Public Comments for: HB1806 - Students with disabilities; individualized accommodations and supports during emergency evacuations.
**Summary of Testimony by Doris Ray on HB 1806: Emergency Plans for Students with Disabilities** Doris Ray, Director of Advocacy and Outreach at the ENDependence Center of Northern Virginia (ECNV), provides testimony supporting HB 1806, which addresses the inclusion of students with disabilities in school emergency planning. Speaking as a lifelong disability advocate and person with disabilities, Ray emphasizes the importance of individualized and enforceable emergency plans for students with disabilities within the framework of Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and Section 504 Plans. She highlights the historical oversight in emergency policies that fail to consider the needs of students with disabilities adequately and stresses the importance of developing inclusive procedures. Ray advocates for collaborative planning involving students, parents, teachers, and school officials, ensuring that these plans are signed, implemented, and enforceable. She urges the committee to adopt HB 1806 with clear accountability measures to protect all students and provide recourse for families if accommodations are not upheld. Ray concludes by reinforcing the urgency of this legislation to safeguard the safety and rights of students with disabilities in public schools.
On behalf of the Arc of Virginia Board of Directors and Staff, I encourage you to support HB1806. This bill ensures that students with disabilities are no longer forgotten in cases of emergencies. By passing this bill, the Commonwealth can enhance student safety, promote preparedness, and safeguard the rights of students. This bill provides support and clarity for our educators by creating clear guidelines during crises. Additionally, this bill in no way threatens family engagement or parental rights, as parents are required to sign off on this addendum in the IEP. Furthermore, the fiscal impact of this bill is Zero. Students, teachers, and safety will benefit from this bill and we hope you support it. We are appreciative of your time and consideration.
In an emergency, such as a lockdown, fire drill or natural disaster, current emergency plans often lack individualized considerations for these unique needs. Emergencies disproportionately impact students with disabilities due to lack of communication supports for nonverbal students, physical barriers for students with mobility challenges and increased sensory overload for students with autism. The IEP is the place to anticipate these considerations and make plans. The IEP is the document that everyone will look to for how to provide for the needs of that student in an emergency and the parents need to be a part of any discussion and agree to the plan. This will ensure student safety, make sure we are complying with Federal Law, strengthen the sense of collaboration between the school and the family, and minimize risk to everyone in the emergency situation. We never want a student left behind. We don’t want confusion over what to do when in the middle of a crisis. Pre-planning is crucial for everyone’s safety and peace of mind. Please vote yes for HB1806.
I urge you to vote yes on HB1806 so that no child is abandoned during a school emergency because they didn't understand the instructions or were adversely affected by the alarm or needed assistance to evacuate.
I wish I had more accommodations as an autistic student. This bill is an excellent start.
Dear House of Delegates, I am disheartened by the lack of high expectations and standards for Virginia’s schools. Many politicians and people believe throwing money at the issue will fix it. Nope Where are the parents, guardians of the students who are being disruptive and causing harm? It was Never about the salary! It was always about the poor policies, low standards and expectations for the students. Stop making excuses for some and not the others. All schools must follow The Student Code of Conduct. Fact: there are teachers and administrators who are too lazy to follow the policies and be consistent. I refuse to let this go because I know we must be fair. Schools that allow bad behavior instead of discipline and accountability are shameful. Look at our society now. Please stop covering up bad behaviors with low standards, excuses, and now metal detectors. Stop lowering standards in one place and raising standards in another. Encourage hard work and dedication without government dependency. Please stop dividing us into groups based on race, religion, gender, etc. Where is the home?