Public Comments for: HB2071 - DVS; powers and duties of Commissioner, identification of incarcerated veterans.
Last Name: Aramony Organization: American Legion and the BVS Joint Leadership Council Locality: Fairfax County

Comments Document

I signed up yesterday to provide verbal testimony but did not receive a link to participate. Here is what I would have said: I am Bill Aramony, Virginia resident of Fairfax County, Speaking on behalf of the American Legion and as the chair of the Joint Leadership Council which has designated this bill a #1 priority. The bill was proposed by The American Legion and by the National Vet Court Alliance (its representative is Daniel Cortez). This bill is consistent with the culture of military and veteran institutions to help veterans. For example, the Department of Virginia is setting up its third American Legion Post within Virginia prisons. Nationally, a primary program of the Commander of the American Legion is BE THE ONE – Meaning the one to check in on a veteran, take suicide prevention training, other reaching out within the community to help the fellow veteran and others. That is the purpose and intent of HB 2071. To assist the veteran who’s incarcerated or arrested and get them mental health and other help. We cannot help them if they’re not identified if we don’t know who they are.

Last Name: Aramony Organization: American Legion and the BVS Joint Leadership Council Locality: Fairfax County

Comments Document

I signed up yesterday to provide verbal testimony but did not receive a link to participate.

End of Comments