Public Comments for 02/08/2022 Unknown Committee/Subcommittee
HB169 - Property insurance; invoices to list address of insured property or property interest.
No Comments Available
HB469 - Electric utilities; clean energy mandates, transitioning workers, etc.
Last Name: Barbara Adams Organization: Richmond Interfaith Climate Justice League Locality: Richmond, VA

Respected Committee members. The signs are everywhere - more and more severe weather events, sea level rise on the eastern shores, reduction in aquifer water tables due to reduced rain/snow fall, alarming reductions in the number, variety and health of wildlife species, asthma and COPD now common for more children and adults, cancer clusters that defy merely individual behavior, shocking data of increased levels and kinds of toxic substances found in air, land and water. These are just the tip of the melting iceberg that indicates that our world is decaying on our watch. Regardless of our faith beliefs are, or if we follow no religious path, it is clear that humans carry the burden of responsibility for the dramatic degradation of the natural world of which we are a part and, as mature, responsible adults, it is on us to make the important and necessary changes to address our actions. We are called to do this as individuals and work with our neighbors and in our community to act - to reduce consumption and pollution, make conscientious choices, and protect our homes from toxic health-threatening sources. As elected leaders, you are charged to consider and make those important decisions and take action on a scope that we as individuals and communities cannot. It is also clear that we cannot continue the same practices, making the same choices, allowing the historic status quo of the Commonwealth to put the needs of energy corporations and value them over people, if we want to positively address the dire circumstances we have created. For many years communities across Virginia that have been challenged by the ever-growing number of fossil fuel/natural gas infrastructure projects. This is a challenge because they did not invite, choose or want the various forms of this industry (gas fired electric plants, accompanying major pipelines and compressor station facilities) to enter their neighborhoods. These projects - illustrating Environmental injustice - are targeted in mostly lower wealth, mostly rural and mostly in communities of color. In most cases residents were not even informed properly that these projects were seeking access and permits, or in a timely manner, resulting in the often-unsurmountable difficulty to garner needed information, education about the technology, regulations, public process, and impacts to health, economic stability and well-being. Community members have made the huge contribution of their family and work time, their personal finances, endured the multiple stresses of facing down monolithic corporations and living everyday trying to protect and prevent potential losses to home, land and way of life. HB 469 identifies and puts into place the targets and guidelines for new behaviors that, as a Commonwealth, are necessary to shift to emphasize the health and well-being of people, living things and actively, effectively protect the world we inhabit. Making these shifts and identifying new goals and targets now will be wiser/easier than waiting and trying to desperately to fix something that is beyond broken. That would be a steep political task as well as a social nightmare. This bill gives a needed structure for communities to effectively protect themselves from rampant, merchant fossil fuel industrial projects and identifies what is needed for these shifts to be done in a just and fair manner. Please take a positive, proactive path and support HB 469. In Light, Barbara Adams

Last Name: Aguilar Organization: Food & Water Watch Locality: Washington, DC

On behalf of Food & Water Watch’s nearly 30,000 members, we want to urge the committee to vote in favor of passing HB 469, the New Virginia Economy Act (NVEA). The New Virginia Economy Act (NVEA) will build on the work the commonwealth has done to set clean energy standards and aligns them with what is truly needed to address the climate crisis. In setting a goal of reaching 100% clean renewables by 2035, the NVEA would cut harmful emissions from electricity generation and also set the pathway for creating tens of thousands of jobs, at a prevailing wage, in the new renewable energy sector. The NVEA would also stop the buildout of unnecessary and harmful new fossil fuel projects that also saddle ratepayers with the costs of maintaining and then retiring fossil fuels-reliant electricity generation. Right now is the time to invest in a future that will protect workers, environmental justice communities, and the environment. By setting up a broad and transparent stakeholder process that allows public input at different levels, the NVEA’s Climate Action Plan prioritizes engaging communities of color and low income communities to design a just and fair transition. This Climate Action Plan process will address the planning and implementation of climate change strategies like mitigation, adaptation, resiliency measures across sectors like transportation, agriculture, and building construction. Equally as important, the NVEA seeks to correct energy utility- friendly language that puts the burden of paying for the transition to renewables on Virginia’s residents and businesses instead of on the utilities and corporations, guaranteeing huge windfalls in the guise of ‘clean renewables.’ We urge a favorable report on the New Virginia Economy Act House Bill 469.

