Public Comments for: SB844 - Sex Offender & Crimes Against Minors Registry; registration intervals for Tier I &Tier II offenses.
Last Name: Kennedy Locality: Fairfax

Mathematically speaking, SB844 would literally double certain burdens State Troopers must deal with, and for no good reason (enormous-scale meta analyses compiled in 2021 show that the registry does nothing for public safety; meanwhile, recidivism rates for these crimes are the second lowest out of all crimes). Here's a more sensible alternative: According to our government, the Registry is civil, not punitive. Therefore, for mundane paperwork infractions such as these, simply impose a $500 fine instead of tangling up State Troopers and innocent family members with evermore bureacracy and complication. How many times have you uttered the words, "Once a man has served his sentence, he has repaid his debt to society?" That is a deeply held American creed. Pennsylvania, Utah, Washington State, and Minnesota recently examined the Registry at their supreme court levels and found that the pendelum has swung well beyond logic. The US Sentencing Commission concluded the same. Make 2025 the year that you vote against bureaucratic, incremental complication that accomplishes nothing.

Last Name: Engler Locality: Henrico

We MUST have stricter gun laws. At this point its common sense. Please protect our children and have stricter gun laws in order to keep our children safe at school and beyond.

Last Name: McCarty Locality: Midlothian

I wonder why this bill has even been brought up. Why is it that someone thought it necessary? Most people on the registry faithfully check in at their established times . I don't believe I have heard that there is a great problem with people missing the times or failing to report. Possibly a few have made it hard for the many!! Please do not move this bill forward !!!

Last Name: Kennedy Locality: Fairfax

Since 2002, the Sex Offender Registry has morphed into a punitive instrument, in violation of the Supreme Court's 2002 assessment that it was, so far, merely civil. Incarceration and parole are the punitive phases of this countries justice system, and will always be. Do not jeopardize that tried and true model by adding ex-post facto provisos year after year to the so-called "civil" phase. Such incrementalism eventually becomes glaringly punitive, and then the entire registry becomes unconstitutional--dont believe me, believe the Supreme Court. One would think such measures would focus on areas of crime that actually have notable recidivism; these crimes do not. Vote for the simple American principle that when a person has served his time, he has repaid his debt to society. Otherwise you are overtasking State troopers with performative errands that are full of sound and fury and accomplish nothing, according to meta-analyses.

Last Name: Patel Locality: Bristow

Please do not move forward with this bill as it increases administrative burden, does not increase public safety (see 2021 meta-analysis), and prevents people from obtaining meaningful jobs and reintegration. Additionally, it will cost taxpayers more money. Please find alternative, thoughtful, and sensible ways to protect our communities.

Last Name: Goodson Locality: Grayson

Dear committee, I would like for you to know that there are people such as myself who’s been on a registry for 26 years. The state trooper has come by here every three months faithfully to do my registration my state trooper himself said he’s overloaded and often times can’t reach my registration until weeks after things need to be turned in there. Are people who need to be on the registry there are people who do not need to be on the registry and there are people who are like me who has a lifetime requirement that need an opportunity to come off putting the registry to a 30 day requirement for lifetime offenders would cause an overload and cost billions and billions of taxpayer dollars there are people who live in society such as myself I am a female I raised grandchildren I have foster children who’ve been followed for 26 years so upgrading the requirements would do more harm than it would do good it would take tons of taxpayers dollars and it would be a waste that we could use on programs to find to keep our children safe in our communities there is a Tammie L Bill that I have been trying to get someone to sponsor the judge and the Commonwealth attorney here in Grayson County wanted to get me removed from lifetime requirements, but they have no power to do so because legislators has the bar so high that judges do not have discretionary role in their own courtroom. I would ask you please reach out to me and hear the Tammy L story. I’m a mother who reported a sex crime I’m a mother who is 14-year-old son had sex with a 26 year-old female. I had nothing to do with that other than reporting the crime. I am now listed as a lifetime offender for the actions of a 26-year-old female and my 14-year-old son who is now 37 I would ask, please consider

Last Name: Achin Organization: YTuber ICAC - UNPACKED!, & on behalf of 1,000s of incarcerated due to I.C.A.C. or Net Nanny Stings Locality: Woodbridge

OPPOSE this bill. 1. Many of us have been convicted of a sex crime and we are innocent. This is further slap in the face. 2. This is ALREADY happening as a matter of practice. VSP constantly contacts us and finds reasons to 're-register' -- separate contacts for EMPLOYMENT registry and for HOME RESIDENCE registry, and to take your annual pics...etc. 3. Registry enables community members to harass. Many of us have been harassed many times. See: You are enabling the community to continue to harass us at work, getting us fired, etc. Threats like THIS are common: @butcherbaker4258 • 2 days ago @aracely909 keep telling yourself whatever you need to sleep knowing everyone in town knows where you live because you are on the RO List. The registry must be removed as the costly, bloated pig it is. It has not been proven to reduce crime, protect children and communities, at all.

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