Public Comments for: SB1124 - Driver education programs; classroom training may be administered in-person or online.
Last Name: McGee Locality: Quinton, ,VA

While it is commendable that the licensing process includes several in-person checks, the classroom portion is the cornerstone of driver education and should not be diminished. Online-only classroom instruction lacks the accountability, engagement, and emotional impact needed to prepare teens for the life-and-death responsibilities of driving. Public education must prioritize safety and consistency, maintaining rigorous, in-person classroom instruction as the standard for teaching our young drivers. This bill was at the request of Fairfax County. Fairfax County is leading the State of Virginia in fatalities. It claims 3 of the 8 highest fatality districts in the State if Virginia. This is a clear indication that more education, not less is necessary, especially in Fairfax County.

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