Last Name: Sims Locality: Henrico

I am writing in my personal capacity, to ask the Committee to please support HB 469. The New Virginia Economy Act addresses the urgency needed to transition to clean energy, the energy efficiency measures required and appropriately provides transition assistance for workers impacted by the transition. This comprehensive approach considers impacts to all communities and offers a plan which would create significant economic opportunity for Virginia. Virginia could and should lead the transition to a clean energy future - it means a healthier future for everyone in the Commonwealth and a simultaneous economic benefit. The future is finite unless we take serious, actionable steps to shift away from polluting industries. Please support Delegate's Rasoul's HB 469.

Last Name: Muth Organization: Third Act Virginia Locality: Richmond

Dear VA House and Energy Subcommittee, I write on behalf of the New Virginia Economy Act (NVEA) as a concerned citizen, grandparent, educator, and co-founder of Virginia Third Act, a State-wide group of over-60 folks who have time on their hands and who vote. The NVEA is about one thing: preserving the health of our State and our planet for future generations. It is sound, comprehensive, challenging, and just. And, simply put, failure to address climate change NOW equates to increasing degradation of life quality for everyone. For example, over her lifetime, a six year old child in 2020, compared to a six year old in 1960 will experience: 36 times as many heat waves; five times as many droughts; four times as many crop failures; many more cyclones and massive wildfires, and unimaginable human displacement and forced migrations. Climate change has a much more immediate and devastating effect on vulnerable communities and communities of color--whether that’s an African American community in Pittsylvania County where a new and unneeded compressor stations will release fine-particulate matter leading to disproportionately higher rates of asthma, lung cancer, heart attacks, and premature death; or the people of Tangier Island, whose communities may be submerged by sea-level rise by the end of the century if current rates of warming continue. The NVEA looks out for ordinary citizens—in a truly bi-partisan way--to make sure that the transition to a green economy uplifts everyone and does not discriminate against any group. For example, many of those who currently work for the fossil fuel industry have well-paying jobs with benefits; these same workers must be assured of a transition to high quality jobs. The NVEA offers Virginia a chance to do something truly inspiring and great, to claim the mantle of leadership in the burgeoning green economy. And leadership is woefully lacking. Even after the Paris Accord and even after the pandemic, emissions in 2022-2023 will break all records and exceed 55 billion tons/year. Globally, governments spent $5.9 trillion in 2020 on fossil fuels and that number is expected to increase to 6.5 trillion in 2021. Virginia can show the country the way forward. If we do not, who will? I urge you to listen to your heart, grasp this geologically historic moment, and support HB 469. Thank you, Bill Muth Richmond

Last Name: Kelsey Organization: Food & Water Watch Locality: Richmond, Virginia

On behalf of Food & Water Watch’s nearly 30,000 members, we want to urge the committee to vote in favor of passing HB 469, the New Virginia Economy Act (NVEA). The New Virginia Economy Act (NVEA) will build on the work the commonwealth has done to set clean energy standards and aligns them with what is truly needed to address the climate crisis. In setting a goal of reaching 100% clean renewables by 2035, the NVEA would cut harmful emissions from electricity generation and also set the pathway for creating tens of thousands of jobs, at a prevailing wage, in the new renewable energy sector. The NVEA would also stop the buildout of unnecessary and harmful new fossil fuel projects that also saddle ratepayers with the costs of maintaining and then retiring fossil fuels-reliant electricity generation. Right now is the time to invest in a future that will protect workers, environmental justice communities, and the environment. By setting up a broad and transparent stakeholder process that allows public input at different levels, the NVEA’s Climate Action Plan prioritizes engaging communities of color and low income communities to design a just and fair transition. This Climate Action Plan process will address the planning and implementation of climate change strategies like mitigation, adaptation, resiliency measures across sectors like transportation, agriculture, and building construction. Equally as important, the NVEA seeks to correct energy utility- friendly language that puts the burden of paying for the transition to renewables on Virginia’s residents and businesses instead of on the utilities and corporations, guaranteeing huge windfalls in the guise of ‘clean renewables.’ We believe it is inevitable, given the current health and climate crisis, that the implementation of the ambitious NVEA provisions to reach 100% clean renewables by 2035 and a moratorium on new fossil fuel projects will be adopted by Virginia. But we hope that legislators will see the urgency of the challenges in front of us and act accordingly by passing HB 469 now. We urge a favorable report on the New Virginia Economy Act.

