Public Comments for 02/01/2022 General Laws
HB215 - School Health Services Committee; established, membership, report, sunset provision.
Last Name: Moore Organization: The Virginia Association of School Nurses Locality: Chesterfield County

As President of VASN, I am coming forth to represent our entire membership, which consists of 500+ School Nurses throughout all of the State Superintendent’s eight regions in Virginia. We are in unanimous support of SB 704 and ask for your support by voting in favor of it on Tuesday. This bill will produce data which is urgently needed to determine continuous quality improvement in school health services across Virginia schools. It will allow for better implementation of professional development and can help determine where staff may be needed in. Currently, this data is already being collected in all schools. VASN knows this to be true, because it is done by the school clinic. In 2019, when it was only optional, 92 of 132 school districts were already choosing to send this very data to VDOE. With that, please note that there is no fiscal impact related to SB704 because it is already being done. If the only school nurse organization in the Commonwealth is asking you to push forth a bill that would bring us more work… then it must be very important to us, especially with Covid already on our hands. BUT… That is just not the case though. This is not more work. We are simply asking you to mandate the collection of data that already exists. Thank you, on behalf of the School Nurses in Virginia. Angela Moore, VASN President VASN would like to give their support in favor of HB1328 (Delaney) and SB737 (Boysko) because it aligns with previously passed laws which mandate epinephrine in schools. K-12 already has the stock epinephrine, and this will just include the EXS3, which has seen a huge expansion since the previous bill was passed. Thank you for expanding the availability of epinephrine to our ECSE students by voting yes. It is the equitable vote to make. Angela Moore, VASN President VASN also supports HB215 and SB62 with a very STRONG recommendation to add a School Nurse who is Nationally Certified to each of the two committees. It would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, for any such committee to make recommendations and/or pass along reports without the insight and expertise of a School Nurse. School Nurses are the most appropriate healthcare providers to answer questions regarding school related procedures, trainings, healthcare plans, emergency action plans, levels of training for staff, classroom and other school environments, documentation, and the like, when it comes to the health and safety of school children. It would behoove you to include a nationally certified School Nurse on both of these committees if they should pass, to best represent the school environment and to speak on behalf of school children. Thank you for your consideration. Angela Moore, VASN President SB161 VASN would also like to offer its support of SB161 and its willingness to provide assistance in developing guidelines on policies to inform and educate coaches and athletes. This will be beneficial to a magnitude of students throughout the Commonwealth and is geared toward optimizing the health and safety of our students, so VASN is in support. Please vote yes on SB161, for our students. Thank you. Angela Moore, VASN President

Last Name: Nies Locality: Bamboo Creek

Have you tried Roll On – 200mg from JUSTCBD?

Last Name: Sherman Locality: Fairlawn

Stop with the lies!

Last Name: Sherman Locality: Fairlawn

No! Stop with the lies! Cannibas is much safer than alcohol and pharmaceuticals!! Let the average person be free with a plant! Stop holding the little guy back....just stop.

HB459 - Real property; entering adjoining property to improve, etc., petitioning circuit court.
Last Name: Nies Locality: Bamboo Creek

Have you tried Roll On – 200mg from JUSTCBD?

Last Name: Johnson Locality: James City County

I do not support any bills that criminalize folks

Last Name: Sherman Locality: Fairlawn

Stop with the lies!

Last Name: Sherman Locality: Fairlawn

No! Stop with the lies! Cannibas is much safer than alcohol and pharmaceuticals!! Let the average person be free with a plant! Stop holding the little guy back....just stop.

HB677 - Posting of notices; electronic posting on public government website of the locality, etc.
Last Name: Nies Locality: Bamboo Creek

Have you tried Roll On – 200mg from JUSTCBD?

Last Name: Johnson Locality: James City County

I do not support any bills that criminalize folks

Last Name: Dicks Organization: Circuit Court Clerks Locality: Richmond

HB 677 requires posting of information on the courthouse door and local website. This legislation needs a delayed effective date and funding if there is not an interactive website in rural localities. The Patron had agreed to a delayed effective date of July 1, 2025. I would request the Committee consider that amendment. Thank you. Chip Dicks

Last Name: Nicholls Locality: Chesapeake

Please move to report HB13, 378, 677, 1066, and especially for 1080. Thank you.

