Public Comments for: SB1108 - Sex offenses prohibiting proximity to children; state parks, penalty.
Last Name: Achin Organization: H.E.A.L. -Humanizing, Educating, Advocating, and Legislating for Change to Sex Offense Stigma Locality: Woodbridge

We are opposed to this bill. While well-meaning, this bill presupposes that there is a boogey-man hiding in a bush trying to harm your child when in fact we know that most offenses are not conducted by those who are already on a registry list, but by new people who are NOT on a list. Further, we know many who have been convicted of sex stings where there is no victim, but who are charged as if their has been a victim. Second, this has been tried in Florida 25 years ago. By gradually widening the scope of where those convicted of an offense can go (anywhere a child is or can be) those so convicted ended up all huddled under one bridge! Third, We supposedly believe in second chances and in rehabilitation. This bill does not allow one convicted to go with his own children or grandchildren to a state park to enjoy. It sets a bad precedent as law enforcement would argue that one should have known there was a playground at this park, or that a particular area of the park in which children are playing is a "playground" prompting arrest. I myself have been arrested twice while on probation merely on the word of people "concerned' that I was doing something untoward, and, even though the court eventually dismissed the cases, it created needless hassle and cost me a lot of money I didn't have because I could not work due to the stigma of the offense, the the public's repeated calls to my employer urging my firing. This is the plight of many of us! It must be stopped. Do nothing to expand the registry, it's collateral damage, or effects. There is no evidence that the registry itself, or any other related strictures has resulted in even one child being saved.

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