Public Comments for: HB659 - Open school enrollment policies; guidance on best practices.
Last Name: Mullins Organization: ExcelinEd in Action Locality: Mechanicsburg

Open enrollment policies in K-12 education refer to the practice of allowing students to enroll in a public school outside of their designated, or zoned, school. These policies are designed to provide families with more flexibility in selecting a public school that best fits their child’s needs and preferences. While not all school buildings can house every student who wishes to attend, we do believe, by state policy, every public school should be open to every student who lives in that state. The creation of a model policy to guide local divisions as they navigate policy decisions around open enrollment is a positive step, ensuring that flexibility and transparency are paramount.

Last Name: Thomas Organization: Essex County Public Schools Locality: Essex County


Last Name: Mantos Organization: Broadspire Locality: Virgnia Beach

Please support HB 659. This bill will provide all students equal opportunity and not limit opportunity based on zip code.

Last Name: Levin Locality: Hanover

HB571: AGAINST: The Bill is redundant; it is already in the Code of Virginia and already says that it shall not be construed to permit the censoring of books in any public or elementary school. It is redundant. HB654: NO POSITION: I Commend the idea, but as a data analyst and a parent, I am concerned about how the data will be kept safe and if it will be sold or provided to 3rd party vendors without parental consent. The cost concerns me as well - initial and ongoing – will it mean higher taxes at some point? Especially if the Ed Department passes on the responsibility to local school divisions. Local school divisions, especially the smaller ones cannot afford this price tag and will have to raise taxes to pay for this. I ask that you consider these concerns and pass it by for further discussion and consideration. HB659: FOR 1. The bill is permissive: Uses ‘May’, not ‘shall’. 2. Helps students not be stuck into the zip code they were born into. 3. Makes it easier for families to find out prior to school starting or ahead of the spring semester if there are any open seats and be informed on waitlists or lottery with the schools they are interested in. 4. Ensures families will not be charged additional tuition within their own school division if there is an open seat in a school outside zoned attendance, as they are already paying taxes for the use of their division’s public schools. 5. This is common sense. If you advocate for equity, vote Yes for this bill. HB670: FOR: Anyone who claims to care about children and their physical and mental health should be voting for Yes on this bill. If you Vote No, and one more child ends up going through what Sage went through, then that will be on you! HB757: FOR: This is a no-brainer. If you vote No, then you are anti-parents and anti-children. HB1120: NO Positions/FOR: Please PBI this bill and Vote Yes for HB1229 instead. HB1229: FOR: If you vote against this bill then you are undoing all the years, sweat, and tears that went into making Title IX a reality. You are anti-woman; you are aiding and abetting men by occupying female spaces and snatching female achievements. If you vote no, you are also a science denier. Males are born with increased lung capacity and higher muscle mass, and regardless of how many puberty blockers and cross-gender hormones they take, they will always have physical advantages.

Last Name: Edwards Locality: Virginia Beach

Im a senior at a Virginia Beach city public school , I support this bill because it give students of lower income communities opportunities to go to schools that can better suit there needs. If this bill existed when I was a lower class men I could only imagine the struggles I wouldn’t have had to go through and the cool things I could have done in school. education is a right and shouldn’t be limited by tax bracket !!

Last Name: Wallace Locality: Richmond/HD 78

I am product of Richmond Public Schools and now a RPS assistant teacher in Richmond. I support HB 659 bill. Having observed the challenges and potential in our public school system, I believe this bill is a step forward. It gives families more options and many could benefit based on needs.

Last Name: Boyd Locality: District 89 (Ennis)

Hello, I'm a mother of two in Chesapeake, and I support HB 659, the Out of Zone Attendance / Open school enrollment bill. As a Democrat, I believe in the power of inclusive policies that promote equity and empower families. This bill, despite its potential to benefit all communities, unfortunately hasn't enjoyed the bipartisan support it deserves. Providing families, especially in our minority communities, with choices within the public school system shouldn't be a divisive issue. While many legislators (on both sides) have pledged full funding for education, we're still waiting, and HB 659 can assist in bridging that equity gap by offering more educational opportunities. We need to come together to prioritize our children's futures and recognize there is more than 1 way to solve the education issues.

Last Name: Young Locality: Virginia Beach/ Hampton Roads

I, Sheryl Young, retired educator/administrator support HB659 giving access and opportunity for school CHOICE with no extra fees assigned! Sheryl Young

Last Name: King Locality: Virginia Beach

My name is Brenda King, and I am a former school administrator. Having experienced various schools and how they are run, my hope is that whichever bills are passed , the school administrator will make decisions based not on WHO is asking for admittance to his/her school, but on ALL students who apply. As long as those in decision- making positions have INTEGRITY, I feel comfortable that this bill has a chance at success. The other part of this situation is OVERSIGHT. You have to INSPECT what you EXPECT to make sure the process is EQUITABLE and successful.

Last Name: hundley Locality: richmond

children should be free to optimize their possibilities, not be limited by their zip codes

Last Name: Sansoni Locality: Stanley

School Choice puts this prospective law in the hands of the local parents & not in hands of the beauacrats. Parents & guardians know which is best for children’s educational goals & objectives not the good folks in the Richmond commonwealth capital buildings. Respectfully Submitted Thomas Sansoni

Last Name: Lane Locality: Northampton county

Parents and children deserve the right to utilize money that best supports the educationsl needs or custom desires for their education. Government has wasted more money each year as quality of education goes down. Social experiments in school seem to abuse and exploit children to greater extents each year.

Last Name: Schumacher Locality: Prince Edward County

As a resident of Prince Edward County whose public schools have been below par for years, it is imperative that you approve HB659. This bill will: - Give expanded access to educational opportunities such as AP classes and learning resources. - Provide all students equal opportunity. Allowing out of zone enrollment gives low income students equal access to the quality education as their peers from wealthier neighborhoods. - Put parents – not government bureaucrats – in the driver's seat. This allows them to pick the school that is best for their child. - Ensure Virginia moves on from redlining. Underperforming public schools in the 21st century are too often located in the areas “redlined” in the 20th century. This would ensure today’s students educational opportunities are no longer determined by previous generations housing policies. Again I urge you to vote for HB 659. Our children deserve no less. Very truly yours, Michele N Schumacher

Last Name: Schwalbach Organization: Reason Foundation Locality: Washington, DC

Comments Document

This testimony identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the proposal, indicating how it can be improved and how it could benefit Virginia's K-12 students.

Last Name: Cresswell Locality: Bristow

Dear Members of the General Assembly, I support HB 659 because parents need to access good education for their children. It’s as simple as that! Many states do this already. Why is Virginia so far behind? I hope you will all vote for it. Let’s get Virginia back to high quality education by providing choice! Thank you so much. Sincerely, Mrs. Mary Cresswell

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