Last Name: Fjord Organization: Union Hill Freedmen Family Research Group Locality: Charlottesville

I ask you to support The New Virginia Economy Act, a bill with a comprehensive, thoughtful and economically pragmatic plan to provide Virginians with healthy, sustainable and well-paying renewable energy sector jobs. Instead of fossil fuel industry jobs that expose workers to high risks of cancers and respiratory conditions from working with toxic chemicals, and injuries from fires and explosions. Fossil fuel energy sources are outdated and cost far more to build than renewable energy, at the same time incurring enormous social and medical costs that must be calculated in economic planning. In Virginia, a coastal state, sea level rise related to rapid climate change will continue to cost billions of dollars in damages from flooding and building infrastructure to adapt to this problem. This bill addresses the continued problem of environmental injustice in the siting of fossil fuel infrastructure in Virginia, forcing minority and low-income communities to bear the greatest costs of toxic pollution to their air, water, and soil from these energy sources. Please support this bill and be part of the economic boost from great jobs, clean air, water, and soil that will allow our communities and farm lands to be healthy starting with your actions to approve this bill. Sincerely, Lakshmi Fjord

Last Name: Little Locality: Charlottesville

Please pass HB469 so that Virginia can lead on climate action and mitigation and do it in a just way. HB469 puts the needs of working Virginians front and center while approaching climate change action head on. The data says that we need to move faster than we are. This is an amazing way to do it. We need HB469 New Virginia Economy Act to prevent climate extremes from getting worse and to support the transition to clean green jobs that pay a livable family wage.

Last Name: Padgett Organization: self Locality: Norfolk

The fossil fuel industry has received massive support from all levels of government for 100 years, this has gone too long already. Now is the time to reverse course to favor clean energy. HB469 is the best legislative initiative we Virginians have had for unwinding fossil fuel use – this will attract the burgeoning industries of clean energy technologies. Please begin the roll back of fossil fuels and vote in favor of HB469 for a better future.

Last Name: Williams Organization: Mothers Out Front Norfolk Team Locality: Norfolkl

Please pass HB469 so that Virginia can get on the road to meeting climate change obligations to get a grip on green house gas emissions. Also, we need the jobs supported by the bill to help workers in the fossil fuel industry in the transition to jobs needed for a green economy. Living and raising a family in Norfolk for 30-plus years, there is no doubt in my mind that the waters are rising, hurricanes are more fearsome, and even rain storms can become "bombs." My family has had three cars either totaled or damaged in the last 15 years because of unexpected flooding (non- hurricane, non-Nor'easter rain events.) Extreme weather events are on the rise and already causing havoc for Virginians. We need HB469 New Virginia Economy Act to prevent climate extremes from getting worse and to support the transition to clean green jobs that pay a livable family wage.

Last Name: Fischer Organization: none Locality: Cave Spring

Please support HB469 - get our Energy Policy into THIS century! Climate Change isn't something that is 30 years down the road. It is happening NOW, here and everywhere else. The tornado (never seen in the area before) several years back that almost wiped the town of Pulaski. Derechos (straight line hurricane force winds), which we had never even heard of before, downing huge trees and causing widespread power outs that lasted for days. More severe and frequent flooding & mudslides. More severe and long lasting summer heat waves with dry spells killing more tress and increasing fire danger. We had a major hail storm 2 years ago that destroyed every roof in the area, no matter now new. The damages to people, homes, and infrastructure increase every year - we can NOT keep going "status quo"! Please change our Energy Policy to stop Fossil Fuels from killing us!

