Public Comments for: HB2657 - Involuntary manslaughter; certain dug offenses.
Last Name: Silveira Organization: Fentanyl Moms Locality: Harrisonburg

Thanks to Delegate Thomas for bringing this bill. As everyone knows, fentanyl is the deadliest drug to hit our nation and Virginia. My niece, Paula, passed away at age 18 from a pill that she thought was a Percocet. We must protect our youth by holding the drug traffickers accountable and elevating charges for those calloused enough to sell what they know are deadly drugs. In the last year, about 1,800 more Virginians have been poisoned and died from Fentanyl. Involuntary manslaughter elevates the charges at least to recognize that the trafficker caused someone’s death. In many cases felony homicide would be more appropriate but the way things stand now, very few cases are prosecuted. Why can’t we hold these killers accountable and stop the killing? >13,000 deaths in Va the last 7 years and very few prosecuted for causing a death. Thousands of Virginians have been impacted.

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