Public Comments for 02/07/2022 Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources - Chesapeake Subcommittee
HB141 - Virginia Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Historic Preservation Fund; created.
Please email the above mentioned bills to me.
During this time of rampant redevelopment and expansions, it is crucial for Virginia to all that can be done to preserve historic resources of all communities including BIPOC communities. Considered an endangered resources, careful consideration, resources and technical support must be allocated to ensure BIPOC historic resources are truly a part of the Virginia heritage. I urge you to support and vote yes for HB141. Thank you
I OPPOSE HB 53 and 1301. I SUPPORT HB 141, 508, 523, 715, 1266, and 1350. I don't have a stance on HB 351 or 1267, but I do feel it necessary to point out that a zero-emissions vehicle still drives (no pun intended) horrifically unsustainable land use patters by perpetuating suburban sprawl and can still kill a human being if it collides at 35 miles per hour. There is entirely too much emphasis on electric cars when we need to be shifting our main method of getting around away from the car in favor of walking, cycling, rolling, bussing, and rail.
HB516 - Flood resiliency & protection; implements recom. from first Va. Coastal Resilience Master Plan.
Please email the above mentioned bills to me.
The Southern Environmental Law Center supports HB 516, and we respectfully request and urge you to do the same. The challenges that flooding presents to communities all across the Commonwealth are only growing larger, and this bill would help strengthen and expand flood resilience planning. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Morgan Butler Senior Attorney Southern Environmental Law Center
Because of rising sea levels and increasing precipitation extremes, a Virginia Flood Protection Master Plan is badly needed. I support HB516.
I support the Humane Society of the United States' positions pertaining to your particular bill(s). I do believe HSUS adheres to and promotes the highest standards of integrity in the issues of animal issues, the environment, human concerns, et. al. I hope you can vote with that perspective in mind.
Please stop animal cruelty!
pass all of the laws above
Protect our wildlife and water resources. Restrict hunting on sundays. No snares or trapping. No animals gor research.
The greatness of a nation and its MORAL PROGRESS can be judged by the way it treats its animals, its wilderness and its most vulnerable inhabitants.
Protect Virginia's environment from Republiklans
HB577 - Stormwater systems; impact of flooding, report.
HB602 - Flood Control, Department of, and Commonwealth Flood Plan; created, report.
I support the Humane Society of the United States' positions pertaining to your particular bill(s). I do believe HSUS adheres to and promotes the highest standards of integrity in the issues of animal issues, the environment, human concerns, et. al. I hope you can vote with that perspective in mind.
Please stop animal cruelty!
Protect our wildlife and water resources. Restrict hunting on sundays. No snares or trapping. No animals gor research.
The greatness of a nation and its MORAL PROGRESS can be judged by the way it treats its animals, its wilderness and its most vulnerable inhabitants.
Protect Virginia's environment from Republiklans
HB715 - Tribal Nations; consultation w/ federally recognized, permits and review w/ potential impacts.
I OPPOSE HB 53 and 1301. I SUPPORT HB 141, 508, 523, 715, 1266, and 1350. I don't have a stance on HB 351 or 1267, but I do feel it necessary to point out that a zero-emissions vehicle still drives (no pun intended) horrifically unsustainable land use patters by perpetuating suburban sprawl and can still kill a human being if it collides at 35 miles per hour. There is entirely too much emphasis on electric cars when we need to be shifting our main method of getting around away from the car in favor of walking, cycling, rolling, bussing, and rail.
I support the Humane Society of the United States' positions pertaining to your particular bill(s). I do believe HSUS adheres to and promotes the highest standards of integrity in the issues of animal issues, the environment, human concerns, et. al. I hope you can vote with that perspective in mind.
Please stop animal cruelty!
pass all of the laws above
The greatness of a nation and its MORAL PROGRESS can be judged by the way it treats its animals, its wilderness and its most vulnerable inhabitants.
Protect Virginia's environment from Republiklans
HB847 - Virginia Resiliency Authority; established, definitions, report.
Have you tried Roll On – 200mg from JUSTCBD?
I oppose this bill because it would create an unnecessary, redundant authority.
HB947 - Virginia Resources Authority; short-term loans.
I support the Humane Society of the United States' positions pertaining to your particular bill(s). I do believe HSUS adheres to and promotes the highest standards of integrity in the issues of animal issues, the environment, human concerns, et. al. I hope you can vote with that perspective in mind.
Please stop animal cruelty!
The greatness of a nation and its MORAL PROGRESS can be judged by the way it treats its animals, its wilderness and its most vulnerable inhabitants.
HB1200 - Landfill siting; proximity to private wells.
Please support HB1200 and protect the public water wells.
Please email the above mentioned bills to me.
Please pass HB1200
We have a C&D landfill next to my farm. Agricultural laws in Virginia, DEQ have allowed over 1 million truck loads to be deposited next to our farm. Our wells are being threatened! No one wants to buy my blueberries or my farm products due to the fear that their health will be endangered. My neighbors and I have waged a major battle that has threatened our financial status fighting this battle of 5 years. The dumping is daily, up to as much as 150 trucks a day. Virginia ag laws support landfill farming! It needs to stop. Please protect us! We are in favor of this bill...and more, hopefully.
