Public Comments for: HB1626 - Public elementary & secondary school teachers; certain training activities, requirements, etc.
Last Name: Lomanno Locality: Chesapeake

At first glance, this bill looks like a good idea because it reduces the amount of training required of teachers. As a public educator in Virginia for nearly 20 years, I can tell you that we are overwhelmed with many hours of non-academic training each year on things like bloodborne pathogens, medical emergency procedures, school safety, policy updates, technology updates, and much more. But the last line of this bill is concerning because it "repeals the provision of law requiring each teacher... to complete cultural competency training at least every two years." Cultural competency is an essential skill that all teachers need in order to serve their students. Our schools are diverse representations of different cultures and communities, and it's imperative that our teachers have the ability to understand and communicate with each and every student in a kind and respectful way. I oppose this bill because I believe that teachers should have cultural competency training in order to meet the needs of all students in our public schools.

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