Public Comments for: HB2036 - Reckless driving; definition of "exhibition driving," penalties.
Last Name: Clement Locality: Richmond City

I would like to update my posted remarks of January 15 to the Transportation Committee. On November 23 my daughter, son-in-law and 6-1/2 year old granddaughter arrived for Thanksgiving. Their first visit here since the Pandemic. We filled our days with river walks, zoos, museums and restaurants, too busy to pay attention to the news. So, we were blissfully unaware that 4 blocks from my home a speeding driver on Semmes Avenue hit 3 other cars, flipped two of them, injured 4 people and almost hit a walking neighbor. Thankfully, there were no deaths this time. It takes a long time for families to heal from the trauma of a car crash. News or views of one bring back the horror. Fate spared our family from revisiting Shawman’s death. I have learned that a Corvette can achieve 100mph within one city block. Driving at that speed is not an accident, it is a choice. I think HB2036 clearly delineates a concise pathway to establish charges, convictions and penalties for irresponsible driving. Potential perpetrators will have knowledge of what is unacceptable and the penalties if they choose to disregard this law. Police will have a clear understanding when to cite or arrest. Prosecutors can decide what to pursue. And, Judges can deliver swift justice for both the accused and the victims and their families. This is a good law that is needed.

Last Name: Holloway Locality: City of Richmond

I support HB 1664, HB 1666, HB 1673, and HB 2041. As a Richmond resident who lives on a busy street, I am shocked at the disregard of many drivers for speed limits, traffic safety, and human life. We need to control speed limits, but police departments have other demands on their time that, understandably, make traffic enforcement a lower priority. Please help make our streets safer by supporting these bills.

Last Name: Clement Locality: Richmond City

In the early morning hours of August 28, 2022, in Chicago, Shawman Detterman Meireis was struck by a 103mph, speeding Corvette while waiting to cross the street. She and her boyfriend were among a small group of people who had just left a concert.. In a split second, 2 blocks up the street, 2 Corvette drivers revved their engines and slammed down their accelerators, careening toward the group. One driver lost control. Only Shawman was hit and died within minutes. In a moment, gone was my son-in-law's sister, his mother's daughter, his wife's sister-in-law, and the beloved aunt of his 4-1/2 year old daughter and teen-aged nephews. A loss solely because 2 men needed a moment's cheap thrill. It took months to identify and track down both drivers, bring them to court and years to result in a sentence of only probation and community service. Years of heartache for Shawman's family. By amending Virginia's laws we can help prevent this occurrence from happening here. I live in the City of Richmond where I hear the sounds of racing, screeching vehicles nightly as joy-riders do wheelies, weaving races, and jack-rabbit starts, competing with other drivers across the Belvidere (Lee) bridge, down Riverside Drive, up side streets and back-and-forth along Semmes Avenue. Two deaths due to speeding and racing have occurred right in front of the fire station. One vehicle actually hit a rescue truck. When I wait in traffic to turn onto my street, I hold my breath. When I cross the street at a nearby light or crosswalk, I wait to make sure everyone has completely stopped, and even then, scurry as quickly as I can. The local precinct police have described to the Woodland Heights Civic Association how difficult it is to catch these drivers, prosecute them, and get a judge who will exact significant repercussions. Passing HB2036 would be a step in the right direction.

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