Public Comments for: HB913 - Parole Board; voting requirements.
Last Name: Rust Locality: Chesterfield

I oppose all these unconstitutional, dangerous, and pointless laws.

Last Name: zielanski Organization: my family Locality: Newport News, VA, USA

Dear Sir or Madame. Last year in Newport News I was assaulted by a 27 year old black man from Chesapeake because of his road rage.. This was at my local bank 11;30 in the morning. This young man almost lost his life at my hand because you cannot reel in your problem young men. His words feet from me were ' im going to kick your ass and then kill you'. My pistol changed his mind. I saw for myself the woke judges and a woke system that perpetuates the problem. The criminal justice system has been flung far far left which IS causing a public safety hazzard. No new gun control is needed. More jail time for the trash that i dealt with is. My Congressman Bobby Scott and Delegate Cia Price do not represent me.

Last Name: Moore Locality: Henrico

This debate over guns was settled in 1791. We have all the laws we need to cover the action of a criminal. Murder is illegal no matter the tool used. Assualt is illegal no matter the tool used. Your ridiculous attack on the rights of all Virginians is just another chapter in the failure our our legislature to deal with the true issues that plague our state. Restore our rights and work to better the state and stop with the petty and vindictive law making that only hurts the innocent. Every day our governing bodies from congress to you become less relevant as a part of our lives, since all you ever manage to do is destroy and steal.

Last Name: Davis Locality: Saltville

In Ohio one year after constitution carry passed gun crimes went down

Last Name: Barnes Organization: Citizen Locality: Bedford

I've commend prior on these issue but would like to reemphasize that more laws of these nature only impose on those of us that already obey the law and I think that you could explain this to your constituents demanding more gun control. I always find it ironic and dubious that those wanting more gun control either don't own a gun, have never fired a gun or don't want to purchase one but wish to infringe upon those of us who are responsible gun owners. Many of these bills on gun control shouldn't even be proposed and if you are supporting these bills you're being dishonest to your own base in tell them that this will reduce crime. It can't reduce crime and never has since other cities such as Chicago ,crime ALWAYS increases with more gun control and Always goes down with less in most situations. I have friend who lives in Chicago and had to sue because they outlawed all firearms several years back. The citizens won that case and were allowed to own AR-15's and all various forms of semi automatic fire arms pistol and rifle. According to him and the data CRIME WENT DOWN. The exception to gun laws which are already on the book as always is proper back ground checks so criminals cannot exploit the legal process by purchasing as a felon. As for removing someone's rights to own a gun under a DUI or DWI I fail to see any relevance or correlation and causation to the issue of guns in general. I am apposed to all these gun control bills and support the two pro guns bills being proposed.

Last Name: Belton Organization: Sistas in prison reform Locality: Richmond

We support HB 912 &913. Incarcerated individuals should not go into debt in prison and if they have balances owed to them upon release that money should go to them . Also it is irresponsible to delay a hearing or release bc the parole board cannot get it together . If they do not have the amount of people on the board then they have to vote with who they have .

Last Name: James Locality: Woodbridge

I fully support HB913. I believe every state agency and board that falls under that agency should continue it's work and fulfill it's commitment to the people that rely on their services. To have an individual miss an opportunity to have a parole board hearing because the lack of members seems unfair to that person. I hope you would pass this legislation to allow the parole board to continue to do it's job regardless of how many individuals are on the board.

Last Name: Phillips Locality: North Chesterfield

The end of solitary confinement must be done My son was murdered in solitary confinement at Red Onion Prison in Pound Va on 1/3/22.

Last Name: Griffin Locality: Stafford

I support HB913!!! Since our current Governor is dragging his butt to install the fifth person on the Parole Board, why should our loved ones have to wait since he feels four (4) members are enough? If they can be fully functional with four board members, then those who only need the typical 4/5 votes to be granted parole should only be required to have 3/4 votes. He caused such a fuss when he came into office and now we have the most unstable Parole Board in history! This is a PAROLE it is only obvious that everyone coming before it has a criminal past. Why should a person have to keep proving that they've rehabilitated themselves after being incarcerated for 20, 30, even 40 plus years? When you have clear indicators that someone is no longer of a juvenile mindset and they have paid for education (out of their own pocket), and have the support of the community, job references and good reports from the facility they are housed in, why is the parole board acting like they have to be perfect saints to gain their freedom? Again, this is a parole board and the one we have is failing us. For one, if you can place people on the board who have been a victim of a crime, then why don't we also have someone on the board who supports criminal justice reform? Let's not be one sided here. So for that, and many other reasons, I support this bill. Hopefully we will have at least 4 members on the board who are confirmed. We can clearly see that Glen Youngkin is in favor of the instability because as long as we don't retain board members, no one will be granted parole. Virginia has the lowest rate of parole, so please don't toot your horn about the 'good job' we're doing. This economy is stressful and expensive and homes require two incomes just to survive. Stop holding men and women in prison when they could be home working and helping their families. I could go on and sick of the mess going on. Clean it up, Virginia!

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