place where all I see is English Ivy smothering trees, Tree of Heaven taking over the roadsides, and Bradford/Callery pear trees crowding out native Dogwoods and Redbuds. These are only a few examples of the problematic invasive plants that are in Virginia. I fully support both HB1998 and HB2096 as they seek to limit invasive plants and encourage the use of native plants. In addition to these bills, an effort should also be made to find funding for the removal of invasive plants and trees across the state, especially along roadsides, highways and easements in every county. The invasive plants that are already growing and thriving will continue to take over and multiply unless there is a concerted effort to remove them from the landscape.

Last Name: Hinrichs Locality: Alexandria, VA

HB1383 | Anderson | Menhaden reduction fishing; prohibition. Without responsible stewardship of our state resources, citizens of our state will face negative long term consequences that impact far more than one commercial sector. Living marine resources are critical to local economies and lived experiences of your constituents. Please support the responsible stewardship by starting with a two-year prohibition while further investigation determines acceptable levels of exploitation. HB1989 | Kory | Coyotes or fur-bearing animals; prohibition of killing contests and competitions. Killing ought not be a hobby nor a community pass time. Killing contests and competitions are inhumane, and in a world increasingly populated by humans, the wild things needs protection to survive unending human encroachment, not further pressure on animal populations through wanton killing "for fun." Please support the prohibition of killing contests and competitions. HB1998 | Krizek | Native plant species; state agencies to prioritize use on state properties. The state must prioritize the use of native plant species as part of broader responsible stewardship efforts on state properties. Using non-native plants can have significantly negative consequences for the environment, for wildlife, and for future state efforts to control unintended non-native plant proliferation. Native plants, on the other hand, are proven to support native animal and insect populations while also improving the ecosystem. Please support this effort to prioritize the use of native plants on state properties. HB2042 | Shin | Animal testing; whistle blower protections created. Whistle blower protections are critical for enabling healthy institutions. If those with knowledge are not protected in exposing negligence, crime, or harm, then the incentive structures needed to improve our institutions will be missing, and we'll all suffer the costs of reduced institutional fitness. Please support whistle blower protections. HB2189 | Rasoul | PFAS; requirements to test, publicly owned treatment works, discharges into state waters. As scientific evidence regarding the detrimental impacts of PFAS on human health continues to mount, testing for PFAS is a critical first step towards preventing PFAS contamination and what actions will be needed to protect human health when PFAS exposure is detected. Please support requirements to test discharges for PFAS.

Last Name: Comanor Locality: Woodstock VA 22664,

I strongly support HB 1998. Virginia needs to quickly implement an invasive species education and control program. It is past time for identifying noxious weeds/invasive species that should not be further spread in our landscapes and to prevent future introductions. You need only look at what has occurred with Japanese stiltgrass (invasive introduction that is now found everywhere) or Bradford pear, autumn olive or kudzu ( self-inflicted introduced species). Ignorance should no longer be an excuse. Once an official list is adopted, there should be prohibitions on sales or other introductions. The list should be widely circulated and a control program enacted.

Last Name: Brummer Locality: Salem

The Virginia Native Plants Society has made me aware of this HB2096 to improve control of the intentional importation of invasive plants into our commonwealth. I most emphatically support the need to reduce invasive plants which are outcompeting many of our natives and changing our landscape into nothing but English ivy and burning bush. Our native animals and insects need native plants to thrive. A comprehensive and updated listing of invasive species is critical. Removal of invasives and the intentional planting of native species whenever planting is needed or desired are both of vital importance. I also support HB 1998 to educate our citizens on the beauty and utility of native plants through the use of native plants in any state funded planting areas. This process is economical and can become a source of pride and encouragement for our citizens.

Last Name: Eggleston Locality: Roanoke

I am writing to express my support for HB 1998, which focuses on use of native Virginia species. This bill is an essential step in the process started by the House in 2003 to address the threat of noxious, exotic species (i.e. invasive plants, animals and insects). At that time, the Invasive Species Council Act (ISCA) was passed to develop leadership and an action plan regarding the problem of invasive species. When the ISCA expired in 2006, Invasive Species Working Group was created by executive order to continue the work. Since then, the Tree and Crop Pest Law, the Plant and Plant Products Inspection Law, and the Noxious Weed Law grant Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) most of its authority and responsibility for responding to invasive species issues. Since the legistature started to prioritize the problem of noxious, exotic specicies (i.e. invasive species), the problem has worsened. Currently, invasive species cost Virginia more than $1 billion annually, while nationally the total exceeds $120 billion. Invasive species damage and degrade crops, pasture and forestlands, clog waterways, spread human and livestock diseases, and destroy street trees. HB 1998 adds to HB 2096 by making a strategic plan to maximize the use of Virginia native species. If we both undermine invasive species (i.e HB 2096) and also maximize use of natives (i.e. HB 1998), we create a future that benefits commercial broad agriculture interests (e.g. protects farms and crops), the amazing, natural beauty of our state and our overall ecosystem wellness. This is a win for everyone. For more information on this topic, please see:

Last Name: Grymes Locality: Prince William County

HB1998 and HB2096 are small steps forward, and those steps move Virginia in the right direction. Please support passage.

Last Name: Strealy-Colom Locality: Charlottesville

Prioritization of the use of native species on state property represents an enormous opportunity to improve the health and biodiversity of Virginia’s ecosystem. Native landscapes support beneficial wildlife and can reduce maintenance costs. Sustainable landscapes with native species address storm water challenges and can help mitigate the effects of climate change and flooding. The prioritization of native species on state properties also helps raise awareness about the benefits of native species and can drive broader demand for ecologically-beneficial sustainable landscape methods. Use of native species is an essential component in the Commonwealth’s efforts to reduce the impacts of invasive species. Please ensure this bill passes to support these critical efforts to protect and preserve Virginia's ecosystems.

Last Name: Attermeyer Locality: Fishersville

Please support HB 1998 for the coordination of the development of strategic actions to prioritize the use of native plants by state agencies. This is an enormous opportunity improve the health and biodiversity of Virginia’s state ecosystem. Benefits include reducing maintenance costs while supporting wildlife as well as helping to address storm water challenges. A major benefit is for increasing life sustaining flora for native birds and animals in spite of the current overabundance of non-native plants that interfere with or do not support our endangered native species. An added benefit is education of the general public when they see native plants being utilized.

Last Name: Horn Organization: Temple Rodef Shalom Locality: Arlington

Temple Rodef Shalom is the largest synagogue in Virginia with 1800 families. In recent years we have taken various steps to address climate change and reduce our carbon footprint, both as a faith institution and as individual congregants. We added solar panels to our building and are undertaking a variety of projects to live out our Jewish value of "repairing the world." One area of keen interest in our congregation is native plants and the removal of invasive plants. Our members volunteer at English ivy-pulling sessions in area parks and we have both established a native demonstration garden at the temple, but also have committed significant funds to a restoration project of a natural wooded area on our property that includes a 3- year invasive removal component. I believe the Commonwealth should similarly value these objectives on a state-wide scale and pass legislation like HB1998 and HB2096. It shocks me to no end that one can still walk into a garden store and purchase English Ivy as though it were a benign plant! Case in point, this site for a nursery near me ( even suggests uses for English ivy neglecting to note that when this plant grows vertically and produces fruit, birds spread the seed widely, further contaminating wild areas. Virginia needs to follow the lead of so many other states and address the scourge of invasive plants! I'll end on this note- much of the damage invasives are doing isn't always seen as we go about our daily urbanized lives but if you get out along the Potomac River- undoubtedly one of our region's greatest treasures- you will see the horrific blanket of kudzu and English ivy that has

Last Name: Shinn Locality: Fairfax County

Please pass HB 1998 which requires that the state give preference to planting native species on state properties. Native species support native insects and wildlife. With increasing challenges due to climate change, it is important that we do all we can to support the varied habitats in Virginia and the creatures that rely upon them.

Last Name: Glaettli Locality: Charlottesville

Dear Delegates, I grew up in the Northern part of Virginia, with my father explaining how fallow fields go through succession, from meadow, to cedar, to hardwoods. In the last 20 years of living in Virginia, I watched nonnative plants come up in the fallow fields and do not see the same native trees I did as a child. A childhood family farming friend explained there were two sequences in his life that he participated in that removed much of the native plants from his farm. The first was use of the bush hog along fence rows in the 1960s and 1970s, the second was his introduction of roundup ready crops in the 1980s. In the 1950s subdivision groundcover became turf, these grasses are not native to the United States. Government must take on the leadership role to show others that native plants can be used on public lands. Without these wild spaces in-between, we will continue to fragment our habitats. For the last seventeen years I have been designing, installing, and maintaining native plant demonstration landscapes at a central Virginia locality. I was asked to participate because our landscape team struggled getting plants to grow in challenging areas. These conditions included lack of sun light, overly dry, or extremely hot. Each time I was able to use native plants as a solution. Our locality has a Biodiversity Action Plan that includes 6 goals directly related to using native plants, including in public spaces. Our locality is an example that native plants can be used in public spaces. Fairfax’s 2007 Natural Landscape Policy is a second example of a Virginia locality that has used native plants in public spaces. I do not represent my locality in requesting the passing of HB 1998, I am requesting the passage of HB 1998 on a person level. Native plants give us a sense of place, a reminder of home, like any other landmark - historical, cultural, or natural. Native plants, installed in their proper habitats, are the cornerstone of biodiversity and ecosystems. Biodiversity and ecosystem are a necessity for the prosperity of future Virginians. Please lead the way by passing HB 1998.

Last Name: Naimon Locality: MIDLOTHIAN

I am in favor of this bill because native landscapes support beneficial wildlife and can reduce maintenance costs. Sustainable landscapes with native species address stormwater challenges and can help mitigate the effects of climate change and flooding.

Last Name: Clark Locality: Roanoke County

Both of these bills HB 1998 and HB 2096 would be very beneficial to our native Virginia plant species. I hope our legislators will recognize the value of these 2 proposals to help to safe guard our native plants which are very much put at risk with aggressive non-native plants. Not only is our native plants put at great risk but our native insects survival is also endangered which when they fail to survive put are pollinators at risk, then birds and small native animals are also in danger of decline if needed food cannot be found. So like a lot of life it is a chain with one thing linked to and connected to another. These 2 bills need to pass it is a needed protection to Virginia wildlife.

Last Name: Brandt Organization: Native Virginia Plant society Locality: Roanoke

Please pass bills 1998 and 2096 to support the local environment. Invasive species disturb a delicate ecosystem. They tend to crowd out native plants.

Last Name: Spotts Organization: myself and my wife Locality: Spotsylvania

These two bills are essential to the betterment of our shared environment. The native plants are part of our natural ecosystem and food chain which sustains life in our commonwealth, and the world.

Last Name: Grabb Locality: Northumberland County

HB 1811 - Our General Assembly is seriously considering a bill that would allow continuous deer-hunting year round? I am opposed to this bill as our lives are disrupted enough during the app. 2 month season we currently have. I like to walk the rural roads where we live, and the quiet reverie of the early morning is tainted often enough with the sounds of shotgun blasts, the baying of the poor dogs being used to flush out the deer (and this is called "hunting"?), the dogs that run across our "no hunting" property because they go wherever they want, and the pickup trucks barreling down the road trying to get to where the dogs are chasing a deer. Instead of increasing deer season, I would be in favor of reducing it to one month at most. I would also like to see a ban on the use of dogs to hunt deer. It is a disservice to the poor dogs, and I can only imagine the terror the deer must feel as a mass of barking dogs chases them out of their habitat to be shot by someone on the side of the road just waiting for one to come close. Another reason to NOT increase deer season is the amount of roadside litter that accumulates when hunters are out. They apparently have no respect for the anti-littering laws that we have. I have an adopt-a-highway stretch that I walk daily, and the amount of extra trash I collect during hunting season is abhorrent. I can not imagine having to collect that amount all year long. I am OPPOSED to this bill going any further and cannot imagine that any intelligent legislator would be in favor of it. HB 1998 - I am IN FAVOR of this bill as I support the use of Virginia's native plants at homes, businesses, and state agencies. HB 2096 - I am IN FAVOR of this bill as I believe we need to do more to rid Virginia of non-native plants and to plant those native to the Commonwealth.

