Public Comments for: SB131 - Primary elections; candidates for nomination, withdrawal of candidacy.
Last Name: Corwin Locality: Mecklenburg County

Madam Chair and members of the committee, HB 55 is solely about saving all Virginia localities money and time on a primary where all candidates with the exception of one person properly withdraws, leaving only one viable candidate. This has happened several times since I became a General Registrar over 12 years ago, and not just in small rural districts, it recently happened in Northern Virginia as well. Most recently when Del. Wright faced opposition in a primary in 2023. His opponent John Marsden withdrew from the race 11 days before the primary day. Mr. Marsden withdrew from the race. He filed the necessary paper with his local registrar and then the department of elections notified all registrars. This left only one viable candidate on the ballot, and we were still required to have the election. This cost my locality an additional $18,192.00. It also cost the entire 50th district over 50,000.00. This does not include time spent on training officers of election, over time hours, 2 Saturdays open for early voting, a 16+ hour Election Day, and the minimum 3 day canvas. If you have any questions I would be happy to answer them. Respectfully, Jason Corwin General Registrar/Director of Elections Mecklenburg County

Last Name: Boyd Organization: League of Women Voters of Virginia Locality: Arlington

The League considers canceling a primary election where there is only one viable candidate and no other contests to be reasonable. It would save money and prevent confusion to voters. With the caveat only the primary for that particular race is canceled and none other are affected, we support SB 131.

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