Public Comments for: HB638 - Electric utilities; energy efficiency programs, duty to implement the Energy Policy, etc.
Last Name: Williams Locality: Sussex

Sussex County, a rural county, does not any more solar farms. Our Board of Supervisors need to be the ones to vote on solar farms in our area. Please vote NO!!!

Last Name: Vouncill Organization: Citizens and municipalities rights Locality: Franklin

Do not pass a bill that would allow the SEC/ state to override municipal organizations their right to govern themselves. Leave the municipalities alone and let them decide for themselves what is right for their citizenry. State , stay out of it !!!

Last Name: Hooper Locality: Wakefield, Sussex County

Truly feel that each County should be able to take into consideration their residence and be able to make decision for what is best for their County.

Last Name: Sheaerer Organization: Energizing Renewable Growth in Holston Valley Locality: Meadowview

Please also support Chairman Sullivan's HB 638. This bill changes the wording concerning the role of nuclear energy in the VCEA, clarifying that mandatory renewable energy targets are applied against only the NON-nuclear portion of a utility’s total load. HB638 also increases from 1% to 5% the percentage of Dominion Energy Virginia and Appalachian Power’s renewable energy purchasing that must come from small projects like rooftop solar, bringing more third-party solar investment and jobs to Virginia communities. In addition, the legislation streamlines SCC review of energy efficiency programs by directing the SCC to create a single cost-effectiveness test. We recommend that Del. Hernandez's HB976, which directs the SCC to ensure energy policy at lowest reasonable cost, be rolled into HB 638 to make a more effective and comprehensive bill. Thank you for voting to support a comprehensive and effective HB638.

Last Name: Shearer Organization: Energizing Renewable Growth in Holston Valley Locality: Meadowview

Chairman Sullivan's HB108 would extend shared solar to Appalachian Power customers for the first time. This program will be especially helpful to low-income customers and those living in multi-family housing. Unlike the problem with community program in Dominion service area, this bill limits the costs that can be included in the minimum bill, while providing a means for Appalachian Power to recover any additional costs in its triennial review. I encourage all delegates to support HB108. Thank you.

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