Public Comments for: HB2378 - Therapeutically equivalent drug products; provisions for return of outdated drugs.
Last Name: Kolencherry Locality: Alexandria

I support this bill.

Last Name: Carpenter Locality: Arlington

Thank you all for hearing the testimony on behalf of a fellow Certified Anesthesiologist Assistant (CAA). Virginia would largely benefit from an addition of midlevel practitioners in the field of anesthesiology. I have worked with many anesthesiologists and CRNAs, I respect what everyone can bring to the table. With healthcare being short of staff, more support and quality care for patients is needed. We appreciate your openness and ability to hear about the great profession of CAAs.

Last Name: McDaniel Locality: Roanoke County

Delegates, this bill will ensure manufacturers provide a mechanism for replacing or crediting expired medications. Studies suggest that the pharmaceutical industry as a average margin of 23% whereas others in the supply chain, such as independent pharmacies, have a margin of 2.3%. Retail settings are suffering which is leading to fewer personnel in those settings which is a safety risk. Additionally, medications prone to expiring are less likely to be stocked, which delays access to meds when a patient does require therapy. Please support HB2378.

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