Honorable Chairs, Please support HB1200
I am opposing HB1200.
My friends in powhatan are at risk of losing their constitutional right to clean water with the installation of a Megalandfill next to their private wells. Please pass bill 1200 to protect their water and stop corporations from poisoning our citizens!
Honorable Chairs, please support HB1200. Thank you.
Clean, uncontaminated water is critical to our organic farm as well as our very being. Please force industry to recognize that right and protect our future. I hope you will support HB 1200. Sincerely Bill Cox
Please support this bill. Our livelihood, community and especially our health is a priority for Virginia.
Honorable Chairs, Please support HB1200
Honorable Chairs, Please support HB1200, to include private well water into the VA Code. Our county depends on clean drinking private well water.
Please support this bill!!! I am a resident of Powhantan County and have a home in Middlesex County
Honorable Chairs, please support HB1200. Our people depend on clean private well water!
Mr. Ware’s proposal is an important one to protect the way of life and especially the drinking water of all Rural Virginians. The safety of our drinking water is just as important as the public water in the cities.
My family and majority of families in my county depend on well water and it needs to be protected!!! Please support this bill.
Many residents of Virginia do not have access to public water supplies, but depend on water from private wells. Private wells should be afforded the same protections provided to public water supplies. I support approval of HB1200.
I have major concerns with the protection of water source is coming from private wells which need protection from contamination from industrial and agricultural use. Please protect private well water.
"Honorable Chairs, Please support HB1200, to include private well water into the VA Code. Our county depends on clean drinking private well water."
The changes recommended in this bill are not related to any specific project, but protection of Virginia’s environment. Protecting private wells is a concern for all Virginians – not just one locality. The Virginia Department of Health website reports the majority of households in 60 of Virginia’s 95 counties are dependent on private wells. The number of households connecting to private wells is increasing faster than those connecting to public water supply systems. However, there is no protection for private wells as there is for public water. We have only one environment and have a responsibility to protect it – this includes protecting our water supply. There are many things that affect our water supply that we do not have control over such as climate change, floods, and earthquakes. We need to preserve what we have! I thank Delegate Ware and Senator Hashmi for purposing these changes.
As a resident living in close proximity to a site being considered for a landfill I’d like to express my support of HB1200. The health and safety of the community should be the primary concern when considering site options for landfills and HB1200 helps to ensure the rights of citizens are better protected. A healthy Virginia is a better Virginia. I respectfully request your support of HB1200 to protect the rights, health and safety of the citizens of Virginia both for today and the generations to come. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Please support HP1200
need protection from all toxics seeping from toxic landfills
We have health concerns over Landfills in our area and Powhatan - we deal daily with gases and dont want polluted well water. Our local BOS has no interest in helping citizens and we need help and support HB1200!
Our wells need protection. Especially shallow wells
It is the job of the Virginia legislature to protect its citizens! By protecting my water you protect me and my family and the citizens of Powhatan Virginia.
Please protect our well water. We need as much or more protection as cities. Water affects every aspect of life. It's affect on humans goes without saying. But the same can be said for agricultural activities. Nor should we overlook wildlife. And how do you protect anyone from recreational activities whether it be in a river or a small pond where children fish and swim? We are aware of the damage to the environment and how the environment has been destroyed in the name of "development". We can start stopping this by voting for this bill. It's a win-win vote.
I support this bill, please pass it!! Protect our wells!
I believe that our private well water should have some protection from a nearby landfill
HB1200 offers a similar level of protection for private water wells as the current VA Code does for public water supplies. Most rural residents live where a landfill would be located so it is only logical that some level of protection must be available for these residents. This bill offers that protection.
Animal testing on domestic animals has no place in VA (HB 1061) Private well water should be as much, or more, protected than pubic water supplies (HB 1200)
Please require more stringent policies on these landfills.
Honorable Chairs, please support HB1200. I support amending VA Code to include private well water, HB1200.
Please support HB 1200 and support protections for our private well Walter supply as you would any municipal water supply!!! Thanks! Chris Coplan
Please support HB1200. Thank you
I would like to write in support of HB 1200. Our family home is on well water as well as we live near the beginning of Fine Creek in Powhatan. The quality of our groundwater is of the utmost importance to my self and my family, as well as thousands of other members of our community. We also live a short 7 miles roughly from the former landfill that was open in Powhatan County until is closure in roughly 1986. We consistently have our well water tested because of this, and my fear is that a new landfill bordering Powhatan County could potentially harm our underground aquifers, streams, and the James River Watershed. Please support and pass this bill to help protect our source of water for hour homes. Kyle Leatherwood Powhatan, VA
I support bill 1200. In rural areas of our counties their are many citizens who have private wells as their only source of water. We protect public water from chemicals. We should also protect our private wells. If we don’t protect the private wells, we are saying that those citizens don’t deserve clean water for their daily lives. Respectfully Sarah Broughman
I support HB1200
My husband spent a career as an Environmental Engineer cleaning up ground water contamination. Once contaminated it takes decades to cleanse the ground water even with the latest in treatment technology. This is why I strongly support HR 1200.
