ForKids Supports this bill.
I'm writing to express ForKids' strong support for [HB1719/SB812], legislation to extend the pay-or-quit notice period from five to fourteen days. Virginia has one of the highest eviction rates in the nation and the problem is especially severe in the Hampton Roads community ForKids serves.
When landlords file suit, tenants face mounting costs, including court fees and attorney’s fees that inflate a typically small amount of unpaid rent into an insurmountable burden. The process also imposes costs on landlords, who often cannot recoup any money at all in eviction cases.
As the provider of the Hampton Roads Housing Crisis Line and a local leader in the Virginia Eviction Reduction Pilot, our organization knows that a longer pay-or-quit period will allow us to more effectively prevent homelessness for children and families. We should use every available tool to keep people safely and securely housed.
ForKids Supports this bill. I'm writing to express ForKids' strong support for [HB1719/SB812], legislation to extend the pay-or-quit notice period from five to fourteen days. Virginia has one of the highest eviction rates in the nation and the problem is especially severe in the Hampton Roads community ForKids serves. When landlords file suit, tenants face mounting costs, including court fees and attorney’s fees that inflate a typically small amount of unpaid rent into an insurmountable burden. The process also imposes costs on landlords, who often cannot recoup any money at all in eviction cases. As the provider of the Hampton Roads Housing Crisis Line and a local leader in the Virginia Eviction Reduction Pilot, our organization knows that a longer pay-or-quit period will allow us to more effectively prevent homelessness for children and families. We should use every available tool to keep people safely and securely housed.