Public Comments for: SB336 - Photo speed monitoring devices; high-risk intersection segments.
Last Name: Doyle Organization: NoVA FSS Locality: Alexandria

Fairfax County has released two studies where they show: A) the results of speed cameras around schools slowed driver by 24% or a reduction in speed from mid-30's to low 20's mph. That 10 mph reduction can save a life. B) Farifax Health Dept released a study about pedestrian crashes and the conclusion is that underserved community members are more likely to be the victim of vehicles crashing into them with a disproportionate number of African Americans being severely injured or killed.

Last Name: Doyle Organization: Northern Virginia Families for Safe Streets Locality: Alexandria

I wish to provide virtual testimony in support of Sen Roem's bill SB 336

Last Name: Leyen Organization: Virginia League of Conservation Voters Locality: Richmond

SUPPORT SB 336 (Roem) Photo speed monitoring devices; high-risk intersection segments. -- Speed Cameras use reduces traffic fatalities. Since Fairfax County launched its program, their use has reduced speeding by 24%. -- Speed cameras do not require interaction with police officers. This frees up police capacity, allows enforcement in areas where it would otherwise be unsafe to pull violators over, and ensures consistent enforcement.

Last Name: Filling Organization: Citizens for Sensible Route 17 Traffic Calming Measures Locality: The Plains, Fauquier County

I support SB 336. Democrats have the opportunity to finally fix the speeding problems in many parts of Virginia with the passing of SB 336 for photo enforcement speeding camera technology into law in 2024. DO NOT push this off into 2025 like you did with the other x4 House of Delegate speed ticket camera photo enforcement bills. What is the magic number of DEATHS that needs to wake you up to help save fellow human lives with technology with a PROVEN track record of data to reduce speeding VERY quickly and then keep it under control where Police CANNOT do that clearly with more than 20 years trying. Human lives whether black, white, latino, asian or LGBTQ, Straight, Male, Female....all lives matter. Who is pulling the strings behind the scenes to block speed ticket cameras from passing into law past current school and work zones? I think a deep investigation is needed if SB 336 is also voted NO or pushed off into 2025 also. 2025 will most likely result in just another delay tactic to block it again and again. That means more will DIE and SUFFER from speeders on roads and that includes children. Not everyone dies, but end up in wheel chairs, brain damage, spinal damage or in long term pain. You need to pass SB 336 into law in 2024 session. Do the RIGHT THING for the PEOPLE.

Last Name: Warner Organization: Saving our Lives on our Roadways from Speeding Crash Deaths and Injury Locality: Marshall Virginia

I 100% support SB 336 for photo enforcement camera technology to assist police to get the speeding under control. Police are overwhelmed and understaffed from State Police at Barracks 12 in Fauquier County. They need HELP and SB 336 will provide that HELP. What if one of your children or someone you cared about got into a vehicle crash due to a speeder? How would that affect your perspective to help implement sensible technology. My fellow citizens have gotten killed and seriously hurt due to speeding and reckless driving.

Last Name: Hancock Organization: Put Peoples Lives BEFORE the Ports of Virginia Profits to Implement Photo Enforcement Speed Ticket Camera Locality: Fauquier County

I support SB 336 for Photo Enforcement Camera for Speeding in Dangerous Intersections to be passed into Law. I watched the voting process video of how the House of Delegates Transportation (HOD) Subcommittee "Innovations-Ad Hoc" took a cowardly approach to VOTE (push off into 2025) x4 HOD SENSIBLE and FAIR Photo Enforcement Speed Ticket Camera bills HB 20, HB 521, HB 533, HB 905 to NOT be implemented in 2024 with NO rational reason. The trend I was shown by a fellow citizen was for multiple past years that speed ticket camera bills were primarily supported and VOTED YES by Democrats and Republicans VOTED NO. This year in 2024 session I hoped that since Democrats had the majority that the speeding problems with deaths and serious injuries in Fauquier County would then get properly addressed on Route 17 and other dangerous roads. Rte 17 is a major tractor trailer TRADE ROUTE since year 2000 for the truckers to use to bypass using I-81 to deliver all the cargo coming into the super expanded Ports of Virginia and reach the Inland Marine Port in Front Royal Virginia off of I-66. VDOT does NOTHING to help widen shoulders so they can pull over speeders safely, and truckers intimidate drivers obeying the speed limit with loud Jake Braking and tail gating because they are speeding. I heard that Governor Glenn Youngkin called the State Police and Sheriff department to get it more under control in June 2023 of which I did notice the jake braking declined dramatically but has since ramped up again in past few months. Speeding is back to its problematic levels on Route 17. Why the Democrats who out numbered the Republicans in the Innovations Ad Hoc subcommittee voted to push off those x4 speed ticket camera bills makes me think a serious investigation by other government agencies is needed to help save our lives because the police cannot contend with it all. We have gang and Cartel activity increases in Virginia, and drug and human trafficking increases that the police should be FULLY focused on for what remaining forces of man power still exist and let the technology help them get the speeding under control. I think GREED, EGO and power has corrupted the Delegates on this committee. I hope to GOD you all pass SB 336 into law to HELP the PEOPLE NOT get injured or killed. It will be more than a entire year before 2025 rolls around and how many more people will have to die and get seriously hurt. VOTE YES for SB 336 by Senator Danica Roam to implement GOOD data driven technology. The ports of Virginia will still make plenty of MONEY, but sensible balance is needed NOW on our roads in Fauquier and ALL of Virginia. I think you Delegates on this committee all better read your bibles MUCH MORE, and get your heads straight. Serious problems exist in Virginia and you are just making it worse but keeping sensible technology solutions from being put into place. PROFITS BEFORE THE PEOPLE is EVIL. If you vote NO or push off SB 336 into 2025 then you all should go to a tattoo parlor and get 666 branded on your foreheads. DO THE CORRECT thing that is needed for our public safety roadway needs NOW and pass SB 336 into law. I hope this message really sinks in.