Last Name: Gilkey Organization: Urban Wildflowers LLC Locality: Fairfax County

Urban Wildflowers LL supports HB 1998. It is critical to prioritize the use of native species on state property. This bill represents an enormous opportunity to improve the health and biodiversity of Virginia’s ecosystem. (1) Native landscapes support beneficial wildlife and can reduce maintenance costs. (2) Sustainable landscapes with native species address stormwater challenges and can help mitigate the effects of climate change and flooding. (3) The prioritization of native species on state properties also helps raise awareness about the benefits of native species and can drive broader demand for ecologically-beneficial sustainable landscape methods. (4) Use of native species is an essential component in the Commonwealth’s efforts to reduce the impacts of invasive species.

Last Name: Fiechter Locality: Fairfax County

Having spent many years trying to remove invasive plants from my property , l am in favor of any legislation that eliminates these plants and encourages the use of native plants.

Last Name: DeNitto Locality: Falls Church

Prioritization of the use of native species on state property represents an enormous opportunity to improve the health and biodiversity of Virginia’s ecosystem. Native landscapes support beneficial wildlife and can reduce maintenance costs. Sustainable landscapes with native species address stormwater challenges and can help mitigate the effects of climate change and flooding. The prioritization of native species on state properties also helps raise awareness about the benefits of native species and can drive broader demand for ecologically-beneficial sustainable landscape methods. Use of native species is an essential component in the Commonwealth’s efforts to reduce the impacts of invasive species.

Last Name: Hanners Locality: Port Haywood

I support both HB1998 and HB2096. Both bills provide support for more use of native plants in our state. Use of native plants is crucial to stop and reverse the decline of native insect and bird populations that has occurred in recent decades.

Last Name: Lyons Organization: Virginia Native Plant Society Locality: Rockbridge

One needn't look far to see information about the shocking loss of biodiversity that we are facing. This bill will ensure that the Commonwealth of Virginia will be part of the solution to this problem by incorporating native plantings and serving as an example educating the public to this issue. Please support this bill!

Last Name: Otto Locality: Fairfax County, VA

Please pass HB2096. HB2096 would increase public awareness of the problem of invasive plants in the landscape. I particularly like the provision that tradespeople inform their clients of the installation of invasive plants on their properties, which would provide property owners data they need to make informed plant choice decisions.  The bill supports the use of native plant species by state agencies and would help to showcase beneficial native plantings to the public. Please pass HB1998. HB 1998 would prioritize the use of native species on state property. This would improve the health and biodiversity of Virginia’s ecosystem. It would raise awareness about the benefits of native species and could drive broader demand for ecologically-beneficial sustainable landscape methods Native landscapes support beneficial wildlife and can reduce maintenance costs. Sustainable landscapes with native species address stormwater challenges and can help mitigate the effects of climate change and flooding.

Last Name: Liga Locality: Manassas

Please pass this extremely important bill to help improve the health and quality of state properties. Native plants are incredibly important to the insects and other animals that live in Virginia. They also were meant to be here and grow well in our environment. As a gardener, I have been so thrilled and the change in my own yard after filling it with native plants. The number of birds and insects that now visit my yard is truly amazing and beautiful. Please support this bill so our state properties can be a shining example of what a native plant-focused environment can look like.

Last Name: Cargill Locality: Roanoke City

I support the use of Virginia native plant especially plants propagated from local populations--in land management, conservation, restoration, and horticultural projects will help maintain the ecological integrity of natural areas and preserve native biodiversity. More native plants mean more choices of food and shelter for native birds and other wildlife. To survive, native birds need native plants and the insects that have co-evolved with them.

Last Name: Sechi Organization: VA Native Plant Society Locality: Staunton, Augusta County

Please pass Delegate Krizek’s HB1998. If we are to mitigate climate change, sequester carbon and support our native habitat, we need as much acreage as possible devoid of aggressive invasive plants and covered in the natives that our ecosystem relies on. I walk my dog twice a day out in the county on roads, in the woods and in fields. It is clear that all of these areas are being taken over by "the wrong plants in the wrong places". Our native species do not stand a chance if we do not get this situation under immediate control. Requiring state agencies to prioritize that all state properties are planted with natives first, will go a very long way to supporting a healthy local ecosystem. There needs to be an educational component to this, so that the public understands the importance of the actions the state will be taking, and that we can all be a part of the solution, by making the commitment to plant natives on our own properties as well. VDOT and the VA Forestry Department will need some guidance and education to create a diverse, and robust planting program and move away from the more traditional monoculture mindset that I see in many places. I hope they will engage local experts, as well as the VA Native Plant Society to partner in creating viable solutions.

Last Name: Titus Locality: Reedville

I highly support this bill as well as HB2096. The stronger the positive example that the Virginia government sets in planting native species and condemning invasive species and noxious weeds, the better the environmental health of the Commonwealth. Native species are essential supports for the functioning of entire ecosystems, while many invasives are overwhelming both public and private lands. The spread of Autumn Olive, Russian Olive, Bradford Pear, Privet, English Ivy, Japanese Honeysuckle, Garlic Mustard, Stilt Grass and others is incredible in both the extent of the occurrences, and the remote locations where these are now found. Our native trees (oaks, beeches, ash) are in decline from other pressures - the turnaround to support and encourage native growth needs to start now.

Last Name: Munns,Jr Organization: Northern Neck Chapter f VA Native Plant Society and NN Chapter of VA Master Naturalists Locality: Lancaster

I am writing to strongly endorse and support your efforts to deny the sales, transportation, propagation, of non-native species of plants in the Commonwealth. You should see how kudzu, English ivy, autumn clematis, miscanthus grass and other escapees from our gardens and yards have wreaked havoc in our woods and roadsides. Not allowing sales of certain plants will arrest further dispersal of unwanted flora. I just wanted you to know. Ted Munns Irvington

Last Name: Weaver Locality: Fairfax

Please pass these two bills to help increase the use of native plants and help reduce the occurance of noxious weeds in our state. My hope would be a ban on the sale and planting of specific invasive plants. Many Asian, European and African plants that have been introduced and continue to be planted are invading properties all over the state. We all see porcelainberry, English ivy, Asian bittersweet, Japanese honeysuckle, stiltgrass etc. overcoming forests around the state. This has created a huge social cost. The longer we allow people to plant nonnative plants, the greater the cost to save our native plants and animals. It’s not too late. There are many places that have not been disturbed by development or overuse which still have great native biodiversity. We need legislation to preserve more of those places in addition to limiting more damage with senseless planting of invasive plants. Thanks for passing these bills. Keep working to make Virginia an example that native plant conservation and invasive plant elimination ought to be a bipartisan issue.

Last Name: Sorrells Organization: Virginia Native Plant Society Locality: Augusta County

Look around and it is easy to see the environmental destruction caused by non-native invasive species. Entire fields clogged with autumn olive and Bradford pear are environmental wastelands for instance. Buildings and trees compromised from English Ivy. Wetlands smothered with purple loosestrife. These species and others push out native plants and native animals and everything -- including humans -- suffers. We lose beneficial insects that provide important pollination to our farmer's crops and orchards, and we lose all the animals that depend on the insects as one moves up the food chain. Native plants, rather than non-natives, are also easier to maintain meaning we have better protection of our precious water supplies not only because less water is needed, but also because pesticides and herbicides aren't needed to make sure those invasives survive. Finally, this bill makes economic sense, especially to farmers who can't even use those fields clogged with invasive shrubs or who must turn to chemicals to rid their land of Johnson grass or Japanese honeysuckle! Finally, pairing native pollinator plants with large and small solar arrays provides a double bonus of green energy with protection of the soil and water under and around those arrays. Thanks for thinking about all Virginians and the environment that sustains us all. By having a plan in place, Virginia can move from knowing what is right to doing what is right! Sincerely, Nancy Sorrells (editor of the Virginia Native Plant Society newsletter), Greenville, VA

Last Name: Sorrells Locality: Augusta County

Communities that understand their past can better deal with the present and future. Protecting our historic resources helps make that happen, but unless resources are available to help do this, the path of least resistence is to destroy the old and make way for the new. Help preserve the stories and heritage of the wonderful people in the Commonwealth. We must work together to preserve the past for the future. Sincerely, Nancy Sorrells (historian and writer), Greenville, VA

Last Name: Valverde Locality: Chesterfield

HB1998 | Krizek | Native plant species; state agencies to prioritize use on state properties. I am in full support of HB1998 . Native Plant species on state properties is highly beneficial and practical in many aspects. Native plants require little to no maintenance saving the state million on water, fertilizer, and up keep. They are a life source for struggling wildlife and pollinators for food and shelter whose native resources are being taken over by "ornamental" foreign species that in most cases have become invasive. Native plants on state properties will also provide substantial exposure opportunities for educating the general public on the importance of incorporating natives into their home landscapes. HB2096 | Bulova | Noxious weeds; invasive plant species. I fully support HB2096 putting limits and bans on invasive species is critical to the health of our ecosystem. The damage that invasive noxious species causes to our properties costly. Many home owners have to cut down old growth hardwood prematurely due to English ivy and damage. Most people think that if the stores sell a plant then it could not be harmful only to realize it's harmful and costly consequences later. We have spent thousands of dollars in invasive species related costs just on our small suburban lot and we still have to spend thousands more to complete the responsible restoration of our yard.

Last Name: Billow Locality: norfolk

Support the use of native plants on state property.

Last Name: Hathaway Locality: Charlottesville

I support both HB1998 and HB2096 to help control the impact of invasive plant species and support the use of native plants in Virginia. An avid home gardener, I have become more aware of the importance of native plants to our ecosystem over the last five years and I see how much invasive species can overwhelm different areas, and are marketed toward consumers despite their negative impact. I have been successful in my own garden spaces in moving towards more natives and identifying and removing invasive, and I support any efforts to increase public awareness of these issues, not only among home gardeners but in public landscaping as well.

Last Name: Carroll Locality: Crozet / Albemarle Co.

Please support the prioritization of native plant species in state landscaping, such as along highways and in parks, and make it easier to remove invasive plant species. These measures will help to increase native wildlife such as birds, bees, and butterflies. It is also vital that plant nurseries notify homeowners when they are planting invasive species, which crowd out native species. Thank you.

Last Name: Hanes Locality: Charlottesville

Please make native plants the priority for Virginia outdoor staff to use and request residents to use. Virginia has a multitude of varieties which suit our terrain and climate, even as it changes. Native choices from south of us may replace these options eventually, but Natives provide so many advantages, especially over plants that may become invasive due to lack of natural pests and diseases.

Last Name: Pittman Organization: Pittsure Company Inc. Locality: Alexandria

I strongly support HB1998. This is an easy solution to help save our biodiversity. Simply plant Native species. We don't need more annuals and invasive perennials, especially those that come from other countries. It's a no brainer. Natives require less water, less attention. Natives attract more birds, feed more pollinators, which in turn feeds us. Let's educate our landscapers, our nurseries and the general public and urge them to plant natives. This should be an essential part of any climate action that we take. Thank you.

Last Name: Basden Organization: Virginia Native Plant Society Locality: Springfield

I challenge the members of this committee-for or against this bill - to take a walk around your garden or neighborhood and inventory the types of plants being grown. The majority will be non native plants, such as azaleas, roses, lirope, crape Myrtle trees which do not support native wildlife, .Do the inventory. You’ll be shocked. Few native plants to be found. What are we doing to our precious environment?? It’s not enough to promote native plants in parklands but it’s a start. Thank you. Gerianne Basden, Springfield, Va

Last Name: Jansen Locality: Fairfield

Copied from a previous comment - I agree 100%: Invasive plants are wreaking havoc on our native plants. You have only to drive along any roadside or highway in the Spring to see all the invasive Bradford Pears in bloom. Sure, they look pretty for a week or so, but they stink, and they crowd out all other native plants. English Ivy is also killing mature trees. The Oriental Bittersweet vines are killing mature native trees everywhere. Then there's the multiflora rose, barberry & Japanese Honeysuckle not to mention Stilt grass. All of the plants proven to be invasive (those that will not stay where planted) must be removed from sales as soon as possible. My husband & I have spent years battling invasives on our property and I shudder to think people are still buying and planting some of these. Thank you for your consideration.