Last Name: Sherman Locality: Fairlawn

Stop with the lies!

Last Name: Sherman Locality: Fairlawn

No! Stop with the lies! Cannibas is much safer than alcohol and pharmaceuticals!! Let the average person be free with a plant! Stop holding the little guy back....just stop.

HB825 - Firearm Violence Intervention and Prevention, Virginia Center for; established.
Last Name: Nies Locality: Bamboo Creek

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Last Name: Crocker Organization: Moms Demand Action Locality: Yorktown

Please vote YES on HB825, establishing the Center for Firearm Violence Intervention and Prevention. Virginia is in the midst of a gun violence epidemic, and this legislation is needed to help us identify and execute evidence-based solutions.

Last Name: Slater Organization: RISE for Youth, NAACP VSC, The Activated People, Virginia Community Violence Coalition Locality: Richmond

Good afternoon Mr. Chair and members of the Sub-Committee, My name is Valerie Slater, Esq., and I am a member of the Virginia NAACP VSC, Director of RISE for Youth, Board member of The Activated People, and a coalition partner of the Virginia Community Violence Coalition. Collectively we urge you to support HB825. The creation of the Virginia Center for Firearm Violence Intervention and Prevention, and housing it within the Department of Criminal Justice Services is the right step towards addressing all community violence through a community centric public safety lens. Research consistently shows that programs developed with the input of those who will be recipients of the services are most successful because of participant buy-in. Allowing the Virginia Center for Firearm Violence Intervention and Prevention (VCFVI), housed within DCJS, to collect data, hear directly from communities how best to address their needs, and to provide the funds allowing communities to develop programs necessary to realize the change they want to see is the right way to interrupt and STOP violence in Virginia's communities. The age-old method of simply adding greater police presence in communities suffering from high incidents of violence is not working to make communities safer or to lower the rate of violence. It is time to add community innovation and community led programs, vetted and funded through the VCFVI, to the range of resources we employ, thereby allowing communities to become a part of solving their own problems from within. For these reasons and more, the Virginia NAACP, RISE for Youth, The Activated People, and the Virginia Community Violence Coalition strongly urge you to support HB825 to begin a new day of violence interruption in Virginia.

Last Name: Fox Organization: Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America Locality: Albemarle County

As a gun violence survivor, survivor of suicide loss, and a multigenerational gun owner, I'm asking you to support HB825. We need a comprehensive approach to address the gun violence crisis & funding this Center will help leaders & researchers make real strides in ending gun violence in the Commonwealth.

Last Name: Sherman Locality: Fairlawn

Stop with the lies!

Last Name: Sherman Locality: Fairlawn

No! Stop with the lies! Cannibas is much safer than alcohol and pharmaceuticals!! Let the average person be free with a plant! Stop holding the little guy back....just stop.

HB877 - Public benefits; eligibility of certain aliens.
Last Name: Nies Locality: Bamboo Creek

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Last Name: Newman Organization: Cornerstones and SALT Locality: Hendon

As a SALT (Social Action Linking Together) and Cornerstones advocate, I encourage you to support HB 484, with Delegate Dan Helmer as patron. This legislation exempts from mandatory participation in the Virginia Initiative for Education and Work recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families those enrolled full-time in an accredited public institution of higher education or other postsecondary school licensed or certified by the Board of Education or the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia and are taking courses as part of a curriculum that leads to a postsecondary credential, such as a degree or an industry-recognized credential, certification, or license. Passing this legislation would make moving off welfare into the workforce a much easier task, which would be a win-win for both those receiving TANF and taxpayers. Post-secondary education, GED, vocational education, and most credentialing programs, as well as apprenticeships, require more than 24 months for the screening, access and completion process. Eliminating the two-year limit is the right thing to do. Preparing adult TANF recipients for jobs to fully support their families should be a primary goal for Virginia. Attaining this goal would be a win-win for both TANF recipients and taxpayers. However, the current two-year time limit on the continuous receipt of TANF benefits is an impediment, making that goal unattainable. Regards, Sarah Newman