Last Name: Merchant Locality: Martinsville

Because of global warming Virginia is experiencing frequent weather related disasters. At my own home I have had flooding due to torrential rain. The flooding was bad enough to wash out a bridge at the end of my street. This type of disaster had never been seen in this area, to my knowledge. We also experienced a power outage lasting several day due to a direcho. Freak weather events will increase in frequency until we stop burning fossil fuels and convert to green energy. Please support HB469.

Last Name: Ferguson Locality: Albemarle County

HB469 would save you a lot of time and money. Instead of fighting the fossil fuel industry and the large utilities piece meal, or whack a mole, this bill would put a moratorium on new fossil fuel infrastructure, lay the ground for a just transition for all workers, and save us (and particularly our coastal region) from the most catastrophic and expensive consequences of increased climate warming. We could all get on with the change we have to make. Yes, it's a big one. Do we have a choice? No. So let's get on with it. Please act now to lead us toward a future we can live with.

Last Name: Faber Locality: Lovettsville

I write in support of this bill. This bill addresses what I consider are the most urgent issues facing Virginia: climate change and economic insecurity for vulnerable communities. This bill turns the commonwealth around, away from extractive energy sources that deplete and ruin our landscape and the health and viability of the citizens who worked them. It turns us towards investing in renewables, cleaning up and reinvigorating the rural communities that have been damaged by fossil fuel extraction. This bill is win/win however you slice it. Please allow it to come to a vote!

Last Name: Graham Locality: Midlothian

Please vote Yes on HB 469. Our environment is at the tipping point. This bill specifies the implementation for policies that will help transition Virginia from harmful fossil fuels to clean energy. It addresses electric utilities’ clean energy mandates with clear and reasonable goals and means of transitioning.

Last Name: Peckman Locality: Roanoke

This bill is the only one I have seen that takes seriously the real danger that climate change poses, in requiring the utilities to take action in a timely manner. It also considers environmental justice in some efforts to help disadvantaged communities to improve their buildings, and provides for assisting fossil fuel-generation dependent communities in their economic transition.

Last Name: Hamilton Locality: Fairfax County

I urge you to vote in support of HB469, the New Virginia Economy Act. The bill will build on the progress Virginia has made for a clean energy future that mitigates the climate crisis. It will also support workers and create jobs building our green infrastructure.

Last Name: Lovelace Locality: Bedford County

I urge you to vote in support of HB469, the New Virginia Economy Act. The renewable energy market is ever-increasing with some of the fastest growing jobs, and Virginia should be taking every opportunity to build a renewable energy economy. HB469 provides the pathway to building a just energy economy that would result in thousands of new jobs while protecting ratepayers from having to pay for expensive and unnecessary fossil fuel projects. It installs protections for workers impacted by the transition, and it directs the development of a plan with input from all stakeholders to address the impacts of climate change and guide the energy transition. This bill is critical for Virginia’s future, both economically and environmentally. Again, I urge to vote in support of HB469.

Last Name: Hindle Locality: Vienna

As a high school student that plans to stay for college and beyond in Virginia, this bill is extremely important to me. Making the transition to clean energy is not an easy path, but it is definitely the right one. I live a stone’s throw away from 66, and I see firsthand the negative impacts of fossil fuel pollution. This bill has the power to stop the continuing investment that the government has been making into fossil fuel infrastructure and to start transitioning to more sustainable sources. We can’t live on fossil fuels forever, and it’s time to make room for more jobs in the clean energy industry before we run out of fossil fuels.

Last Name: Schlecht Locality: Great Falls, VA

Where I live, we're already seeing the impacts of climate change in daily life, with more frequent wind storms, flooding, and hotter summers. The New Virginia Economy Act (HB469) includes the bold targets and actions we need to mitigate climate change and become more resilient. It also benefits workers, communities, and businesses during and after the transition to renewable energy. This bill is about our joint future. Please support it.

