Public Comments for: HB2446 - Postpartum Depression Education Act; Department of Health to establish a public awareness campaign.
Last Name: Whitehead Organization: Injustice Reform Network Locality: Richmond City

Public Comment in Support of HB 2446 Mr. Chairman and Members of the House Committee, Good afternoon. My name is Edwuan Whitehead, Vice President of the Injustice Reform Network, and I strongly support HB 2446, the Postpartum Depression Education Act. Postpartum depression affects one in seven women, yet awareness and treatment remain dangerously inadequate. Even Queen Victoria struggled with severe postpartum depression, describing motherhood as overwhelming and isolating. If one of history’s most powerful women suffered in silence, imagine the reality for countless mothers today—especially those without access to proper care. The DSM-5 fails to fully recognize postpartum depression, leading to misdiagnosis, delayed treatment, and unnecessary suffering. HB 2446 would establish a public awareness campaign through the Virginia Department of Health, ensuring early detection and intervention. This is particularly critical for Black, Indigenous, and other mothers of color, who experience higher rates of postpartum depression but face greater barriers to care due to systemic inequities and lack of culturally competent healthcare. Untreated postpartum depression endangers both parent and child, increasing risks of neglect and, in extreme cases, maternal suicide. If we are serious about maternal and infant health, we must treat postpartum mental health as a public health priority. I urge you to support and advance HB 2446. Thank you.

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