Public Comments for: HB2195 - Virginia Consumer Protection Act; mold remediation and inspections, report.
Last Name: Denton Organization: Virginia Organizing Locality: Newport News

I support this bill and I'm also currently going through weatherization issues with my Landlord. My doors and windows have gaps in them and allows a lot of cold air to come through my bedroom and living room areas. My apartment complexes states they'll penalize us if we put up plastic on our windows but refuse to take care of the leaks of air. I have to use a space heater to keep my bedroom from being freezing cold. These landlords will do the most because they know Virginia will do the least!

Last Name: Sprague Locality: Alexandria

I myself am very prone to mold allergies and my father has battled mold a lot so thank you for this bill.

Last Name: DECAMPOS Organization: National Insurance Crime Bureau Locality: Oak Brook

Comments Document

NICB is providing written testimony in support of House Bill 2195.

Last Name: Boyd Locality: Richmond

Hello my name is Dreame Boyd and I am a tenant in Richmond. I am here today to share why this mold certification bill is needed. As a licensed cosmetologist, I know the importance of providing quality services to make sure my clients are receiving the best services. As a tenant in public housing, I also know mold is something that is plaguing our homes and needs to be handled by a professional. Mold is dangerous. It needs to be dealt with by someone who is trained and knows the proper procedures to identify and remediate the issue. If I have to have a license to braid hair which can’t kill you, Mold inspectors should be licensed because mold can lead to health problems . I hope that you support this bill.

Last Name: Russell Organization: Virginia Organzing Locality: Wythe

It is long overdue that our state considers the acute and long term hazards of mold in our homes and businesses. The adequate ability to quantify, document, and remediate mold in our communities has gotten disgustingly little attention in our society. I've personally seen my asthmatic conditions, and the respiratory conditions of my peers exacerbate in the presence of unremediated mold, driven largely by landlord incompetence. We must stop making the public bear the burden of landlord decisions. FOR HB2195

Last Name: Russell Organization: Virginia Organizing Locality: Wythe County

It is long overdue that our state considers the acute and long term hazards of mold in our homes and businesses. The adequate ability to quantify, document, and remediate mold in our communities has gotten disgustingly little attention in our society. I've personally seen my asthmatic conditions, and the respiratory conditions of my peers exacerbate in the presence of unremediated mold, driven largely by landlord incompetence. We must stop making the public bear the burden of landlord decisions.

End of Comments