Public Comments for: SB1329 - Carrying concealed weapons; exception, penalty.
I support all of these bills as each would lessen the chances of gun violence and inevitably save lives.
I SUPPORT SB886 as automatic and semi-automatic weapons can kill a large number of people in a very short period of time and have no place in civilian life. This is a common-sense reform.
As a mother of two young children, there is nothing more important to me than building a safer community for our state's kids, one that is free from the fear and constant threat of wanton gun violence. I strongly support any measure -- large or small-- that brings awareness and common sense regulation of deadly weapons, that removes firearms from those who threaten themselves or others, and diminishes the capacity of firearms to kill innocent people.
These bills represent reasonable, impactful progress towards curbing gun violence in Virginia. I was a senior at Virginia Tech and lost a friend in the shooting in 2007, and I am now the mother of three young children who have to live under the protections that we collectively choose to provide for them. Responsible gun owners should support efforts to compel others towards responsible ownership and storage, as well as practical ways to ensure those who do not have responsible intentions have a much harder gaining access to a weapon. This is an area where state-level legislation can have a real impact regardless of national trends - mothers and fathers want to raise their children in communities where leaders are taking action on gun violence. Pass these bills!
Richmond has an extremely high rate of guns stolen from cars. I support this bill because it would help address this issue.