Public Comments for: HB2055 - Student health and safety; responsibility to contact parent of student at imminent risk of suicide.
I am writing in support of bills HB2055 and HB2679. As a volunteer with Moms Demand Action, we know that taking proactive, preventative measures saves lives. Notifying parents and guardians of the critical importance of secure storage of firearms is imperative to mitigate risk. We know that the majority of youth who use a firearm in deaths by suicide as well as youth who use firearms to harm others in school related shootings obtain their firearms from the home of family or friends. Minimizing access to these lethal means is critical to keep everyone safe and make sure our youth get the help they need. These bills are common sense solutions to increasing awareness and education and empower parents and adults to help our children stay safe and alive. Please support these important bills for Virginians. Thank you.
Thank you for bringing up this bill; I am in full support and this will save lives. Thank you for caring so much for the students in our public schools.
This is a simple but important addition that can save a child's life. Parents deserve the best information on how to keep their children safe, and we know that preventing a child's access to lethal means when they are at imminent risk of suicide can make the difference.
I'm a Moms Demand Action volunteer and I support HB2055 Student health and safety; responsibility to contact parent of student at imminent risk of suicide and HB2679 School boards; threat assessment teams and procedures. We need to keep people safe from gun violence.
I'm a Moms Demand Action volunteer and I support these bills. As a gun owner and the parent of someone who, at one point during their high school years, experienced suicidal ideation, I believe it is extremely important for educational personnel aware of an imminent risk of suicide not only reach out to at least one parent or guardian, but to provide that adult with the tools to help prevent a tragedy. This bill will save lives through information helping the adults in the household secure their weapons in a safe manner during a mental health crisis
I support this bill as an extremely necessary mechanism to help prevent suicide. Sadly, firearm suicide has risen faster in teens than any other group in the United States. Providing access to information, education and resources is a proven way to help decrease the number of suicides and suicide attempts in our Commonwealth.
I'm a volunteer with Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, and I support this bill. The most important thing that schools can do to prevent active shooter incidents—and gun violence overall—is to intervene before a person commits an act of violence. Threat assessment programs are a critical part of comprehensive school safety plans.
I SUPPORT this bill as access to guns is a cause of lethal suicides. Educators and school staff often spend more time with children and teens than parents and family members do, so they should absolutely notify parents when a child/teen is at risk of suicide, and information about removing dangerous medications and firearms will help save lives. 82% of adolescent suicides involve a gun belonging to a family member (Johns Hopkins School of Public Health).
I am writing in SUPPORT for HB 2055. I feel that it is very important for the school to notify parents of the imminent risk of suicide of their child. This will allow the parents to get their child to safety and get them the mental health help they need. It is also important for the school to send home information on safe storage of medications and fire arms to keep these items out of reach of a suicidal minor. Keeping them safely stored with help prevent this minor from taking action and help prevent their death.
I support this bill, notifying parents/guardians of imminent risk of suicide. I appreciate that this bill requires that notification come with information on safe storage. Often times in the midst of a crisis it is hard to focus on all the moving parts and this information coupled with the warning about their child's mental health could help a parent/guardian safe guard the child's environment.
I support this bill as access to guns is a cause of lethal suicides.
We support this bill as access to guns is a cause of lethal suicides.
This is a common sense bill that parents or guardians be informed if a child is showing signs of suicide - to ensure that the child is not exposed to dangerous materials at home. This is intended to keep parents educated and children safe. How can no one agree with this.
Parents or guardians should be notified if there is any reason to believe a student is at the risk of suicide and it's important this also includes proven preventative measures such as information/resources on safe storage of firearms and medication. We SUPPORT this bill as access to guns is a cause of lethal suicides.
I am writing in support of the passage of HB2055. The fact that mandatory reporting of suicidal thoughts/intent among children is not already a requirement and/or a codified law is an unconscionable, abject failure by our state government. This bill will save lives. It is the moral thing to do.
I support HB2055 as it requires school personnel to notify parents or guardians if a K-12 student if they have reason to believe the student is at risk of suicide. School must include materials on safe storage of firearms and medication to parents of children who are deemed at imminent risk for suicide. We support this bill as access to guns is a cause of lethal suicides.
This is important and must pass. Requiring school personnel to notify parents or guardians if they have reason to believe their child is at risk of suicide should be obvious. In addition, schools absolutely must include materials on safe storage of firearms and medication to parents of children who are deemed at imminent risk for suicide. Access to guns is a cause of lethal suicides -- if not larger community risks,.
As a parent, I cannot imagine the unbelievable pain of losing a child, let alone to something preventable like suicide. Young people often make rash decisions without adult guidance and alerting parents to possible suicidal tendencies could save thousands of lives per year.
I support this bill. It could save the lives of many children. Firearms are the most lethal method of suicide and drugs are the most common method for suicide attempts.
I am a Moms Demand Action volunteer and I support this bill.