Please support HB1200.
Please support HB1200.
PLEASE support HB1200 to amend VA Code to include private well water!!! So many of us rely on well water and have a right to clean, safe water for our families
Please Support HB1200.
I grew up drinking delicious, healthy well water. I want my children and future generations to have the same opportunity. Other countries are not blessed with access to good drinking water. It would be a shame if the blessing we already enjoy is destroyed by others and we are left to figure out how to replace a basic necessity.
Please, citizens beg that you please put as many regulations as possible on landfills of all kinds. We curre tly fight a daily battle with a newly developed landfill that opened in 2018. They have failed inspections, violations, and are accepting things they should not be per their land use permit. The Skinquarter landfill hinders surrounding residents daily with zero enforcement or liability. Please, control these types of facilities.
I support HB1200. Our well water should be included in the VA Code. Absolutely.
Please protect our well water in Powhatan. Well water should be protected just like public water.
Please I beg, pass this. Living with in a mile to the site, I can not tell you how terrified I am having small children. What will be in their water...what diseases will they die early from because of it? Please treat this as though it was your home and your drinking water.
As a retired Environmental Engineer with 41 years of professional experience dealing with the contamination of ground water, I am gravely concerned that homeowners like myself who depend on private drinking water wells are afforded no protection under current Virginia Environmental Laws from corporate polluters who operate Mega Landfills. Assembly Bill HR 1200's requirement that landfills must be sited a minimum of one mile from private drinking water wells must become law.
Honorable Chairs, please support HB1200” amending VA Code to include private well water, Protect our well water. This is a no-brainer.
Please protect our well water.
My water is iffy at best and I don’t want this landfill to impact the delicate water system as well as cause more traffic on the roads.
Please support HB 1200, which adds an important consideration to siting of municipal solid waste landfills. Recognizing that many of the communities across Virginia use private wells, the consideration proposed in this commonsense bill is an important step for protecting public health. Impacts from landfill leachate are of major concern, and measures that would protect personal water resources are welcome and appreciated. Please support HB 1200.
I support HB 1200
Honorable Chairs, please support HB1200. I urge you to support amending VA Code to include private well water, HB1200. My community is almost entirely dependent on wells for our water and our families and children deserve to have their water protected and for it to be clean. Furthermore, protecting our investment in our homes is also very important to me. Please support this bill.
I support HB1200 to add private well water to current VA code considerations when permitting a landfill. Thank you.
Honorable Chair - please support my community by supporting this bill. Thank you
Honorable Chairs, please support amending VA Code to include private well water, HB1200
Honorable Chairs, Please support HB1200 amending VA Code to include private well water
Honorable Chairs, please support HB1200 to support amending VA Code to include private well water. Thank you.
Please support amending Virginia code to protect our rural citizens on well water! This is extremely important.
please support HB1200, our water source should be included in VA Code.
Honorable Chairs, Please support HB1200 amending VA Code to include private well water.
Please support HB12OO, Virginia's have right to clean well water.
Honorable Chairs, please support HB1200. There should be almost nothing more important than to codify the right to clean water for all of us and for future generations. There should be NO industry or lobby more important than clean water. Please support amending VA Code to include private well water, HB1200. Thank you. Rachel Welsh Iga
Please consider Powhatan County when thinking about access to clean drinking water via wells. I don’t think it’s too fair that public water is protected but well water isn’t. Many many people rely on well water, including my family and I.
Honorable Chairs, Plase support HB1200.
I support HB1200. According to state statistics 85% of Virginia citizens depend on private wells for their water. The state protects public water sources while giving no protection to these individuals. Are we not afforded equal protection under the law?
Honorable Chairs, Please support HB1200, to amend the Waste Siting Requirements in VA Code, to include consideration for the citizens on private well water. Our wells rely on the groundwater, and a healthy clean aquifer. It would seem appropriate to include them from the threat of a single landfill liner, less than 100 mil liner. Rural communities who depend on clean drinking water are being targeted, since there are currently protection to minimize the harms to public water works systems and private drinking water is excluded. I am one of the residents, within close proximity to a proposed mega landfill. I live in Powhatan and the proposed Cumberland landfill is 1.7 miles from our water source. This is not a unique situation in VIrginia. Giving consideration to our drinking water is the right thing to do to assure every measure is taken to protect the health and safety of Virginians. I hope you will take into consideration and move HB1200 forward.
