Public Comments for: HB1037 - Law-enforcement purposes; installation, etc., of devices in highway right-of-way.
Last Name: Mackaness Locality: Schweizersberg

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Last Name: Giordano Locality: County of Clarke, Berryville, VA

Our rural green county is plagued with high speed commuter traffic between DC and Winchester VA daily. Rte 7 is designated at 55 mph and this traffic speed is typically 70-85 mph from 6 am to 9:30 am and again from 3 pm to 7 pm daily. Our rural roads have no stop lights and we suffer accidents DAILY, many of which are fatal. My husband survived a direct rearend hit of 70 mph by an underinsured woman texting on her way to work, as he was in the left turnaround lane to go to work. 3 concussions and shoulder knee injuries are still an issue for him7 years later. His medical reflect the consequences. He is just one of many. I have suggested speed cameras with fines to slow down the high speed traffic and was told it was not possible 6 years ago. I am so grateful that it IS now possible and support the use of the new technology to save lives. Please pass these life saving bills. Thank you.