Public Comments for: HB1622 - Firearm in unattended motor vehicle; civil penalty.
Last Name: Engler Locality: Henrico

We MUST have stricter gun laws. At this point its common sense. Please protect our children and have stricter gun laws in order to keep our children safe at school and beyond.

Last Name: Potter Organization: Virginia Moms for Change Locality: Henrico

I support this common-sense bill. It is reasonable to require firearm owners who choose to leave their guns in their unattended motor vehicles to, AT MINIMUM, not leave them visible to anyone outside of the unattended vehicle. This does not infringe on one's right to own a firearm. It is merely asking gun owners store their guns responsibly, A firearm visible in an unattended vehicle is the same as a gun left out in the open in a home. It's a lethal weapon and can get into the wrong hands; in this case into the hands of criminals who have no problem stealing property from cars. Failure to responsibly store a firearm in a vehicle should be subject to penalty.

Last Name: Beheler Locality: Blue Ridge

I OPPOSE HB1622, which makes no sense at all and punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Cone Locality: King William

I OPPOSE HB1622, which would penalize/punish otherwise law-abiding citizens while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. How about instead we introduce a bill that more heavily penalizes theft, specifically theft of firearms? While I don't advocate for leaving guns or any other valuable items in plain site where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced to do so. Many law-abiding citizens don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when the don't have a concealed carry permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Lacey Organization: VCDL and Self Locality: Stafford

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by. Thank you for your consideration. Keith Lacey Stafford, Va.

Last Name: Mazza Locality: Greenville

HB1622, says that if a firearm is visible from outside of an unattended vehicle, the owner can be fined $500 and the vehicle towed. This bill is being heard in the VA House Public Safety Committee at 7:30 a.m. on 1/24. Public comment is NOT being accepted, but you can I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Carey Locality: West Point

HB1622, says that if a firearm is visible from outside of an unattended vehicle, the owner can be fined $500 and the vehicle towed. This bill is being heard in the VA House Public Safety Committee at 7:30 a.m. on 1/24. Public comment is NOT being accepted, but you can offer WRITTEN COMMENTS by clicking this link: At the moment, there are quite a few comments in favor of this legislation. Let's let the committee know that they are not the majority opinion of the public. Suggested message: I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Van Cleave Organization: Virginia Citizens Defense League Locality: Annandale

The Virginia Citizens Defense League strongly opposes HB1622, which punishes someone who leaves a visible handgun in an unattended motor vehicle. It is the criminal who breaks into a vehicle to steal a firearm who should be punished.

Last Name: Eure Locality: Hampton

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Zirkle Organization: None Locality: Rockingham

I have the right to bear arms ! Read the constitution. An a vehicle is private property.

Last Name: Colvin Locality: Orange

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Metanta Locality: Stafford

This is non sense then a police officer can never leave his patrol car as they are under the same laws we are. Also your car is your personal property and it should not matter what’s in it as long as it is legal. We are 100% against this.

Last Name: McCauley Locality: Manassas

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Hill Locality: King William,Aylett j

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Vaughan Locality: King William

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Howe Locality: Bedford

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Kemp Locality: King and Queen

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Dunnigan Organization: Select... Locality: Prince William

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Cottle Organization: The Citizens Locality: Staunton

This law seems unenforceable. How would it handle firearms visible on gun racks visible in police vehicles? Or what about our freedom to carry. Certain stores don't allow you to carry in them. The vehicle would be where you'd store that. Not only this, but a vehicle is an extension of my personal property. You wouldn't go into my house because you can see my gun through my window. If this is passed there will be steps to reach out to the Supreme Court.

Last Name: Phipps Locality: Stafford

HB1622, says that if a firearm is visible from outside of an unattended vehicle, the owner can be fined $500 and the vehicle towed. This bill is being heard in the VA House Public Safety Committee at 7:30 a.m. on 1/24. Public comment is NOT being accepted, but you can offer WRITTEN COMMENTS by clicking this link: At the moment, there are quite a few comments in favor of this legislation. Let's let the committee know that they are not the majority opinion of the public. Suggested message: I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: JONES Locality: Sandston

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Rogers Locality: Wythe

I strongly oppose this, once again you are attempting to punish the innocent for the crimes of the guilty. Here are a couple of alternative actions that could be taken, 1) make virginia a constitutional carry state, so that people can carry open or concealed, at their preference. 2) Make theft in general, but from vehicles specifically, illegal, along with crimes committed with or without firearms. In short, you were elected to represent your constituents, yes, but you should also use common sense on occasion, because creating criminals out of law abiding people, only increases the number of criminals. Stop being idiots, please!

