Public Comments for: HB1977 - Weapons; possession prohibited in a hospital that provides mental health or developmental services.
Stop this gun control crap you people don't know what the difference between a true assault weapon is I carried one during the gulf war and it's not like the one I have in my gun cabinet AR-15 sold in gun shops is not a assault weapon so give public the true information or better yet put it to a vote by the people let the people decide
I SUPPORT this bill as commonsense restrictions on gun access and believe in protecting the safety of our medical care providers.
I am writing in support of HB1597 and the safe storage of a firearm in a vehicle. This is a common sense safe storage gun law to prevent a firearm getting into the hands of a minor. I am writing in support of HB1977 in prohibited possession of a firearm in a hospital with mental health services. I am a nurse in a Richmond city hospital that does provide mental healt services. It is very important that fire arms are prohibited from theses areas to protect the health care workers and patients at this hospital. I am writing in support of HB2064 the providing of locking devices with the sale of a fire arm. This is a common sense and easy safe storage bill. It will provide the purchaser to have easy access to a locking device to keep anyone entering their house or vehicle safe from using this fire arm. I am writing in support of HB2241. I SUPPORT this bill because I believe that hate has no place in our state, and want to protect minority communities in our commonwealth.
I support this bill. It is common sense to ask that no one leave, place, or store their handgun in an unattended motor vehicle when it is visible to any person outside the motor vehicle. This is not too much to ask to save even one life.
Please pass this bill! I worked in a mental health facility MANY years ago in New Jersey and this was the standard operating procedure there. We even had locking storage boxes for this purpose so that officers or families members that arrived armed, could still secure their belongings and visit the person they needed to see. I couldn't imagine working on one of those units with firearms in the mix. People who work in the medical field and patients in those units deserve a safe environment for healing.
I support this bill as it is commonsense restrictions on gun access and believe in protecting the safety of our medical care providers.
We support this bill as commonsense restrictions on gun access and believe in protecting the safety of our medical care providers.
I support these bills as they prevent those that may not have clear mental faculties from having access to firearms while they are working on treatment for those issues. Many items for purchase in Virginia require that we have safety measures purchased in order to use them - including cars and alcohol. Requiring a gun lock for firearm purchases is common sense to ensure that those that should not be using the gun don't have access to it. Those that have been convicted of a hate crime should also not have access to guns as they have been convicted of criminal act that is motivated by bias against a person or their property. If immigrants are being deported because they are criminals, then citizens that are criminals shouldn't have access to firearms.
I support this bill as it is a common sense restriction that would help keep our health care workers and patients safer.
This is a commonsense restriction on gun access and believe in protecting the safety of our medical care providers. I know a nurse that is still dealing with ramifications of a person shooting a firearm at VCU hospital and our public health professionals are under enough stress/strain that they should have reasonable assurance there is no gun access in those facilities. We SUPPORT this bill.
I support this bill as it is a common sense restriction on gun access and believe in protecting the safety of our medical care providers.
On HB1977. Please pass this bill. Prohibiting weapons in any facility is common sense and a way to keep people safe including mental health or emergency medical care. Commonsense restrictions on gun access is important to Virginians and in this case we should do all we can to protect the safety of our medical care providers and those in their care. On HB2064. How this is not already a law is shocking? People who own firearms should automatically be given a way to lock up their weapon. All firearms in Virginia should come with a warning label about keeping it out of the hands of kids. Guns are the #1 cause of death in children, we must make this law. On HB2241. There is no space for Hate in Virginia or anywhere. Now more than ever, we must make sure that criminals especially those convicted of a hate crime are never able to own a gun. Minority communities - and all Virginians should be protected in every way possible.
We SUPPORT this bill as commonsense restrictions on gun access and believe in protecting the safety of our medical care providers.
We SUPPORT this bill as commonsense restrictions on gun access and believe in protecting the safety of our medical care providers. Guns are the #1 cause of death in children, we SUPPORT this bill. We SUPPORT this bill because we believe that hate has no place in our state, and want to protect minority communities in our commonwealth.
We SUPPORT this bill as commonsense restrictions on gun access and believe in protecting the safety of our medical care providers. Guns are the #1 cause of death in children, we SUPPORT this bill. We SUPPORT this bill because we believe that hate has no place in our state, and want to protect minority communities in our commonwealth.
People in care for mental health issues are at greater risk of harming themselves and others if exposed to deadly weapons. It is common sense to keep them out of such institutions for the safety of everyone involved.
I believe in commonsense restrictions on gun access and believe in protecting the safety of our medical care providers.
We MUST have stricter gun laws. At this point its common sense. Please protect our children and have stricter gun laws in order to keep our children safe at school and beyond.