Last Name: Tyndall Organization: Virginia Bicycling Federation Locality: Henrico

Virginia's organizations dedicated to advocating for safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and vulnerable road users strongly urge the passage of speed camera and school zone expansion bills. Driver behavior must be curbed in ways that is equitable, minimizing police involvement, fair, and not financially burdensome. Virginia's safety numbers are abhorrent, and our families will continue to lose loved ones until the legislature acts to allow this life saving technology. I appreciate Senators Roem and Bagby for carrying the torch, even if their bills may be reduced in scope this side of crossover.

Last Name: Scott Organization: Fauquier County Road Public Safety Locality: Fauquier County

I 100% support SB 336 for Photo Enforcement Cameras for use at Dangerous Intersections to pass into law to save lives , reduce road vehicle fatalities and injuries due to speeding drivers. The police man power per plenty of data is greatly reduced since 2020 due to COVID, civil unrest and laws not supporting police. Police are unable to get this speeding problem under control. Any further voting in the HOD to STOP Speed Ticket Camera Bills to pass, or stall to address this important bill in 2025 or in later years is another year of death and injuries of children and adults on Virginia roadways. In my STRONGEST opinion per the many trends I have watched over the years since 2004 at my local Fauquier County Government level on calming down Rte 17 from speeding, and at Virginia Richmond General Assembly since involved with Senator Jill Vogel submitting multiple bills on the Rte 17 traffic calming topic from 2015 to 2023 is an ungodly trifecta of influence from the Ports of Virginia, Tractor Trailer Industry and VDOT is involved to suppress any bills that would cause tractor trailers to obey posted speed limits strictly. It is impossible to allow a bill pass thru that would ONLY target speeding automobiles, but would allow tractor trailers to speed so the ONLY way is to BLOCK all bills from passing related to speed ticket camera's. Per recorded on video statements at Richmond General Assembly 2023 and 2024 made by Secretary of Transportation Sheppard Miller that making MONEY is clearly involved with the Ports of Virginia continued expansion and the Virginia economy. I am NOT against Ports of Virginia growth, nor am I against tractor trailers to provide a service to deliver cargo which is also jobs, but I am 100% disgusted as a Registered Nurse with experience in the operating room that road public safety bills that would CLEARLY save lives are being voted down, delayed or postponed thru decisions such as "Laid on the table" or "Further Review in the following Year". Its more ongoing delay tactics and you are putting people in harms way where the speeding problem would be RESOLVED very quickly to a much lesser harmful level. Anyone reading this I encourage you to file a complaint to the following for a FULL INVESTIGATION for possible bribery and corruption influencing voting. The 1st tip off is majority of Democrats per past trends VOTE YES to allow speed ticket camera's, but because Republicans were the majority they never passed who typically vote NO. This 2024 the Democrats voted to Delay until 2025 Virginia General Assembly. Contact the following as I am also. 1. Organizations of the Government outside the walls of Virginia General Assembly to investigate this to the various forces of influence that could be behind Delegates and Senators voting to delay and suppress Speed Ticket camera Bills yet again. 2. Contact all past and present Senators and Delegates who have submitted speed ticket camera bills in past and present. Easy to research this by looking in recent past years. Regardless if they are still elected or not. This madness MUST stop NOW. SB 336 is a start to saving our lives and must pass. House of Delegate (HOD) Transportation Subcommittee "Innovations-Ad Hoc" voted on Feb 6th 2024 to postpone x4 SENSIBLE Speed Ticket Camera bills despite plenty of supporting data.

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