Last Name: Edmonds Locality: Amelia County

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Johnson Locality: Alexandria

I OPPOSE HB1622, leaving legal items in a vehicle should not be illegal, regardless of the item. This bill punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Punishing criminals should be the goal, not punishing law abiding citizens because you do not like the legal items they possess. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Syster Locality: Tappahannock

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Cramer Locality: Henrico

I oppose HB1622. Leaving a personal item sitting in your personal vehicle/property should not be governed by the state. This is a clear overreach by the state to dictate to the citizen what they can and cannot do within their personal domain. If the concern is that having an item that is within view of your personal property will cause a person to steal that item then it puts the cause of the crime on the victim and not the criminal which has been a theme with Democrat policies. This could easily be extended to artwork hanging on my walls of my house that are viewable through my windows which result in a thief stealing my artwork and selling it for drugs that kill people. This is a total overreach by the state and must be stopped.

Last Name: Dalton Locality: Wythe

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Wheeler Locality: Dinwiddie

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Cramer Organization: Locality: Dayton

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Schiebel Locality: Mineral

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote against this bill.

Last Name: Groeneveld Organization: VCDL Locality: Prince William

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. This is exactly why President Trump was re-elected, all democrats want to do is punish the law abiding citizen and destroy our most basic rights, start targeting the criminals stealing guns. Vote NO on this terrible legislation.

Last Name: Reeves Organization: Virginia citizens Locality: Wythe

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Dorsey Organization: Law abiding citizens Locality: Orange

which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by. Let's focus on people doing the crime with arms and not law abiding tax paying citizens

Last Name: Doe II Organization: Law abiding citizens everywhere Locality: Bealeton

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Britt Organization: Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. Locality: Chester

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by. Let's focus on people doing the crime with arms and not law abiding tax paying citizens.

Last Name: Fitzgerald Locality: Southampton county

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Also please note this will severely impact hunters during the hunting season. As a Virginia resident I Pray our voices will be heard and taken into account. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Britts Locality: Orange

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Dunlavey Locality: Goochland

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Settembrino Locality: Newport News

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit.

Last Name: Hare Locality: Colonial heights

I oppose HB1622 which punishes law abiding citizens. The fact that it is illegal to break into a car already makes this bill irrelevant and useless. It is the same as someone breaking into a house. Hold criminals accountable not the people who pay you. Please vote no on behalf of the people of the Commonwealth.

Last Name: Craft Locality: Alleghany co

I appose HB 1622, although I believe in responsible ownership . In most counties across Virginia a gun especially hunting rifles/shotguns are displayed regularly during the different seasons , outside of hunting many farmers and landowners keep a rifle handy in their vehicle. These are law abiding citizens who use these firearms for many reasons and shouldn’t now be punished because of a constant attack on the second amendment through the back door approach. Most of these people would not display or have a firearm readily accessible unsupervised in certain jurisdictions of the state and we know where those are but in the counties we reside they are as common as a bumper sticker and part of the culture.

Last Name: Ryan Organization: Virginia Moms for Change Locality: Springfield

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Arnold Locality: Earlysville

I oppose HB1622 because it obviously is not a sincere attempt to prevent guns from falling into the wrong hands. If it was, the same legislators should also be proposing bills that increase penalties for theft of firearms and felons in possession of firearms. So far I haven't seen any. Instead of proposing bills to punish firearms thieves, Democrats only propose bills that target otherwise law-abiding gun owners. As a matter of fact, this bill is likely to ensnare a lot of gun owners who believe they CAN'T lawfully conceal weapons in their vehicle because that used to be the law of the land.

Last Name: Enloe Locality: Loudoun county

I OPPOSE HB1622, which transfers blame to the victim. I don't believe it is ever ok to leave guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them. However this bill mistakenly shifts blame away from the criminal. It is equivalent to blaming a rape on the woman for wearing a sexy outfit. Instead you should increase penalties for theft of a firearm, possession of a stolen firearm, and any criminal use of firearms to the point that it is so severe, criminals decide it isn't worth the risk.

Last Name: Webb Locality: Yorktown

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Hester Locality: Hanover County

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Biller Locality: Rockingham

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables in plain view where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Frazier Locality: Roanoke

If a law enforcement official can execute or injure you, or confiscate personal property because they, "see a gun", then there is no such thing as a Second Amendment. Please vote no on this legislation.