Last Name: roberts Locality: raichmond

Please support this bill which will protect all Virginia's Natural Heritage from invasive plants.

Last Name: Csukardi Organization: Virginia Native Plant Society Locality: Henrico

I strongly support HB 1998. Native plants are the most beneficial to our local Virginia ecosystem. Invasive species, such as Japanese honeysuckle or English Ivy, are so prevalent in neighborhoods and common areas, and they create a lot of damage to native wildlife as well as homes and public infrastructure. Personally I spent hours removing an invasive honesuckle with thick, 6-foot vines embedded under my backyard shed. HB 1998 would sustain our ecosystem, avoid future damage, and be a fantastic mode of civic engagement and public education on the benefits of native plants in Virginia!

Last Name: Williams Locality: Williamsburg


Last Name: Puleo Locality: Delaplane, VA

Invasive plants are wreaking havoc on our ntive plants. You have only to drive along any roadside or highway in the Spring to see all the invasive Bradford Pears in bloom. Sure they look pretty for a week or so but they stink and they crowd out all other native plants. English Ivy is also killing mature trees. The Oriental Bittersweet vines are killing mature native trees everywhere. Then there's the multiflora rose, barberry & Japanese Honeysuckle not to mention Stlit grass. All of the plants proven to be invasive ( those that will not stay where planted) must be removed from sales as soon as possible. My husband & I have spent years battling invasives on our property and I shutter to think people are still buying and planting some of these. Thank you for your consideration

Last Name: McCabe Locality: Alexandria

It is difficult to enjoy a simple walk in a park, anywhere in Virginia, without seeing beautiful old trees being overtaken by English ivy, and native plants in woods being choked out by other non-natives introduced by humans, such as Japanese honeysuckle, periwinkle, etc. The list goes on an on. The fact that people and landscapers still can and do buy and plant many of these at nurseries is shameful and exacerbates the environmental and commercial damage these plants cause. Please support this bill.

Last Name: Barrett Locality: Fauquier

I strongly support the use of native plants whenever and wherever practicable. At the same time, invasive plants are becoming an overwhelming nuisance in our area. Invasive such as oriental bittersweet, autumn olive and Japanese honeysuckle are overwhelming, the native wildlife habitat on my land near Hume, Virginia. Most invasive serve, no important purpose other than to look nice in someone’s yard or garden. But as invasive as they escape and devastate native landscapes.

Last Name: Norwood Locality: Nelson County

I highly support both bills. The more that the Virginia government can set a good example in planting native species and condemning invasive species and noxious weeds, the better for the Commonwealth. Native species are essential supports for the functioning of entire ecosystems, while many invasives are overwhelming both public and private lands.

Last Name: Garland Locality: Vienna

I support Del. Krizek's HB 1998. It will make a big dent if various state agencies coordinate an invasive species management plan "Prevention, early detection and rapid response, control and management, research and risk assessment, and education and outreach " lays out the potential for a very thorough approach. Invasive plant infestations are said to be increasing exponentially. The supply of volunteers to remove them is not. Hopefully the state will enable volunteers to do more than use manual tools. Except for ailanthus trees, when stems or trunks are cut, they need to be "painted" with herbicide to prevent regrowth. Volunteers could be given pre-mixed bottles of product with small sponge applicators attached. The herbicide will move thru plant tissues and kill the plant. Merely cutting stems or base of roots for a few hours and then going home achieves little and is a waste of precious volunteer time. The other part of the bill - that state agencies prioritize native plants on state property - is a step in the right direction. If implemented in a kickass fashion, it would increase the demand for native plants, and educate the public by example . VDOT planting natives by roadsides, right-of-ways, and in clover leaves - what a change that would be! Now for another bill to stop them mowing down what they've planted!

Last Name: Friends of Accotink Creek Organization: Friends of Accotink Creek Locality: Fairfax County

The Friends of Accotink Creek strongly support HB1998. It truly is "our responsibility to protect the ones that have no voice", to quote an earlier commenter. The relentless advance of invasive exotic plant species is turning Virginia's natural habitats into something worthy of a horror movie. Anything we can do to prevent further spread must be done. If only we could enact a law to remove the exotic invasives already present across our Commonwealth, which will plague us in perpetuity.

Last Name: Montgomery Locality: Shiremanstown

I demanding that you protect our water stop the mountain valley pipeline from being drilled it will endanger people living there I am begging to protect our waters and lands as so important for endangered species and people. Concerned Citizen Ji Montgomery

Last Name: Quigley Locality: Alexandria

Dear Delegates Krizek and Bulova, I have been working for over 30 year to increase the use of native plants in Northern Virginia. I fully support Delegate Krizek's efforts to pass HB 1998. His proposal goes hand-in-hand with the need to rid our lands of noxious weeds and invasive plants as proposed by Delegate Bulova in HB2096. Both bills are critical if we and to turn around our significant losses of vital insect life and the plants that nurture those insects For example, we must decrease the amount of English Ivy that has escaped private properties and invaded our and state public lands. This invasive creates weight and wind resistance in our trees -- weight and resistance the tree is not equipped to handle. As a result, the trees are more likely to be uprooted in the strong storms we are experiencing. As invasives are removed, they need to be replaced by desirable plants that help feed and protect the insects that pollinate our trees and plants and also feed young birds. Both bill are key to the circle of life that has been severely compromised. Please keep me informed about progress of your proposed legislation. Thank you. Sincerely, Eleanor F. Quigley

Last Name: Walker Locality: Albemarle

I strongly support HB1998 submitted by Delegate Krizek. It is insane for state agencies to continue to propagate, plant and/or sell invasive plants that are known to harm our ecosystems. Please pass this bill so that the state agencies set the right example for the rest of the state and stopping doing things that harm our natural heritage.

Last Name: Speas Locality: Fairfax County

I ask you to support Delegate Krizek’s HB1998 and pass it out of committee. Giving native plants priority in state agency work is already required in some counties in Virginia. Let our government lead by example to show that planting natives in new and restoration projects will work to produce healthy ecosystems. Without a healthy, biodiverse ecosystem, the food web collapses and all species including humans are affected. It is critical that special attention be given to VDOT’s replanting programs. Since so much forest is lost in linear transportation projects, what we do with the fragments that are left is critical. I urge you to vote for HB1998, and thank Delegate Krizek for patroning the bill.

Last Name: Caywood Locality: Virginia Beach

I support HB1998 because it is more efficient to use plants that are already adapted to local conditions than to continually replace stressed plants that don't belong here. Moreover, native plants support native wildlife and thus a healthy ecosystem.

Last Name: Grebe Locality: Fairfax Co

I strongly support HB1998 - thank you Delegate Krizek for introducing it. Restoring our local ecologies and biodiversity as best we can is critical as we face a mass insect extinction. A 2019 report from Biological Conservation found that 40% of all insects species are declining globally and that a third of them are endangered. Insects rely on native plants to thrive - without native plants in our landscape, insect populations will continue to decline and it will inevitably negatively effect us as humans as well. These insects (who need native plants) are the canary in the coal mines for how well our natural world functions. But we have a chance with legislation like this to begin to reverse the current insect trend. Let's prioritize native plant species on state properties (***including those owned by VDOT***), inspire residents through state agencies leading by example, and help drive demand in the nursery trade for these plants (which is an economic win for driving profits for retailers who support a healthy for people and wildlife!). Please support HB1998.

Last Name: Kolish Locality: Fairfax

I support this bill because native plants provide so many more benefits than non-native plants and require fewer resources to maintain. They also are important to restoring biodiversity and returning to a productive and balanced ecosystem. Right now, for example, monocultures of invasive species such as Bradford Pears are seen all along state highways. They will take over everything if not stopped. So at a minimum, new planting or restoration plantings should also prioritize native plants. State and local governments should be modeling best and eco-savvy practices to inspire their citizens to do the same. Thank you.

Last Name: Martin Organization: I strongly support your HB1998 requiring state agencies to prioritize use of native plants on state properties. I web page Locality: Alexandria

I strongly support your HB1998 requiring state agencies to prioritize use of native plants on state properties. I believe that Virginia citizens would also plant more native plants if they knew what they were and what their virtues were. To that end, I should also like to also require the Department of Recreation and Conservation to develop and publicize a web page picturing and describing the of benefits of easy-to-grow native species.

Last Name: Martin Locality: Alexandria, VA

I strongly support yourHR2096 prohibiting the planting, selling, or propagating of invasive species and regulation of tradesperson' installation of invasive species. One need only walk along the Mount Vernon bike path to see the harmful effects of porcelain berry and autumn clematis. I believe more citizens of Virginia would avoid invasive species if they knew what they were and what their ill effects were. To that end, I should like the Department of Recreation and Conservation to also develop and publicize a web page with illustrations of common invasive species and descriptions of their harmful characteristics.

Last Name: Reyes Locality: Billericay

It's our responsibility to protect the ones that have no voice

HB2042 - Animal testing; whistle blower protections created.
Last Name: Trotta Locality: VA beach county

Pls stop all animal experiments and cruelty. Someone has to speak and step up for those who cannot. Pls stop all cruelty Thanks

Last Name: Stewart Locality: Vienna

The "long, slow drip" of the abuse and neglect at the Envigo breeding facility which came to the public's horrified attention over the last few years should be an object lesson in the need for proper recordkeeping, reporting, and oversight of animal research facilities in Virginia. And, whistleblowers who report animal care violations at such facilities should be protected and rewarded, as this bill proposes to do. Animal testing is known to be less than efficacious as a predictor of human response to the substance being tested while non-animal based testing is becoming the norm and providing clinically useful results. Therefore, it is reasonable to require research facilities provide a plan for phasing out animal testing. Transparency and data are needed to move forward, and this bill provides those. Please support HB 2042.

Last Name: Crosky Organization: Virginia Animal Owners Alliance Locality: Wythe

Mr. Chair and Members of the Committee, Please oppose HB 2042. This bill raises legal questions. Facilities that use research animals are already highly regulated to ensure animal welfare. Why is this bill being brought forward? What role has Virginia's Animal Law Unit played in the background as this wording was drafted? They are not the sole authority on animal care! This bill is expanding the powers of the Animal Law Unit and effectively deputizing citizens. It destroys the requirement for "standing" in order to sue which should concern all Virginians. If passed, the legislation will have huge ramifications for issues above and beyond animal research. This bill reads like a PETA wish list. This radical group is opposed to any use of an animal and refuses to acknowledge the fact that humans as well as our pets benefit from meaningful research. While we can agree that there should be a system in place to ensure animal welfare (such a system already exists), we recognize that catering to the animal rights agenda will result in detrimental effects to all of us. It seems that a trend is beginning across the nation to cushion similar wording into highly controversial legislation. These issues generate a lot of emotion and typically garner a lot of support, but the real life scenarios they create are often ignored. This is the time for critical thinking and common sense. There are other ways to ensure animal welfare while also protecting our democratic process. Animal rights activists should not be incentivized through a reward program and legitimized by increased legal opportunities to promote their harmful agenda. Sincerely, Heidi Crosky Virginia Animal Owners Alliance

Last Name: Hanrahan Locality: LORTON

Please pass HB2042. Last year, Virginia took a horrible, slowly unfolding story of unconscionable abuse and neglect at the Envigo breeding facility, and turned the narrative into a joyful success story that resonated across the Nation, when the legislature unanimously passed five laws to relieve the suffering of thousands of Beagles at Envigo and ensure that Envigo would not have the opportunity to continue its inhumane treatment of animals bred for research. The Envigo news story shed light not only on treatment of animals at Envigo, but at facilities that use animals in research, such as those to which Envigo sold thousands of dogs a year. Sadly, the abuse and neglect of animals used in research is common, and the pain and suffering are everyday life for many of these animals. The tragedy is compounded by the realization that so much of this suffering is unnecessary, both because animal tests have little relevance to human health and are unreliable as a measure of human reaction and because many more human-relevant and reliable alternative models exist. At an accelerating pace, medicine and science are moving to reduce and replace the number of animals in research. Yet, in Virginia, we are unprepared to even assess the extent to which animals are used in research in the Commonwealth because we have no records. This bill would help to close this gap by requiring an annual report that provides limited data and, importantly, sets out the facility’s plan for reducing the use of animals over a 10-year period. The bill also establishes basic whistleblower protections to help ensure that individuals who report wrongdoing in good faith are not retaliated against. As an individual formerly involved in Federal law enforcement, I know how important protection from retaliation is to help ensure compliance with the law. Together these are simple steps in the right direction.

