Public Comments for: HB2104 - Seizure rescue meds.; administration by certain school employees, possession by certain students.
Last Name: Sprague Locality: Alexandria

I wasn’t able to see the committee this morning for some reason, it kept showing the screen ‘house room A’. But I’m glad to see these two bills. Disabled students must be heard. I think it’s worth mentioning seizures can be invisible. I had plenty of them in my school days that didn’t require medical attention but still disrupted my learning. So please pass them.

Last Name: Champion Organization: Virginia Autism Project Locality: Springfield

Please vote YES for HB2104 which provides that school personnel is trained and empowered to address medical emergencies. This will be empowering for staff to know what to do in a situation where a student is in crisis and in need of assistance. We are seeing an increasing number of students with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder also have a seizure disorder. Enhanced timely access to seizure rescue medications reduces the risk of severe complications from repeated seizures and just makes sense. The Virginia Autism Project supports HB2104

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