Last Name: McCartney Locality: Chesterfield

If this bill is passed, I think people who unfortunately do leave their firearms in their vehicle, will be less likely to report them as stolen. So I’m against the passage of this legislation.

Last Name: Walker Locality: Stafford

HB1622 IS A BAD BILL. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so, particularly with the puzzling patchwork of regulations that law-abiding citizens have to navigate when traveling within our own state. Given the choice, I would have my firearm under my immediate control, not in the car. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Daugherty Locality: Williamsburg

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Howard Locality: Spotsylvania

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes, and rarely, we make a mistake. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. I don't see a problem to solve beside discouraging those commiting auto burglary. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Boyd Locality: New Kent

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Samuel Freeman Locality: Rockbridge

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.


I oppose this bill. Why penalize people for what they choose to leave in their vehicle. Sounds like you are guilty until you can pay to prove you are innocent.

Last Name: Kimbrough Organization: Virginia Moms for Change Locality: Richmond

I support HB622 because it would crack down on vehicle gun thefts. In 2023 there were 644 guns stolen from Richmond alone. This is unacceptable and gun owners should be responsible for locking up their fire arms to keep our community safe.

Last Name: Marsh Organization: Myself Locality: Virginia Beach

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Ailshire Locality: Alexandria

I urge you strongly to kill this bill and any successors. The proposed legislation punishes a stupid mistake (for leaving a firearm visible and unattended is stupid) with a fine of over $1000 once one considers impound fees and the like. It potentially places a firearm in the hands of unknown persons, unless you plan to background check and clear every one of the impound lot's employees. This bill wastes public employees' time, where a misdemeanor ticket would suffice.

Last Name: Brest Locality: Mathews

HB1622, says that if a firearm is visible from outside of an unattended vehicle, the owner can be fined $500 and the vehicle towed. This bill is being heard in the VA House Public Safety Committee at 7:30 a.m. on 1/24. Public comment is NOT being accepted, but you can offer WRITTEN COMMENTS by clicking this link: At the moment, there are quite a few comments in favor of this legislation. Let's let the committee know that they are not the majority opinion of the public. Suggested message: I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Taylor Locality: Hopewell

I OPPOSE HB1622, which punishes otherwise law-abiding people while ignoring the fact that breaking into cars and stealing are crimes. While I don't advocate for leaving guns or other valuables where criminals can easily steal them, sometimes we are forced into doing so. Many law abiding people don't know that it is now legal for them to conceal their firearm in a secured compartment or container in their vehicle even when they don't have a permit. Please vote to pass this by.

Last Name: Webb Organization: VCDL Locality: Hanover

I STRONGLY OPPOSE HB1622: Edit to previous comment, as I didn't state position clearly. Many people are unaware of the law allowing an individual to conceal a firearm in a secure compartment within vehicle whether or not they have a permit. Therefore, they think they are forced to leave the firearm in plain sight. In fact, Sen. Marsden has a bill introduced this year that would revert Virginia to the prior law where people without a concealed permit must leave firearms visible in vehicles. This bill, if passed, would penalize people for doing what they thought was their legal obligation. Criminals will always hide their guns. Only law-abiding people will be snared in this net. I respectfully request that this bill be passed by and that the state spends its resources on educating the public on safe storage in vehicles and current law. When the seatbelt law was passed and the move-over law was passed, there was a considerable amount of money spent on educating the public. This issue is no less important and deserves the same effort.

Last Name: Pouchot Locality: Yorktown

The number one place handguns are illegally acquired is from a vehicle. Prevention is better than punishment AFTER the crime. Protect lives. I stongly support HB1622. Let's stop crime before it happens. This is just common sense and does not impinge on any 2nd Amendment rights.

Last Name: Patricia Webb Organization: VCDL Locality: Hanover

Many people are unaware of the law allowing an individual to conceal a firearm in a secure compartment within vehicle whether or not they have a permit. Therefore, they think they are forced to leave the firearm in plain sight. In fact, Sen. Marsden has a bill introduced this year that would revert Virginia to the prior law where people without a concealed permit must leave firearms visible in vehicles. This bill, if passed, would penalize people for doing what they thought was their legal obligation. Criminals will always hide their guns. Only law-abiding people will be snared in this net. I respectfully request that this bill be passed by and that the state spends its resources on educating the public on safe storage in vehicles and current law. When the seatbelt law was passed and the move-over law was passed, there was a considerable amount of money spent on educating the public. This issue is no less important and deserves the same effort.