Honorable Delegates, Virginians for Conservation and Community Rights, VCCR, has 2300 members in Powhatan alone and work throughout the state of Virginia, Pulaski, Culpepper, Fairfax, Waynesboro, Hampton, Cumberland and Richmond. VCCR would ask that you support HB1200, to amend VA Code to include the consideration of private rural well water, as public water systems are currently included in Waste Management Siting VA Code. Public Water systems are encased in piping versus the dependance of ground water, rivers, streams, creeks and tributaries which supply water to our rural drinking well water. The EPA examined the best available landfill liners, which concluded that brand new state of the art liners of high density polyethylene (HDPE) can be expected to leak at the rate of 20 gallons per acre per day, eve if they are installed wit the very best and most expensive quality control. The rate of leakage is caused by pinholes during manufacture and by holes created when the seams are welded together during landfill construction. In addition to leakage caused by pinholes and failed seams, new scientific evidence indicates that HDPE, the preferred liner for landfills, allows some chemicals to pass through it quite readily. Even an HDPE sheet, 100 mil this, (a tenth of an inch, like a heavy leaf bag), is penetrated by solvents in less than two weeks. This research was based on a 100 mil single liner. Currently, there are proposed landfills, which have submitted their Part A application to VDEQ, using a 60 mil single liner, with 2000 private wells within 2 miles of the project. 66% of rural Virginia depend on private well water. They depend on you to protect our drinking water sources. VCCR and its members respectfully request you pass House Bill 1200 through committee, to allow a first, second and third reading. Victoria Ronnau Executive Director
I am in oppose to bill HB1200
Please support House Bill 1200 to amend the current VA Code to include private well water. Every Virginian has a right to clean drinking water. That means ensuring that Virginia does not allow for the construction of projects that will pollute and contaminate our water, including families that access private wells. Building a new municipal solid waste landfill within one mile of any existing private well will cause irrevocable harm. Private well water is vulnerable to toxic leachate, which can leak through a single liner. If these wells are contaminated, there is no fix for this. It will threaten the ability of families to get safe and clean water.
Please end wildlife killing! HB1247 must stay in place. Please support this Bill. Killing mercilessly for entertainment needs to stop!! It is time to move forward
HB1200 – Support approval of HB1200 as it recommends protection for private wells Protecting private wells is a concern for all Virginians – not just one locality. The Virginia Department of Health website reports that the majority of households in 60 of Virginia’s 95 counties are dependent on private wells. The number of households connecting to private wells is increasing faster than those connecting to public water supply systems. However, there is no protection for private wells as there is for public water. We have only one environment and have a responsibility to protect it – this includes protecting our water supply. There are many things that affect our water supply that we do not have control over such as climate change, floods, and earthquakes. The recommended changes to 10.1-1408.4 of the Code of Virginia are minor when you consider the advantages to our environment and our water supply. Recommend your support for approval of these changes.
Please stop this cruelty
Our lands and the animals that live on our lands should be protected at every cost. At a time when deforestation and the killing of animals in the U.S. and around the world grows more and more, it is imperative to fight against this. If we do not take action and push legislation to protect our land and the animals that live on them, in the not to distant future they will become less and less until they are no more. Please think about this and help to do what you can to make positive change.
HB1074 lenthen time between rabies vaccines .I.e 5-7yrs.Allow for titer tests. 1176 profit snare/metal traps 1200 no toxic sites near any water sources 111 prohibit hunting on Sundays on state or federal lands in VA. These areas are for everyone and we like to walk/ hike in safety and peacefully 1089 I lived in areas that used parquet in HI. This is deadly and must be banned! 1061 Absolutely prohibit the breeding of dogs and cats for exploitation by others 1029 Wildlife corridors save lives both animal and human
I support the Humane Society of the United States' positions pertaining to your particular bill(s). I do believe HSUS adheres to and promotes the highest standards of integrity in the issues of animal issues, the environment, human concerns, et. al. I hope you can vote with that perspective in mind.
We cannot undo most of the damage humans have done so it is urgent to stop harmful behaviors of humans that effect and endanger animals and environments.
Please stop animal cruelty!
“Kill contests” or otherwise hunting for sport should be outlawed.
pass all of the laws above
Protect our wildlife and water resources. Restrict hunting on sundays. No snares or trapping. No animals gor research.
The greatness of a nation and its MORAL PROGRESS can be judged by the way it treats its animals, its wilderness and its most vulnerable inhabitants.
Good Afternoon, I am submitting my support of the above items. I strongly feel that we need to put more time and planning on what we are doing to our animals, that are due the same respect as we all inhabits of our planet, and out planet. We only have one earth and we have not been responsible on how we treated her.
Protect Virginia's environment from Republiklans
Wildlife killing contests should be illegal.
stop this now!!
Protection of Land, Water, Air, Soil and all animals is up to us and for future generations a must.
We should be protecting our animals, both wild and domestic. We also need to protect our environment. Inhumane treatment of all animals needs to stop.
HB523 Research or experimentation of any kind should be prohibited with all animals especially dogs and cats
HB1225 - Energy performance-based contracts; roof replacement.
HB1266 - Tribal Outreach Liaison; Department of Historic Resources to appoint.
I OPPOSE HB 53 and 1301. I SUPPORT HB 141, 508, 523, 715, 1266, and 1350. I don't have a stance on HB 351 or 1267, but I do feel it necessary to point out that a zero-emissions vehicle still drives (no pun intended) horrifically unsustainable land use patters by perpetuating suburban sprawl and can still kill a human being if it collides at 35 miles per hour. There is entirely too much emphasis on electric cars when we need to be shifting our main method of getting around away from the car in favor of walking, cycling, rolling, bussing, and rail.
Please stop this cruelty
I support the Humane Society of the United States' positions pertaining to your particular bill(s). I do believe HSUS adheres to and promotes the highest standards of integrity in the issues of animal issues, the environment, human concerns, et. al. I hope you can vote with that perspective in mind.
