Public Comments for: SB331 - Hysterectomies and oophorectomies; DHP shall review informed consent requirements.
Last Name: Evard Locality: Waterford

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Last Name: Runyan Locality: Virginia Beach

As a licensed professional counselor who has closely worked with a group in the Hampton Roads area, I've witnessed firsthand the devastating impact of Dr. Perwaiz's unnecessary surgeries on countless women, causing significant mental health challenges. These women were preyed upon and manipulated into undergoing procedures they didn't need. Dr. Perwaiz instilled fear in them, convincing them that their very lives were at stake unless they consented to invasive surgeries, robbing them of their reproductive rights and causing irreversible physical and emotional trauma. It's disheartening to acknowledge that such abuse of power could occur within our healthcare system. Yet, sadly, Dr. Perwaiz's case is not an isolated incident. Across the state, vulnerable individuals are being exploited for financial gain by unscrupulous medical practitioners. While this bill may not single-handedly prevent all instances of such victimization, it represents a crucial step in the right direction. By holding physicians more accountable and prioritizing the protection of patients' rights, we can begin to stem the tide of exploitation and abuse. However, by sending this bill back to committee, I fear we are sending the opposite message. We must continue to advocate for comprehensive reforms that safeguard women's physiological rights and ensure that healthcare professionals uphold the highest ethical standards. Without proactive measures in place, we risk perpetuating a cycle of exploitation and suffering. Let us stand together and demand accountability within the medical community. Let us champion the rights of those who have been wronged and work tirelessly to prevent further injustice. Together, we can create a future where every individual receives the quality care and respect they deserve.

Last Name: Collins Locality: Caroline

Comments Document

As a woman who had my only remaining ovary removed without my consent and without medical necessity, I respectfully urge the committee to support Senate Bill 331. The removal of any reproductive organ from a woman’s body should be her decision, and hers alone, unless it involves a life-threatening emergency where its removal is necessary to save her life and consent cannot be given. Doctors should not be allowed to hide behind generic, boiler-plate consent form language allowing them to make decisions about reproductive organ removal “in the best interest of the patient”. The best interest of every woman is to provide her the opportunity to make her own informed decisions about what happens to her reproductive organs. Female reproductive organs serve critical roles in women’s health and quality of life, far beyond reproduction. Their removal results in permanent, life-altering changes to a woman’s body. I was sterilized and immediately thrust into surgically-induced menopause at the age of 37 and now have to subject myself to a myriad of man-made hormones to maintain some semblance of normal life. The physical, mental and emotional changes I have experienced since my doctor made an intraoperative decision to remove my fully-functioning ovary without my consent have ruined the quality of life I enjoyed pre-surgery. Additionally, I am now at an increased risk of multiple health issues, to include shortened life expectancy, and am subject to numerous side effects of hormone replacement therapy. It seems like common sense that a doctor wouldn’t be allowed to remove a uterus or ovaries without a woman’s consent, but somehow our society has historically allowed it to happen at alarming rates. And unfortunately, when it does occur and women seek justice, they are largely dismissed by both the medical oversight and legal communities. I was personally told "it was just an ovary" and to "get over it and move on with your life". Women's reproductive organs should never be treated as disposable or collateral damage. I hope you will take the time to consider how big this issue is, beyond my single story. Studies show it is disproportionally affecting economically-disadvantaged and minority women. If you are not familiar with Dr. Javaid Perwaiz, the Chesapeake, Virginia gynecologist recently sentenced to 59 years in prison, please take the time to visit the Wavy News Channel 10 website, and read the investigative report The Patients v. Perwaiz. It is a lengthy ten-part series, but it is an excellent example of why legislation like SB331 is critically necessary here in the Commonwealth. He was not only removing organs without consent; he was also coercing women into consenting to surgeries that were not necessary and taking advantage of his patients’ trust in him. For decades, women’s complaints have fallen on deaf ears, and it wasn’t until the Federal government stepped in that these women were heard and validated. He had hundreds of victims, many who didn’t even know that he had performed unnecessary surgeries on them until after his arrest was publicized. If one doctor can have hundreds of victims; even if there are only a few “bad” doctors in the Commonwealth performing these unnecessary procedures, the number of women in Virginia who are victims is likely in the thousands. There is a substantial public health justification for this legislation and it is absolutely necessary to protect women in Virginia. Please see attachment.

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