Public Comments for: SB1048 - School board policies; parental notification, safe storage of prescription drugs and firearms, etc.
I was a public school teacher for 16 years and while I generally am hesitant to put even more responsibility on the backs of school divisions and teachers who are already stretched thin, I do believe that this is a good bill. Providing safe storage information to parents and caregivers could go along way to protecting children. This is a leading cause of death in our country and we have to address it from as many avenues as we can.
We support this bill as guns are the #1 cause of death for children. Having taught at schools where we lost students to gun violence, this is personal to me and I hope that it could prevent similar tragedies in the future.
Guns are the #1 cause of death of children, and poisonings and overdoses are the #3 cause of death in children. While no parent ever intends for an accident involving a child and a gun or prescription medication, accidents happen and an annual reminder about safe storage of these items through the school system may save lives.
This bill will give parents the information they need to protect their children from tragic accidents. I strongly support this bill.
I support this bill because guns are the #1 killer of kids in Virginia and our nation and overdoses are the #3 cause of death. Our schools remind us to dress our kids properly for the weather and stay off our phones in the pickup line, they should also remind us to keep our kids safe in these critical ways.
Although it seems like common sense, the number of gun-and-accidental prescription medication-related injuries and deaths make it very clear that many people do not take safe storage seriously. Any reminder that safe storage is critical for keeping children safe, especially one coming from a non-political source, will help decrease unnecessary injuries and deaths. Please support this bill!
Guns are the #1 cause of death of children while drugs and overdoses are #3. Sharing the importance of safe storage is a no brainer to educate and save children’s lives.
As a new parent looking forward to sending my child to school in Fairfax County in the future, gun violence is a top concern for me. I would like to feel safe sending my child to school, and this would be one small step in the right direction.
My family supports SB1048. Gun violence and drug abuse (both accidental and intentional) impacts so many people in this country, and it should be incumbent upon society to take as many proactive measures as possible to keep children and teens safe. Sending educational reminders about safe storage to parents at the start of the school year is a step in the right direction. As a parent, I will feel more comfortable with my children playing at friends/classmate's homes if I know that the household received this safety information at the start of the year. Guns and overdoses/poisonings are the #1 and #3 cause of death for children, respectively, and this bill will help save lives.
I support this bill. We can forget to do the simple things that will keep us safe from harm. This is why reminders are helpful. Sending home a note to parents to help them protect their kids is a pretty small ask of our elected officials, and it’s one that could prevent the senseless deaths of children.
We support this bill because guns are the #1 cause of death in children and poisonings and overdoses are the third leading cause of death in children. Safe storage matters and is an accessible way to keep our kids safe.
I want to ensure that all parents have the right information on how to properly secure their deadly weapons. This will help safeguard teens and children from accidentally (or intentionally) accessing these firearms and causing harm to themselves or others. Guns are the leading cause of death for America’s children and some of this could be avoided if we were actively pursuing every opportunity to support safe storage.
There should be no hesitation to do what is right to keep our children safe. This bill will give parents the information they need to protect their children from tragic accidents. I strongly support this bill.
Guns are the number one killer of American children, providing safe storage education prevents school children unintentionally shooting themselves or others, prevents gun suicides in youth and teens, and prevents school shootings, since the overwhelming majority of guns used in school shootings are guns minors gain access to in their own homes or from the home of a close relative. I strongly support this bill and urge anyone who cares about the survival of children to do the same.
I'm a volunteer with Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, and we support this bill. Research shows secure storage practices play a vital role in reducing the risk of gun violence. Storing firearms securely protects children and adults by preventing unintentional shootings, gun suicides, and gun theft.
Safe storage of prescriptions and firearms are a necessity in order to protect the lives of children. Please pass this law in order to keep our children safe, alive, happy and healthy.