Please stop animal cruelty!
“Kill contests” or otherwise hunting for sport should be outlawed.
pass all of the laws above
Protect our wildlife and water resources. Restrict hunting on sundays. No snares or trapping. No animals gor research.
The greatness of a nation and its MORAL PROGRESS can be judged by the way it treats its animals, its wilderness and its most vulnerable inhabitants.
Good Afternoon, I am submitting my support of the above items. I strongly feel that we need to put more time and planning on what we are doing to our animals, that are due the same respect as we all inhabits of our planet, and out planet. We only have one earth and we have not been responsible on how we treated her.
Protect Virginia's environment from Republiklans
We should be protecting our animals, both wild and domestic. We also need to protect our environment. Inhumane treatment of all animals needs to stop.
HB1267 - Low-emissions and zero-emissions vehicle standards; regulations shall be withdrawn and reproposed.
Please email the above mentioned bills to me.
I OPPOSE HB 53 and 1301. I SUPPORT HB 141, 508, 523, 715, 1266, and 1350. I don't have a stance on HB 351 or 1267, but I do feel it necessary to point out that a zero-emissions vehicle still drives (no pun intended) horrifically unsustainable land use patters by perpetuating suburban sprawl and can still kill a human being if it collides at 35 miles per hour. There is entirely too much emphasis on electric cars when we need to be shifting our main method of getting around away from the car in favor of walking, cycling, rolling, bussing, and rail.
The VMA asserts that ENERGY POLICIES are essential to ensuring sustainable economic growth in manufacturing, with an emphasis on reliable supply at affordable prices, conservation, increased cost-effective energy efficiency technology and programs, cost-effective distributed generation, strengthened infrastructure and investments in new technologies. We support HB1267 and HB1301. HB1267 repeals the LEV and ZEV emission program linking Virginia to the California Air Board and establishing a pathway to the regulatory moratorium on all internal combustion engines. HB1301 repeals the Clean Energy and Community Flood Preparedness Act that obfuscates its actual purpose - the participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative - creating an estimated $280 million and growing annual tax on electricity. Further, the VMA asserts that CLIMATE CHANGE regulations must be exclusively addressed at the Federal level. There is an inextricable linkage between environmental management and the making and moving of energy, products and people. As such, economic prosperity, environmental protection, business consumption and human health are interdependent necessities of the U.S. economy. Federal and state administered EPA programs and policies to regulate the economy in order to slow or stop global warming should carefully balance these competing necessities through rigorous scientific and economic standards. Any regulation that would impair the U.S. economy or lacks empirical and transparent measurement leading to broad scientifically validated reductions in global temperatures as well as effective adaptation strategies should be opposed.
Drive Electric RVA opposes HB 1267. Many electric vehicle owners have shared the same experience as consumers — they had to go outside of the state to find the vehicle they wanted. Why? Auto manufacturers allocate most of their inventories of EVs to states that have committed to transportation electrification by following California's Clean Car standards. As a result, consumers in Maryland have access to many more options for EVs than Virginians currently do. (See "Virginia Drives Electric 2020," pp. 17-19, This has worsened during the current supply chain issues. Delaying the implementation of Clean Car standards in Virginia will only perpetuate this supply problem, pushing prices up for EVs and hobbling the growth of the market compared to other parts of the country.
Attached Virginia business opposition to to HB1267 and HB1301.
The Low-emissions and zero-emissions vehicle standards were well designed and will help Virginia reduce its generation of pollution and climate changing greenhouse gasses. It should remain intact. Please oppose this bill and preserve the Air Board's full authority over such emissions.
HB1301 - Clean Energy and Community Flood Preparedness Act; repeals Act.
Please email the above mentioned bills to me.
Dear Delegate, Please think about the many flood disasters Virginia stands to get and begin to protect our most vulnerable people in the flood plain with concrete infrastructure and pumps.. Funding their recovery does not provide protection for everyone, for the community, and doesn’t change anything about the flooding which will just come back again. Do not vote for #5. Thank you. Sincerely, Frances Lee-Vandell
I OPPOSE HB 53 and 1301. I SUPPORT HB 141, 508, 523, 715, 1266, and 1350. I don't have a stance on HB 351 or 1267, but I do feel it necessary to point out that a zero-emissions vehicle still drives (no pun intended) horrifically unsustainable land use patters by perpetuating suburban sprawl and can still kill a human being if it collides at 35 miles per hour. There is entirely too much emphasis on electric cars when we need to be shifting our main method of getting around away from the car in favor of walking, cycling, rolling, bussing, and rail.
I strongly urge the committee to defeat HB 5, HB 1261, & HB 1301. HB 1261 would repeal Virginia residents’ participation in important environmental decisions. Public input and public participation in environmental discussions are critical to raising issues of safety, health, social and economic impact, and whether the siting of a project is suitable for the location in which it is proposed. HB 1301 will hinder Virginia's progress toward a clean economy by repealing Virginia's participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). Virginia's participation in RGGI is a successful effort to reduce pollution while directly helping communities on the front lines. HB 5 diverts funding from the Community Flood Preparedness Fund (FUND) and creates a Flood Relief Fund. This is an inappropriate use of the RGGI funds. The existing FUND is already helping thousands of low-wealth families reduce energy bills and climate impacts, and localities deal with increasingly devastating floods. As a person of conscience, it is essential to oppose bills like HB 5, HB 1261, & HB 1301, which will set Virginians backward in our goal to address the impacts of climate change and reach carbon-free energy by 2050."