Last Name: Nicholls Locality: Chesapeake

Please gently PBI HB877. We need to give any benefits to those who *legally* and only legally come here. I know many folks who have, who follow the laws and work hard. Stop penalizing them for obeying the law. Please move to report HB1098 for obesity. Tough disease. It is a linchpin in many others, and treating it would be best. HB1105, please gently PBI. I didn't take courses but have been introduced to a lot of people of all backgrounds and that positive interaction is going to do more than any training that is not scientifically proven. Please move to report HB1359 because we need to know who of these admins (hospitals) are in our health records snooping around.

Last Name: Patwardhan Locality: Fairfax County

I SUPPORT HB 388, 481, 484, 538, 877, 878, 1012, 1105, 1106, 1211, 1329, and 1342. Also, I object to the language used to describe non-citizens - the word "alien" is dehumanizing and I suggest retiring it permanently when referring to non-citizens. I OPPOSE HB 937 and 1359. It is everybody's right to control their own fertility and to NOT be forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term. Both of these bills directly or indirectly undermine that right.

Last Name: Sherman Locality: Fairlawn

Stop with the lies!

Last Name: Sherman Locality: Fairlawn

No! Stop with the lies! Cannibas is much safer than alcohol and pharmaceuticals!! Let the average person be free with a plant! Stop holding the little guy back....just stop.

HB1080 - Sex offenders in emergency shelters; notification, registration, penalty.
Last Name: Nies Locality: Bamboo Creek

Have you tried Roll On – 200mg from JUSTCBD?

Last Name: Thomas Organization: Humans! Locality: Powhatan

Comments Document

I am not sure I understand the reasoning behind this bill. All you see when you look at these people is a label and what you perceive that they did. This label takes away the fact that these are humans! Humans that need help. More and more laws keep being passed to "keep society safe" YET we aren't any safer because of these draconic laws. These laws make zero sense. They do nothing to help keep people safer... but they do make people less safe by 1) forcing these people into homelessness where they have nothing to lose 2) give society a false sense of security and 3) deter society's attention from the REAL threats (the people who they are allowing into their own homes...fathers, uncles, friends...who are NOT YET on this list...the people who are the real threats to your children). You have to ask yourself...What do you want? When is it going to be enough? The people forced to register have done their time for the crime they have committed. They have been released into society. Where does it benefit anyone to punish them for the rest of their lives (and beyond)? The fact that these people are pushed into a state where they have to have emergency shelter is absolutely inhumane. All they want is a place to wait out the cold temperatures. Here is ONE of many tragic ending to these laws...tell me...who does this help?

Last Name: Lawson Organization: H.E.A.L. of Virginia Locality: Grayson

I would appreciate if you take in consideration my thoughts on these bulls especially 1080. This would harm innocent children and families their are 13,000 children on sex offender registries in Virginia...What do you plan to do with them their parents can go in a shelter but a child is excluded. Also a single parent who has a requirement to register stays outside and children are took inside unattended. Please consider this bill as not a wise choice

Last Name: Higley Locality: Midlothian

Please rely on facts not fear. The facts are that registered folks have an extremely low re-offense rate. And after a few years, they are no more likely to re-offend than you or I. We should encourage rehabilitation, not enact byzantine regulations. Please vote NO on HB1080.

Last Name: Crenshaw Locality: Hanover

I am opposed to HB1080: Enough with the endless regulations and restrictions heaped upon people listed on the sex offender registry. These registered folks are just trying to rebuild their lives and provide for their families. During an emergency their goal will be securing shelter for their spouse and children -- not assaulting strangers! Please rely on facts not fear. The facts are that registered folks have an extremely low re-offense rate. And after a few years, they are no more likely to re-offend than you or I. We should encourage rehabilitation, not enact byzantine regulations. Please vote NO on HB1080.

