Public Comments for: HB2606 - Education, Board of; regulations relating to special education due process hearings.
NO to HB2026. This only DENIES Rights of Scholars already NOT being afforded ANYHOW and Supports the Corruption and Corruptive Elements who BENEFIT from being a part of the 'Special Education Mafia'...they all know who they are... The PROOF of RICO (Organized Crimes) vs. Eryn Little which is NOT Attorney-Privileged under the Crime-Fraud Exception Rule, and THIS is exactly WHY Eryn Little has not had Access to Education as required of ALL components of IDEA, ADA/504 and Supreme Court Special Education Rulings, etc. How is it that the Parent is the ONLY party with ANY involvement in the 'Failure and Refusal' to Educate Eryn Little, under the Affirmative Obligations of the PUBLIC, Government School Division, AND THE VDOE when an LEA is Non-Compliant; with ANY real knowledge and application of Special Education Law? Because those who benefit from Oppression as like, upon Eryn, they are intentionally trained to NOT know and AVOID Laws and Regulations and NOT comply, via V-CASE and other 'unsavory organizations' with perhaps, a public facing virtuous purpose and mission, but under the surface, anything BUT, and this includes Chesterfield County Public Schools, VDOE, and Samantha Hollins, who, incidentally, went from VDOE, to Chesterfield County, then State Special Education Director of Virginia who has done anything BUT uphold the Rights of Special Education Scholars...for 6 plus years now, like HALF of a Child's Educational Career... FEEL FREE TO ASK ME FOR A DOCUMENT PROVING UNLAWFUL COLLUSIONS TO OBSTRUCT AND DENY THE RIGHTS OF ERYN LITTLE OF CHESTERFIELD. THEY ARE NOT ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEDGED UNDER THE CRIME FRAUD EXCEPTION RULE...ANYONE ELSE WITH ANY OF THESE TYPES OF DOCUMENTS ALSO ARE ENCOURAGED TO SEND THEM TO ME. #EndPublicSchoolCorruption E-Mail Address IS: (I expressly PERMIT and request under the 1st Amendment that my e-mail address be published in this communication with government)
Absolutely NOT. This Bill Intentionally Defies IDEA 'Protections' for Eligible Scholars, of which multiple School Divisions are in violation day after day, REFUSING to Abide by Laws, Rules and Regulations. Those who have voted for this already, you have voted to remove protections that school divisions for many are NOT providing, and that the VDOE has been derelict in many, many years. The Public Disparagement of an individual in the comments on this bill are additionally an atrocity towards the RIGHTS of Disabled Scholars. This bill, EMPOWERS corruption existing in many School Divisions, and VCASE is very well known as the primary facilitator, with admittedly, 500 co-conspirators, between Special Education Central Office Personnel to Delay, Deny, Obstruct and REFUSE the Rights and NEEDS of Disabled Kids to funnel $$$$$ UNBRIDLED and UNCHECKED and ILLEGAL Billable Hours to 'certain law firms'....Rather than PROVIDE Education as Required Under IDEA and Grant ASSURANCES, then Weaponize the Justice System with Fraudulent and Malicious charges of Truancy and CHINS. Where is VDOE and where are my and Eryn's State Electeds Standing up Day after Day for the Right to Education for Eryn Little? Access is Key, Correct? He is to have ACCESS to Educational OPPORTUNITY EVERY DAY, not 'pending' malicious endless litigation and subject to VDOE's Non-Compliance with no less than, for CONTINUING to REFUSE to Enforce its very OWN Corrective Actions... Virginia Education and the clearly not just broken, but CORRUPT Special Education situation in Virginia has left Eryn Little with NO Joy. NO Peers. NO Friends, NO Schedule for 2.5 Years now and counting, and NO Opportunity of Mine OR His to Pursue the Constitutional RIGHT, the inalienable RIGHT, to Pursue Happiness. None of this is NOT Unintentional, as is evidenced by, despite REPEATED BEGGING for Eryn's RIGHTS to Education and an Appropriate Curriculum given his extenuating circumstances subjected to the CRIME RING/S Operating Throughout Virginia Education...Where is ANY ONE Person, ANYWHERE, but Wendy Little attempting to enforce Eryn's Rights. Day, after Day, after Day. Where are you? You either SUPPORT and/or Participate in the Corruption, or you REMOVE it and restore ALL of Eryn's overdue rights, remedy and significant restitution for ruining the LIFE and Education of a Child who was simply supposed to be removed from a Private Day School NOT Providing Educational Benefit TO the Home Zoned Public Schools for the 2022-2023 School Year...According to my watch, we are now at the end of January, 2025....still waiting. He was SUPPOSED to GRADUATE NEXT Year, 2026! There is NO In-Between here. You benefit from the Public School Crime Organizations or you take action to FULLY RESTORE ERYN LITTLE and his FAMILY, Swiftly, Fully In EVERY POSSIBLE way. 34 C.F.R. 300.300 (e) 18 USC 371 34 C.F.R. 300.149 34 C.F.R. 300.227 20 USC 1414(g) & (h) Wendy Little (Eryn's Mom)
Please see attached PDF of LAJC's comments in opposition to HB 2606.