Last Name: Hopkins Locality: Fairfax

I and others strongly support HB 2042 for increased transparency at animal research facilities in our state. Without transparency, animal research facilities are more likely to abuse animals. This is an important bill.

Last Name: Hinrichs Locality: Alexandria, VA

HB1383 | Anderson | Menhaden reduction fishing; prohibition. Without responsible stewardship of our state resources, citizens of our state will face negative long term consequences that impact far more than one commercial sector. Living marine resources are critical to local economies and lived experiences of your constituents. Please support the responsible stewardship by starting with a two-year prohibition while further investigation determines acceptable levels of exploitation. HB1989 | Kory | Coyotes or fur-bearing animals; prohibition of killing contests and competitions. Killing ought not be a hobby nor a community pass time. Killing contests and competitions are inhumane, and in a world increasingly populated by humans, the wild things needs protection to survive unending human encroachment, not further pressure on animal populations through wanton killing "for fun." Please support the prohibition of killing contests and competitions. HB1998 | Krizek | Native plant species; state agencies to prioritize use on state properties. The state must prioritize the use of native plant species as part of broader responsible stewardship efforts on state properties. Using non-native plants can have significantly negative consequences for the environment, for wildlife, and for future state efforts to control unintended non-native plant proliferation. Native plants, on the other hand, are proven to support native animal and insect populations while also improving the ecosystem. Please support this effort to prioritize the use of native plants on state properties. HB2042 | Shin | Animal testing; whistle blower protections created. Whistle blower protections are critical for enabling healthy institutions. If those with knowledge are not protected in exposing negligence, crime, or harm, then the incentive structures needed to improve our institutions will be missing, and we'll all suffer the costs of reduced institutional fitness. Please support whistle blower protections. HB2189 | Rasoul | PFAS; requirements to test, publicly owned treatment works, discharges into state waters. As scientific evidence regarding the detrimental impacts of PFAS on human health continues to mount, testing for PFAS is a critical first step towards preventing PFAS contamination and what actions will be needed to protect human health when PFAS exposure is detected. Please support requirements to test discharges for PFAS.

Last Name: Ward Locality: Arlington

Please support this bill to increase transparency at animal research facilities. Passing this bill is the least we can do for those poor creatures who are being used for research purposes and against their will. Thank you for your consideration.

Last Name: Montgomery Locality: Shiremanstown

I demanding that you protect our water stop the mountain valley pipeline from being drilled it will endanger people living there I am begging to protect our waters and lands as so important for endangered species and people. Concerned Citizen Ji Montgomery

Last Name: McCartney Locality: Glen Allen

Please support this bill. It is the very least that can be done that these facilities should have to report on the numbers of animals used. We should also be protecting those whose conscience compels them to blow the whistle on violations happening at these places.

Last Name: Lynch Organization: Humane Society of Fairfax Locality: Fairfax

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS BILL. It is imperative that the end the use of animals in research when such more humane and effective means are available. Test results on animals don't correlate with how a human would react - we're different species. Why should they suffer painful, unnecessary tests conducted on them for months or years. When will manufacturers realize that pouring bleach in anyone's eyes is harmful - yet thousands of rabbits are blinded and killed each year in these experiements. We must incorporate testing that is effective and meaningful - not to satisfy some checklist.

Last Name: Little Locality: Fredericksburg

this bill would create a reporting and inventory of animals used for research. Virginia needs this information so they can understand what is happening in research and to avoid the mess we had with the Beagles. The Federal Animal Welfare Act is designed to protect animals used for experiments, but it allows repeat offenders to continue experiments with little or no repercussions. this inventory will help the process and protect animals

Last Name: Woodson Organization: Richmond Animal Advocacy Alliance Locality: Richmond

HB1382: Dear Honorable Chair and Committee Members, Please support the prohibition of the declawing of cats. Declawing is cruel and only worsens problems with pet ownership. HB1406: Dear Honorable Chair and Committee Members, Please support the elimination of licensing fees for pet owners. Lower income citizens can be negatively affected by these fees and pet ownership provides much needed companionship for elderly and those with low to moderate income. HB1989: Dear Honorable Chair and Committee Members, Please support the prohibition of killing contests for coyotes and other fur bearing animals. Killing Contests are cruel and glorify violence. They can actually backfire and elevate populations, aggravating any problems that may be associated. HB2042: Dear Honorable Chair and Committee Members, Please support initiating protections for whistleblowers at animal testing and research facilities. It takes great courage to stand up for those that have no voice. These people should have protections against retaliation. HB2348: Dear Honorable Chair and Committee Members, Please support imposing Civil Penalties on Animal Research Facilities that choose not to comply with Federal Laws and Regulations. This is a sensible, common sense bill that would help guide these facilities toward a more lawful approach to these endeavors. This legislation is very much needed. Thank you so much, Charles T Woodson Richmond Va

Last Name: Reyes Locality: Billericay

It's our responsibility to protect the ones that have no voice

Last Name: Turgeon Locality: Fredericksburg

I am in full support of protecting whistleblowers. I fully support this bill.

Last Name: Morelli Locality: Putnam

Please see attached marked

HB2331 - Animal care; seizure of animals, zoos.
Last Name: Eddington Locality: Annandale, VA

I stand with HSUS, the Virginia Veterinary Medical Association, Virginia Animal Control Association, Virginia Alliance for Animal Shelters and other statewide animal welfare organizations in opposing this bill, which makes it harder to remove zoo animals from dangerous, abusive, or neglectful circumstances.

Last Name: Lnch Locality: Lake Frederick

I strongly oppose HB2331 and ask that you reject this bill. Animals need protection and there have been enough cases of neglect and cruelty where these innocent beings have suffered for you to see that self-regulation doesn't work. Virginia does not need to have roadside and backyard zoos as an economic base. Please listen to the many animal welfare groups who are pleading with you to kill this bill; they know what they are talking about.

Last Name: Hebron Locality: Fredericksburg

Please prohibit public contact with elephants.

Last Name: Brown Locality: Roanoke

I along with many respected animal organizations oppose HB 2331. The Virginia Animal Control Association, the Virginia Alliance for Animal Shelters, the Virginia Federation of Humane Societies, the Virginia Veterinary Medical Association, the Virginia Coalition for Beagle Protection, HSUS and PETA all spoke in opposition to HB 2331. This bill is dangerous step backwards in Virginia’s efforts to protect animals from cruelty and abuse as it makes it more difficult to remove zoo animals from dangerous cruelty situations.

Last Name: Crosky Organization: Virginia Animal Owners Alliance Locality: Wythe

Dear Delegates, We visited your offices this week and asked for your support of House Bill 2331. A lot of gossip has been spread lately in regards to this legislation and the Virginia Animal Owners Alliance. These accusations require a response. Our group formed over the fall of 2019 and is composed of pet owners, farm owners, and zoo owners. Our goal is to promote and preserve animal ownership in the Commonwealth. We strive to shed a light on the reality of animal owners in Virginia and work to advocate for both people and animals. We reject the narrative that you can only care about one or the other and use our online platform to inform others of what is happening across the State. Some of our members have won their cases against the Commonwealth. Some are still in the middle of their battles. Others were wrongfully convicted or were coerced into accepting a plea deal. We also share the stories of citizens who are not our members. If you Google the names of Travis Evans of Stafford or Paula Wyche of Roanoke, you will be shocked at the way they were treated. This is true in case after case and proves our current system needs reform. At two different times, we have challenged the law in federal court. As you may know, 1983 claims are very complex. Both cases were dismissed without prejudice. From the beginning, our opposition has tried to paint us in a negative light. They are now using Tiger King as a reason for you to vote against Delegate Campbell's legislation. Please remember that the series in question was a type of "Jerry Springer" show that does not represent the family-run zoos of Virginia. This is simply an effort to stereotype and we all know how dangerous stereotypes can be. The current rumor mill is not addressing the existing conflict between State agencies and does nothing to improve the situation of the animals that live here. House Bill 2331 is about the PROCESS of how an animal would be seized from a zoo. It is NOT putting these animals into a different care category. This was extensively discussed last year when this legislation went to the Senate subcommittee. In spite of this, those opposing the bill continue to parrot the same talking points. Right now, there is a deficit when it comes to zoo animals. Involving the State veterinarian will help ensure there is more fact-finding before an animal is seized or destroyed. This bill will also define zoos for the very first time. There are many parallels between the family zoo and the family farm. Many of the animals housed in zoos are already labeled as "alternative" livestock. They are housed in barns, drink from troughs, consume grain, etc. Instead of producing meat, milk, or eggs, zoos produce an experience that seeks to both educate and entertain the public. These small businesses contribute in a positive way to the Virginia economy and are popular destinations for the tourism industry. Please do not minimize or ignore these contributions based on an eccentric Netflix series. The citizens and animals of Virginia deserve better than this. We once again ask for your support of HB 2331. It will help protect zoo animals from reckless actions. It will give zoo owners a mechanism much like the farmers of Virginia. Right now, many zoo owners feel they are unwanted here. Please show them by your vote that this is not the case. Sincerely, Heidi Crosky Virginia Animal Owners Alliance

Last Name: Smith Locality: Vienna

Please oppose this bill. This bill is not supported by animal control officers, Commonwealth Attorneys or accredited zoos. It is supported by a group opposed to any protection to animals, sentient beings who feel pain just like you.

Last Name: Carlson Locality: Arlington

I ask for opposition of this bill. Animals were not placed on this earth to serve human beings. Zoo animals are already forced to live in completely unnatural environments with all of their freedom taken away. Please do not make it more difficult to remove them from abusive situations. Thank you.

Last Name: Adams Organization: Virginia Alliance for Animal Shelters & Virginia Animal Control Association Locality: Virginia Beach

HB2331 impedes and is unnecessary to ensure the appropriate investigations and prosecutions of animal cruelty cases at roadside zoos. This bill is not supported by animal control officers, Commonwealth Attorneys or accredited zoos but rather is advanced by a group (the Virginia Animal Owners Alliance) which has sued local sheriffs, Commonwealth Attorneys and the Dog Fighting Task Force in an effort to undermine their efforts to protect animals. If ACO's need to consult VDACS or their local Commonwealth Attorneys, they already do and will continue to in the future. To mandate such action is simply an effort to add obstacles to responding to complaints regarding roadside zoos. Please oppose this effort to put obstacles in the way of important investigations.

Last Name: Warner Locality: Richmond

There is significant opposition to this legislation: the Virginia Animal Control Association, the Virginia Alliance for Animal Shelters, the Virginia Federation of Humane Societies, the Virginia Veterinary Medical Association, the Virginia Coalition for Beagle Protection, HSUS and PETA all spoke in opposition to HB 2331. This bill is dangerous step backwards in Virginia’s efforts to protect animals from cruelty and abuse as it makes it more difficult to remove zoo animals from dangerous cruelty situations. Please, I urge you to Oppose HB 2331.