I oppose the passage of these bills. We again, face a political opposition to taking care of our own and our environment in these bills. I am particularly dismayed when those proposing these laws claim to be Christians. In fact, passing these bills will ensure that we do the very opposite of what is a truly moral or Christian act. It brings to mind the passage in Matthew 25:34-45. Indeed if we claim that we have a moral authority of any kind - then we will not rescind our participation in the Greenhouse Gas Initiative, will not ensure that our environmental aspirations of caring for not only the Earth but those living in it then what can we truly say of ourselves as a state and a country? I do not want to hear about the economic costs. That is only a smokescreen to protect the proponents of this law from having to live with the consequences of passing these laws. It really does come down to having a commitment to something far greater and more important than ourselves as individuals or our investments and bank accounts. It is a matter of irreversible damage that cannot be undone once we have stepped over the place of no return. Lastly, if any claim pro-life - these laws destroy any credibility of those who stand by that position.
My name is Kidest Gebre and I am the Organizing Coordinator and Communicating Our Power Fellow for Virginia Interfaith Power & Light, we collaborate among people of faith and conscience to grow healthy communities by advancing climate and environmental justice. We urge you to oppose HB 5 & HB 1301. HB 1301 will hinder Virginia's progress toward a clean economy by repealing Virginia's participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). Virginia's participation in RGGI is a successful effort to reduce pollution while directly helping communities on the front lines. HB 5 diverts funding from the Community Flood Preparedness Fund (FUND) and creates a Flood Relief Fund. This is an inappropriate use of the RGGI funds. The existing FUND is a statewide program designed to help localities plan for, study, and design projects to protect against future flooding. The existing FUND is already helping thousands of low-wealth families reduce energy bills and climate impacts, and localities deal with increasingly devastating floods. As a person of conscience, it is important that we continue Virginia’s participation to not only reduce air pollution and improve public health but also to bring in critically needed funds for our frontline communities.
The VMA asserts that ENERGY POLICIES are essential to ensuring sustainable economic growth in manufacturing, with an emphasis on reliable supply at affordable prices, conservation, increased cost-effective energy efficiency technology and programs, cost-effective distributed generation, strengthened infrastructure and investments in new technologies. We support HB1267 and HB1301. HB1267 repeals the LEV and ZEV emission program linking Virginia to the California Air Board and establishing a pathway to the regulatory moratorium on all internal combustion engines. HB1301 repeals the Clean Energy and Community Flood Preparedness Act that obfuscates its actual purpose - the participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative - creating an estimated $280 million and growing annual tax on electricity. Further, the VMA asserts that CLIMATE CHANGE regulations must be exclusively addressed at the Federal level. There is an inextricable linkage between environmental management and the making and moving of energy, products and people. As such, economic prosperity, environmental protection, business consumption and human health are interdependent necessities of the U.S. economy. Federal and state administered EPA programs and policies to regulate the economy in order to slow or stop global warming should carefully balance these competing necessities through rigorous scientific and economic standards. Any regulation that would impair the U.S. economy or lacks empirical and transparent measurement leading to broad scientifically validated reductions in global temperatures as well as effective adaptation strategies should be opposed.
I would like to urge the committee to vote NO on HB 5 & HB 1301. Both bills will hinder Virginia's progress towards energy justice and a clean economy. Our entire commonwealth, especially SWVA, will benefit from a clean economy.
Attached Virginia business opposition to to HB1267 and HB1301.
The Clean Energy and Community Flood Preparedness Act is doing what it was designed for and is needed more than ever. I strongly opposes its repeal.
Please stop this cruelty
Our lands and the animals that live on our lands should be protected at every cost. At a time when deforestation and the killing of animals in the U.S. and around the world grows more and more, it is imperative to fight against this. If we do not take action and push legislation to protect our land and the animals that live on them, in the not to distant future they will become less and less until they are no more. Please think about this and help to do what you can to make positive change.
I feel strongly about banning killing contests of foxes and coyotes along with banning snare traps which mph are cruel and not necessary. Breeders and dealers should be banned from selling cats and dogs for any kind of scientific experiments due the fact that there is technology available that would work just as well.