Last Name: Pennington Locality: Prince William

I oppose HB 1622. It is the criminal, the person who broke into a vehicle and stole an item, that should be held responsible, not law abiding gun owners. This is yet another attempt of liberal legislators who refuse to punish criminals to push the blame for the failure of their own liberal policies on the law abiding conservative citizens.

Last Name: Fox Organization: Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America Locality: Albemarle County

I'm a volunteer with Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, and I support this bill.

Last Name: Peyton Locality: Lottsburg

My husband and I are gun owners and he is a retiremed military member of 30 years. We support common sense gun safety laws. We SUPPORT this bill as it would crack down on vehicle gun thefts and make our communities safer.

Last Name: Hickey Locality: Albemarle County

I strongly support these common sense gun violence prevention measures! Please vote yes!

Last Name: Meslar Locality: Albemarle

Theft of firearms left exposed in vehicles is a significant contributor to illegal guns in our society. Numerous law enforcement agencies across the commonwealth have asked their constituents to do a better job of storing their firearms in vehicles to help address this issue. Making this a civil offense will help raise awareness and reduce the occurrence of gun theft.

Last Name: Wolfe Locality: Albemarle

Regarding HB 1597, keeping guns secure and out of the hands of children and adults who should not have access to firearms is a common sense way to prevent both accidental and planned gun violence. We have heard too many times that the firearms used in crimes and accidental deaths were too easily accessible by people who should not have had access to them! On HB 1660, there is no reason any law abiding citizen should need to increase their firearm's rate of fire. None. That "feature" can only be used to maximize destruction and harm and no good will come of it. The weapons private citizens already have access to go far beyond what could possibly be justified for hunting or self defense.

Last Name: Redmond Organization: Vriginia Moms for Change Locality: Richmond

This is a common sense wake up call for people who recklessly leave a lethal weapon visible in their unattended cars. By not having access to these unattended weapons, our communities will be safer.

Last Name: Beilhart Organization: Virginia Moms for Change Locality: North Chesterfield

Half of all guns stolen in the US are stolen out of cars. Virginia has three of the top ten cities in the US for gun thefts from cars.

Last Name: Pahuja Organization: Virginia Moms for Change Locality: Richmond

These bills allow for those that wish to have guns to still have them, yet put safeguards in place so that the guns do not get into the wrong hands, are misused or changed into weapons meant to kill many people in a short amount of time. Please vote for these common sense gun laws so that children can live safely in our community with gun owners who prioritize safety.

Last Name: Frye Locality: Herndon, VA

I write as a taxpayer, a mother, a resident, a voter and a citizen of the Commonwealth of Virginia is strong SUPPORT of these bills. Our federal government refuses to do anything to save our children and make our country a safer place because they have all sold out to the NRA so the states is where is going to be so important! I am thankful for the efforts of our elected officials to do the right thing and high encourage passage of these bills.

Last Name: Egan Organization: Virginia Moms for Change Locality: Richmond city

I support all of these bills that will make our Commonwealth safer, adding critical protections for all.

Last Name: Kaufman Organization: Virginia Moms for Change Locality: Midlothian

HB1607 - I SUPPORT this bill as assault weapons make it easier for a person to kill a large number of people in a very short period of time – including children in schools, families at the mall or movies, congregations in houses of worship, etc. Assault weapons have no place in civilian life. HB1608 - I SUPPORT this bill as industry accountability is a great way to force manufacturers to raise standards of safety. HB1622 - I SUPPORT this bill as it would crack down on vehicle gun thefts and make our communities safer. This should be especially important in Virginia as 2022 FBI crime data shows that Richmond, Virginia is among the top 5 cities with the highest rates of gun theft from cars HB1660 - I SUPPORT this bill as automatic and semi-automatic weapons can kill a large number of people in a very short period of time and converting more guns to function this way is terrifying for the safety of our families. HB1797 - I SUPPORT this bill as visitors wishing to carry concealed handguns in Virginia should meet the same level of safety requirements that we require of our state’s residents. In many scenarios, visitors are held to the legal requirements of the state they are visiting, and applying this to gun safety should be common sense. HB1869 - I SUPPORT this bill as it expands critical protections to additional relationship categories. Especially in a time where people marry at a later age and/or more commonly cohabitate prior to marriage, allowing intimate partner, or dating relationships, to be protected keeps Virginians safer. HB1876 - I SUPPORT extending the protection of k-12 schools to our institutions of higher education. This is very personal to me as I spent 9 years working at a university and was involved in a scary situation where a student made violent threats with a firearm. HB1960 - I SUPPORT this bill, as it strengthens protections for domestic violence survivors.