Last Name: Evans Locality: Lancaster

Please oppose this legislation. It would make it more difficult to remove zoo animals from dangerous cruelty situations.

Last Name: Rowell Locality: Alexandria,

I strongly suggest that you oppose this regressive piece of legislation. Ghandi once said ' a nation is known by the way it treats the least of it'.

Last Name: Lieberman Locality: Lovettsville

Please oppose HB2331. This legislation moves backwards and hinders efforts to remove animals from inhumane situations. Thank you, Laura Lieberman

Last Name: Llewellyn Locality: James City County

I urge you to oppose HB2331 as I feel this represents a huge step backwards in preventing animal abuse and cruelty. Thank you.

Last Name: Radell Locality: Sandston

To whom it may concern: I believe strongly that it should be easier to remove zoo animals from situations of cruelty, not harder. After all, there are 7 well-respected organizations in Virginia opposed to this bill, with good reason. Please OPPOSE HB 2331

Last Name: Kang Locality: Fairfax County

HB1382 | Gooditis | declawing cats is a barbaric process that as human beings, should NOT be inflicting on cats. HB1451 | Orrock | The majority of animals at pet shops are from mills. Pet shops should be eliminated period. HB1527 | Convirs-Fowler | the TNR program is important to stop unwanted cat and kitten deaths. HB1577 | Wachsmann | A rabid animal is still an animal and would require treatment if necessary before euthanizing and only a skilled veterinarian can make that determination and therefore would need to access in person. HB1721 | Clark | We need clean water. Human and animal alike. I also would advise for stricter regulations on all companies. Our water is disgusting. HB1984 | Kory | A water receptable for a pet should be cleaned twice and there should be more than enough to be provided and temperature specific. HB1985 | Kory | Pet shops; sale of dogs or cats. HB1989 | Kory | We are a civilized society and there is no need to hunt animals for sport or competition anymore. HB2000 | Kory | To be honest, there is no need for animal testing in this world. HB2331 | Campbell, E.H. | These roadside zoos and petting zoos are not regulated correctly and are rampant with health violations. HB2348 | Webert | I honestly do not understand why we are testing on animals. I'd say go directly to human trials. HB2417 | VanValkenburg | Dogs and cats are pets and should be treated with more respect and dignity than a lamp. HB2483 | Kory | There's no need to use such barbaric tools on elephants. In my opinion, I don't think elephants should be here in the US unless in a highly regarded zoo, such as the National Zoo, where there are veterinarians and conservationists who truly care about the animal.

Last Name: Tubbs Organization: Retired Locality: Williamsburg

Please oppose this bill. Every single animal welfare organization in the state and beyond believes this bill is NOT IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE ANIMALS. A handful of people with an agenda (they own a zoo) support it. Thousands more oppose it. Please do the right thing.

Last Name: Lara Locality: Richmond

I’m opposed to HB 2331. Virginia has made large strides in protecting helpless animals. It should be Easier to remove a zoo animal from dangerous/cruel situations, Not Harder. We owe this to animals that we keep in captivity. Thank you

Last Name: Trotta Locality: VA beach county

Pls stop all animal experiments and cruelty. Someone has to speak and step up for those who cannot. Pls stop all cruelty Thanks

Last Name: DiMartino Locality: Henrico

This bill is dangerous step backwards in Virginia’s efforts to protect animals from cruelty and abuse as it makes it more difficult to remove zoo animals from dangerous cruelty situations. I oppose HB 2331!

Last Name: di cintio Locality: charlottesville

I oppose this bill!!!

Last Name: Stringfellow Locality: Meadows Of Dan

The animals in an abusive situation have no voice. We have to be their voice. To do what is right and pass laws that allow for the animals to legally be removed from of the abusive situation.

Last Name: Lussier Organization: NOVA Wild Locality: Fairfax County

Please support HB 2332. This bill puts zoo animals and their owners on the same legal footing as farm animals. Under it the State Veterinarians Office would be informed and would make decisions on how to handle a situation involving zoo animals in the same way they do with farm animals This could include impounding the animal on the land where the animal is located. Such treatment would often be better for the animals, preserve due process rights for owners, and allow animal owners to know where their animals are and to help in rectifying problematic conditions. That is both fair and best for the animals.

Last Name: Creasey Locality: Chester

Please vote to oppose HB2331. Protecting all animals, including zoo animals, from dangerous cruelty situations is our responsibility, as the animals are powerless to protect themselves or advocate for themselves. We are--or should be--stewards of the planet and its wildlife. Opposing HB2331 is a move in the right direction for animals and thus, humanity.

Last Name: Rincon Locality: Round Hill

OPPOSE HB 2331. This bill is dangerous step backwards in Virginia’s efforts to protect animals from cruelty and abuse. It makes it more difficult to remove zoo animals from dangerous cruelty situations.

Last Name: Kuenning Locality: Fairfax

I strongly oppose this bill.

Last Name: Chambers Locality: Ashland

I oppose HB 2338. This bill is dangerous step backwards in Virginia’s efforts to protect animals from cruelty and abuse. Thank you.

Last Name: Lindsay Locality: Arlington

I strongly Oppose this bill. Thank You.

Last Name: Sokol Locality: Fairfax

Please oppose HB2331 to protect animals from cruelty and abuse. HB2331 makes it more difficult to remove zoo animals from dangerous cruelty situations. Thanks.

Last Name: Kidwell Locality: Yorktown

lease oppose this legislation. This bill is a dangerous step backward in Virginia’s efforts to protect animals from cruelty and abuse. It makes it more difficult to remove zoo animals from dangerous cruelty situations. Virginia needs to be a leader in animal welfare and this bill sets that goal back.

Last Name: Stewart Locality: Vienna

I am opposed to HB 2331. Adding zoo animals to the definition of agricultural animals is disingenuous and aims to reduce protections of these sensitive and vulnerable animals. There have been many revelations of the abuse and mistreatment of animals at zoos and petting zoos in the media; greater protection, not less, is called for. This bill would make it it more difficult to seize and impound such animals when well-founded evidence is present and would enable unscrupulous owners to destroy evidence prior to an announced inspection . How does this protect these animals or serve the unsuspecting public that enjoys seeing these exotic creatures, believing they are well-cared for and loved? I urge you to oppose this bill.

Last Name: Salan Organization: concerned voter, community volunteer Locality: Alexandria

Please oppose this legislation. This bill is a dangerous step backward in Virginia’s efforts to protect animals from cruelty and abuse. It makes it more difficult to remove zoo animals from dangerous cruelty situations. Virginia needs to be a leader in animal welfare and this bill sets that goal back.

Last Name: Chipkin Locality: Stuart

Please oppose HB2331. This would allow these beautiful animals, held in captivity and exploited for profit, to have to languish in negligent conditions instead of acting promptly to reduce their suffering. This bill is dangerous step backwards in Virginia’s efforts to protect animals from cruelty and abuse. Making it more difficult to remove zoo animals from dangerous cruelty situations could only be supported by people profiting from their misery. Please have compassion for the voiceless and oppose this bill. Thank you.

Last Name: Mogensen Locality: Rockbridge

We support this bill HB 2331 We need this bill to help protect zoo animals. By having additional layers of protection from quick seizures by under qualified evaluators gives zoo animals a greater sense of security. Having the state veterinarian involved will help ensure that more fact finding will take place. We need this bill for clarity in our industry. Please support this bill HB 2331

Last Name: Suskind Locality: Henrico

I strongly OPPOSE HB2331 and am very disappointed at its being submitted at all. It is a dangerous step backwards in Virginia’s efforts to protect animals from cruelty and abuse, and makes it more difficult to remove zoo animals from dangerous cruelty situations. Please DO NOT approve this bill and send it forward. Thank you for your time and attention, E. Suskind

Last Name: Spisak Locality: McLean, VA

Please OPPOSE HB2331 which will be a step backwards for animals!

Last Name: Donovan Locality: Arligton

HB2483 Please oppose this terrible bill designed by extremist animal rights to continue to remove animals from our lives incrementally. The guide tool, the ankus, does no harm to the animal, you cannot put a leash on an elephant, so the guide tool is used. This bill is a not so subtle push to eliminate all control of the animal, and have them sent to the disease ridden SCAMtuary in Tenn. Protect the human animal bond and OPPOSE.

Last Name: McCauley Locality: Norfolk

Animal cruelty must be stopped under ALL circumstances. Don't put your head in the sand because logistics are more complicated. Captive animals need you even more!!! Please step up and do what is just under all circumstances. Say NO to HB2331. Thank you.

Last Name: Steere Organization: Friends of Infinity Acres Ranch Exc. Director Locality: Ridgeway

HB2483 AGAINST: This is NOT necessary and is a targeted campaign against Natural Bridge Zoo. We have known Natural Bridge Zoo, their owners and Asha the Elephant for 15 years. Their care and handling of Asha has always been with her best interest, provided with the optimal care and treated with respect. Asha has touched the hearts of thousands of individuals who then have a greater love and appreciation for pachyderms! This in turn creates in interest in conservation and preservation of the species. Asha and Natural Bridge Zoo are Ambassadors for these wonderful animals. There are MORE than enough laws in place for the welfare and protection of all animals without adding redundant and more restrictive language. Please DEFEAT this bill asap. HB2331 SUPPORT: We support this bill. There needs to be additional layers of protection from overzealous and under qualified evaluations before seizures. In legitimate situations of very poor conditions, where animal lives are in jeopardy, seizures may be appropriate. That power, like others, can be wielded against those that do not meet the criteria for seizure or as a political campaign / personal vendetta. There must be a balance of power and a legitimate process before removing anyone's property or animals is legally able to occur. Please PASS this bill.

Last Name: Crosky Organization: Virginia Animal Owners Alliance Locality: Wythe

Mr. Chair and Members of the Committee, We are asking for your strong support of HB 2331. This bill recognizes the special needs of zoo animals! Many species retain their wild natures and it takes time for them to learn to trust their keepers. These species often require tranquilization to have simple procedures done or to be moved from one exhibit to another. The sedation drugs can prove high risk with older animals and zoo professionals account for all of these dynamics along with their veterinarians. It is vital that the State recognize these concerns as well if animal welfare is truly the goal. This legislation gives zoo animals a greater sense of security. Virginia's Animal Law Unit raided a family-owned zoo in 2019. This action garnered a lot of media attention, but certain aspects were minimized or ignored. The way the two primates were treated has drawn criticism from many animal lovers. The fact that they could carry Herpes B was used as the reason to have them quickly euthanized. They were not given the chance to be tested first. This was NOT animal welfare. Involving the State Veterinarian will help ensure more fact-finding takes place. Zoo animals do not deserve any less than farm animals. With HB 2331, zoos in Virginia will finally be defined! This bill adds clarity for an industry that has been seeking answers since 2019. Zoos are NOT currently defined in spite of the fact that thousands of animals are exhibited throughout the Commonwealth. This legislation acknowledges the role of zoos within the State and indicates that owners are licensed through the Department of Wildlife Resources and the United States Department of Agriculture. Please support this effort. Sincerely, Heidi Crosky Virginia Animal Owners Alliance

Last Name: Archer Organization: Fort Chiswell Animal Park Locality: Wythe

We are asking you to support House Bill 2331. Our animals need this bill. Virginia's zoo owners need this bill. Too many of us feel we are unwanted here and that our Virginia businesses are unwanted. This legislation gives us and our animals more security and acknowledges the fact that we exist. Jeff Archer Fort Chiswell Animal Park

Last Name: Harrington Organization: Virginia Federation of Dog Clubs and Breeders Locality: Arlington

1-24-23 Please support HB 2331. Zoo animals that are deemed to need impounding are currently handled in aggressive and inappropriate ways by law enforcement and overly zealous representatives of the VA Attorney General's office. They are often moved out of state - even across the country - by inexperienced people who have little to no knowledge of what said animal may require. Such drastic moves are highly stressful to the animals. Owners are given no information. It is like their animals have been stolen. This bill would require that zoo animals get the same treatment as agricultural animals -- namely that the State Veterinarians Office would be informed and would make decisions on how to handle the situation. This could include impounding the animal on the land where the animal is located. Such treatment would be better for the animals, preserve due process rights for owners, and allow animal owners to know where their animals are and to help in rectifying problematic conditions. In 2022 a similar bill, HB53, was being worked on and Virginia veterinary partners were being identified that could handle zoo animal referrals. That bill passed the House but Failed in the Senate.