508 keep our history alive both the good and bad. We, our children need to be taught the truth about US history 479 removal of large and small damns improves the quality of waterways 323 local and sustainable farms are the key to the future of successful farming. Thomas Jefferson believed this 255 dogs and cats should never be used for inhumane research 206 small renewal energy projects should have been implemented decades ago. We are so behind many countries in preserving our natural resources and increasing and implementing renewable energy sources 140 African American gravesites when discovered should be restored and protected as should all of them 1330 Companion animals should be allowed in more place’s especially on public transportation like Amtrak 1301 clean energy= clean air, water, soil, food and this is a human right 1273 I would like to see hunting bears, deer, raccoons, rabbits, coyote, bobcat foxes completely eliminated. They only terrorize wildlife, there is no “sport” in that. 1247 STOP killing contests of any wildlife!!! This is barbaric 1228 Water quality needs to be of the highest standard. It’s a God-given right 1224 if storm water is managed properly we could avoid massive pollution to our rivers and streams , Bays and Oceans
I support the Humane Society of the United States' positions pertaining to your particular bill(s). I do believe HSUS adheres to and promotes the highest standards of integrity in the issues of animal issues, the environment, human concerns, et. al. I hope you can vote with that perspective in mind.
Please stop animal cruelty!
“Kill contests” or otherwise hunting for sport should be outlawed.
pass all of the laws above
Protect our wildlife and water resources. Restrict hunting on sundays. No snares or trapping. No animals gor research.
The greatness of a nation and its MORAL PROGRESS can be judged by the way it treats its animals, its wilderness and its most vulnerable inhabitants.
Good Afternoon, I am submitting my support of the above items. I strongly feel that we need to put more time and planning on what we are doing to our animals, that are due the same respect as we all inhabits of our planet, and out planet. We only have one earth and we have not been responsible on how we treated her.
Protect Virginia's environment from Republiklans
Protection of Land, Water, Air, Soil and all animals is up to us and for future generations a must.
HB1309 - Resilient Virginia Revolving Loan Fund; created.
Please stop this cruelty
Please SUPPORT HB1309. Fact sheet sent as attachment.
I support the Humane Society of the United States' positions pertaining to your particular bill(s). I do believe HSUS adheres to and promotes the highest standards of integrity in the issues of animal issues, the environment, human concerns, et. al. I hope you can vote with that perspective in mind.
Please stop animal cruelty!
“Kill contests” or otherwise hunting for sport should be outlawed.
Protect our wildlife and water resources. Restrict hunting on sundays. No snares or trapping. No animals gor research.
The greatness of a nation and its MORAL PROGRESS can be judged by the way it treats its animals, its wilderness and its most vulnerable inhabitants.
Good Afternoon, I am submitting my support of the above items. I strongly feel that we need to put more time and planning on what we are doing to our animals, that are due the same respect as we all inhabits of our planet, and out planet. We only have one earth and we have not been responsible on how we treated her.
Protect Virginia's environment from Republiklans
HB1322 - Living shorelines; modifies definition to include "other structural and organic materials."
Please stop this cruelty
Our lands and the animals that live on our lands should be protected at every cost. At a time when deforestation and the killing of animals in the U.S. and around the world grows more and more, it is imperative to fight against this. If we do not take action and push legislation to protect our land and the animals that live on them, in the not to distant future they will become less and less until they are no more. Please think about this and help to do what you can to make positive change.
I feel strongly about banning killing contests of foxes and coyotes along with banning snare traps which mph are cruel and not necessary. Breeders and dealers should be banned from selling cats and dogs for any kind of scientific experiments due the fact that there is technology available that would work just as well.
I support the Humane Society of the United States' positions pertaining to your particular bill(s). I do believe HSUS adheres to and promotes the highest standards of integrity in the issues of animal issues, the environment, human concerns, et. al. I hope you can vote with that perspective in mind.
Please stop animal cruelty!
pass all of the laws above
Protect our wildlife and water resources. Restrict hunting on sundays. No snares or trapping. No animals gor research.
The greatness of a nation and its MORAL PROGRESS can be judged by the way it treats its animals, its wilderness and its most vulnerable inhabitants.
Good Afternoon, I am submitting my support of the above items. I strongly feel that we need to put more time and planning on what we are doing to our animals, that are due the same respect as we all inhabits of our planet, and out planet. We only have one earth and we have not been responsible on how we treated her.
Protect Virginia's environment from Republiklans
HB5 - Flood Relief Fund; established.
The connection between climate change and extreme weather events in Virginia has been well reported. In fact, coastal flooding has increased primarily due to rising sea levels, causing inland flash and urban flooding to occur more frequently. HB5 proposes to divert funding from the Community Flood Preparedness Fund (FUND) projects that repair damage from past flooding, and allocate the flood protection revenues for a post-disaster program that would fill the gap when the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This is an inappropriate use of the FUND and by earmarking portions of the fund for other uses will allow funding to source other diversions of revenues. Virginia can not afford to dismantle a statewide program that provides funding awarded on a competitive basis for flood protection studies, capacity building for localities to address flooding, and flood control projects. And for these reasons, CCAN Action Fund opposes HB5.
