Unauthorized Access.


SPEAK is a website to facilitate public participation in House of Delegates Meetings. Citizen involvement in these meetings is easy and provides transparency in how the creation of legislation begins. By visiting the House Meeting Schedule, the public can view all House meetings, signup to speak at them, or provide written testimony for House Committee members' review. Using the "Signup to speak or submit comments" link will take you to that meeting's signup form. This allows users to participate virtually via their phone or computer.

Instructions on how to connect and participate will be provided in advance of the meeting for those citizens that have been added to the speaking list. Please note that time constraints may limit the number of citizens who can speak at a meeting.

Public signup to speak before a committee closes at midnight for morning meetings and noon for afternoon meetings.

Policy and Privacy

Policies related to remote meetings are in keeping with the Virginia House of Delegates’ custom and practices for all legislative meetings.

Policy and Guidelines for Citizen Participation in Remote Meetings

Personal information collected on HODSpeak will be used to facilitate citizen participation in remote committee meetings.

HOD Privacy Statement

Virginia General Assembly Privacy Statement