Last Name: Hanrahan Locality: LORTON

I am writing to oppose passage of HB2331 which would comprise an enormous and dangerous step backwards in Virginia’s efforts to protect our most vulnerable animals from cruelty and abuse. At a time when we in Virginia have been strengthening our laws against cruelty to animals and seeking to better enforce these laws, this bill veers extremely to a contrary direction, by removing existing protections for animals in zoos and petting zoos. This bill makes it harder for law enforcement officials to seek a warrant when they suspect abuse, allows offenders to destroy evidence by allowing a notice and waiting period even when there is a direct and immediate threat to a zoo animal, makes it more difficult to remove animals from dangerous situations, and makes it harder for prosecutors to do their jobs. And who benefits? Not the animals. Not the public that has always delighted in the opportunity to view these grand animals that we expect are properly cared for and treated humanely. Not law enforcement officers that are doing their best to preserve and protect. And not reputable zoo owners that are deserving of the many visitors they have. The only individuals that benefit are the disreputable, unqualified, neglectful and inhumane zoo owners that are unwilling or unable to provide even the most basic care and meet the most minimal of standards. Please vote down this bill. Your children will thank you.

Last Name: Hopkins Locality: Fairfax

I strongly support HB 2348 PENALTIES FOR NONCOMPLIANCE AT ANIMAL TESTING FACILITIES. I and many others would like our State to join the many other states which prohibit Animal Testing which is both cruel and unscientific.

Last Name: Anonymous Organization: HSUS Locality: Loudoun

I respectfully request this Bill gets killed. Our pets are considered so much as family members than ever before. They rely upon us for love and comfort, more so today than 5, 10, 20 and even 30 years ago. Zoos aren’t the educational institution they once were, so many roadside zoos have animals that don’t live in their natural habitat, I implore you to reject this Bill. We don’t want to see family members suffer, these feelings need to be recognized they extend to our pets and zoo animals in precarious, scary and painful situations . Thank you.

Last Name: Montgomery Locality: Shiremanstown

I demanding that you protect our water stop the mountain valley pipeline from being drilled it will endanger people living there I am begging to protect our waters and lands as so important for endangered species and people. Concerned Citizen Ji Montgomery

Last Name: McCartney Locality: Glen Allen

Please oppose this bill! It is a step backward for animal protection and it makes it harder for law enforcement to do their job.

Last Name: Lynch Organization: Humane Society of Fairfax Co Locality: Fairfax

We OPPOSE this bill. It would remove measures to help law enforcement in their review of animal cruelty. Zoo animals are vulnerable to abuse - we need to provide as many safeguards as possible in order to ensure they are protected. This is a step back - it is not humane, necessary or good for the animals.

Last Name: Allen Locality: Fairfax County

I respectfully oppose House Bill 2331 regarding seizure of animals from zoos. This bill would make it more difficult for law enforcement to remove zoo animals from situations of abuse and neglect. In the wake of Tiger King and other stories about poor treatment and practices at roadside zoos, including the indictments and arrests of several of the individuals highlighted in Tiger King, we've all seen how terrible conditions can be for animals kept in some zoos and how abuse and neglect can be hidden and kept out of sight. This bill would be a step backwards, and would decrease the public's trust of certain zoos. Law enforcement needs to be able to expeditiously obtain warrants when abuse is suspected and remove animals from situations of abuse and neglect for the wellbeing of the animal. I respectfully oppose House Bill 2331 as it's bad for animals and bad for well-run zoos.

HB2348 - Animal testing facilities; public notifications, definitions.
Last Name: Kang Locality: Fairfax County

HB1382 | Gooditis | declawing cats is a barbaric process that as human beings, should NOT be inflicting on cats. HB1451 | Orrock | The majority of animals at pet shops are from mills. Pet shops should be eliminated period. HB1527 | Convirs-Fowler | the TNR program is important to stop unwanted cat and kitten deaths. HB1577 | Wachsmann | A rabid animal is still an animal and would require treatment if necessary before euthanizing and only a skilled veterinarian can make that determination and therefore would need to access in person. HB1721 | Clark | We need clean water. Human and animal alike. I also would advise for stricter regulations on all companies. Our water is disgusting. HB1984 | Kory | A water receptable for a pet should be cleaned twice and there should be more than enough to be provided and temperature specific. HB1985 | Kory | Pet shops; sale of dogs or cats. HB1989 | Kory | We are a civilized society and there is no need to hunt animals for sport or competition anymore. HB2000 | Kory | To be honest, there is no need for animal testing in this world. HB2331 | Campbell, E.H. | These roadside zoos and petting zoos are not regulated correctly and are rampant with health violations. HB2348 | Webert | I honestly do not understand why we are testing on animals. I'd say go directly to human trials. HB2417 | VanValkenburg | Dogs and cats are pets and should be treated with more respect and dignity than a lamp. HB2483 | Kory | There's no need to use such barbaric tools on elephants. In my opinion, I don't think elephants should be here in the US unless in a highly regarded zoo, such as the National Zoo, where there are veterinarians and conservationists who truly care about the animal.

Last Name: Trotta Locality: VA beach county

Pls stop all animal experiments and cruelty. Someone has to speak and step up for those who cannot. Pls stop all cruelty Thanks

Last Name: Stewart Locality: Vienna

Please support HB 2348 which will allow Virginia to fine animal testing facilities that violate federal laws and regulations. This bill does not require Virginia to set up an inspection process but merely to impose penalties on facilities that have been cited for violations of the Animal Welfare Act. Virginia's experience with the infamous Envigo breeding facility, which had multiple citations for violation of the AWA with no consequences for years, illustrates the need for civil penalties to get the attention of violators.

Last Name: Hanrahan Locality: LORTON

Please pass HB2348. Last year, an unprecedented five bills were passed unanimously in the House and Senate to address significant and longstanding abuse and cruelty at Envigo, a breeding facility for Beagles that then would be sold into research around the world. Envigo galvanized not only Virginians, but others across the country, to see these dogs for who they could be and ultimately did become, one-by-one, thousands of loving animal companions to thousands of people who needed and wanted them. While we have happily shut down this miserable facility, we need to look to underlying problems that allowed the abuse and neglect to flourish for so long at Envigo and that continues to allow abuse and neglect at research facilities in Virginia that use animals. In the last three years, 9 of 27 testing facilities in Virginia were cited by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for violations of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA). It saddens me, as a former employee of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service at USDA, the agency responsible for inspections and enforcement of the AWA, to recognize that enforcement of the AWA by USDA is woefully inadequate. USDA’s own Office of the Inspector General concluded, after several audits, that the agency’s oversight is largely meaningless, because penalties are insufficient or nonexistent. There is no incentive for bad actors to change. This bill will give Virginia the ability to address the inhumane and illegal treatment of animals in its own research facilities. This bill does not prohibit animal testing. It does not establish new standards. Facilities will continue to be governed by standards to which they have been subject for many years. This bill does not require Virginia to conduct inspections. It simply gives Virginia the authority to penalize testing facilities that have already been determined to be in violation of applicable law. We owe it to the Beagles already out there today, suffering in labs that don’t care and know they can get away with it.

Last Name: Hopkins Locality: Fairfax

I strongly support HB 2348 PENALTIES FOR NONCOMPLIANCE AT ANIMAL TESTING FACILITIES. I and many others would like our State to join the many other states which prohibit Animal Testing which is both cruel and unscientific.

Last Name: Montgomery Locality: Shiremanstown

I demanding that you protect our water stop the mountain valley pipeline from being drilled it will endanger people living there I am begging to protect our waters and lands as so important for endangered species and people. Concerned Citizen Ji Montgomery

Last Name: McCartney Locality: Glen Allen

Please support this bill! This simply requires these facilities have to meet the same requirements that all animal shelters in Virginia do. It would prevent repeat violations that keep happening like what happened at Envigo.

Last Name: Woodson Organization: Richmond Animal Advocacy Alliance Locality: Richmond

HB1382: Dear Honorable Chair and Committee Members, Please support the prohibition of the declawing of cats. Declawing is cruel and only worsens problems with pet ownership. HB1406: Dear Honorable Chair and Committee Members, Please support the elimination of licensing fees for pet owners. Lower income citizens can be negatively affected by these fees and pet ownership provides much needed companionship for elderly and those with low to moderate income. HB1989: Dear Honorable Chair and Committee Members, Please support the prohibition of killing contests for coyotes and other fur bearing animals. Killing Contests are cruel and glorify violence. They can actually backfire and elevate populations, aggravating any problems that may be associated. HB2042: Dear Honorable Chair and Committee Members, Please support initiating protections for whistleblowers at animal testing and research facilities. It takes great courage to stand up for those that have no voice. These people should have protections against retaliation. HB2348: Dear Honorable Chair and Committee Members, Please support imposing Civil Penalties on Animal Research Facilities that choose not to comply with Federal Laws and Regulations. This is a sensible, common sense bill that would help guide these facilities toward a more lawful approach to these endeavors. This legislation is very much needed. Thank you so much, Charles T Woodson Richmond Va

HB2417 - Dogs and cats; financing for rental, sale, etc., prohibited.
Last Name: Kang Locality: Fairfax County

HB1382 | Gooditis | declawing cats is a barbaric process that as human beings, should NOT be inflicting on cats. HB1451 | Orrock | The majority of animals at pet shops are from mills. Pet shops should be eliminated period. HB1527 | Convirs-Fowler | the TNR program is important to stop unwanted cat and kitten deaths. HB1577 | Wachsmann | A rabid animal is still an animal and would require treatment if necessary before euthanizing and only a skilled veterinarian can make that determination and therefore would need to access in person. HB1721 | Clark | We need clean water. Human and animal alike. I also would advise for stricter regulations on all companies. Our water is disgusting. HB1984 | Kory | A water receptable for a pet should be cleaned twice and there should be more than enough to be provided and temperature specific. HB1985 | Kory | Pet shops; sale of dogs or cats. HB1989 | Kory | We are a civilized society and there is no need to hunt animals for sport or competition anymore. HB2000 | Kory | To be honest, there is no need for animal testing in this world. HB2331 | Campbell, E.H. | These roadside zoos and petting zoos are not regulated correctly and are rampant with health violations. HB2348 | Webert | I honestly do not understand why we are testing on animals. I'd say go directly to human trials. HB2417 | VanValkenburg | Dogs and cats are pets and should be treated with more respect and dignity than a lamp. HB2483 | Kory | There's no need to use such barbaric tools on elephants. In my opinion, I don't think elephants should be here in the US unless in a highly regarded zoo, such as the National Zoo, where there are veterinarians and conservationists who truly care about the animal.

Last Name: Trotta Locality: VA beach county

Pls stop all animal experiments and cruelty. Someone has to speak and step up for those who cannot. Pls stop all cruelty Thanks

Last Name: Stewart Locality: Vienna

Please support HB 2417 to protect Virginia consumers, purchasing a dog or cat, from usurious third-party lender financing rates encountered at 17 of Virginia's pet stores. The rates are unconscionably high and, in some cases, the new pet owner learns of a yet-higher rate and a financing fee they are responsible for. The lack of transparency and the "bait-and-switch" aspects of these loans justify prohibiting them in the interest of consumer protection. Thank you for considering my thoughts on this matter and, I hope, I can count on your support.