Last Name: Roberts Locality: Harrisonburg

I personally was homeless for many years of my adult life. I can attest to the sheer “survival mode” desperation of a person who simply wants shelter from life threatening weather conditions. I knew homeless ppl who would intentionally get put in jail for the winter months for the sake of food and shelter. While realizing that the prison industrial complex is a big windfall of profits for certain special interest business entities, it is largely a drain on taxpayers. I have also known men who have wound up on the sex offender registry for urinating in public (so I have been told) which was supposed to result in police not bothering the homeless who must urinate in public bc there are no other options. Plenty of ppl end up on the registry who may not have committed serious crimes, but at any rate, we trust that our judicial system metes out the appropriate punishment. After serving their sentence then we should simply allow them some dignity to be able to access emergency shelter. Seems like this makes being on the registry the worst of all crimes seeing as it follows ppl around throughout their entire lives. I believe in extenuating circumstances, shades of grey and forgiveness. Murderers, thieves, rapists and drug dealers are not necessarily worse ppl than those who spend their lives on the S.O Registry.

Last Name: Shiflet Locality: Roanoke

This bill is highly counterproductive. It will bar human beings from shelter during an emergency. All this will do is cost the tax payers money which could be better spent in proven methods. Not to mention you are asking untrained persons to make assements. When katrina hit, laws like this lead to hundreds dying and displacing law abiding citzens. While this law would only accomplish a false sense of security. The more folks who are unable to attain emergency shelter, the more first responders are put at risk.

Last Name: Lester Locality: Harrisonburg

I am an adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse. I was a victim of multiple abusers between the ages of 4-14. None of them ever faced any consequences for the things they did to me. The Registry is supposedly "not a punishment," but merely a 'public safety measure'. But when laws like this are put into place, how can it be anything else but endless punishment? If the Justice System has determined that this person is not a public threat (evidenced by their freedom), there is no reason for anyone else to assume they are a threat. If an individual feels better knowing which houses to tell their children to stay away from, fine, but when there is a public service such as life-saving EMERGENCY SHELTER, it is an unusually cruel punishment to put them in a position where they are blocked from something that there is no legal reason they shouldn't be allowed to do. If keeping out people on the registry is about keeping the community safe, then why isn't there similar legislation for those who have previously been convicted of assault, murder, arson, child abuse, and theft? Shouldn't we know about ALL of the people who ever committed crimes? The person on the cot next to me may have murdered someone and been released from prison; am I really safer next to that person, or an individual (who may be there with their family) who happens to have done something that landed them on the Registry? Frankly, I think I'd rather know about the murderer. To be quite blunt, therapy can help a victim who has been sexually abused, but can't do much for someone who has been murdered. For a boring but very valid consideration, please also consider that this is redundant legislation, as this is already covered in the 2017 Virginia State Managed Shelter Plan. For a more visceral consideration, please consider the dystopian state that may essentially hand down a death sentence to a free citizen who has paid his debt, has followed the rules, and is simply looking for life-saving shelter. If we are going to block anyone with a history of a sex-related offense (even if it was a Romeo-Juliet situation in the 90's) from receiving VITAL emergency services, and continue to pass increasingly restrictive laws that make it very difficult for these citizens to even just live a normal life, we need to think about where we are headed. It must also be considered that a human who is hungry and freezing, but barred from obtaining food and shelter, is a desperate human. Prison food and shelter may seem like a reasonable option. Is that really where we want to put these folks? In a place where the only way to access emergency services is to break a law? This seems unconstitutional, inhumane, and also just plain stupid. Let people get warm. Stop punishing them, I can assure they are already punished daily because of the restrictions and requirements placed on them. Piling on additional burdens for these people does absolutely NOTHING for public safety, and anyone with common sense can see that. I hate RSO laws, but if you think they're great, you better think about this: If you keep tacking on all of these clauses and requirements for people on the registry, at some point this is going to be challenged in the courts, and it will be very obvious that these measures are in fact punitive, and with any luck at all it will help us strike down the registry completely.