Last Name: Hellwege Locality: Prince William County

I strongly OPPOSE HB 1622 for the following reasons. 1) This bill turns a victim of theft into a criminal, 2) this bill does not address other indicators on one's car that may signal that a firearm is inside, such as a pro-gun rights sticker or other memorabilia on/in the car, 3) this will decrease public safety by increasing unnecessary interactions between police and otherwise law-abiding gun owners (for example, if a police officer notices someone is getting into a car that has an unattended handgun in it), 4) depending on the size of your car long guns may be difficult or even impossible to obscure even if cased and while they are omitted from this bill, they highlight the futility in trying to micromanage how people store firearms in their cars, 5) someone's handgun could fall out of one's bag or case and not realize it and suddenly get fined if law enforcement is nearby. This bill simply places undue burdens and risks for gun owners with no appreciable increase in public safety. Criminals will continue to target cars they think may have firearms or other valuables regardless of this bill. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Last Name: Temple Locality: Henrico

I support these bills to make our community safer

Last Name: Cole Organization: Virginia Moms for Change Locality: Arlington

I support HB1622 as it would crack down on vehicle gun thefts and make our communities safer. As a mother working to keep all children safe from gun violence, I support HB1622 and reducing the number of gun-related deaths in our community and in our nation.

Last Name: Swanstrom Locality: Henrico

These are incredibly important mechanisms to protect our citizens especially children from unnecessary gun violence from individuals that are not registered or legally allowed to carry firearms and could be very dangerous in this setting.

Last Name: Keller Organization: Virginia Moms for Change Locality: Richmond

I support this bill because I believe it would make our Commonwealth a safer place for everyone, including our children. Gun violence must be addressed and this is one of the many common sense laws proposed this session that can do that. Please take action and vote for this bill that could save lives.

Last Name: Gill Locality: Richmond

We SUPPORT this bill as it would crack down on vehicle gun thefts and make our communities safer. Please pass these common sense gun laws!

Last Name: Gill Locality: Richmond

We SUPPORT this bill as it would crack down on vehicle gun thefts and make our communities safer. Please pass these common sense gun laws!

Last Name: Nexsen Locality: Lynchburg

Please pass these comments sense safety laws. The county desperately needs them.

Last Name: Kochard Organization: Virginia Moms for Change Locality: Richmond

I support these bills as data shows common sense gun laws save lives.

Last Name: Brodeck Organization: Virginia Moms for Change Locality: Richmond

I support these eight bills, as we need to take action against the senseless violence and deaths caused by guns. We need to ban assault weapons, hold the industry more accountable, prohibit people from leaving firearms visibly unattended in cars, ban kits that create automatic weapons, tighten concealed handgun permits, expand critical protections to additional relationship categories, extend protection against firearms to higher education, and protect domestic violence survivors. As a country and a state, we cannot continue to accept gun violence and deaths as the norm.

Last Name: McCoy Organization: Virginia Moms for Change Locality: Henrico

I support HB1607 as assault weapons make it easier for a person to kill a large number of people in a very short period of time – including children in schools. I felt the impact of this at Virginia Tech on April 16, 2007 as 32 students and teachers lost their lives. I support HB1608 as industry accountability is a great way to force manufacturers to raise standards of safety. It shouldn't be easier to buy a gun than it is to rent a car. I support HB1622 as it would crack down on vehicle gun thefts and make our communities safer. I support HB1660 as automatic and semi-automatic weapons can kill a large number of people in a very short period of time. I felt the impact of this at Virginia Tech on April 16, 2007 as 32 students and teachers lost their lives. I support HB1797 as visitors wishing to carry concealed handguns in Virginia should meet the same level of safety requirements that we require of our state’s residents. I support HB1869 as it expands critical protections to additional relationship categories. For example, this bill would include a relationship where a woman cohabitates with her boyfriend. I support HB1876 as it extends the protection of k-12 schools to our institutions of higher education. I support HB1960 as it strengthens protections for domestic violence survivors.

Last Name: Payne Organization: Virginia Moms for Change Locality: Richmond City

I support this bill because I support any bill that seeks to create a safer community for our children to grow up in, that keeps guns away from schools, and that keep deadly weapons out of the hands of violent people who wish to violate our most protected right: the right to life. This is my number one issue.

End of Comments