Last Name: Crosky Organization: Virginia Animal Owners Alliance Locality: Wythe

Mr. Chair and Members of the Committee, We ask you to please oppose HB 2417 in regard to pet financing. What is the goal of this legislation? Some say this bill is about lower interest rates, but is this really true? If it's about the rate, why aren't other pets included such as birds? It seems like something else is going on here. Eliminating financing options will greatly harm the family-run pet stores across Virginia. With all of the recent activity to excessively burden and even eradicate pet store owners, one has to wonder if this bill is connected to anti-ownership groups. They are always eager to restrict the free enterprise of those in the animal industry. How will this law impact low income families? Financing a pet is no different than financing a washing machine, television, or lawn mower. Eliminating financing will restrict the choices of those on lower income. Is this the intended result? If this law passes, what's next? Citizens use financing not only for purchasing their pet, but also to provide and pay for emergency veterinary services. Financing has its place. Why is there an effort to eliminate this option? Where will it end? Please vote against HB 2417. Sincerely, Heidi Crosky Virginia Animal Owners Alliance

Last Name: Donovan Locality: Arligton

HB2483 Please oppose this terrible bill designed by extremist animal rights to continue to remove animals from our lives incrementally. The guide tool, the ankus, does no harm to the animal, you cannot put a leash on an elephant, so the guide tool is used. This bill is a not so subtle push to eliminate all control of the animal, and have them sent to the disease ridden SCAMtuary in Tenn. Protect the human animal bond and OPPOSE.

Last Name: Nicholls Locality: Chesapeake

Why can't rabbits, the third most popular animal, be added to this?

Last Name: Hanrahan Locality: LORTON

I am writing in support of HB 2417, which would prohibit financing the lease or sale of a dog or cat. This is a significant issue affecting consumers that purchase these animals, in particular, puppies, at pet stores. Many pet stores use third party lenders to finance these purchases, and loans may be approved in minutes, without the disclosure of the Annual Percentage Rate or finance fees to the consumer. These purchases often result in financial hardship for the consumer or high veterinary bills to treat sick puppies that typically are sourced by puppy mills. Responsible breeders, rescue organizations, and shelters do not use financing. However, 17 pet stores in Virginia do use third party lenders to finance purchase of puppies. Just a few stories highlight the scam that goes on. News4 Washington (NBC) reported the story of a Virginia pet store consumer that agreed to finance the purchase of a puppy for $5000 with a 24% interest rate. However, the customer later received an email indicating that she had also been approved for a second loan at a 134% interest rate and with an $8,500 finance fee, on top of the first loan. Another Virginia pet store customer was told by staff that her loan payments for a $3000 puppy would be $170 a month. However, she was later notified by the financing company that her payments would be $434 a month, the APR was 168%, and there was an additional $8,500 finance fee. Financing of puppy purchases from pet stores has been cited by both the Center for Responsible Lending and the National Consumer Law Center as a significant consumer problem. The Virginia legislature should pass this bill to protect Virginia consumers from these unscrupulous, opportunistic lenders.

Last Name: See Locality: Rockingham

My name is Melinda See and I am a resident of Rockingham County, Virginia. I support HB2417 and ask the Agriculture Subcommittee to vote yes to advance this bill. Current law prohibits financial institutions from offering a loan or financing agreements for the rental, lease, or sale of a dog or cat where the animal is subject to repossession upon default under the terms of the financing agreement. HB2417 would go hand in glove with with current law by protecting Virginia consumers from predatory high interest loans that are offered in 17 of the pet stores operating in the Commonwealth now. Please see this recent piece from NBC4 addressing this problem right here in Virginia: How Buying a Puppy Led to a ‘Rent-a-Bank’ Loan at 134% Interest – NBC4 Washington ( Virginia consumers deserve much better. Thank you!

HB2483 - Elephants; pain-inflicting training tools prohibited, penalty.
Last Name: Kang Locality: Fairfax County

HB1382 | Gooditis | declawing cats is a barbaric process that as human beings, should NOT be inflicting on cats. HB1451 | Orrock | The majority of animals at pet shops are from mills. Pet shops should be eliminated period. HB1527 | Convirs-Fowler | the TNR program is important to stop unwanted cat and kitten deaths. HB1577 | Wachsmann | A rabid animal is still an animal and would require treatment if necessary before euthanizing and only a skilled veterinarian can make that determination and therefore would need to access in person. HB1721 | Clark | We need clean water. Human and animal alike. I also would advise for stricter regulations on all companies. Our water is disgusting. HB1984 | Kory | A water receptable for a pet should be cleaned twice and there should be more than enough to be provided and temperature specific. HB1985 | Kory | Pet shops; sale of dogs or cats. HB1989 | Kory | We are a civilized society and there is no need to hunt animals for sport or competition anymore. HB2000 | Kory | To be honest, there is no need for animal testing in this world. HB2331 | Campbell, E.H. | These roadside zoos and petting zoos are not regulated correctly and are rampant with health violations. HB2348 | Webert | I honestly do not understand why we are testing on animals. I'd say go directly to human trials. HB2417 | VanValkenburg | Dogs and cats are pets and should be treated with more respect and dignity than a lamp. HB2483 | Kory | There's no need to use such barbaric tools on elephants. In my opinion, I don't think elephants should be here in the US unless in a highly regarded zoo, such as the National Zoo, where there are veterinarians and conservationists who truly care about the animal.

Last Name: Trotta Locality: VA beach county

Pls stop all animal experiments and cruelty. Someone has to speak and step up for those who cannot. Pls stop all cruelty Thanks

Last Name: Kerr Locality: Reston, VA

Please oppose this unnecessary and ill-informed bill (HB 2382). I am a professional zookeeper with more than 20 years experience including caring for elephants. A bull hook aka a guide or ankus is an animal husbandry tool that allows for the safe and management of elephants in human care and its use is already regulated by the federal government (the USDA). It is no different than other animal husbandry tools that are used to humanely manage other large animals such as horses and cows. Just like a show stick with cattle it allows the handler to safely and humanely control an animal including for veterinary procedures. In fact the American Veterinary Medical Association has a policy that recognizes it has a legitimate and beneficial tool for animal management. . It is not instrument of torture or abuse and using it in such a manner is already prohibited by animal cruelty laws. Banning its use will just hasten the day when elephants will no longer be accessible to anyone.

Last Name: McCartney Locality: Henrico County

I support this bill as it is in the interest of the public's safety that contact between the public and elephants is prohibited.

Last Name: Creasey Locality: Chester

Please prohibit public contact with elephants. Close contact between humans and elephants is unsafe for both the former and the latter.

Last Name: Johnson Organization: Leesburg Animal Park Locality: Loudoun

I do not support this bill as it mischaracterizes the use of the ankus in handling elephants. I worked with elephants for 14 years and the use of the ankus was used to guide and direct the elephant and cue them to do various behaviors. It is like a leash for a dog or a bit for a horse. It is a tool used to give the animal signals and cues for movement. Like any tool, it can be improperly used, but this should not mean that we should ban it. Education t any user of the tool is the appropriate action. I see this bill as being pushed by the animal rights folks to eliminate the handling of elephants. Please do not approve this bill as written.

Last Name: Rincon Locality: Round Hill

Prohibit public contact with elephants. HB 2483 was introduced last week and it will prohibit public contact with elephants. This is an important bill that protects both people and animals. Elephants are dangerous wild animals. There have been numerous dangerous incidents involving elephants with exhibitors that reside in or tour in Virginia. I urge you to support this bill.

Last Name: Chambers Locality: Ashland

I support HB 2483. This is an important bill that protects both people and animals. Elephants are dangerous wild animals. There have been numerous dangerous incidents involving elephants with exhibitors that reside in or tour in Virginia. Thank you.

Last Name: Carlson Locality: Arlington

I am completely in support of this bill. Elephants are wild animals and do not deserve to live their lives solely as entertainment for humans. In addition, their sheer size and strength poses a threat to humans. Thank you.

Last Name: Stewart Locality: Vienna

I respectfully request your support of this bill. Captive elephants are the quintessential "dangerous captive animal" and should be defined as such under law. Yes, they evoke feelings of awe and wonder, but such reactions can overwhelm common sense and lead to dangerous interactions with the animal when close physical contact is permitted. There is a need for appropriate controls to protect the public from elephants, including physical separation supplemented by barriers. Cruel training tools, like the bullhook, inflict pain of varying degrees, depending on where it is applied: the thicker hide on the elephant's back or sensitive areas around the ears, eyes, and anus, where the skin is thinner. Such tools would not be necessary if safe physical distance is established and maintained. Controlling the behavior of a sensitive, intelligent animal with bullhooks or similar pain-inflicting devices should be prohibited, and I ask that you agree by passing this bill.

Last Name: Andrew Massa Locality: Virginia Beach

OPPOSE HB 2331. This bill is dangerous step backwards in Virginia’s efforts to protect animals from cruelty and abuse. It makes it more difficult to remove zoo animals from dangerous cruelty situations.

Last Name: Prygoski Organization: Animal Legal Defense Fund Locality: Alexandria

Comments Document

The Animal Legal Defense Fund supports HB 2483, which would prohibit the use of cruel bullhooks and other pain-inflicting implements on elephants. Please find a full support letter attached.

Last Name: Salan Organization: concerned voter, community volunteer Locality: Alexandria

I ask you to support this important bill that protects both people and animals. Elephants are dangerous wild animals. There have been numerous dangerous incidents involving elephants with exhibitors that reside in or tour in Virginia.

Last Name: Suskind Locality: Henrico

Please support HB2483, which will prohibit public contact with elephants. This is an important bill that protects both people and animals. Elephants are dangerous wild animals, and there have been numerous dangerous incidents involving elephants with exhibitors that reside in or tour in Virginia. Thank you for your time and attention, E. Suskind

Last Name: Spisak Locality: McLean, VA

Please support HB 2483 to prohibit public contact with elephants. This is an important bill that protects both people and animals. Elephants are dangerous wild animals. And they are pack animals that deserve to be in their natural habitat. There have been numerous dangerous incidents involving elephants with exhibitors that reside in or tour in Virginia.

Last Name: Mogensen Locality: Rockbridge

I am Karl Mogensen co-owner of the Natural Bridge Zoo and I oppose HB 2483. Asha came to us in 1985 as a year old infant from a culling operation in her own country. She was a little over 3ft. tall and all her training and care has been with kindness and reward. She is a very loving member of our family and enjoys personal and physical contact on a daily basis. She is equivalent to your Golden Retiever curled up by your feet while watching television. To portray Asha as a dangerous animal is a term used by animal activist to draw attention to themselves. Some of the most dangerous animals in this country are domestic cattle and dogs. While some elephants can be dangerous Asha is not one of them. The Ankus which is used for elephants is a guide similar to the show stick that is used by 4H children to show and display their animals. The guide is like an extention of the hand to cue the elephant to do natural behaviors. Due to Asha's method of training the guide is not used much as she responds to voice commands. While photos and TV shows are educational there is nothing like being up close to an animal for the better understanding of the species. Asha is our ambassador animal for her species and has made a tremendous impact on thousands of visitors by providing a unique experience and greater appreciation of elephants.

Last Name: Woodson Organization: Richmond Animal Advocacy Alliance Locality: Richmond

Dear Friends Please support HB2483. This is a sensible bill that positively addresses the use of cruel animal “husbandry” tools on elephants. Elephants are intelligent and sentient and should not be treated with cruelty and specifically these pain inflicting devices. This would be an excellent law. Thank you.

Last Name: Chipkin Locality: Stuart

Please support HB2483. These amazing, intelligent animals actually don't want human contact. It is only humans, exploiting them for profit, that would be opposed to this bill.

