Public Comments for: HB327 - Affordable and inclusive housing; DBHDS to develop plan to ensure people w/disabilities have access.
Last Name: Gordon Organization: Rivercity Residential Services, Bridging the Gap Family Services Locality: Richmond

My name is Michael Gordon. I am a recovering addict. My clean date is 06/06/2008. I writing this letter because it my duty as a health professional to bring to the table how important it is that we change the barrier crime law. I have spent countless hours and days working with other addicts who trying to find their pathway into recovery. The frontlines are thin because the people whom society deemed unworthy because of some past mistakes cannot work in the field that they could do the greatest good. I did not know when I received my sentence in 1990 for distribution of crack cocaine. I would be serving a life time sentence. Luck for me I don’t have a barrier crime, yet today after getting my GED, going to college and graduating with honors. I still can live in certain areas or have certain jobs. I went from the crack house to the White House and still that not enough for Virginia to forgive me of my past mistakes. We need more people who has made a deep commitment to change to share their experiences with others who are suffering!!

Last Name: Morgan Organization: Virginia Board for People with Disabilities Locality: Richmond

My name is Teri Morgan and I am the Executive Director for the Virginia Board for People with Disabilities (VBPD). I write to you this afternoon to provide public comment on HB 327 dealing with the State Rental Assistance Program for the Settlement Agreement Population. The Virginia Board for People with Disabilities is in support of this bill. Legislation such as this will have a positive impact on individuals with disabilities. The State Rental Assistance Program assists in providing opportunities to individuals within the settlement agreement population to find rental housing that meets their individual needs. The program allows individuals the ability to choose where they live, whom they live with, and who supports them providing needed independence. VBPD is in support of HB 327.

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