Last Name: Lawson Organization: H.E.A.L. Locality: Independence

I oppose multiple bills that have made it to the house the one bill regarding Emergency Sex Offenders is the most absurd bill I have ever heard in my life. No one is going to be worried about sexual offending in a State of Emergency number one. For example Dad is on a registry and he has three children who are accepted inside without supervision while dad is kept outside in the storm or natural catastrophe. When you pass bills like this your punishing innocent children and families. What about people who committed murder or child abusers are they treated the same? You Senators and delegates got this wrong and this is harmful to innocent families and children. Now let's talk about the 13,000 children on Sex Offender Registries in Virginia some as young as 7 years of age so Mom , Dad and entire family is allowed in but the child is made to stand outside during a castophre alone and sacred while his or her family are allowed inside these laws are based off fear and gives a false sense of security to the general public. Sex Offense is to broad, urination in public is a registable offense as a Violent Sex Offender, Reprorting a Sex Crime will land you on a Violent Sex Offender Registry such is my sistuation. Please reconsider the harm the harm of this bill

Last Name: Welch Locality: Roanoke

Comments Document

Please defeat HB 1080. The bill: 1. punishes registrants if they fail to notify emergency shelter staff of their status as a registrant.  Criminalizing that failure with a $500 fine does nothing to enhance public safety. Contacting shelter staff to state that they were convicted decades ago of a sexual offense will hardly make the priority list when the registrant is only trying to find safe haven for his or her family under emergency conditions. 2. states that shelter staff may access the public registry "and use such information to ensure the safety of all persons in the shelter." Data from the registry is of no value in insuring safety since all registrants are free to live and work in society. It is unknown what training could be given to staff to make such an assessment and what actions would be taken in the unlikely case an assessment was possible. 3. requires Department of State Police to provide a summary of the act's requirements to citizens at the time of his or her initial registration only, but not to the thousands of citizens the General Assembly has characterized as lifelong Tier III sex offenders. Criminalizing a visit to an emergency shelter is punishment. There is no research indicating that registrants pose a threat to society. If so, they wouldn't be living and working in society. Research confirms that any threat in a setting like a shelter or a home is overwhelmingly (over 90%) from family, friends and acquaintances, not a stranger who happens to have been convicted of a crime decades ago. If we're interested in public safety in an emergency shelter and logically consider available data, I guess we should post a social worker at the entrance, separate the children from their parents and interview them regarding abuse they have encountered at home at the hands of their parents, siblings, cousins, uncles, aunts and friends - since that's where the abuse originates. Paragraph 5.3 of the attached shelter plan is adequate. Kill HB 1080, please.

Last Name: Nicholls Locality: Chesapeake

Please move to report HB13, 378, 677, 1066, and especially for 1080. Thank you.

Last Name: Sherman Locality: Fairlawn

Stop with the lies!

Last Name: Sherman Locality: Fairlawn

No! Stop with the lies! Cannibas is much safer than alcohol and pharmaceuticals!! Let the average person be free with a plant! Stop holding the little guy back....just stop.

Last Name: Willis Locality: Richmond, VA 23234

The city has chosen ONE as a gaming host. This bill is identical to Morrissey's SB203 which puts limits on a casino referendum in Richmond for five years. We in the city of Richmond feels as Mr. Morrissey have committed MUTINY on us. We see this bill (HB-1134) only as a designed to remove Richmond city from becoming a host city, which in the end becomes Richmond being remove indefinite. PLEASE VOTE NO to HB-1134.

HB1278 - Wildlife Resources, Board of; conveyance of certain property.
Last Name: Nies Locality: Bamboo Creek

Have you tried Roll On – 200mg from JUSTCBD?

Last Name: Sherman Locality: Fairlawn

Stop with the lies!

Last Name: Sherman Locality: Fairlawn

No! Stop with the lies! Cannibas is much safer than alcohol and pharmaceuticals!! Let the average person be free with a plant! Stop holding the little guy back....just stop.

Last Name: Willis Locality: Richmond, VA 23234

The city has chosen ONE as a gaming host. This bill is identical to Morrissey's SB203 which puts limits on a casino referendum in Richmond for five years. We in the city of Richmond feels as Mr. Morrissey have committed MUTINY on us. We see this bill (HB-1134) only as a designed to remove Richmond city from becoming a host city, which in the end becomes Richmond being remove indefinite. PLEASE VOTE NO to HB-1134.

End of Comments