Public Comments for: HB1990 - Election of certain governing bodies; conversion to single-member districts.
Last Name: fraser Locality: COVINGTON

I am very against this bill which allows conversion of at-large to single-member districts under voting rights court orders. Local Autonomy: This undermines local governance by imposing structural changes without current community input. Voting Rights Act: It might not align with Thornburg v. Gingles (1986) criteria for addressing vote dilution. Representation Impact: Single-member districts could reduce diversity in representation, as seen in Davis v. Bandemer (1986). Shaw v. Reno Precedent: Risks racial gerrymandering, potentially leading to legal issues as in Shaw v. Reno (1993). Erosion of At-Large Benefits: Loses the broad perspective at-large systems provide, contrary to Holder v. Hall (1994). Gerrymandering Risk: Transition could lead to gerrymandering, a concern in Vieth v. Jubelirer (2004). Governance Disruption: Allows current members to finish terms, potentially disrupting governance. Administrative Burden: Redistricting and elections impose significant costs and effort. Representation Principle: Challenges achieving fair representation as per Reynolds v. Sims (1964). Community Cohesion: Might fragment community unity by narrowing political focus. I oppose this for undermining local control, complicating fair representation, and risking community cohesion, advocating for a more inclusive approach to electoral reform.

Last Name: Caywood Locality: Virginia Beach

Please vote for HB1990. I am a voter in Virginia Beach. The transformation of our local elections since moving to single member districts has been amazing. Residents agree that our members of City Council are much more responsive now. People feel a stronger connection to their representative. This has been an extremely beneficial change.

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