Dear Madame chair and Subcommittee members: I am asking for your support of HB2606 coming before this Subcommittee January 27th.. I speak on behalf of VCASE and its 500 members who supervise special education services for the more than 180,000 students with disabilities in Virginia! VCASE is thankful that Del. Ware has sponsored HB2606 which addresses the current conflicts going on in special education due process complaints. There are a very small number of advocates who are filing and refiling duplicative due process hearing requests sometimes before the original request is adjudicated. This is called “vexatious litigation!” Wikipedia tells us that “Vexatious litigation is legal action which is brought solely to harass or subdue an adversary. It may take the form of a primary frivolous lawsuit or may be the repetitive, burdensome, and unwarranted filing of meritless motions in a matter which is otherwise a meritorious cause of action. Filing vexatious litigation is considered an abuse of the judicial process and may result in sanctions against the offender.” As a special educator, I have felt responsible to explain the very complicated procedures in special education to parents and have trained many staff toward effectively communicating, preventing, and resolving conflicts. I have worked constructively with many parents and advocates to participate in meaningful mediation and resolution of their concerns over the special education services their children need. I have said this many times, special educators do not shrink from accountability, but face accountability every day as they serve students with disabilities and their families. We are not perfect and understand the several ways parents can complain about services, but the filing of repetitive, duplicate due process complaints is an abuse of the system. These vexatious, repetitive, onerous, abusive filings of complaints have resulted in: 1. Delays in the provision of a free appropriate public education (FAPE) for students. The kids lose! 2. Teachers, aides, counselors, psychologists, and school administrators are repeatedly and unnecessarily being pulled from classrooms and schools in planning for repetitive filings of due process claims. Teaching and learning lose! 3. Several staff have resigned after hostile personal attacks from a specific advocate filing such hearings. This is making it difficult as we deal with critical shortages in these positions. School staff talent is lost! 4. A statewide low percentage of due process hearing rulings in favor of parents' claims. Parents and families lose! 5. The attorney and administrative costs of due process hearings are in the tens of thousands of dollars, thousands in just the filing of such a complaint. School divisions lose! HB2606 lets us flip this scenario and most importantly create a supportive climate where our students are winners! With them, their parents receive effective advocacy. And where we can retain skilled & dedicated staff under public accountability. This bill in no way limits a families' rights to file appropriate due process complaints, request an IEP meeting, file a state complaint, ask for mediation, file an appropriate request for a due process hearing, or file a federal civil rights complaint. Again, we thank Del. Ware for bringing this bill, HB2606, forward with the amendments in the substitute. Please vote to report HB2606. Thank you! Mike Asip
I’m so confused from the context. As an autistic I absolutely want due process. I’m just confused about when it says ‘shall not have due process until…’ or ‘only claims that are substantially different.’ I fear this might make due process rights harder for us. Which is the opposite of what we need. Please double check this before it’s too late.
Please VOTE NO on HB2606. Please see your own 2018 JLARC report on K-12 Special Education Services. "While VDOE’s handling of complaints validates that, in many cases, parent complaints are legitimate, it does not ensure that non-compliance is rectified." There are 27 Recommendations by JLARC for policy fixes and HB2606 is not one of them. No one anywhere in that report says that Virginia should punish families for violations which the bill has referred to in vague terms and then report them to the State Department of Education. NO ONE! Please Vote NO on HB2606 and read the JLARC report for ways to improve the Special Education System in Virginia. Reminder: Between 2010 and July 2021, Virginia families prevailed in approximately 1.5% of special education due process hearings, winning only 13 out of 847 cases statewide. In Northern Virginia, the success rate was even lower, with families winning less than 1% of cases—just 3 out of 395 during the same period. Additionally, 83% of hearing officers in Northern Virginia never ruled in favor of a family over those eleven years. Families aren't running away with the due process system and need to be reigned in. Quite the opposite. Please VOTE NO on HB2606