Last Name: Gagne Organization: The Elephant Managers Association Locality: Lewisville, Texas

Esteemed members of the Agriculture Committee, I am Vanessa Gagne, I am representing myself, the EMA, NAIA, and CFA and we oppose this bill. I have been a professional member of the Elephant Managers Association for more than a decade and currently serve on it’s legislative committee. I have worked directly with elephant conservation in the past and as a zookeeper. The human-animal bond has existed for millennia; it is something ingrained into the soul of civilization. Today the majority of the world lives in cities, far removed from the wilderness. We have a priceless treasure in the last remaining ways we can connect people to the natural world. Elephants are one of, if not the most, iconic animals. They are fascinating and remarkable creatures. Companies use their image for logos and advertisements, people in their natural range countries worship them, and children everywhere delight in their extraordinary appearance. This bill is actively seeking to keep elephants and people separate by forcing handlers to remove the most reliable tool in their toolbox. The elephant guide is used as an extension of the arm to direct the elephant by pairing verbal or visual cues with tactile stimulus. Its function is exactly the same as a livestock guide. As with any group of people, there are bad apples that are not representative of the whole of an industry. To compare one elephant handler in one place to those that misrepresent elephant keeping is too much of a supposition. While living in the in Botswana, I worked in a direct contact educational program that connected people with trained African elephants living in human care. We gave tours to several hundred people in the three months I was there. However this experience was an expensive vacation for the wealthy. The average, hard-working family does not have access to African safaris, much less luxury ones. Virginia is blessed to have this opportunity available for people from all walks of life. Even though this legislation is touted as a way to protect elephants, it's more lasting effect will be removing this connection between people and endangered species - a connection that will raise new generations of conservationists, just like me. The organizations that push this legislation purport that to see these animals on National Geographic is enough. We have seen during the pandemic that virtual classes are no match for a tangible experience. HB2483 will erase that outreach opportunity for animal professionals and put African elephants “Out of sight, out of mind” with the permanent physical barriers it will require. When my daughters grow up, they will tell their children about all the animals they got to experience when they were little. They will wonder why those experiences no longer exist - it will have been because of legislation like HB2483. It will slip away silently into the annals of history, just like the animals we have lost in the last century before we recognized the importance of conservation messaging. This industry is already well regulated with laws to protect the animals. Exotic animal exhibitors must follow strict guidelines and licensing requirements in order to operate or travel. HB2483 is redundant and will put facilities that are in good standing out of compliance. Thank you for the opportunity to address you today. As a professional in the industry, I am happy to answer any questions you may have. I believe that you will come to the right decision.

Last Name: Bohan Locality: Alexandria

I am opposed to cruelty to animals. I support HB 1989, 2042, 2101, 2348, and 2483. I oppose HB 1985, 2000, and 2331.

Last Name: Donovan Locality: Arligton

HB2483 Please oppose this terrible bill designed by extremist animal rights to continue to remove animals from our lives incrementally. The guide tool, the ankus, does no harm to the animal, you cannot put a leash on an elephant, so the guide tool is used. This bill is a not so subtle push to eliminate all control of the animal, and have them sent to the disease ridden SCAMtuary in Tenn. Protect the human animal bond and OPPOSE.

Last Name: Allen Locality: Fairfax

I respectfully support HB2483. Elephants can be dangerous when in close contact with people, and close physical contact poses an unnecessary risk to both the elephant and the person. In addition, the use of bullhooks and similar tools to train elephants is cruel and antiquated, and don't reflect what we now know about elephant intelligence and self-awareness. If elephants aren't engaging in physical contact with people (which is dangerous in any event), then there shouldn't be any need or motivation to engage in such training of elephants in the first place. Accredited zoos that put the welfare of the animal first don't use these painful training tools or allow physical contact with elephants, and we should make that approach true for all zoos and elephants across the board. I respectfully urge you to pass HB2483. Thank you.

Last Name: Edwards Locality: Wythe County

Dear Committee members, I am strongly opposed to HB 2483. Asha has always been extremely cared for and loved, by the only family she has known. Taking away her interaction with the public would be taking away her enrichment and doing what she loves. So please OPPOSE HB 2483.

Last Name: Hebert Locality: Gainesville fl

Good afternoon, my name is Eryn hebert and I’m writing today in strong opposition to the proposed bill 2483 , known as the bull hook ban. A bull hook is in fact a federally mandated free contact husbandry tool that is regulated and necessary for the safety and management of elephants in human care, it is NOT an instrument of torture or abuse, in my entire life working with elephants in free contact I’ve never seen an elephant mistreated or abused, by a bull hook or any other device or care method. These stories are fabricated by animal rights extremists, who’s agenda is to remove all elephants from any domestic situations and relocate them to so called “sanctuaries “ of which there are only two they approve of and those sanctuaries are working with the animal rights groups and give huge financial donations to these animal rights groups when an elephant is “relocated”. It’s an agenda based on financial gain not animal welfare. We already have animal abuse laws federally, state side and locally, banning a bull hook, a guide, a tool that allows keepers and staff to properly care for an elephant will not do anything to aid these laws. We need to enforce the laws s that already exist not create more restrictions. In this specific case this law is targeting one specific elephant and her human family. That’s called bullying. Asha is a perfectly healthy and happy African elephant who has her every want and need met, she wants for nothing and her human care givers spend tireless hours ensuring she’s got all the best care, nutrition and enrichment an elephant could ask for. The animal rights groups claim Va is too cold for asha but they want to send her to a phony sanctuary in Tennessee, where elephants die from exposure to the cold all the time, because the elephants are left outside in freezing, raining temps with no access to barns ,shelter or heated housing, like asha has at her home at the zoo. she already has a cozy home with all that she needs! She does not need to be moved, she does not need to be protected from a bull hook or any other nonsense- she needs to be left alone from uneducated,inexperienced nosey nancies who would do her great harm with their ignorance! Please vote no on this ludicrous bill. Go out and visit Asha, go see with your own eyes, you will be glad you did! Thank you for your time, Sincerely , Eryn hebert

Last Name: Crosky Organization: Virginia Animal Owners Alliance Locality: Wythe

Mr. Chair and Members of the Committee, We are asking you to strongly oppose HB 2483. This bill is targeting the ONLY elephant in Virginia. Asha has safely interacted with the public for over 30 years and it is very beneficial to her. It stimulates her mind and gets her body active. HB 2483 is NOT about animal welfare and is attempting to profile this amazing animal as "dangerous." If this bill passes, all of these educational and enriching opportunities will be outlawed. We would like to know why this bill is being brought forward after the General Assembly dealt with similar legislation during the 2020 session. Also, this bill goes a step further to portray elephant handlers in the worst possible light and is very misleading. If someone used a ball bat or a pitchfork to harm an elephant or any other animal, they would already face punishment under current Virginia law! No one wants to see an elephant harmed--especially the staff at the Natural Bridge Zoo. This legislation is built on misconceptions. Animal activists want you to believe that the training aid referred to as the "bull hook" is intended to torture the elephant. This is simply not true. Elephant handlers will tell you this instrument is an extension of their arm and helps them communicate with their animal. The "guide" is actually the same tool as the "show stick" used by 4-H handlers with their prized livestock. It is simply larger in size because it is intended for a much larger animal. REMEMBER, ELEPHANTS DO NOT SPEAK ENGLISH. Elephant training is not as different as you might think. Applying a certain amount of pressure is often used in animal training whether you're using a leash on a dog or a bitting rig on a horse. If you've ever gone horseback riding, you know that a rider uses their legs to apply pressure to a horse's sides in order to direct them. Elephant handlers use similar methods and Asha has been trained through positive reinforcement. She loves her treats and rewards and enjoys free contact with her keepers. If you wouldn't buy an activist's argument against handling/training your own dog or horse, please don't believe them now. Asha is an ambassador for her species and inspires an appreciation for wildlife. Sincerely, Heidi Crosky Virginia Animal Owners Alliance

Last Name: Steere Organization: Friends of Infinity Acres Ranch Exc. Director Locality: Ridgeway

HB2483 AGAINST: This is NOT necessary and is a targeted campaign against Natural Bridge Zoo. We have known Natural Bridge Zoo, their owners and Asha the Elephant for 15 years. Their care and handling of Asha has always been with her best interest, provided with the optimal care and treated with respect. Asha has touched the hearts of thousands of individuals who then have a greater love and appreciation for pachyderms! This in turn creates in interest in conservation and preservation of the species. Asha and Natural Bridge Zoo are Ambassadors for these wonderful animals. There are MORE than enough laws in place for the welfare and protection of all animals without adding redundant and more restrictive language. Please DEFEAT this bill asap. HB2331 SUPPORT: We support this bill. There needs to be additional layers of protection from overzealous and under qualified evaluations before seizures. In legitimate situations of very poor conditions, where animal lives are in jeopardy, seizures may be appropriate. That power, like others, can be wielded against those that do not meet the criteria for seizure or as a political campaign / personal vendetta. There must be a balance of power and a legitimate process before removing anyone's property or animals is legally able to occur. Please PASS this bill.

Last Name: Lauryn Locality: Gainesville

My name is Lauryn murray I have over 20 years experience, working in free contact with elephants. In free contact, we use the ankus, which is the equivalent of a leash and collar for a dog. This is NOT a pain inflicting training tool and the wording in this this bill is very misleading. To understand this tool you would have to understand an elephant and how thick and tough their skin is, unfortunately, people passing bills, for these amazing animals have never even felt an elephants skin. This bill is targeted at one elephant, Asha the only elephant in Virginia working in free contact. It would be psychologically devastating for this elephant, if she was no longer able to be in hands on care, she would not understand why her humans only can interact with her through bars instead of sharing space with her. This bill is being pushed by a cult that has no experience with elephants, no education on elephants and no understanding of elephants. Humans and animals do best when they coexist, training is NOT abuse it’s creating a language, both human and animal can speak together, it’s creating an unbreakable bond. But tell me how well would you be able to care for your dog if you could NEVER put a leash and color on them again? And if you did it would be a class 2 misdemeanor, if you can see how ridiculous that sounds then you can understand how ridiculous this bill is.

Last Name: Morison Locality: Aldie, Loudoun County

I am writing to express my support for HB2483. The importance of preventing the use of painful tools in training such sensitive animals as elephants and the prevention of cruelty that would result from the passage of this bill makes clear its benefits. In the Commonwealth we pride ourselves on animal husbandry, the horse industry in particular, and this bill is another step in promoting Virginia as an animal-friendly state that is a worthy choice for those seeking locales for animal-related businesses.

Last Name: Ridge Locality: Purcellville

Please pass this bill on behalf of these intelligent creatures. There seems little- if any- excuse for cruelty to animals. Thank you

Last Name: Smith Organization: Free All Captive Elephants Locality: The Plains

I support this Bill in it's entirety. Elephants in captivity can turn violent out of frustration, anger and fear due to the brutal way they are trained and controlled. The public needs to be protected by laws that mandate a safe distance between the elephant and the public and the elephant's handler. I also support the prohibition of the use of a bullhook and other pain-inflicting instruments fur the purpose of training and controlling the behavior or an elephant. These instruments are barbaric and unnecessary if elephants are handled in a humane manner. I would like to see Virginia become a cruelty free state for ALL animals.

Last Name: Hanrahan Locality: LORTON

I am writing in support of HB2483, which would prohibit the use of bullhooks or other devices designed to inflict pain or suffering on an elephant for the purpose of controlling or disciplining the elephant. Bullhooks are typically steel or bronze rods fitted with a sharp metal hook, resembling a fireplace poker. The sharp hook is jabbed into sensitive parts of the elephant's body, including behind the ears, around the eyes, around the mouth, on the trunk, and on the feet to cause pain and inflict injury. A trainer can also swing a bullhook like a bat. An elephant’s skin ranges in thickness from one inch across the back and hindquarters, to paper-thin around the eyes and mouth, inside the ears, and at the anus. These are the locations that elephant handlers apply the bullhook. In 2019, the Association of Zoos and Aquariums voted to phase out the use of the bullhook by 2023, stating that it was not acceptable in modern zoos that rely on the association for accreditation. However, many abusive circuses and roadside zoos do not operate under the Association’s accreditation, continue the use of this abusive tool. An expanding body of research documents the elephants’ keen intelligence, complex social structures and unique physical and psychological needs. It is time to end the use of these archaic and cruel devices on these sensitive and intelligent animals.

End of Comments