Comments Document
Dear Delegate, Please think about the many flood disasters Virginia stands to get and begin to protect our most vulnerable people in the flood plain with concrete infrastructure and pumps.. Funding their recovery does not provide protection for everyone, for the community, and doesn’t change anything about the flooding which will just come back again. Do not vote for #5. Thank you. Sincerely, Frances Lee-Vandell
I strongly urge the committee to defeat HB 5, HB 1261, & HB 1301. HB 1261 would repeal Virginia residents’ participation in important environmental decisions. Public input and public participation in environmental discussions are critical to raising issues of safety, health, social and economic impact, and whether the siting of a project is suitable for the location in which it is proposed. HB 1301 will hinder Virginia's progress toward a clean economy by repealing Virginia's participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). Virginia's participation in RGGI is a successful effort to reduce pollution while directly helping communities on the front lines. HB 5 diverts funding from the Community Flood Preparedness Fund (FUND) and creates a Flood Relief Fund. This is an inappropriate use of the RGGI funds. The existing FUND is already helping thousands of low-wealth families reduce energy bills and climate impacts, and localities deal with increasingly devastating floods. As a person of conscience, it is essential to oppose bills like HB 5, HB 1261, & HB 1301, which will set Virginians backward in our goal to address the impacts of climate change and reach carbon-free energy by 2050."
I oppose the passage of these bills. We again, face a political opposition to taking care of our own and our environment in these bills. I am particularly dismayed when those proposing these laws claim to be Christians. In fact, passing these bills will ensure that we do the very opposite of what is a truly moral or Christian act. It brings to mind the passage in Matthew 25:34-45. Indeed if we claim that we have a moral authority of any kind - then we will not rescind our participation in the Greenhouse Gas Initiative, will not ensure that our environmental aspirations of caring for not only the Earth but those living in it then what can we truly say of ourselves as a state and a country? I do not want to hear about the economic costs. That is only a smokescreen to protect the proponents of this law from having to live with the consequences of passing these laws. It really does come down to having a commitment to something far greater and more important than ourselves as individuals or our investments and bank accounts. It is a matter of irreversible damage that cannot be undone once we have stepped over the place of no return. Lastly, if any claim pro-life - these laws destroy any credibility of those who stand by that position.
My name is Kidest Gebre and I am the Organizing Coordinator and Communicating Our Power Fellow for Virginia Interfaith Power & Light, we collaborate among people of faith and conscience to grow healthy communities by advancing climate and environmental justice. We urge you to oppose HB 5 & HB 1301. HB 1301 will hinder Virginia's progress toward a clean economy by repealing Virginia's participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). Virginia's participation in RGGI is a successful effort to reduce pollution while directly helping communities on the front lines. HB 5 diverts funding from the Community Flood Preparedness Fund (FUND) and creates a Flood Relief Fund. This is an inappropriate use of the RGGI funds. The existing FUND is a statewide program designed to help localities plan for, study, and design projects to protect against future flooding. The existing FUND is already helping thousands of low-wealth families reduce energy bills and climate impacts, and localities deal with increasingly devastating floods. As a person of conscience, it is important that we continue Virginia’s participation to not only reduce air pollution and improve public health but also to bring in critically needed funds for our frontline communities.
I would like to urge the committee to vote NO on HB 5 & HB 1301. Both bills will hinder Virginia's progress towards energy justice and a clean economy. Our entire commonwealth, especially SWVA, will benefit from a clean economy.
Wetlands Watch supports the intent of this bill to provide relief for flood victims in Buchanan County. We oppose the use of the Community Flood Preparedness Fund to provide this relief and will support efforts to use other funding sources. We hope the bill will be amended to find those funding sources.
I strongly oppose efforts to roll back our membership in RGGI and its current support of the Community Flood Preparedness Fund. Climate change is happening & likely to cause a great deal of flooding problems. We need to plan ahead to prevent future flooding damage and help low income households raise the energy efficiency of their homes.
I support the Humane Society of the United States' positions pertaining to your particular bill(s). I do believe HSUS adheres to and promotes the highest standards of integrity in the issues of animal issues, the environment, human concerns, et. al. I hope you can vote with that perspective in mind.
Please stop animal cruelty!
pass all of the laws above
Protect our wildlife and water resources. Restrict hunting on sundays. No snares or trapping. No animals gor research.
The greatness of a nation and its MORAL PROGRESS can be judged by the way it treats its animals, its wilderness and its most vulnerable inhabitants.
Protect Virginia's environment from Republiklans
Comments Document
OPPOSE HB5 Reasons to Oppose HB5: This proposal diverts funding from the Community Flood Preparedness Fund (FUND) and creates a Flood Relief Fund. The existing FUND is a statewide program designed to help localities plan for, study, and design projects to protect against future flooding. This bill seeks to divert that funding to projects that repair damage from past flooding and would open the FUND for further earmarking. Overview: The Community Flood Preparedness Fund (FUND) is part of a package of initiatives from the 2020 General Assembly that had Virginia join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) with the proceeds going to a low-income energy efficiency program (50%) and the FUND (45%). The FUND is a statewide program, providing funding awarded on a competitive basis for flood protection studies, capacity building for localities to address flooding, and flood control projects. HB 5 would earmark some of these flood protection revenues for a post-disaster program that would fill the gap when the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) cannot provide funding. This is an inappropriate use of the FUND and, by earmarking portions of the fund for other uses, this bill opens up this funding source for other diversions of revenues. Virginia is experiencing major flooding threats due to climate change, from sea level rise in coastal regions and increased rainfall intensity statewide. We need a comprehensive program to address these threats, and need to avoid earmarking of the FUND for other purposes. Weakening the FUND also poses a threat to Virginia’s continued participation in RGGI.