Last Name: Johnson Locality: Richmond

The New Virginia Economy Act is a critical bill that will invest in our communities, provide protection for businesses and workers, as well as uphold environmental justice and climate standards for future generations. This is an incredibly important and meaningful bill that will create new jobs and support our environment and community health. I urge you to please support it.

Last Name: Rasmussen Organization: Retired x 2 years Locality: Richmond

New Virginia Economy Act HB 469 CTA. As Virginians and as Americans we all must work together to build a "cleaner" environment. This is for our future, and must be regarded with upmost importance. Please work for all the pieces that tie this bill together. This is not about one party vs the other. It's about all of us together. Thank you

HB1204 - Renewable energy certificates; priority of procurement.
Last Name: Goplerud Organization: Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions Locality: RESTON

My name is Eric Goplerud. I am the Board Chair of the Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions, representing more than 2,600 faith-based activists from over 190 faith communities. We support Bill 1054. Many members of our faith communities are elderly, disabled, low income or have young children. This bill would set standards for utility (electric, gas, water) disconnections during crises (e.g., pandemic) and severe cold and heat periods. Giving people a grace period during crises and extreme weather just makes sense. It's humane. It is the right thing to do. The utilities are publicly regulated monopolies. It is not a hardship for them to receive delayed payments. It is a life threatening crisis if members of our faith communities and other poor Virginians do not have vital service during a crisis or extreme weather emergency.

Last Name: Bradner Organization: Rev. Locality: Bath Township

The price of energy affects the poor and working man much more than it does any rich politician or or entitled class. The idiocy espoused by the Biden administration and the leftist politicians in America is it is not just laughable, it is anti-American and impacts impacts each one of us in a negative way. Stop the spread of communism in our country. Put America First. Let us together make America Great Again.

Last Name: Pender Organization: Chesapeake Climate Action Network Locality: Hampton

The United States Environmental Protection Agency reports that between 1980 and 2019, CO2 emissions increased by 11 percent. Despite great progress in air quality improvement, approximately 97 million people nationwide lived in counties with pollution levels above the primary NAAQS in 2020. HB1204 will slow the adoption of clean energy in Virginia and gut the Renewable Energy Credit (RECs), and rooftop solar/distributed generation market, putting us further behind in our efforts to decarbonize our grid. Additionally, the bill rolls back the long-standing authority of the Air Pollution Control Board to make determinations related to minor new source review (air pollution) permits. Virgnina’s Air Pollution Control Board meets and deliberates in public, while receiving input and votes from citizens in the Commonwealth of Virginia. By allowing HB1204 to pass, it will minimize public engagement & participation as well as government transparency that occurs with the full review by the Air Pollution Control Board. And it is for these reasons, CCAN Action Fund opposes this bill HB1204.

HB1326 - Waste coal; removal in public interest.
Last Name: Turner Organization: Virginia Conservation Network Locality: Richmond

Comments Document

Dear Members of the House Commerce and Energy - Subcommittee #3, on behalf of the Virginia Conservation Network I urge you to vote "no" on HB894 and HB1326, and to vote "yes" on HB1054. For your convince I am attaching combined talking points on each bill.

Last Name: Pender Organization: Chesapeake Climate Action Network Locality: Hampton

The continuous debate on whether waste coal can be reused as a sustainable source of electricity is not only a fallacious belief, but also a hazardous option for electricity generation. Under the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Coal contains trace amounts of naturally-occurring radioactive elements. The process of burning coal at coal-fired power plants, called combustion, creates wastes that contain small amounts of naturally-occurring radioactive material (NORM). If such waste is reused to produce electricity that is utilized in areas with high volume, people can become exposed to these radioactive elements. This bill will undermine previous climate and clean energy adoption bills Virginia has committed to.Thus, CCAN Action Fund opposes HB1326.

Last Name: Bradner Organization: Rev. Locality: Bath Township

The price of energy affects the poor and working man much more than it does any rich politician or or entitled class. The idiocy espoused by the Biden administration and the leftist politicians in America is it is not just laughable, it is anti-American and impacts impacts each one of us in a negative way. Stop the spread of communism in our country. Put America First. Let us together make America Great Again.

End of Comments