Public Comments for: HB1601 - Data centers; site assessment for high energy use facility.
Last Name: Schlossberg Organization: Coalition to Protect PWC Locality: Prince William County

Dear Delegates, We are at a juncture in the proverbial road where we simply cannot hide our heads in the sand. Your constiuents have identified there are problems with data center infrastructrure and siting. My question is this. What do we possibly lose if you pass this bill? Knowledge, facts to make better more infromed decisions? From the prospective of THIS community, here in Prince William County, we have been asking for change for a decade on how we incorporate this kind of energy customer into our communities. Isn't it about time we did something? Please pass 1601 out of committee, we cannot be afraid of the facts anymore. Sincerely, Elena Schlossberg 16875 Stormy Drive Haymarket 20169

Last Name: Wright Locality: Prince William County

HB1601 introduces common sense siting prerequisites and prudent precautions for data centers being considered in proximity to sensitive incompatible uses. It would allow a locality to require an assessment of the effects of the proposed facility on water, agricultural resources, parks, historic sites or forestland. Such guidelines reflect the findings of the recent JLARC report and are desperately needed to protect citizens and natural resources from the encroachment of industrial facilities on areas inappropriate for their presence. I urge your support of HB1601. Thank you.

Last Name: Grebe Organization: Nature Forward (formerly Audubon Naturalist Society) Locality: Fairfax County

We ask you to please support HB1601. This bill would provide important transparency for the siting of a new high energy use facilities (HEUF) requiring a rezoning, special exception, or special use permit. It is critical to ensure that high impact developments like this will have guardrails to protect residents, schools, and localities. This bill helps to provide the information to do just that, through the requirement that high-energy use facilities (>100 MW) provide localities with a site assessment examining their noise impact on nearby residential areas and schools, and localities and through enabling localities to require electric utilities serving the facility to provide information on new generating units, substations and transmission infrastructure needed to serve the project. Please support HB1601.

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