Public Comments for: SB826 - Predetermination for licensing eligibility; prior convictions.
Last Name: Hooper
Organization: Institute for Justice
Locality: Austin
Please find attached written testimony in support of SB826 by Samuel Hooper, legislative counsel at the Institute for Justice. We support the predetermination process, the elimination of remaining references to "moral turpitude" in the Virginia Code, and the expansion of current provisions to those professions regulated by the Department of Health Professions.
End of Comments
I am writing opposing SB 882, Licensure of Anesthesia Assistants. The licensure of a third, dependent anesthesia provider , of which there are approximately 3500 nation-wide, will not solve the anesthesia provider shortages. Utilizing the existing licensed anesthesia providers (physicians and Certified Registered Nurse Anesthestists) would help to correct the provider shortages. Additionally, fair pay and benefits would also encourage employment with facilities or groups versus temporary workers, which has severely impacted the marketplace. Licensure of AAs in Virginia would have a profoundly negative impact on availability of clinical sites and opportunities for both CRNA and physician anesthesiologist trainees/residents. Licensure of AAs is not the answer to provider shortages. Vote no on SB 882